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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse

Tammy awaited the meal so long. It was a prepared meal of boiled venesin with potatoes and caned veggies all in a soupy broth. the bowl was hot and steaming and the pot they used to cook with was filled to the brim. "tonight its ll you can eat." Tammy sat on the large roundabout style couch they used for their leisure about 5 paces out of the kitchen main eating area. She took a seat and kicked off her shoes. Tammy stared at the bowl. The hot pieces of deer floating around along with the cut up potatoes. They left some of the skin on, mainly assuming flavor? Or maybe its because they cannot afford to waste food in The New World.

Like the pig Tammy was she began smashing into her bowl of food. She loved having a hot meal. Even before the world crumbled to a land of undead she would love to enjoy hot meal after school or after she was done with a late night or late afternoon gym session. Tammy smiled at the bowl and it depleted. She panted from the heat and took a quick break. the food was being devoured by her like a lion killing and digging into its prey. This time she owed Miyuki, but she was not gonna thank her. She was going to enjoy every bite, and have seconds,

Tammy finished that,

And worked her way into thirds, of course. Tammy begun to feel more full from the starch expanding in the potatoes. Tammy didn't even think to preserve their rations, all she wanted was to eat. She felt she could never get used to having to ration her meals in this new life, but she made due with what she had and learned to get done in order to survive.

Tammy finished the 3rd bowl and burped loud and obnoxiously, she stood up and cracked her back and dropped the bowl in the sink.

As Tammy surveyed the area she took notice to Holliday who finally was in the room from who knows what. As well she watched as Tori made her way around the kitchen.

She went back and took a seat. without looking she called out to Tori, " Hey good cooking!!" she said pleased with herself. The Hydra laid at the back wall before the kitchen turned into a small hallway as it slept for the night hoping nothing would disturb its slumber. She leaned her head back on the pillow. She was tired, and ready to move on with getting shut eye, but the night was eary since the clocks were "turned back" this time a year, weather or not people did daylight savings anymore was beyond her but her small watch she snagged from the cabin 2 months back said the time was almost 9pm.

@Tombstone @Lola Shimmer @Dibbydoo (your in the room to i believe)
"Yup and I'm tired of hearing about you girls with your girly needs too, so were even. And I haven't complained once since I've been sick, so I don't want to hear it from you." He'd shot back in a similar manner to her own, not meaning anything behind it.

"HesAnIdiot." Austin said while mouth half-full of the food, he wasn't eating particularly quickly but he wasn't about to change his pace or wait til it was empty just to speak. Though the scene did provide a slight humorous smile as he took another bite, the man assumed he should at least go check on the Viking after he'd eaten.

He'd scoffed and nearly spat out his food in the process when she'd continued, "Would you stop with that monster shit? I wouldn't live with someone I considered a monster, or share a meal for that matter." And when she'd suddenly brought up that one time he got the picture. Maybe she was ashamed of it, hell Austin himself was in a way.

Austin gave a low grunt when she'd brought up Patch though, "That guy is an ass-hat, and if he thinks for one second that we're buying what he's selling then he's got another thing coming." Frustration returned as he gripped the fork tight, "Claims he's alone but I don't believe a word from his mouth." There was a snort as he moved on and stuck the fork in another bit of the meat, "Nothing other than that." Then the light-bulb went off and he held up his hand momentarily, "Oh, Tammy and Miyuki went at it, again. I don't get how even after all this time they still can't get along."

@Jennifer Shotain
Jennifer smiled a bit. She was amused. Austin was his normal grumpy self. She found it slightly humorous when he was to her, jist because it was the Austin she had come to know and love. It doesn't even bother her anymore when he was to her.

"Relax, Austin. I'm just kiddin' with you about the bitching part. You haven't. You're no wimp."

As the conversation progressed to, Austin answered her comment about her being a monster. She took it very seriously. She was slightly ashamed of who she was, but had come to terms with it. It was who she was now, and nothing will change that. She decided not to comment any further on the matter.

When the talk of this new guy, Patch, had come up, Jennifer could tell Austin didn't like him one bit. But she couldn't blame him. If she were there during guard duty, she would have just shot him, and asked questions later. People knowing where they are living is a disadvantage to them. The less people who knew they lived there, the better.

"So let me get this straight, some guy just strolls up to our house in the middle of the woods away from civilization, or what is left of it, and just casually tries to talk his way around it, claim he was alone? Hell no. Not a slight chance in hell could that be possible. Some guy walking around out here that was part of no group just finds us? No. No, no, no. He can't be alone. I don't trust him, and I haven't met him."

Jennifer stood there for a second, considering what she should do. Should she try and interrogate this guy, or should she leave him alone? She did want to spend some time by herself, like always. She didn't really try to be around everyone and be social. She generally tried to stay by herself, or take guard duty, or something to that matter.

"Anyway, Jorik is somewhere downstairs, if you want to see him," Jennifer grabbed her food and her stuff and looked back at Austin.

"I'll be in my room is anyone needs me."

With that being said, she turned around and opened the door and walked out. She walked down to the room that she called hers. Opening the door, she was met by her setup. She had her bed, her stuff, some candles for light when it got dark out, drawers and other various things. It was good enough for what it was, and she hadn't had much better recently, so she took it for what it was. Walking over to her desk, she took her backpack off and unslung her rifle. Then, she stripped off her heavy winter clothing into her jeans and shirt. She places it near her backpack and sat down. She quickly devoured the food. Even if it wasn't the tastiest thing in the world, it was better than nothing, and she was sure as hell hungry. When she finished, she walked over to her bed and laid down. With that, she closed her eyes and tried to fall asleep, but the talks and memories of the past and today keeping her up, making it difficult to fall asleep. Finally, after some time, she fell asleep.

Holliday made his way into the kitchen and found the food. He scooped a few pieces of meat onto his plate with his pocket knife. It had been throughly cleaned the night before in preparation for the supply run, but he hadn't used it once. The couple pieces of meat were all cut, speared, and swallowed. He finished it quickly as he did not take much to begin with. His appetite wasn't with him it seemed. Still he nodded in agreement to Tammy's comment. Afterwards he set down his plate and wiped his knife off on a cloth. With a yawn, he walked off to were the stranger was being held.

He quickly rapped his fist on the door twice and then proceeded to unlock it. As he entered he put his shades on, not wanting to give the man a chance to look at his eyes. Holliday waved to Tori, "The food's ready. Why don't you go eat. Ill have a little heart to heart with out friend here. No need for you to stay."

Holliday then stretched out his shoulders, and flexed a tad to make himself as big as possible. He then smiled. It wasn't the warm cheerful smile you'd give a close friend. It was a cold smile, a smile that showed his dominance over the man, the smile of a man in power. A smile that challenged the man before him to try and test him

Holliday grabbed a chair and then sat down. He looked the man over before turning his attention towards his lap. His hand gently plucked the revolver from his right holster and he eyed it carefully. "So what's your name, boy?" He said as he flicked the loading gate open and then systematically unloaded it. When done, he spun the cylinders to check that it was clear. The he grabbed one of the rounds and held it up so the man could see. He placed it back into the gun and spun the cylinder hard. It whirred as it moved. Without looking, he closed the loading gate and it all stopped moving with a large clack. "Here's the deal. Im not one that you want too play around with. The reason being I like games, every time you kid around we'll play one called Russian Roulette. Im sure you've heard of it, those crazy Russians really knew how to have fun. So you'll answer me truthfully and honestly other wise....."

Holliday cocked the hammer and pointed it at the guy's head. He pulled the trigger.


@Lola Shimmer @Dibbydoo
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Tori looked up when she heard the knocks on the door and started to get to her feet. She tucked her knife into the back of her pants and nodded her head to Holiday. Glancing over her shoulder at Patch she smirked "Now you boy's play nice won't you?" she asked in a playful tone, she even decided to get there new guest back for all his smartassery and ruffled his hair. Spinning on her heals she turned toward the stairs "Glad you guy's made it back in one piece,Try not to kill him ok...for some reason i actually believe him " she admitted and gave Holiday a light 'punch' on the arm as she walked past him. It was kinda strange she was finally starting to relax around these people instead of being an uptight come near me and i will bite your head off bitch. It was actually a nice change and she felt better being able to be more herself around them. "Shout if you need anything" she announced already halfway up the steps and in afew seconds she was out of the room and shut the door firmly behind her.

Tori hummed softly to herself as she walked into the kitchen and the smell of the food hit her nose. Damn she had forgotten how much she loved the smell of home cooked food, She patted her tummy. She had forgotten how much she missed doing normal things too but it had hit home today when she had been playing in the snow with Nikole and then when she got to cooking dinner today, it was simple and satisfying. Grabbing a bowl Tori filled it with her share and was about to sit down when she heard Tammy, her lips turned up into a slight smile "Ya think so?" she asked laughing and changed her direction to go and sit next to the girl instead. She sat down cross legged and tucked her feet up under herself. "My mum taught me how, she said anyone worth there own salt could make a meal outta nothing" she smirked and shoved a spoonful of food into her mouth savoring the taste.

@tammynorthland @Dibbydoo @Tombstone
Patch didn't say anything about the smart ass comments. All he did was just tilt his head to the side as he looked at her. " Angel..." he let out a small hum afterwards, chuckling slowly, his lips still shut. " Hehe... Want me to stop smiling.. ? Sure.." His face dropped, and he had no expression, his eyes were dark and they held secrets and sins. They pierced into her, Icey blue but dark in meaning. " Better?" He said with a nonchalant tone. It was almost terrifing with how quickly his demeanour changed. It was devilish, but definatally humanly. As he held contact with her eyes, his fingers fidgeted with the knots, his wrists worming about, but slowly enough to not be noticed. He stopped completely as the Man walked in. He tilted his head back with a small grin in return.

" You want my name? It's patch." He said, not one ounce of hesitation in his voice. He tilted his head to the side, his teeth digging into his lip. He didn't look scared. He didn't sound scared. His stomach let a low growl. He just laughed lightly, his face slowly turning back to the straight death look. He listened, watching the barrel spin round. He didn't look fazed. He almost flinched when he saw the barrel slam shut. He stared down the barrel as it was slowly pointed to him. " Heard the game. I prefer hide and seek." He said. He looked up to the man, letting him pull the trigger. His face showed no emotion. He didn't even move when he heard the click. " Cute."

@Tombstone @Lola Shimmer
Two snide comments already? Holliday didn't find this amusing. "You don't listen well do you." He cocked the gun and fired again.


Holliday said in distaste. "You got four more chances. Ive killed plenty a man before, I won't loose any sleep over you. So here's the deal, we recently had a conflict with some raider bastards. They killed some of our's, and injured many of us including myself. As you'd expect, that left a bad taste in out mouths when it comes to strangers."

Holliday then leaned back in his chair and moved the gun away from the kids head to a more relaxed position. "The months go by, we keep to ourselves, and then your dumb ass comes waltzing right into our camp. Automatically we have to assume that you are a threat. Could you someone trying to take everything we have from under our noses? Someone with some master plan to bring us down? Frankly, I don't give you that much credit."

"You see, these are the two possibilities Ive thought up. The first is that you are a grunt for some larger operation. You're mission probably to glaze over what resources we have and report back .Bandits, raiders, who gives a fuck what. Either way you're not a very good one. Even so, the safest thing for us to do would be to kill you. After we've squeezed as much information as we could off of you."

"The second possibility is that you are the single biggest fool I have ever met. Id honestly have trusted you more if you came with a white flag, or hell even guns raised ready for a standoff. But you.... you just show up. That pisses me the hell off. If you really are that stupid, than I really am worried. If we let you live and go free, you'll probably spill our location to someone else. Maybe if we cut out you're tongue and break your hands........nevermind. If we let you stay with us, I have no doubt that you will fuck up and get some of us killed. So I want to know what it is, and I have a good mind to know when Im being lied to.

" I didn't want to come here. I never had intentions of coming here. And I definatally didn't want to end up here , probably rotting already, tied up like a dog." He said, leaning in. He pressed his forhead to the barrel almost forcefully, hearing it click. He watched as the man got into a more comfortable position. " Well, let's hope to god those four chances are worth it." He became more stern with his words, straight forward and not as sweet as usual. His eyebrows were furrowed.

" I wouldn't be here if the dog decided I tasted good." He sighed, leanin right back and giving a harsh tug on the ropes. His voice was scratchy at this moment, the blue colours seeping through his thick black lashes, almost glowing. Theoretically, Ofcorse. He let out a sigh and leaned his head way back. " Punch me if I'm lieing. I'm alone, I don't have anyone."

He frowned and began to speak again. " Think bout this. I've been gone for a while. If I did have men,they would know something is wrong. And attack. If I did have men you really think Inwoudlve come unprepared? They would be armed and ready to attack. Heck they WOUDLVE killed the dog for god sakes. " he said. Patch made sense, what he was saying is true. "Threaten me all you want, I know I'm telling the truth and nothing else . You want me to lie? I'm a virgin. I've never smoked weed. I've never been shot. There, lies. Now there is a reason for you to shoot me. "

The dog could smell the food from miles away. He trotted toward Tori, and whined, pawing at her. He wanted food and she had some. Nikole could smell the food wafting up, but she didn't quite feel like anything, she sighed as she bit in her peircing, pulling her lip harshly, making the perching rip at her skin, some blood trickling down her chin. She didn't notice, and continued to walk. She decided to pay Jenn a visit. She never talked to her really, she decided it might be a good chance to speak. She walked down to where her room was, opening the door slowly. Seeing the sleeping girl made her tilt her head, and got her thinking. When was the last time she had slept? Probably close to a week. She knew it was unhealthy, but Atleast she managed to have some naps here and there? The blood kept on tricking down her chin,drippomg on her shirt. She stepped closer accedently, and made the floorboard creek, alleging her that Nikole was there.

@Jennifer Shotain
Tammy leaned her head back smiling as she was full and satisfied. She glanced over at tori. She munched down on her meal much more civilized than tammy did. But then again. Tammy was probably the most uncivilized of the group. Female wise that is. Males she'd narrow down holliday considering the man ate his meal with his fucking weapon. Tammy couldn't fathom eating like that. But she has. And she did. In the past.

She begun to translate the sentence about her tories mom. How she said her mom USER to tell her. The woman was pretty much tammys age. They all were relatively young. And it's unique they all made a life for themselves.

"Your mum?" Tammy stated. "You know something?" Tammy paused again as she responded interest.

"The one thing since the New World has begun is that not once. Not even once, did I think about my family. When it happened the thought popped in my head but then I had to worry about myself when I was locked in my apartment..." Tammy let her words soak in for a second. Even she had to take a minute to register them. "Guess I forgot?"

@Lola Shimmer
Jennifer slept light ever since she had to go out on her own. Not only that, but she had a weapon, normally her sidearm, near and handy at all times. She never took chances with her life, or the life of others in the group. A dream was rare for Jennifer because of this. But a nightmare was common. She had learned to deal with them.

As she wa starting to dose off, she thought she heard her door open. Slowly, she reached for her handgun, eventually wrapping her hand around the grip. When she heard the floorboards creek, she jumped up, her gun at hand. Dazed, it took her a second to realize who it was. When she finally realized it, she saw it was Nikole.

Seeing it was her, she lowered her gun. She let out an agitated sigh.

"I thought I made it clear that I didn't want to be disturbed unless it was for something important," Jennifer said in an irritated tone.

Jennifer let out a sigh. She realized she was being a bit harsh on someone who wasn't mentally so strong at the moment.

"Sorry, Kid. Didn't mean to go off on you like that," she said, her tone flat, but slightly sympathetic.

"What'd ya need?"

When the fun was pointed, Nikole took a sharp I hail of breath, her fist clenching in almost fear. She watched as the girl realised it was her, , her eyes dropping to her feet. Nikole didn't know what to think, but she managed to keep her headspace strong and her mindset straight. She looked up to Jennifer as she spoke. She opens Cher mouth to speak but nothing left. She wasn't she speaking? She could get anything out. A blood drop fell onto her floor. USE MOUTH TO SAY WORDS NIKOLE She told herself , but she just closed her mouth and looked right back down. She looked up and listened to the apology, this time really forcing herself to speak. " I'm.. Sorry. I didn't know you wanted to be left alone.. It's my fault. Ill leave if you want me to. I didn't need anything I kinda just wanted to talk.." She shrugged. Somehow she still didn't notice the blood.

@Jennifer Shotain
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Jennifer let out a sigh. She wasn't interested in talking at the moment. She wanted to avoid people, like she had tried to do so since the hospital. She rather be to herself than having to talk to others. But, nonetheless, her she was. While she was frustrated that Nikole woke her up when she was starting to dose off, she knew the kid wasn't in a good mental state. She may hate being around people, but she cares for the group. Nikole seemed damaged to her, broken. She had been trying to figure out what made her the way she was.

Jennifer couldn't really see Nikole. It was dark in her room.

"Hold on, let me light a candle and give us some light," she muttered.

Reaching into her pocket, she grabbed a box of matches. Taking it, she got up from her bed and walked to the nightstand by it. With a flick of the match on the box, it ignited. Slowly, she brought it over to the candle. The wick caught fire, and light up the room slightly. Now that she could see, she looked at Nikole. Jennifer was about to say something, until she noticed blood coming from her lip.

"Um... Are you okay," she said in a slightly concerned, yet suspicious voice. "You have blood coming from your lip. Hold on."

Next to the candle sat a box of tissues, something that was invaluable in the world they live in today. A runny nose was more of a nuisance than it was before, especially in the winter. And with with Austin having the flu or a cold, it was even more invaluable to have something to blow your snot into.

Taking a tissue, Jennifer walked up to Nikole and pushed the tissue against the blood. She wiped it up until it wasn't there. But when she pulled away, it still bled. She observed it slightly and sighed.

"Here, hold this against your lip," she said, putting the tissue in her hand, and going back to her bed and sitting on it.

"So you wanted to talk? I'd prefer you came at a better time," she said, rolling her eyes in irritation. "But I'm up, so what do you need, Kiddo?"

Tori glanced down at the dog when it came over and started giving her that face....eugh that damn cute face the little four legged bugger. She sighed slightly but there was a small smile on her face, she took afew more spoonfuls out of her bowl and then set the rest down on the ground for the dog to have. "Eat it then you little pest...you better enjoy it" she scolded the animal lightly but soon scratched his head lightly and turned her head back to Tammy when she began to speak to her again. Her hand kept subconsciously scratching the dog's head as she listened to the woman talk. Tori's head nodded ever so slightly when Tammy repeated the words 'your mum?'.

A soft smile flitted onto the blondes face at the admittance Tammy made and she hung her head somewhat "I think that is normal" she admitted and looked Tammy in the eye now "To not think about it i mean, i think it's like a survival instinct. We aren't just surviving physically out here...the mental part..well" she let out a long breath "Well i think the mental part is ten times harder. so yeah i think it is pretty natural to not think about it" she shrugged a little "In all honesty everytime i think about them my mind recoils, i push it back into a box but i know i will have to face it eventually...sooner rather than later but...hmm i do not think i am ready yet" Tori admitted surprised at herself she had even said so much on the subject. Leaning back in her seat she looked around the room slightly "I guess....we sorta have a new family but ...the old one is still important..did you have much family?"

@tammynorthland @Dibbydoo
The words registered in her head as she debated what the question excactly entailed. She never thought about it but she didn't even remember to much what her family looked like. It's kind of wierd because she remembered just not perfectly. She hesitated a response.

"I am originally from california. My family lives out there as well. I had a full family and everything. But like I said. I kind of forgot about them." Tammy had a calm and content voice. She didn't feel any sadness creep up or any feeling of depression. It almost bothered her. But she smiled reassuring and tilted her head and gave a small chuckle. "It's ok though, your right. We all have each other!" Tammy began to readjust her position to a more lazy reclined position her leggings were still on and socks. She was just in a tank top as the fire that was prepared at dusk kept the room lit.

@Lola Shimmer
"Hmm well we all have different coping mechanisms...this could be your brains way for giving you yours" Tori said with a shrug...she was quickly pushing thoughts of her own family out of her mind,..what bugged her the most was she didn't know if they were alive or dead, she thought of the worst though..she had to she wouldn't dare let herself hope anything different because even if they were alive..the chances of her ever getting near them again..well. She stopped the thoughts abruptly. Now wasn't the time she would let herself think back and remember them properly soon. She almost laughed at herself, she kept telling herself that didn't she? soon. Tori shook her head but took a deep breath and straightened up "Yeah we might be a rag tag bunch but hey we do alright" she laughed quietly. The certainly were a bunch of misfits as Austin often refereed to them as but for some reason it worked and they were lucky. She doubted many groups this large or young had survived this long. "Soo what you think of this place? we really hit the jackpot huh? it's weird having my own room again" the woman stated changing the subject.

Her eyes were well adjusted from the darkness, they did that easily. But they seemed to nervously flick around the room. She didn't like the dark, for many reasons actually. It scared her to be in the dark because her hallucinations play up. She looked at Jennifer as she lit the match, enjoying the suttle light when the match was put on the wick. She looked around the room. Nothing was there other than what really was there. It's strange for her, was she getting better? Probably.

" I'm bleeding?" She asked, feeling her face. She brought her hand to her vision and flinched in shock. How long was she bleeding for? She was about to whipe it with her sleeve but she was told to wait. So she did. She watched the girl get up and go to whipe her face. She didn't move as she did, and held it when she was told to,

" What did I want to talk about? What was your family like. How did they treat you?" She asked, it was almost out of the blue. Why would Nickole ask about family? " Did you have a dad?"

@Jennifer Shotain
Tammy raised an eyebrow at her comment about the place they had made for themselves. She wiped her grin off her face and held a resting face. Her septum adjusted by her fingertips which were surprisingly clean for once.

"Beats where I used to sleep." Tammy said.

She never talked about her life before she met them. In the new world she didn't think it mattered. "I think I've slept ed in more than 30 different closets and attics in my days before the mill." Tammy licked her lips. "Now having my own room. That's a plus." Tammy loved the manor it was huge the living room was almost as big as her entire apartment and that's excluding the luxurious kitchen.

Her room was the furthest east wing away from where tiffany stayed. She did not wanna lose sleep from crying children. Who would. And if undead ever made it into their home she had the largest window and a 6 foot drop the a bank that edged toward the house considering the home was built into a hillside. But so far undead haven't made it to their home. At least not yet. Security was an issue though considering g they were only protected by mere barbwire. Which check although it helps it would stop a horde.

@Lola Shimmer
Miyuki sits up on the roof for a while, just thinking. She was cold out, as the sun got lower and lower over the mountain. She hoped that the Viking guy would be ok. The two of them never really talked but still, he was a part of their group, even if he joined in about a month or so ago. She looks down at her quiver and pulls out the pistol that Austin gave her during the hospital raid. She kept it, in the case that she needed it. Her arm healed, naturally, but she has a pretty big scar left behind, to remind her of what happened that day. "I could have got in closer......I could have moved.....I could have shot them, hoping that Jen wouldn't take any or little damage from the arrows....but I didn't I froze...Holliday is now hurt because of the bullet, Tori got hurt, and Jen hasn't been the same and it is all my fault. If I had done something, anything....maybe..." She held no intentions of telling anyone... if they found out...she could be kicked out of the group or worst, killed. She looks back at her gun, "One bullet....that's all it will take. I'm doing nothing to help this group, they would be fine if not better off without me." She then quickly dismisses the thought, "I'm not special. I don't deserve to go rest in peace while the others fight for their lives." She thinks about it and figures that Holliday was left with Patch for a while....not a good sign. She jumps down to a tree branch and goes in to her bedroom window that was unlocked and open. She closes it and then goes down stairs. Miyuki sees Tori and Tammy having a conversation. She walks by, not wanting to interrupt them when she looks over at the meal...it looked good, smells good too. Miyuki starts to get herself a little bit, just so Tiffany wouldn't yell at her. Getting a small amount, she walks over to where Holliday and Patch were, "Out cowboy. Go rest, I will handle Patch from here." Before he could say anything, Miyuki puts down her plate and goes over to Holliday and pushes him out of the room, "Go clean your guns or something." Once he was inside she grabs his chair and goes over to the other side of the room and eats as she makes sure Patch doesn't do anything funny.

Since Nikole hadn't been able to notice she was bleeding, Jennifer took a mental note of her reaction. The girl had changed, Vo-Tech not in a way like Jennifer of anyone else. Instead, her mental state deteriorated. From what she could put together, Jennifer felt it was more than possible that she had some sort of mental illness, possibly? Maybe some PTSD, in the mix? She couldn't know for sure, but she felt it was this way.

When Nikole had finally responded to what she wanted to talk about, Jennifer was surprised. Her family? If she had a dad? What did they treat her like? Her life story was already a book ready to be written. And it itself is too long to divulge into detail with in a short talk. Jennifer cocked her head and raise an eyebrow.

"There's a lot to say about my family, about my life," she said after she sighed and relaxed her facial expression.

"Family was great until my brother died when I was nine. Then after that, things went to hell until I was 16. Then things got better, but I had to get a donor heart then. It ever since 16, the family was great, until the moment they..."

Jennifer paused for a moment. Not much mad her emotional these days, but her family did. The memory of how they left this Earth still stuck fresh in her head. Every time she imagined it, it was like her heart was being twisted, and the flashbacks brought her mental pain of reliving it.

"My father was a good man, except for the time between when my brother died and when my dad was forced into rehab," she said looking at him.

"He became an alcoholic afterwards," she looked away when she finished the sentence before continuing, "and he abused my mother and I, mentally and physically."

"The bottom line is that I had a family who treated me right, for the most part. I had a father. My life up until now is one big book that could be written. I gave you the shortest summary I could without going into detail. It would... Take long. There's a lot that has happened in my life, and it never has got easier. Just harder."

"So there's the short and sweet answer to your random question," she said to her, her tone staying flat.

"Now the real question is, Kid, is are you okay? You have seemed not all that there recently, and you keep injuring yourself without you noticing it. Is there something wrong with you or something now? Do I have to worry about burying you one day? Suicide ain't the answer. Believe me, I tried many times. And it took a talk once to realize that living here is what matters, being here for everyone else. We hadn't talked much, and I know I come across as a heartless, murdering, psychopathic bitch. But the truth is that I care about you and everyone else here. I'd never hurt you or anyone else. You're the closest I have to family now. So, I apologize if I come across as that, but it's not that. And don't take it that way. I know I sound like I don't care right now, but I do. You're young, and you're concerning me with your actions and behavior. What's wrong, Kid?"

Jennifer was actually concerned about her, just as she was with the rest of the group. Family is family, and that's as close as Jennifed has to one now. And she'll be damned if something happens to any of them.

She listened, her eyebrows pursed into a frown. When she asked if she was okay, she began to cry, but made no sounds , tears just streaming down. " I'm not okay.." She sniffed, shaking. " I'm not trying to kill myself, I don't know what I'm doing. I see things, I hate it.." Her tears began to flow even more. " I can't remember my mums face anymore.., she began to sob, but stayed standing up. " I can't REMMEBER my Dad. I never had one. I just can't remember. And I don't know how my mum looks like." She began to cry even more. " I never had a proper family. Heck I can't even remember it." She cried out, still shaking. " I want you to burry me. Six feet under. I can't even remember how I look. I don't look into mirrors because I always see things behind me when they're here." She hid her face and began to cry, tears seeping in her bandages around her hands. " I hate it.. In my case Suicide might be the answer.." She whipped her tears,mshaking. " I'm already delusional and a nuisance. " she cried s little more, hiding her face. " No one asks me for help. No one talks to me. After delivering That baby no one spoke to me. And they didn't notice that.."

@Jennifer Shotain
"Beats where i used to sleep too" Tori laughed quietly remembering that dark, damp and cold cellar she had found herself in when this all broke out...lost in a country she didn't even know after seeing people....actual people tear the flesh from the military rescue team she had been with. Even now after all this time that memory made her shudder, it was not a scene she was keen to see again. not ever. In fact they were lucky that none of them had gotten bit this far...that was sort of ominous like it was just waiting to happen. As her thoughts began to get dark she quickly shut them down and focused on paying attention to Tammy.

"That is allot of moving around" Tori commented when Tammy mentioned how many different places she had slept in. Tori had been lucky when the cellar had got compromised and she had, had no choice but to leave it..she had ran into Austin only afew hours later "I guess we should just be glad for what we have now then while we have it, though we will need a better security plan when summer starts coming" she pointed out..as soon as the snows started to melt the undead would be on the move like they were before the cold set in.

Tammy nodded in aporoval. "As much as I agree with that we also need to board up the first floors of the home." She spoke about the manor. She recalled the large large number of trees they were surrounded with. They could serve as possible barracades and be used to improve fencing. But it would not be possible in winter. Not when the snow covers the earth. The logs would be a good starting point for a fence better than the current barbwire and some picket fence style that lines the once 'private property' now these ideas shuffled around her head with potential for improving the home. As far away from people as they were. Who knew what could come through the home.

@Lola Shimmer
He had hid heard forcefully pressed on the end of the gun, till Holiday was pulled out forcefully, he leaned back, a muscle in his jaw clenching. He managed to calm his facial expression and smiled softly at Miyuki. " Hey there sweet cheeks." He hummed out, his voice like silk on her ear, but while he charmed her ever so slightly,his hands fiddled with the ropes, the ropes slowly being loosened and pulled on. He was trying to escape,But not to get his bandit friends, to just leave, or even just eat. He hadn't eat'n for days in a row, he was saving his rations. Every few days he would eat a little bit then fast for a long while. He got the first knot out, The roped become looser as they come undone, but almost instantly he grabbed it and bundled it in his hand, so nothing looked strange. " So, Sweet cheeks. How are you? Good? No? " He smiled as she answered, tilting his head back and then pulling it upright, looking at her with oddly charming eyes. They spelt trouble, for sure, but they also spelt something else, but you couldn't decide hat, he was good at hiding his emotions."To be honest, I don't know why you guys don't believe me." He said, looking around. He was looking for an exit other than the door.Like a small window, or something. " I didn't do anything to you guys. The dog literately thought I was suspicious, its a dog. He thinks everything is suspicious. If its about me appearing out of no where, then you really do have it all wrong.I was only passing. Anyway. " He sunk in the chair with a small sigh escaping his nose, his chest falling low before he took a deep breath, soon enough breathing properly.

Miyuki gets up fast, as she sees Patch loosen the ropes and bunch them up. Putting her plate down she gets her bow and arrow out and points at Patch, aiming at his neck. "First of all, don't call me sweet cheeks. Second of all, people just randomly walking by in the past would be fine but in today's world, people will do anything to survive and will kill anyone to get what they want. We found that out the hard way a few months ago." She keeps her voice low as she goes over to the and rips it out of Patch's hands and starts to tie him down back onto the chair. "Dogs can tell who is good and who is trouble. He was raised to protect us, so if he bit you there is something about you that he doesn't like. And for the record, I believe you. No one who is planning something would have such a stupid excuse like the one you gave us." She walks back to her chair and just looks at him, trying to figure his head out. "Why do you act all cocky and smug, you are going to get yourself killed one day. If not by someone out there then by pissing off the wrong person in my group." Miyuki sighs as she looks over at her dinner, no longer feeling hungry. Looking back at Patch, she had to make sure he didn't leave like he was about to. "Good thing I was here instead of Holliday, he would have killed the guy."

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