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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse

Tori had kept quiet while the others were conversing but her head perked up toward the two men "Hey!" She addressed Austin sharply "Don't even take it that way and if that is what he wants to think it is nothing to us. you joined us and have saved us more than once, i would say you've got plenty of humanity. More than what allot of people had before the world even turned to shit infact." The woman's features were tight in anger but not at Austin but to what the an had insinuated against him and to what he kept hinting toward about the rest of them. She hadn't spoke to him yet she had just listened and watched a she set up his little camp...and then what he said to tammy. Weren't trained in breech and clear? fuck they might not be professionals but they had survived this damn long! they had cleared a hospital outnumbered and under heavy fire to rescue one of their own, They had managed to keep most of their group alive this long apart from loosing the Doc at the beginning and they had to small babies they were caring for and that were very much healthy. As she was staring at the floor between her legs from where she sat she was just getting more and more annoyed. They might have looked like a rag tag bunch and sure they were hardly fearless but they were fucking human and tough!! because they were still here. The blonde had just decided she was about to give him a piece of her mind when she heard the other to "Are you fucking kidding!!!!" she snapped and was on her feet and hopping out of the back of the truck in seconds.

These two had better bee kidding they just got through a storm, a shit load of undead and now they wanted to fight each other? she didn't think so not unless they wanted to try and get through Tori first and right now she was hella pissed off so didn't fancy there chances she might just shoot them both int he leg and be done with it. She stomped through the snow until she came between them as the stranger bowed.they would be able to go at each other without hitting Tori first "WHAT IN THE SEVEN HELLS DO THE TWO OF YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?!" she demanded, At 5ft3 she hardly looked intimidating but her voice bellowed and her face was rd in anger...she had been this mad since that first night the hospital raid had been suggested...the night they had all sat int he woods by the mill. That seemed a life time ago no she had been scared about fighting..about hurting someone..killing them even but well honestly it was do or die most times now...and she surprised herself how easily she ade decisions that involved other peoples lives. However she wasn't haveing this it was all ego and pride, pure stupidity. "Both of you stand down right now" she shot and icy blue glare at each one of them.

@VaskarTheHunter @Runakei @tammynorthland @KathleneWilliams2121 @Crono
Tammys question whether or not to seek a more realistic shelter was ruined. It seemed as if jorik their odd viking friend decided to pick a fight with the man who although was a stranger did just save their lives. 'What a way to repay the guy who just saved us.' Tammy thought as she watched the arguing unfold into a new scene of them two getting into a fighting stance. Tammy didn't say anything she just watched. To be honest, if jorik murdered this guy that means they would have a free hummer to use along with supplies inside it. But she knew deep down inside this fight wouldn't excactly be easy for either of them.

Just when the bow from the samurai marine finished tori called out to tell them to stop. Screaming... 'what the fuck not out here.' Tammythought.

Tammy was a bit brash sometimes. Ok very brash alot, but even she knew when outside at the moon hours one never makes lpud noises. The corpsers hunted by sound.

Tammy used the hydra like a staff and pulled herself up from the compact powder they had around their camp the made for the meantime. Tammy glanced over at tori making wye contact, and put her finger to her cold cracked lip to signal to shut the fuck up.

Tammy giggled a bit. "Remind you of anyone miyuki." She said referring to the fighting 2.

@Crono @KathleneWilliams2121 @Lola Shimmer @Runakei @VaskarTheHunter
"Asshats," Holliday muttered under his breath as the men left the room. The moment they were gone he picked up his shot gun and loaded it with the two round he shucked onto the floor earlier. Next time those fuckers came through, he was liable to shoot one of them. Until then, he needed to keep warm.

Holliday sat back down where he had been before that whole engagement had taken place. His coat rested next to it, all balled up. He decided to reach down inside and feel around in it's pockets. After a bit, his hand removed a small silver capsule. Thirsty, Holliday popped the lid on the flask and took several gulps.

The liquor burned his throat as it went down, but felt good. He coughed after a few sips, then took another. Holliday savored the smokey taste of the whiskey. It was Makers Mark, not that watered down Jack Daniels crap. When he'd found the bottle on his trip with Jen, he had to keep from screaming out. Though young, Holliday had quickly taken to drink in order to get over the whole ordeal. He only did it when he was by himself however, not wanting anyone in the group to have their doubts about him.

Some time later the flask was empty. Every single one of his appendages felt warm. The man stood up, noticing the world was just a bit wobbly. Holliday shrugged it off, wasn't the first time he'd been drunk. He picked up his shotgun, even impaired he could point shoot this sucker and kill a man. His priority was to find more drink than the small flask that he had filled the night before his trip. With haste, Holliday tromped off into the kitchen.

Hive made a large dent in the handle of booz with the other 3. It was a lazy afternoon the blizzard did not Want to seize up worth a shit. Vulcan was already buzzing hard. His cheeks red with blood flow. But then again he was always a light weight compared to Australian blooded hive. Pike and cage weren't drinking nearly as much as they mainly were just conversing together laughing over some old juice mixed with booz in the batch.

Hive glared at the bottle. It was aged most likely an oAK barrel style. Hive heaRd footsteps. The lad named holliday made his way to the kitchen. Hive stood up calm and a bit dizzy. Walking toward the counter bottle in hand.

Jórik Aríelsson Just as the fight was about to start, there were massive amounts of loud screaming telling them to be quiet... Man, the irony overdose was real. Jórik looked at the women who were yelling that them, "You two do know that a fist fight is complete besides the sound of flesh on flesh... The fact you two just screamed your lungs out means that we now have to move before we are eaten alive..."
Vaskar was about to strike as the woman he had dragged into the truck walked in between them shouting. And as the other women scoffed at them. Turning away from the mountain of a man he looked to see a single corpse crawling over the hill they had jumped from. Going to his tent he grabbed only his sword and removing his leather over coat to walk to the corpse. He could now see that the undead walker was once a man of young age. Vaskar watched as this man grabbed wildly for him as he dodged him. Stepping back he slowly drew his sword in a manner of honor. "I am Vaskar Donashta." He spoke to this corpse and bowed in the same way he had to the towering man. Gripping his sword tight, Vaskar side stepped slashing straight through the mans neck. "I free you from this world and all of its wicked ways." He turned to the now limp corpse and for a second time bowed and very gracefully sheathing his sword. Turning to the group he did not make eye contact with anyone. They did not know his pain. Packing up his camp and dousing the fire he returned everything into the humvee and before long was waiting in the drivers seat. Not speaking another word he fired up the engine.

@tammynorthland @KathleneWilliams2121 @Lola Shimmer @Runakei @Crono
Tori shot Tammy a look right back at what the girl signaled to her "Instead of shushing me for shouting why don't you help me? then i wouldn't have to scream? " the blonde pointed out with a clear look of annoyance on her face. The two men should of been ashamed of themselves for letting it get to that stage anyways..they could bark it was about honor all they liked but in her opinion all that ailed them was damn pride and there was nothing worse in her mind. pride lead plenty of good people t stupid places like fighting with one another int he damned snow when you just barely escaped with your life from a crappy situation. The woman Tsked to herself but was relieved that the fight seemed to be over for now. As the stranger walked off and Tori seen the walker her hand once more went for her blade only against to be disappointed it wasn't there, she really needed to get a new knife. She thought of going for her gun but chances were pretty equal between her hitting the living or the dead...and seeing as it was only one she let it be.

"Time to find better shelter..." she stated casually when Vaskar flounced because quite simply that was all she could describe it to herself as...flouncing back and packing up his camp in a cleat tantrum and quite frankly Tori didn't have time for his hurt feelings and she was not exactly miss sensitive to begin with let alone in this situation. They all needed to just pull their socks up and get on with it....when he got back in the car and clearly was not going to leave them there she turned and headed back to the vehicle. "Lets go...anyone got eyes on myuki??" Tori called and had a quick glance around for the youngster.

@tammynorthland @Crono @VaskarTheHunter @KathleneWilliams2121 @Runakei
Vaskar gripped the wheel as he waited for all these people to get in. From here he would take them to a checkpoint he had set up. He had done it so when he would need supplies or needed to rest. He would have a safe place for a night. He had his main garage but that was too far for a night run from here, even though it was close by. Looking down to the picture of the girl smiling at him. It almost made him want to howl into the night. In a haste he grabbed the photo and brought it up to his eye to focus on the features of her face. Seeing the necklace around her neck almost brought him to tears as a voice went through his mind. 'Never forget me my Vaskar. I will be waiting.' The memories of that day ran through his thoughts. He had been riding to her house like almost everyday. He had his tuned up V-Star at the time. Riding for awhile he had noticed things were starting to get worse. But by the time he had made it to her house the world was changing for the worst. Barely escaping with their lives they made their way to the border of the state. Only to be stopped by the military. Vaskar had made it through all the tests and just as she was to. She was stopped to get caught in the cross fire between the military and a riot crazed couple. Vaskar was forced to watch as the only person he ever truly loved die in his arms. Instead of crying and begging for him to hold on, she accepted death with open arms and told him only to never forget her. Placing the picture back where it had set, he gripped the wheel with both hands turning his knuckles white, as a single tear slid from his good eye.

@Lola Shimmer @KathleneWilliams2121 @tammynorthland @Runakei @Crono
The scene quickly quieted down as jorik and vaskar didn't bother continuing the fight because tammy and tori decided to create a scene. Jorik had a point thought fist fighting didn't make noise. But either way was a waste of time aND a pointless effort at this point as shelter was more important. With in the next 10 minutes the makeshift camp managed to pack up and tammy awaited hydra in hand in the passanger seat with vaskar. She noticed a picture in his eye gaze. She didn't care to take notice. However she did manage to spot him tear up.... this guy rescued them then all of a sudden tries to fight jorik. Now he's crying? 'What the fuck is this guy's problem?' Tammy thought. She shivered as the night begun to grow colder

@Lola Shimmer @Crono @VaskarTheHunter @Runakei @KathleneWilliams2121
Jórik Aríelsson He was silent and quick as he moved picking up the camp with Tammy and slipped into the males hummer. Looking to everyone he'd speak softly, "Come on, we don't have much time... While I don't think the girl's screaming wasn't quite loud enough for everyone to hear... I think enough heard it in order to cause too much of a threat..." his tone was very sarcastic in a joking manner.
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As everyone proceeded to get into the vehicle. Vaskar sat there in silence as he waited. Once everyone was inside he dropped the ball into second and began to drive slow. Staying in a low idle would be best for them, that way they didn't attract that much attention. After a long ride of a couple hours, he finally made it to a small storage facility. As he parked in front of a large ten foot tall wire gate, he grabbed a ring of keys from his main bag and stepped out of the truck. Unlocking the three separate locks on the fencing, he opened the gates wide enough to drive the hummer through. After he had drove the truck through and parked it again, he quickly closed the gate behind them and locked it. Setting back into the seat, he drove through the fenced in facility. Passing many storage units he arrived at a very large garage like Unit with the numbers '4545' stamped on top of the door. Stepping out of the truck once again he went to unlock and open the door to repeat the step of pull the vehicle in. Turning off the truck and taking the keys, he shut the garage door and slapped the two pull locks on either side of the door shut into place. Taking out a match he went to light a couple lanterns that set on a shelving unit riddled with spare parts, food crates, ammunition, blades and more trinkets. Setting a lantern in diagonal corners of one another, the place was fairly lit to see. Pulling one very durable knife off the shelf, he pulled it out slightly from its sheath to examine it followed by sheathing it and tossing it to the girl that had came between him and grizzly Adams. "That one isn't as good as your original but it's the best one here. Everyone else take only what you need. Other then that get some rest and make yourselves at home. You are my guests for the night." Stepping into the cab of the hummer he kicked his feet up on the dash and pulled off his bandana and cloth patch over his scaled over eye. He would help them tomorrow and then leave as soon as he could. The ground would be soft tomorrow though. If he wasn't careful they might sink. As another thought passed through his mind, he poked his head out of the cab to look up at some corded sheet metal that hung in a bracket mount over head. He could craft a make shift snow plow, but it wouldn't last long. As Vaskar pondered he began to feel sleep taking him down. He had not slept in a long time. It was time to rest he decided. Starring one last time back at the picture, he closed his eyes and drifted into sleep. @tammynorthland @KathleneWilliams2121 @Lola Shimmer @Crono @Runakei

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