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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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As they opened the door it would creak a few seconds later they could hear footsteps in the distance walking on stone ground. When they got in the walls and ceiling were all wood with a stone path. Every once in a while there was holes in the wall containing a torch surrounded by stone bricks. To the left of them was a military helmet in surprisingly good conditions with nothing inside of it at all. 1 yard farther and gates to a sewer could be seen. As they got a few feet farther a figure that looked like some sort of creature was heading straight towards them (AKA Jason and Jaqluin).

-=-=((@White Shamrock))=-=-

I see two people the three brothers point There guns at the two "HANDS UP" AJ yelled in his signature Irish accentZ we aim the clover revolver at Jason unknowingly.
"your telling me most of my team was killed and a ten year old shot one in the dick"
"GUARDS, FULL LOCKDOWN, NOBODY ENTERS OR LEAVES THIS HOSPITAL WITHOUT MY AUTHORIZATION" He shouted. The guarda then patrol every inch of the hospital up and in and out and down, in search of someone uncanny
Jason jumped and pointed both his gun at the brothers "Make me asshole," he said grinning. He was in a fighting stance, nervous wondering if they were friend of foe.

@Yappi @CellistCat606
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I look out the window of the hideout where I see all the troops moving around. I see the doctor giving orders and I get down from the window hastily but I trip causing the shades to noisily fall.

The bandits heard a yell in the escape route. When one of the bandits got there they shot there gun at the two of them but missed horribly. The bandit with the gun got ran over by 7 (3 more came (here's the math 5 bandits - 1 person with gun getting run over = 4 + 3 other bandits = 7). They ran holding their clubs not being able to see the 3 at the end of the hallway.


Jaqluin didn't respond knowing if she let go she would fall. She then closed her eyes and ducked her head and hoped that they weren't bandits.

-=-=((@White Shamrock))=-=-

All 3 brothers could be seen, AJ recognizes that voice. "Jason?! It's the Johnson brothers were here to rescue you and well...kill these sons of bitches"
The three brothers see the gunshots and get into cover behind some boxes and prepare to ambush. Marcus counts down from three....
Butch sees the doc and his army "shit kid you coming or not there is a army out there come on"
Yappi said:
I look out the window of the hideout where I see all the troops moving around. I see the doctor giving orders and I get down from the window hastily but I trip causing the shades to noisily fall.

(The doc could hear the shutters fall btw)
"Stop with the candy do ya have a gun" he starts to run in the way to the buiding with Dice
Jason heard the voice "Jackass good to see ya," he aimed the gun and tried to shoot one of the bandits in the head, his eyes trying to adjust to the new place. He took out his machete "Okay you lead, we follow," he said looking over at Jaqluin, putting her down.

@Yappi @CellistCat606
(Right. Sending Nathan to an abandoned supermarket. He's open to run into someone. Tal is at the "base".)

Nathan tentatively stepped into the empty supermarket, breath baited, listening carefully. No sound but the quiet hum of left-on electric. He scratched Rust behind the ear, hands shaking, trying desperately to preserve his composure with grounding himself.

He grabbed a big fabric bag and started 'shopping,' singing to himself as he paced the halls. "...So I've made up my mind. I will pretend... To leave this world behind, and in the end you'll know I've lied... To get your attention..." His voice was much, much better than Tal's, delicate and light and very refined.

He picked up an orange. "...I'm faking my own suicide."
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