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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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~*Melina Herford*~

Melina giggled quietly and shook her head as he shouted about being drunk. She had already guessed that one, she could smell the alcohol in the air. Her giggling quickly died down when he said he shot himself in the foot. Wait what? Jeez stabbing his foot now this? What did he have against his feet that he abused them so much? She looked to AJ who was sleeping, obviously drunk too. After that the bottle dropped, she cringed as it smashed, making a loud noise. Sighing lightly as she grabbed a broom from the other side of the room to sweep the glass she looked at Jason with a concerned expression "I-Is the bullet still in your foot? You need to get that checked out or it'll get infected..."

@Shammy the Shamrock


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I walk out the church, I go out to the penthouse. Going to teach that Jack the Ripper wanna be asshole a lesson. I load my revolver and get a menacing Irish grin.


I start to knock on the door, holding my revolver chest hight (forgot to mention it but AJ can shoot accurate with both hands) "Housekeeping!" I say jokingly @Mira1
Jason laughed and looked at his foot "I don't know, I think it is. I ain't a doctor so I don't fucking know," he said still under the influence. He smiled "AJ was Watson so that makes you Lucy from I Love Lucy. WE ARE THE THREE FUCKING MUSKETEER BARS," he said as he put his foot on the pew and used his katana to get the bullet out. He threw it to the side and used the bandages to patch it up, as best a drunk could.

Grace peers out the opening of the barn doors, ready to climb the latter any moment. She, a small 8 year old, had somehow managed to survive long enough to find a barn with an axe and some rocks. She closed the door and locks it and climbs up to the top floor of the barn, resting her head on the sack she used as a pillow, bringing her blanket up to her chin.She hoped someone, anyone would come find her and rescue her.
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I wake up with a cold sweat from a nightmare and I scream, I get up and get some water out of my bag. Choas has been.... Depressed if that makes since and it rubs off on me. The dream was... Murderous if you will.

(*Lighting* I have come from constant notifications from a fucking sloth......I need a nap *Throws bleach on face* HEY! I just realized why my original name was white shamro-*Dies from bleach*)
Mira1 said:
((-i sigh- Fine! Where is he I will get to work immediately ...))
(Oh come on, Jack will have fun :D )


I knock on the door to the penthouse, revolver duelist style. "Open up its... Housekeeping" I say thinking of something. I cock the hammer
I roll my eyes and approached the door. "Oh housekeeping! Wonderful you haven't been here sense I killed you and ate half your heart how have you been?" I say opening the door and smiling at aj, seeing the revolver I chuckle. "What? You going to shoot me?"
As soon as he said 'ye' I grab his hand and point the gun to the floor. "Too slow." I say cheerfully twisting his hand, forcing him to drop the gun.

Drew screams hearing a gunshot in the apartment. He hides under a table looking out. "Mr Ripper is everything okay?" He said, the scar on his throat had healed well.

I use my other hand to punch him across the face "Gonna make you pay for hurting Drew" I say trying to beat the shit out of him
I take the punch, causing my head to swing to the side. I chuckle and look at him, spitting some blood. "Darling, last time you didn't care about Drew. What is with the sudden change of heart?" I say pulling him inside and throwing him to the floor.

I get thrown on the floor, i quickly try to scramble up "I hit my head on the dumpster, hit to the head made me sane again. Came here to get some revenge" I pull a knife and charge him
"good luck with that." I say in a teasing tone. I swing out a cleaver and charge at him. Rolling to the ground and impailing his gut.

I swing and look down, I grab my gut and fall to the ground "It will take more than that to kill me" I say before passing out flat on the ground
(Shammy: *Sits and grabs popcorn, Tesla: *Sits* Hey who's winning, Bolt: I think Rip- Hey your name is Alexander Tesla, like me! Alexander Tesla: SO AM I! Shammy: Wow I am unoriginal)
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"Oh trust me beautiful! I'm not going to kill you yet." I say, picking him up and throwing him in a chair. I violently tie him up, and dump cold water over his head. "Wow, you look adorable all wet like that." I purr calling drew over. "Drew, son will you please keep Mr AJ company while I freshen up real quick?"

Drew runs over and waves at him. "Hey aj! How's it going?" He says, crossing his arms behind his back.

I cough up some blood after in splashed, I've lost A lot of blood and my visions blurry. I hear Drew "Kid, what's happening?" I ask in a pained, light voice.
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