The Cold One
- One on One
Ghosting is a constant topic here. And I for one have quite the strong feelings on it. So pray permit me a moment to rant, share my view of it and of you to share the same.
For my part, there are few things that I respect less than ghosting. If you told me to my face that you hate me, I'm an idiot and you think my writing is on part with My Immortal, I would respect you more than if you ghosted me. If you sent me "bye" in a pm and never responded again, I would respect you more than if you ghosted me. If you just up and left the PM the RP is in and never gave an explanation, I would respect you more than if you ghosted me. Why? Because it's not about me, it's not about you. The person it really hurts is the ones who are genuinely busy and need a moment to themselves. Let me explain.
Say you grow bored of our RP, so you just never respond again. Did work, training, school or just general life become suddenly busy so you can't dedicate your time to a hobby? Or did you just decide that you are done with this forever? I am willing to wait for you, two weeks? Two months? I will wait for you. If I believe that you genuinly just need some time, sure I might send you a message a week of two of silence later just to see if everything is okay. But what if you just ghosted me? Honestly, hitting "Leave" on that thread would at least give me closure that you're not interested. I respect that and would move on. But please do myself and the other the decency of unambiguity. Just a little respect to those who come after you, be kind, rewind.
"Can't you just take a hint?". So there has been this whole discourse about "But x is autistic so defense defense justification" lately and I hope I don't come off like that. But I think it is kind of funny how neurotypical people have this whole ceramony of being vague and never speaking things directly but then tell neurodivergent people that they are difficult to talk to because we don't engage in speaking in hand signs and meridian lines. Why the need for making a hint? I would respect you a hell of a lot more if you punched me in the face rather than just tried to give me a hint that could mean anything from "Work got busy" to "I fucking hate you". And you know who that penalizes? The "Work got busy" people. Because as I said, if you couldn't come on and send me a quick message, as much as I always appreciate that, I know sometimes that's not feasible. You finally come back, want to return to an RP you think is still open but you hear "Sorry, i've moved on because I thought you were like the last person who burned me". I will wait for you, as long as you are busy. As long as you're not just pulling my leg that is. This is my one, fervent, almost zealous preference.
I have absolutely no respect for people who intentionally ghost. There are a million and one ways you could signal to me that you're not interested and this is over, and all of them would make me more appreciative than radio silence. Yes, even the vitriolic ones. That is how deeply I care about this, I would rather you insult me than just walk out without a word.
The first response, and the most valid one I have heard which follows this topic like company to misery, is "I've had people stalk me after I broke it up", or "People have exploded on me in the past" and other similar experiences. Blocking these people may not always be effective, even if you reach out to moderation and get them banned, making a new account is hardly difficult. They may even know you on other places, discords, videogames, groups or other forums. Vindictive people do not care about what lies and falsehood they spread about you if they feel like they have been slighted and want revenge. I feel for you, I truly do. I've been a victim of these types of people in the past, I've been in a place where I felt deeply unhappy in a roleplay guild but due to my sunk cost with them and my knowledge of the leader and their 'famous' temper, it took me a week just to dare myself up to leave because I knew they'd explode at me, and they did. When I announced my intention to leave on the discord my character was booted immediately by the leader while I was offline, then the leader came back screaming that I took their stuff when I left despite my very clear words of "I'll leave the stuff in the guild chest when I log in tomorrow before I leave" but my words went unheeded and I was booted with all the stuff. It's mine by right now, I consider.
But I would implore you to consider this, do they stop hounding you if you just ignore them? Or will they pester again, and again and again. Pressure and coerce and shame and gaslight you since you haven't posted in a while? Yes, these people leave a worse impression in your mind than first finding out how Balut is made, yes nobody should have to experience such a thing. But dealing with these people is always a bomb waiting to go off, would you like to light the fuse yourself and brace for impact or never know when it's going to blow?
If you are dealing with these sorts of people or have in the past, you can absolutely feel free to message me if you need any help or really just anyone to talk to you about it or what you can do. I can't promise I can solve anything but I can promise I can at least be there for you. These people have made me want to quit RP all together several times.
So. What about you guys? How do you view Ghosting? Is it ever justified? Are you more sympathetic to it, are there justifiable reasons I am unaware of? I would love to hear your side and opinions.
For my part, there are few things that I respect less than ghosting. If you told me to my face that you hate me, I'm an idiot and you think my writing is on part with My Immortal, I would respect you more than if you ghosted me. If you sent me "bye" in a pm and never responded again, I would respect you more than if you ghosted me. If you just up and left the PM the RP is in and never gave an explanation, I would respect you more than if you ghosted me. Why? Because it's not about me, it's not about you. The person it really hurts is the ones who are genuinely busy and need a moment to themselves. Let me explain.
Say you grow bored of our RP, so you just never respond again. Did work, training, school or just general life become suddenly busy so you can't dedicate your time to a hobby? Or did you just decide that you are done with this forever? I am willing to wait for you, two weeks? Two months? I will wait for you. If I believe that you genuinly just need some time, sure I might send you a message a week of two of silence later just to see if everything is okay. But what if you just ghosted me? Honestly, hitting "Leave" on that thread would at least give me closure that you're not interested. I respect that and would move on. But please do myself and the other the decency of unambiguity. Just a little respect to those who come after you, be kind, rewind.
"Can't you just take a hint?". So there has been this whole discourse about "But x is autistic so defense defense justification" lately and I hope I don't come off like that. But I think it is kind of funny how neurotypical people have this whole ceramony of being vague and never speaking things directly but then tell neurodivergent people that they are difficult to talk to because we don't engage in speaking in hand signs and meridian lines. Why the need for making a hint? I would respect you a hell of a lot more if you punched me in the face rather than just tried to give me a hint that could mean anything from "Work got busy" to "I fucking hate you". And you know who that penalizes? The "Work got busy" people. Because as I said, if you couldn't come on and send me a quick message, as much as I always appreciate that, I know sometimes that's not feasible. You finally come back, want to return to an RP you think is still open but you hear "Sorry, i've moved on because I thought you were like the last person who burned me". I will wait for you, as long as you are busy. As long as you're not just pulling my leg that is. This is my one, fervent, almost zealous preference.
I have absolutely no respect for people who intentionally ghost. There are a million and one ways you could signal to me that you're not interested and this is over, and all of them would make me more appreciative than radio silence. Yes, even the vitriolic ones. That is how deeply I care about this, I would rather you insult me than just walk out without a word.
The first response, and the most valid one I have heard which follows this topic like company to misery, is "I've had people stalk me after I broke it up", or "People have exploded on me in the past" and other similar experiences. Blocking these people may not always be effective, even if you reach out to moderation and get them banned, making a new account is hardly difficult. They may even know you on other places, discords, videogames, groups or other forums. Vindictive people do not care about what lies and falsehood they spread about you if they feel like they have been slighted and want revenge. I feel for you, I truly do. I've been a victim of these types of people in the past, I've been in a place where I felt deeply unhappy in a roleplay guild but due to my sunk cost with them and my knowledge of the leader and their 'famous' temper, it took me a week just to dare myself up to leave because I knew they'd explode at me, and they did. When I announced my intention to leave on the discord my character was booted immediately by the leader while I was offline, then the leader came back screaming that I took their stuff when I left despite my very clear words of "I'll leave the stuff in the guild chest when I log in tomorrow before I leave" but my words went unheeded and I was booted with all the stuff. It's mine by right now, I consider.
But I would implore you to consider this, do they stop hounding you if you just ignore them? Or will they pester again, and again and again. Pressure and coerce and shame and gaslight you since you haven't posted in a while? Yes, these people leave a worse impression in your mind than first finding out how Balut is made, yes nobody should have to experience such a thing. But dealing with these people is always a bomb waiting to go off, would you like to light the fuse yourself and brace for impact or never know when it's going to blow?
If you are dealing with these sorts of people or have in the past, you can absolutely feel free to message me if you need any help or really just anyone to talk to you about it or what you can do. I can't promise I can solve anything but I can promise I can at least be there for you. These people have made me want to quit RP all together several times.
So. What about you guys? How do you view Ghosting? Is it ever justified? Are you more sympathetic to it, are there justifiable reasons I am unaware of? I would love to hear your side and opinions.