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Fandom His world (final fantasy 7 inspired roleplay)



I grow on you
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check

Ace Iznagi
Location: Zapara station
Time: 7:00pm
Interactions: KamenSniper223 KamenSniper223 GotClanked GotClanked

Ace stood on top of the train as it pulled into the station. He waited for a good moment to reveal himself and strike. Ace watched the imperial soldiers walk up to the train and open the car that held the Zero Point. Of course they all needed to safety take the Zero Point back to Doctor Marion. Ace thought about revealing himself now but it would be too dangerous. Ace decided to just wait and observe what was happening.

He got his communication device out of his pocket and turned it on, “Hey Sougo, I’m in.” That was all he needed to say to the other male as he hung up. Ace expected Sougo to start the infiltration into the Zapara company building. Zapara was currently working with the dictator, Armando Keys. They controlled the city of Midway by providing power for it.

Ace scoffed, remembering the lies that the Imperial Guard fed to him and that he believed it even. What a god damn fool he was in his teens…

The imperial soldiers hauled away the Zero Point away towards the Zapara building leaving two soldiers behind. Ace knew it was his chance now to drop in.

“Mind if I drop in?” Ace asked, as he landed behind them and quickly took out his sword and slashed the two guards in quick succession. Both of the soldiers fell dead on the ground.

Several Imperial soldiers spotted Ace from a watchtower and hurried to intercept him. Ace cracked his neck and warped over to them and started to hack and slash the soldiers. Ace got hit by bullets but was able to defeat all of the soldiers before he could go down. Ace sank to his knees and could feel his vision turning to dark.

Before he could die, Ace reached into his pocket and pulled out an elixir and drank from it. Ace immediately felt better and was able to get back on his feet again. He definitely wasn’t going to do that again…

“Sougo I swear to god you better be in that godamn building,” Ace mumbled to himself as he dashed forward towards the building.​

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