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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Okay! So. Since mod powers.. yea. I'm not sure if I'm aloud to post rules.. but since this was kindaaa talked about i'm going to add it.

NEW RULE: PLEASE TRY AND USE COMPLETE SCENTENCES. TRY TO BE AS REALISTIC AS POSSIBLE. This Means Details!!!!! Don't be afraid to use your words!!!!!

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[QUOTE="Death Reaper]do we get an oc skeleton or we have to make our own?

This is still the same rp. I tagged everyone in the other thread too. There's ano oc skeleton up in both rps on the first page.
I made a new character to be a Antagonist, if anyone can accept him in soon that would be great :D
Okay.. so, for anyone who may be slightly new, I'm going to post this..

It's an example from an old RP I did. I don't expect anyone to understand it, but I would like it to be read.

My character is Emma, and my username is/was the rhanna678. My friend Asylumnated was controlling TWO characters at one time, Vincent and Sam.

@Yappi @Slasher999999999

I'm specifically requesting you two read this.

Asylumnated: Vincent's jaw ticked as he stared out the window, hand grazing over the spot where the muscles popped. He glanced over at Emma and Sam, who were sleeping soundly on each bed, in the same position as the other. He shook his head with a soft chuckle before turning his eyes back to the window. He growled lowly as two vampires walked by, stupidly drunk and already fondling eachother. They stopped in front of the window and he pound on the glass, a bit louder than he'd meant. The two sent him a snooty glare before walking to what he assumed was there room. He shook his head and rubbed his closed eyes with his forefinger and thumb. He'd been up since early the day before and now was well awake into the night. After Emma had been choked by the mysterious figure and Sam had been unable to track them he was unable to sleep. He looked back to Emma, eyes grazing over the gentle curve of her neck where purple bruises had begun to form. His eyes ran over her shoulder before she disappeared under the blanket and he looked back outside, brushing his lower lip with his thumb. He sighed deeply, his chest rumbling slightly as he did so.

Guest_rhanna678: Emma was having a dream. The figures. The male in the robe. He was there. She could only see his mouth while the rest of his face lay in shadow. There was a meadow behind him, rich with wild flowers and flittering white butterflies. When she cast her glance down she could focus to such an extent that she could see fresh dew on the thin green grass blades. The world around her seemed to be stifling with whispers, so much in-fact that she seemed to be tugging at her shirt collar, like it was taunt round her neck. It wasn’t. In the dream, she was wearing a deep scoop neck. It showed off her pale skin more than she was comfortable with. Her eyes began to feel fuzzy, and a deep silky dread chuckle filled her head. Her dream gaze lifted upwards to focus on the man. His mouth had changed to all teeth being razor sharp. Blood dripped from his parted lips and several oozing wounds on what she could see of his stubbled chin and lower cheeks. His mouth moved then, saying something. She could not hear. The whispers were to strong. She felt like she was choking again. In reality, she lay there still for what seemed a while, then her hands twitched and traveled up to claw at her throat... Like she was trying to pull off something that was restricting her breathing. Her body tensed, and her legs began to kick at the blankets.

Asylumnated: Vincent saw movement from the corner of his eye and was immediatley next to Emma, the soft rustling of the blankets screaming in the silence. "Emma," He said hoarsley, his hand around her wrists. He was able to pull them away so she wasn't digging at the skin on her neck, injuring it further. He received a few harsh kicks to his stomach and thighs, but he ignored that as he tried to wake her from the nightmare. "Love," He warned thickly, his hands working to keep her own from her throat. "It's just a nightmare," He hrunted as he received another series of kicks. "You have to wake up," He growled lightly, giving her wrists a slight shake. He was trying to be gentle, even with the lack of sleep and natural harshness he was fairing well. He'd woken Alex several times before but with forceful methods. Alex had done the same to him, much more frequently since Vincent had always suffered from nightmares and they had become much more frequent. He hid it from Emma as best he could. *Sam stirred lightly and glanced at the other bed. His eyes widened and he sat up, teetering on the edge of the bed. "What's the matter," He asked in panic, hands digging into the blanket.

Guest_rhanna678: She grunted as the man reached out and harshly gripped her hands. She fought and tried to pull them away. No avail. "Why? why why why? Why why?" was all she could mutter out at an insanely fast speed. The hooded man chuckeled again and his mouth moved. She heard a delayed voice that was not his finally seep into her mind. "Love.." it said. Her head twisted all around, her gaze sluggishly following at a snails pace. She felt like she was on drugs or something. She tried to look all around. The voice was saying more words, but they seemed to fall on her ears as mear muted jumbles of dull incohearancy. Her body suddenly weakened underneath her and sent her crashing down into a weak sitting position in the wet grass. She could feel the dew wet on her legs. The hood leaned forward and with a single finger pushed her back with such force the ground shattered underneath her back and head. The shock jolted her body in real time and she woke with a very abrupt start, arms and legs attempting to grab onto something to stop herself from smacking any harder into what she thought was the ground. They found Vincent. As soon as her hands clutched tight around his, her mind blanked and the dream vanished from her head. All that remained was the ill consstant like whispers of a thousand tiny toungs.

Asylumnated: Vincent glanced at Sam momentarily before he felt hands grappling tightly to his. "Emma," He sighed in relief, his hand tightening around hers. He pulled her gently into a sitting position, eyes skimming over her face and the red lines that now adorned her neck. "What was it about," He asked gently, jaw beginning to pop again as he tensed lightly. His eyes kept skimming over her face, looking for any sign of emotion but he was finding her hard to read. "Did you dream about him," He asked then, thinking of the hooded man who had so easily harmed her earlier in the day."Do you need a drink? Taking a walk always helps me if you want to take a walk," He murmured, now babbling as his worry grew silently. His fingers traced over her wrist, his thumbs rubbing the inside of her palm. *Sam crawled closer, now kneeling on the floor next to the bed, his eyebrows knit together in concern.

Guest_rhanna678: She blinked and shook her head. She heard an odd fluttering, like a bird's wings flapping in her ears, but she could not recall the dream except for the cold morning dew and white butterflies in the background. "I.. I can not.." She murmered, her voice sounding oddly tiny and near angry tears. Her head tilted then and she caught sight of her brother. She just wanted to turn and hide in Vincent's loveing strong arms.. but... now, sudden anger flared inside her. She grabbed her pillow and launched off the bed, tackling her brother to the ground. "you! Stupid! Fish!.." With each word she harshly rapped him accross the face with the pillow. "I! Told! You! You! Stupid!"

Asylumnated: Vincent felt her hands slip from his grasp. He sat back on his feet as he watched Emma hit her brother with the pillow. His face shifted until he looked mildly amused and he crossed his arms, watching the ordeal without moving to help. *Sam lay shocked for a moment as his back was pressed to the ground and his facr continuedly beat with a pillow. His gold hybried eyes narrowed slighlt as he took his sister in. "Em- Em- Emma for Christ's sake. What are you talking about," His voice muffled as he exclaimed loudly, hands flying to cover his face.

Guest_rhanna678: "You're an ass!" She yelled and smacked him one final time- but not with the pillow. She punched him. Then.. weakly slumped off him to curl up on the cold floor, head in hands. "mm...you're a fucking....stupid....best brother... just... ugh.." She mumbled though her hands and rubbed her head, trying to rid the whispers that distracted her.

Asylumnated: "Okay I'm a fucking ass," He agreed as her fist connected with his face. "Ow," He stated as his hands moved to feel at the skin she'd punched. *Vincent chuckled lightly, a smirk playing at his lips. He moved off to bed and to Emma, hand resting lightly on her hip. "Emma," He hummed quietly, eyes fleeting over her hand covered face. "Love what's wrong," He asked, hand squeezing lightly.

Guest_rhanna678: "I.. i must still be.. be dreaming.. yes.. I'm dreaming.." She mumbled and sat up, hands moveing down to lay several hard pinches to her arms. "Mm.. I can feel them.. but.. i have to be dreaming." She mumbled and tilted her head. Pain coursed thought and she blinked back tears. Her face remained slightly neutral, but the pain was there. She didn’t understand. She looked around and stood up a bit wobbely. "mm.. needs more..." she muttered and went over to their shabbily packed bags. She searched in hers for several moments before produceing what was an old small pocket knife. She pried it open and flashed the blade in the moon light. "Should work.. should work.." She nodded. In her mind it made sense. More pain would mean she could wake up. She swallowed and hesitated only for a second before quickly bringing the knife up into the air, then plunging it down twords her right thigh.

Asylumnated: Vincent watched her get up and he frowned. He moved torwards her, eyes looking to the raised knife before it moved towards her thigh. He gasped lightly and grabbed her wrist as the tip of the knife drew blood from her skin. "Emma," He exclaimed, eyes shocked as he stared at her. He pressed his thumb into her wrist harshly, to get the knife out of her hands. "What. Is. Wrong," He bit out, easy face melting away in seconds as he stared at her. "Get it together Emma. What's happening," He ground out, eyeing her carefully as he kept a firm lock on her hands.

Guest_rhanna678: Her hand shook in his grasp and the knife clattered to the floor. She wimpered and shied back, trying to shrink from under his gaze. Her head turned to him at last as tears streamed down her face from partly open eyes. "I'm lost.. I'm lost.. I dont know where I am.." She mumbled nearly all at once and collapsed into his arms trembling ferosciously. "My mind hurts.. the whispering wont stop!" She whispered and pushed her face into his chest.
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Enmyira said:
Okay.. so, for anyone who may be slightly new, I'm going to post this..
It's an example from an old RP I did. I don't expect anyone to understand it, but I would like it to be read.

My character is Emma, and my username is/was the rhanna678. My friend Asylumnated was controlling TWO characters at one time, Vincent and Sam.

@Yappi @Slasher999999999

I'm specifically requesting you two read this.

Asylumnated: Vincent's jaw ticked as he stared out the window, hand grazing over the spot where the muscles popped. He glanced over at Emma and Sam, who were sleeping soundly on each bed, in the same position as the other. He shook his head with a soft chuckle before turning his eyes back to the window. He growled lowly as two vampires walked by, stupidly drunk and already fondling eachother. They stopped in front of the window and he pound on the glass, a bit louder than he'd meant. The two sent him a snooty glare before walking to what he assumed was there room. He shook his head and rubbed his closed eyes with his forefinger and thumb. He'd been up since early the day before and now was well awake into the night. After Emma had been choked by the mysterious figure and Sam had been unable to track them he was unable to sleep. He looked back to Emma, eyes grazing over the gentle curve of her neck where purple bruises had begun to form. His eyes ran over her shoulder before she disappeared under the blanket and he looked back outside, brushing his lower lip with his thumb. He sighed deeply, his chest rumbling slightly as he did so.

Guest_rhanna678: Emma was having a dream. The figures. The male in the robe. He was there. She could only see his mouth while the rest of his face lay in shadow. There was a meadow behind him, rich with wild flowers and flittering white butterflies. When she cast her glance down she could focus to such an extent that she could see fresh dew on the thin green grass blades. The world around her seemed to be stifling with whispers, so much in-fact that she seemed to be tugging at her shirt collar, like it was taunt round her neck. It wasn’t. In the dream, she was wearing a deep scoop neck. It showed off her pale skin more than she was comfortable with. Her eyes began to feel fuzzy, and a deep silky dread chuckle filled her head. Her dream gaze lifted upwards to focus on the man. His mouth had changed to all teeth being razor sharp. Blood dripped from his parted lips and several oozing wounds on what she could see of his stubbled chin and lower cheeks. His mouth moved then, saying something. She could not hear. The whispers were to strong. She felt like she was choking again. In reality, she lay there still for what seemed a while, then her hands twitched and traveled up to claw at her throat... Like she was trying to pull off something that was restricting her breathing. Her body tensed, and her legs began to kick at the blankets.

Asylumnated: Vincent saw movement from the corner of his eye and was immediatley next to Emma, the soft rustling of the blankets screaming in the silence. "Emma," He said hoarsley, his hand around her wrists. He was able to pull them away so she wasn't digging at the skin on her neck, injuring it further. He received a few harsh kicks to his stomach and thighs, but he ignored that as he tried to wake her from the nightmare. "Love," He warned thickly, his hands working to keep her own from her throat. "It's just a nightmare," He hrunted as he received another series of kicks. "You have to wake up," He growled lightly, giving her wrists a slight shake. He was trying to be gentle, even with the lack of sleep and natural harshness he was fairing well. He'd woken Alex several times before but with forceful methods. Alex had done the same to him, much more frequently since Vincent had always suffered from nightmares and they had become much more frequent. He hid it from Emma as best he could. *Sam stirred lightly and glanced at the other bed. His eyes widened and he sat up, teetering on the edge of the bed. "What's the matter," He asked in panic, hands digging into the blanket.

Guest_rhanna678: She grunted as the man reached out and harshly gripped her hands. She fought and tried to pull them away. No avail. "Why? why why why? Why why?" was all she could mutter out at an insanely fast speed. The hooded man chuckeled again and his mouth moved. She heard a delayed voice that was not his finally seep into her mind. "Love.." it said. Her head twisted all around, her gaze sluggishly following at a snails pace. She felt like she was on drugs or something. She tried to look all around. The voice was saying more words, but they seemed to fall on her ears as mear muted jumbles of dull incohearancy. Her body suddenly weakened underneath her and sent her crashing down into a weak sitting position in the wet grass. She could feel the dew wet on her legs. The hood leaned forward and with a single finger pushed her back with such force the ground shattered underneath her back and head. The shock jolted her body in real time and she woke with a very abrupt start, arms and legs attempting to grab onto something to stop herself from smacking any harder into what she thought was the ground. They found Vincent. As soon as her hands clutched tight around his, her mind blanked and the dream vanished from her head. All that remained was the ill consstant like whispers of a thousand tiny toungs.

Asylumnated: Vincent glanced at Sam momentarily before he felt hands grappling tightly to his. "Emma," He sighed in relief, his hand tightening around hers. He pulled her gently into a sitting position, eyes skimming over her face and the red lines that now adorned her neck. "What was it about," He asked gently, jaw beginning to pop again as he tensed lightly. His eyes kept skimming over her face, looking for any sign of emotion but he was finding her hard to read. "Did you dream about him," He asked then, thinking of the hooded man who had so easily harmed her earlier in the day."Do you need a drink? Taking a walk always helps me if you want to take a walk," He murmured, now babbling as his worry grew silently. His fingers traced over her wrist, his thumbs rubbing the inside of her palm. *Sam crawled closer, now kneeling on the floor next to the bed, his eyebrows knit together in concern.

Guest_rhanna678: She blinked and shook her head. She heard an odd fluttering, like a bird's wings flapping in her ears, but she could not recall the dream except for the cold morning dew and white butterflies in the background. "I.. I can not.." She murmered, her voice sounding oddly tiny and near angry tears. Her head tilted then and she caught sight of her brother. She just wanted to turn and hide in Vincent's loveing strong arms.. but... now, sudden anger flared inside her. She grabbed her pillow and launched off the bed, tackling her brother to the ground. "you! Stupid! Fish!.." With each word she harshly rapped him accross the face with the pillow. "I! Told! You! You! Stupid!"

Asylumnated: Vincent felt her hands slip from his grasp. He sat back on his feet as he watched Emma hit her brother with the pillow. His face shifted until he looked mildly amused and he crossed his arms, watching the ordeal without moving to help. *Sam lay shocked for a moment as his back was pressed to the ground and his facr continuedly beat with a pillow. His gold hybried eyes narrowed slighlt as he took his sister in. "Em- Em- Emma for Christ's sake. What are you talking about," His voice muffled as he exclaimed loudly, hands flying to cover his face.

Guest_rhanna678: "You're an ass!" She yelled and smacked him one final time- but not with the pillow. She punched him. Then.. weakly slumped off him to curl up on the cold floor, head in hands. "mm...you're a fucking....stupid....best brother... just... ugh.." She mumbled though her hands and rubbed her head, trying to rid the whispers that distracted her.

Asylumnated: "Okay I'm a fucking ass," He agreed as her fist connected with his face. "Ow," He stated as his hands moved to feel at the skin she'd punched. *Vincent chuckled lightly, a smirk playing at his lips. He moved off to bed and to Emma, hand resting lightly on her hip. "Emma," He hummed quietly, eyes fleeting over her hand covered face. "Love what's wrong," He asked, hand squeezing lightly.

Guest_rhanna678: "I.. i must still be.. be dreaming.. yes.. I'm dreaming.." She mumbled and sat up, hands moveing down to lay several hard pinches to her arms. "Mm.. I can feel them.. but.. i have to be dreaming." She mumbled and tilted her head. Pain coursed thought and she blinked back tears. Her face remained slightly neutral, but the pain was there. She didn’t understand. She looked around and stood up a bit wobbely. "mm.. needs more..." she muttered and went over to their shabbily packed bags. She searched in hers for several moments before produceing what was an old small pocket knife. She pried it open and flashed the blade in the moon light. "Should work.. should work.." She nodded. In her mind it made sense. More pain would mean she could wake up. She swallowed and hesitated only for a second before quickly bringing the knife up into the air, then plunging it down twords her right thigh.

Asylumnated: Vincent watched her get up and he frowned. He moved torwards her, eyes looking to the raised knife before it moved towards her thigh. He gasped lightly and grabbed her wrist as the tip of the knife drew blood from her skin. "Emma," He exclaimed, eyes shocked as he stared at her. He pressed his thumb into her wrist harshly, to get the knife out of her hands. "What. Is. Wrong," He bit out, easy face melting away in seconds as he stared at her. "Get it together Emma. What's happening," He ground out, eyeing her carefully as he kept a firm lock on her hands.

Guest_rhanna678: Her hand shook in his grasp and the knife clattered to the floor. She wimpered and shied back, trying to shrink from under his gaze. Her head turned to him at last as tears streamed down her face from partly open eyes. "I'm lost.. I'm lost.. I dont know where I am.." She mumbled nearly all at once and collapsed into his arms trembling ferosciously. "My mind hurts.. the whispering wont stop!" She whispered and pushed her face into his chest.

@Yappi @Slasher999999999
....What if we turn the mansion and surrounding area into a settlement?... then eventually, since people are kinda joining the rp on and off... we make another settlement to connect it...
Slasher999999999 said:
Mira........Javisco is in this rp.............
Slash, javi can't break Miya if he wanted to. She's already broken, you can't break a broken person. Of course she has her weakness, but that's for you to find out. Go ahead and try doing something to Miya, you will be proved wrong ;)

(Yes it's a challenge, good luck if you accept it.)
-starts to tear up- you really are my apprentice -sniffs- they grow up so fast -wipes eyes- you have made senpai so proud -tears up more-
Slasher999999999 said:
-starts to tear up- you really are my apprentice -sniffs- they grow up so fast -wipes eyes- you have made senpai so proud -tears up more-
Wooo! Does that mean you take the challenge senpai? -gets excited-
I feel really bad rn... My brother unplugged the internet so we thought we lost it for a while... but we still had it... How do I jump back in??
hmmmm well their is a group of people at the church you can bump into them
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