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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Miya screams in pain and falls back first onto the ground, making sure that Rin doesn't get hurt. She watches as the 'militairy' personnel drive away. She remembers the man's face now, she knows who he is and vowed revenge. They put her child... her family in danger. She wasnt going to stand for that, her head twitched as she sat up in pain. She dug out the bullet from her leg and shoved it in her pocket. "Ohhhhh man, someone isn't going to have a good time when I'm done with them." She growls looking up at Jason. "Hey, got any bandages?"

@Yappi @Shammy the Shamrock

I'm back in the apartment when I'm done dragging him, I tie quill down an get my knife silently waiting for him to wake up, All I'm wearing is the coat smile gave to me though
Smile got up, breathing heavily "Who the fuck are you," it said rubbing blood from the wound. Smile grabbed its knife and started cutting at her mouth. He smiled "I really need to go see my mom, I can't wait to meet her. Keep the jacket," she said walking off. He whistled as he went into the forest, she saw the jeep "God bless america," he said fixing her glasses, he went up to the church and sat down.

@Yappi @Quillicious @Naomi Nakashima

Jason growled and flipped the jeep off, he looked over at Miya. He helped her to her feet and took her inside. He went down the hatch for bandages, coming back and patching the leg up. "My dad was in the military, he would have shot the assholes if he wasn't a Z," he said with a chuckle. He sighed "You need anything else," Jason said putting his hands in his pocket.

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"Awww, your in my house now, sorry to break it to you but I'll make you suffer..." I giggle a little when he struggles at the ropes. He's tied up at the ankles, waist, hands, arms and chest to the chair. "What to do..." I say sharpening my combat knife, crossing my legs as I sit down
Miya smiled and followed Jason inside, not saying a word as she was patched up. In all honesty she wasn't paying much attention to what Jason as saying. When he finally finished up she looked at him, her eyes like daggers. "Thank you Jason, may I ask you to watch Rin?" She asked, tilting her head at him. "I would like to reast I'm really tired." she lied, her real plan was to go after those military wannabees and kick some ass. She showed truth in her mind but anyone that looked close enough could see otherwise.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Jason took Rin "We both know that ain't the case. You have something else on your mind," he said keeping a tight grip around the child. He let out a sigh and sat on the pew. "If you were planning on traveling you can't in your condition," he said pointing to the leg.

Threat walked inside, not realizing what had happened. He tugged at Miya's leg "When did we have a baby around," he said, the new scars on his mouth visible. He climbed on the pew and started at Rin, a memory came to his mind but he ignored it.

Lucas panicked a bit, did Harmony not see him? She looked like she was going back to the apartment with the man, he thought What is she going to do? Clutching her bag protectively, he stared of in the direction she went. Upon hearing Jay's voice, Lucas simply said "I don't know either, I thought that man was dead...I don't know what to do anymore, if she keeps running off like this..." he looked at Jay, weak eyes trying to focus "I know where she went went him; though, if you want to follow"


I walk into the church, bloodied up. I sit on the pew and pass out cold.


"Oh you would wish I would be that nice" I say grinning. I was going to do a lot of things. I feel uncomfortable in this coat Peace gave me it is too small... I am taller than him. It goes about 2 inches above my waist.

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"You...probably don't want to see that kind of revenge take place. Leave her to get even by herself, or you might get caught in between."

Jay shrugged and leaned against a wall.

@Naomi Nakashima

Quill rolled his eyes and frowned at her.

"I've had worse happen to me. Just take a look at my back. I'm not into whips, that was a punishment."

Miya looked up at him and rolled her eyes. "What? You think I'm going to try and go after those fuckers who shot me in the leg and threatened the life of my entire family?" She smirked and nodded. "That's exactly what I'm going to do and this leg won't stop me!" She said and stood. After taking one step she fell the the ground. Mumbling under her breath she sat back up and huffed before seeing threat. She looked over at him and smiled. "Son! Come here gimme a big hug!" She said happily seeing him. Her eyes widened a bit. "Oh and meet your new sister, Rin."


Jada stared at the church, kicking her legs with a sweet smile. She sighed and tilted her head. "Looks like they had some fun." She giggles and writes something in her diary. She then noticed a man walking into the church, someone who he will later know as Threat. She immediately admired the young man, growing a instant crush on him. She jots down one more thing in her diary before running to the church. Upon arrival she knocks politely and waits for someone to answer.

@Yappi @Shammy the Shamrock

"Thanks for telling me" I say getting real close to the man,Almost intentionally teasing him. "today's my birthday you know, I never wanted this to happen." I say sadly "Luckily I have this whole kit that my brother AJ gave to me" I say laying out a large may full of different tools. One of them being a whip, I whip him across the chest and watch the Crimson flow from the light wound "Such a nice color, looks good with you" I say with a smile before whipping him again 3 more times.

All he did was grimace, then smile after it was over. It barely seemed to phase him that he was in such intense pain.

"Happy birthday, then. Glad you could hit 12 without your virginity."

Threat smiled and hugged her "Sister? Since when did I get a sister, who's the dad," he said looking back at the baby. Jason let him hold her, he smiled looking down. "Hi Rin! Nice to meet you," he heard a knock on the door. "I'll get it," he said giving Jason the baby back and running towards the door. He opened it and smiled "Hi! My name is Threat," he said looking up at the new face.

Jason smiled "Ya going to need someone who can help you take out those bastards. I'm coming with ya, you honestly think I would pass up shooting a few disgraceful soldiers," he said with a laugh, gently rocking Rin back and forth.

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"13 actually" I say going over to the whip marks, I get some lemon juice and salt and pour them both over them. "And I can't help but say I regret ever meeting you, 4 months ago if you asked me what sex was I would never know... But now I know all to well, but I thank you because now I can take pleasure in though fly torturing you." I say while the sting wears off. I'm purposely wearing nothing but the under sized hoodie, trying to make him wish he was free to say. I giggle at the light sizzle of the lemon juice and I bend over to get my knife. A Bowie knife to be exact.

"Shit! Man that stings. At least I can still see I left a real impact on your undercarriage. A few sizes wider than most your age, eh?"

He wouldn't admit it, but he felt slightly bad. Only slightly, though.

Miya smiled at him and watched threat handle the child. "The father is AJ of course." She said with giggle shaking her head. "Who else?" She asked rhetoricaly as he went to answer the door. She looked back at Jason and shook her head. "It can wait, I can hardly walk anyway." She huffed angrily looking at her leg.

Jada rocked gently as she waited for someone to open the door for her. She finally heard it open and looked up to who he introduced himself as Threat. She was going to speak but couldn't, leaving her with a open mouth and a gaze. She finally shook herself out of it and looked to the ground. "I-I'm Jada." She said quietly, a blush appearing on her face.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/tumblr_nfgr8kn73d1sz8jwto1_500.gif.4e90709ff01f9d1493acb77a550e4bc8.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130794" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/tumblr_nfgr8kn73d1sz8jwto1_500.gif.4e90709ff01f9d1493acb77a550e4bc8.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

@Shammy the Shamrock



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Threat smiled "Nice to meet you Jada! What's with the blush," he asked before grabbing her hand and pulling her inside. "Don't want zombies eating your brains." He looked at Miya "Mom, I made a new friend, can we keep her." He said with pleading eyes, grabbing her shirt.

Jason got up and left for a second, he came back with a cane. "Here, this is what I used when I had my entire body fucked up. You can use it for now," he said putting the cane next to her. He looked at Jada and waved, a little tense but still gave a smile.


"I would not know, not a lot of people around that's my age" I say before cutting off one of his toes, only the pinkie toe...its useless anyways. I bring it to his lips and to a shushing motion with it. Before I dunk his bleeding foot into a small bucket with foot to his knee cap I force his foot to stay in the Lemon juice for 30 seconds before dunking the bloody juice across his chest again

Lucas was silent, sitting down against the wall and hugging her bag close. Should I just wait there for who knows how long for her to finish torturing the man? He sighed, getting back to his feet again "My stuff's still in that apartment, I should go get it at least" he simply said, walking in the direction of the apartment "She needs her stuff too; so I'll just drop it off, get my stuff and leave"

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