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Fandom The Fight for Humanity (AOT Roleplay, open and accepting)



New Member

Season One; Episode 1: The Battle for Trost

Five Years after the fall of Wall Maria, the 104th cadets of the training regiment are faced with the appearance of the Colossal Titan once again. The Colossal Titan shattered the exterior gate of the Trost District and causing humanity to be faced with the threat of the Titans. Can humanity win against the titans this time? What sacrifices will need to be made?

immediately, titans began swarming into the crack in the gate causing mass panic and hysteria from citizens. They all were trying to escape from the titans in a chaotic mess of people. People were tripping over each other trying to escape the wretched beasts. The Garrison regiment of soldiers responded by immediately trying to set up cannons and attack the titans.

“Hold!” Commander Dascal Dalman yelled at his soldiers as they attempted to hold back the titans with artillery. They needed the Scouts to help out but Dascal was afraid they would have to retreat before then. But it wasn’t enough…they would soon have to retreat within the walls and come up with a plan to stop the attack.


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