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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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My voice goes cold "don't tell me and you will need a second crutch. I need to know so more people don't get hurt, what if they knocked me out or Miya"
Yappi said:
My voice goes cold "don't tell me and you will need a second crutch. I need to know so more people don't get hurt, what if they knocked me out or Miya"
"Okay. Okay.. Someone Calle Nikky. And another bloke Javisco. Or something... Cannibals. The tied me up on a table. They ate my fingers and leg. They force fed me my leg. They shoved stuff up my stump. Everything."
My eye starts twitching involuntarily "Javasco and one of the horsemen, I'm going to get my gun and slice them up into a little bits. Then I'm going to make them eat them, I'm going to make a necklace out of Javascos teeth" I start to go back to my insane side
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Yappi said:
My eye starts twitching involuntarily "Javasco and one of the horsemen, I'm going to get my gun and slice them up into a little bits. Then I'm going to make them eat them, I'm going to make a necklace out of Javascos teeth" I start to go back to my insane side
"No don't! They'll kill you! Then they'll kill me for telling you. if you're going. Then so am I. You're going to need help."
Yappi said:
I calm down a little knowing that going crazy will just get me killed here. "No it's not worth it"
"No. No. " I calm down too. For a guy with one leg and one eye I was getting a little jumped up

"I can't get captured anymore surely" I joke
My eye stops twitching "heh, Jason doesn't see me as his friend anymore. I talked to Amy but I can't trust a group that will stab me in my sleep over what I could do"



Amber got upset that no one was taking her seriously about finding her scythe. She then thought to herself
as long as I don't have my scythe no one will be able to leave the hutch (yes I spelled church incorrectly again on purpose). Amber climbed down the ladder to see hunchback and AG (I also spelled AJ incorrectly on purpose). She walked to the church doors and slammed them close. Amber then situated herself in front of the doors and waited.


Yappi said:
My eye stops twitching "heh, Jason doesn't see me as his friend anymore. I talked to Amy but I can't trust a group that will stab me in my sleep over what I could do"
"I wouldn't stab you" I put my hand on his shoulder. "You've saved my life too much. Even after I though you were going to kill me"
A man, with ripped, torn, bloody and dirty clothes roamed the streets, his left arm nowhere to be seen. He dawned a grey gas mask on his head, although it was torn badly, one of the visors shattered. Under his mask showed a face... The face of a man who'd gone through hell and back. He had a badly stitched scar going down the whole left side of his face, as well as a visibly infected gash on his right cheek. His skin was muddy, and stained with blood, of both human and zombie. He reeked of both... At his side hung a scratched full black battle axe, and a matte black Luger P-11 handgun, silence. Attached to his chest was a single badly damaged tear-gas grenade, although it would have normally came with others. He walked with a bad limp, with no destination... He'd abandoned all hope, now... They had to be dead... But he still continued walking, continuing his search. He'd decided to take a rest outside a church... A holy ground... ScarFace rested against a tree, sliding down it until he was sitting against it's base. He lost his consciousness quickly, his head hung low, covered by his tattered mask.

(BTW, this is Boe. Changed my name. Sorry for any confusion...)
(It's a town house made out woods and nails, the top has some water proof resin on it. The walls are made out of thick planks and plywood, the walls are reinforced with planks presses up in the back. The storage room is a tool shed but bigger.)
I sigh "Jason thinks I would hurt people who I care about, he sees me as a threat. I am no threat to his family but he thinks otherwise"
Yappi said:
(It's a town house made out woods and nails, the top has some water proof resin on it. The walls are made out of thick planks and plywood, the walls are reinforced with planks presses up in the back. The storage room is a tool shed but bigger.)
-=-=((Images? (I just want to make sure it was able to make those things in the amount of time you said it took).))=-=-

Yappi said:
I sigh "Jason thinks I would hurt people who I care about, he sees me as a threat. I am no threat to his family but he thinks otherwise"
"Jason's got a lot on. The woman who had me was Threat's Mum. They must have loved each other at one point. He was pretty pissed she was alive when I told him. He's got a kid to look after. And there's, evidently, psychos about. Think we need to cut him some slack."
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