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Fandom Naruto: From Enemies to Friends rp page

Gasra nods at his sister before going over to his desk, he just sighs a little at the stack of papers that was there."Here we go again..." He mumbled."go home Hikari." He tells her.
"I'm your bodyguard." Hikari deadpans at him and she sighs "Who's gonna protect you with Temari at the market?" she asks looking outside.
Gaara checks the paperwork."I think I can protect myself til Temari gets here, I have other ninjas around here too but you need your rest, you must must tired." He waved a hand."Didn't think you cared so much for this job...to protect someone like me though." He tells her.
"If you're referring to the tailed beast, I don't really care about it, unless of course you were a horrible leader who used it to scare everyone, but you're not, so I don't see the problem." Hikari points out and she stares at the city "And I don't even think we got everyone yet, I got most of them, but a few slipped away."
Gaara starts on his work."No I don't..." He shrugged."You don't need to, this is an order go home and get some rest let the others handle the rest." He tells her.
"Alright." Hikari says and she heads off, heading back home, well she was ordered to get some rest, so she might as well.
Gaara waved to her as she leaves and he leans against the desk before leaning into his chair, he didn't get much sleep himself either.
"You know." Temari says "I don't think we habe to worry about her killing you in your sleep, if she happens to be a spy." she adds "She pretty much stayed oj the roof of her house half the night, though she looked... troubled."
Gaara turned to his sister."It's not that, it's this that's going on with those people wanting to come after me and maybe stress from work." He sighs a little."Troubled? How so?" He asks her.
"Don't know, she wouldn't tell me." Temari says "But she was holding her headband, so she might've been thinking about that." she adds looking outside "Also, completely something else, our ANBU haven't found anything suspicious on Roku yet."
Gaara shrugs."The village or her past maybe?" He didn't know too much about her."He is either very careful or he could just be an innocent civilian but don't call them away from this job, wait a little bit." He tells her.
"Although the house he lives in, it's the first time we've seen it, so that's a bit suspicious." Temari points out and she sighs, they weren't getting anywhere with this, but they couldn't fully interrogate Hikari either.

Hikari tries to find Nina before heading home to get some sleep.
Gaara nods slowly as she tells him."That's a bit weird and interrogating her wasn't getting anywhere last night that or I'm not very good at it." He tells her.

Nina was just sitting outside the house with her cantina, she waved wt her.
"Yo." Hikari says and she sits next to Nina "What are your plans for today?" she asks leaning back, she herself would probably get some sleep.

"We could always force our way into her mind, but that doesn't exactly build trust does it?" Temari asks, trust goes both ways, so maybe she'll tell them what she's hiding on her own.
Gaara shrugs."Just leave her be for the meantime, she might come to trust us with information or she could just slip up being comfortable around us if that'd work." He tells her.

Nina waved at her."Not sure, don't really have plans for the day." She explains."Though there might be something to do in the village." She tells her.
"There's a market." Hikari says "You could see if you can help out there." she adds.

"Maybe." Temari says "Shall I recall the ANBU we have on her?" she asks, they could keep an eye on the girl anyway.
Gaara was quiet for a few minutes before he speaks up."Maybe we should but maybe sure to make sure she get up to some suspicious things." He mumbled.

Nina folds her arms at that."The market? Like take a job? Maybe but not like I'll be staying in the area for that long." She tells her.
"At least a month." Hikari says "I won't be able to leave until then." she explains, well, she's pretty sure they won't follow her into her clan territory.

"If she is we'll know anyway, we have several ANBU throughout the city, plus if she's your bodyguard you can keep an eye on her."
Gaara nods at that."She's been proving herself so far but there's still that matter to handle, there could be other people or perhaps this was just a distraction." He tells her.

Nina moves to stand up."Might as well try to get a job here for the meantime." She tells her.
"I don't think Deidara's attack and this is related." Temari points out "There's only one person in the Akatsuki who uses deadly poisons and that's Sasori and I doubt he's willing to share it with strangers." she explains, having said that "Didn't Hikari get poisoned last night?"

"I'm going to take a nap, Gaara ordered me to get some sleep." Hikari says and she sighs getting up and she thinks for a while "We could see if there are seeds we can take with us to the valley." she says.
Gaara sighed."No not that, maybe something else unless that was really their feudal attempt at this." He mumbled."She was but she already seemed to to be knowledgeable about it and have antidotes." He tells her.

Nina nods at that before walking inside, she was just going to relax inside and it was a little cooler in there too."Okay though is there a reason why you want to bring seeds?" She asks her.
"Well, mom told me they planted stuff on their farms during the months they were there and sell what they didn't need while traveling." Hikari says "So I thought that maybe we could bring some seeds when we go there."

"I've had our medical nin analyze it, according to them making an antidote takes forever and even then they're not sure the effect lasts longer then ten minutes." Temari says "Could be our lack of knowledge, or Hikari spend a lot of time doing something that requires her to need stronger antidotes."
Gaara bites his lip."So you're saying that it's suspicious that she knows this stuff while also being suspicious with the Deidara thing?" He leans into his seat."Who's to say this father of hers isn't who he says he is?" He shrugged at that.

Nina goes to the couch to plop down on it."So you want to carry on what they use to do? We might as well bring along the seeds then though I'm not too familiar with farming and gardening." She tells her.
"If that is the case I hope she knows it." Temari points out and she sighs, this was a mess, they had people inside the village wanting Gaara dead, they had the Akatsuki coming for the tailed beast and now there was Hikari, who was hiding something, but so far was fine with being a bodyguard and not doing anything she shouldn't "Should I... have every letter that comes for her checked?"

"Neither am I." Hikari admits "But I'm sure there are and I do need to learn how to use my eyes, so I probably wouldn't have time for that anyway." she adds.
Gaara nods at that."That would probably be wise." He pushes the paperwork aside, he waved his hands."Temari it'll be okay, I've got you and the rest of the nin." He tells her.

Nina curls up on the couch, she sighs."So I'm doing all the gardening work? You've probably got more then just doing that." She tells her.

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