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Zombie Survival: Last Stand

XxPure said:
[Can I jump in? >< ]
[Well you were accepted so ill assume the anwser is yes]

Nia had been running for 10-15minutes she stopped and collapsed rolling onto her back, arms and legs stretched out. She was breathing heavily "well... that was a thing" she slowly got up. Turning her attention to her new follower. "We never got properly introduced. My names Nia, Nia Davion. I'd say its a pleasure to meet you but I just had to run a marathon because of you sooo" She put out her hand with a smile.
[QUOTE="Heir of Dalania][Well you were accepted so ill assume the anwser is yes]
Nia had been running for 10-15minutes she stopped and collapsed rolling onto her back, arms and legs stretched out. She was breathing heavily "well... that was a thing" she slowly got up. Turning her attention to her new follower. "We never got properly introduced. My names Nia, Nia Davion. I'd say its a pleasure to meet you but I just had to run a marathon because of you sooo" She put out her hand with a smile.

Grayson smiled and reached his hand out. "I'm Grayson Jackson. Oh and sorry for the marathon run, but I had to burn of that chocolate pudding", he said with a grin. He surveyed the area. They were were on a long winding road out far into the woods. "We're in Colorado aren't we?" If they weren't in a zombie apocalypse grayson would have enjoyed the scenery. "So, got a plan Nia", he asked.
"A plan, yeah its walk that way" she said pointing down the road. "Man I wish we had a working car... or a plane we'd really make some distance then" she smiled at the thought.
"Wait. There's an old truck in the woods" grayson said as he looked at the distant heap of rusty metal. "We might be able to get it running". Grayson walked off the roads into the woods with Nia following. As he approached the car he smelled a foul smell. He got close to the window and saw a man who had been trapped in his car and had been bitten multiple times. Suddenly the zombie lurched forward towards greyson. Greyson managed to dodge it and stuck his. Knife in its head. "That was close", he said.
(Sorry 4 late response i was marathoning star wars)

"You fool, let me go first next time okay? Ive got a bow for a reason" she kicked the side of the truck "yeah this isnt going anywhere anytime soon... however itd be a good place to set up camp for the night, its starting to get cold"
"Yeah your right", greyson said. He dragged the zombie away deep into the woods and returned. Nia had already started to build a camp aroud the truck. Grayson pulled out a sleeping bag and set it up in the back of the truck."one person needs to stand guard. We can take turns. I'll start" he said.
Mason looked towards the herd and cursed under his breath. How'd he not notice them sooner? He sprinted through the trees in the same direction as the other survivors. They all needed to disappear fast, and he needed someone to help him get out of this hell storm. With a herd of this size it looked like it might take a few days for it to pass over if they had a place to hide, which he did, but Mason didn't have the resources to hide that long. "Come with me," he yelled to them both in a young, gruff voice as they ran, "I'll get you out of this."
Grayson saw the young man from earlier sprinting by their camp site. He was telling them to follow him and run. Grayson shook nia awake and pointed towards the man from eaelier and started to gather their equipment. Greyson could soon see why the man was running... a gicantic wave of zombies was coming. Grayson and Nia sprinted after the young man into the night...
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(Fuck I actually didn't see all of these posts. I'm an idiot.)
(I don't know what to do next. It seems weird that there's all of the sudden a herd now. I just kinda forced it without realizing it)

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