Experiences what's the silliest interaction/roleplay you've seen/had with someone?


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obviously i have multiple, but, but but but...

one time i saw this guy roleplaying some max / 18 / half demon / half angel, well, you get it. he was that type of character. there was this other gun, dan, roleplaying as a cop. so at one point, the cop questioned max and smacked his lips. the mun behind max took that pretty literally so he just...dodged. lol.

also someone gave a person the bubonic plague one time

also, as for roleplay, i think one of the silliest is the time two teenagers got chased out of a church's basement by a cult using the cave for being too nosy, and ended up getting kicked out of the church itself by another priest who wasn't part of the basement cult.

another entry? knockoff spiderman, a scientist, and a student (me) go to space and beat up a hivemind of alien cows infesting New York City.

what are y'all's stories lmk
One time, I received a message on Quotev, and it was a role play starter. It was someone’s character waking up, going outside and falling down a hole because they couldn’t get a PlayStation four???

It was so chaotic, and the character seemed like a Mary Sue, but I was just bored, I replied to it.
Not much of a "funny interaction," but I once had someone on Discord immediately barge into my DMs (we were in a roleplay server together and they had literally just joined) trying to start a Destiny 2 roleplay with me simply because a character from the game was in my icon… They had a starter written out and everything, and boom, decided to send it to me without any warning whatsoever. They also tried to submit a character from said game in a Disney/DreamWorks-centered roleplay server. Weirded me out to say the least.

There was another time, back in 2020, when I was in a Pokémon roleplay server. This guy said that all Pokémon Trainers needed to wear nappies. He later hit on me and some other girls in the server by calling us "cute" via DMs, and fortunately was immediately banned for it. His icon was really weird, apparently he had a beard and decided it would be a good idea to use a baby filter on his face… Lot of creeps out there, yeesh. :(
Not much of a "funny interaction," but I once had someone on Discord immediately barge into my DMs (we were in a roleplay server together and they had literally just joined) trying to start a Destiny 2 roleplay with me simply because a character from the game was in my icon… They had a starter written out and everything, and boom, decided to send it to me without any warning whatsoever. They also tried to submit a character from said game in a Disney/DreamWorks-centered roleplay server. Weirded me out to say the least.

There was another time, back in 2020, when I was in a Pokémon roleplay server. This guy said that all Pokémon Trainers needed to wear nappies. He later hit on me and some other girls in the server by calling us "cute" via DMs, and fortunately was immediately banned for it. His icon was really weird, apparently he had a beard and decided it would be a good idea to use a baby filter on his face… Lot of creeps out there, yeesh. :(
The second guy is just icky sorry you that experience.
Somebody wrote that they heard another player's character laughing during a gunfight. The other player needed a reason for their character to be laughing, so they wrote that they opened a random door and found a member of the gang we were fighting trapped on the toilet with diarrhea.

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