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Multiple Settings looking for a rp Parther/group!


New Member
hello! i am looking for a parther under the age of 18 because im under that age, i am up for just about any rp so please dm me if your intrested
i also have a oc image

Still doing this??? My name is lizzy, and I'm 15, my pronouns are she/they
my name's LT or Zeke (not my real name), I'm soon 13 and I'd love ti start an rp. I am currently still busy with one but I'll see if i can make space for a second one. My discord is liltimmy9826!
Ha, that's a problem- I don't have discord...-
Oohhh, well damn. I'm sure we can rp over this website though, at least that's what I'm assuming 😭
Also assuming by pm your asking for the time, for me currently it's 0:46, midnight
stfu amogus
i sorry bbg, want a hug..?
what the hell?? why call me bbg?? :raised_eyebrow:
btw you can like, private message me dumbass..
im not gonna respond anymore to you, do your work
yes, ill tell our teacher

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