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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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(By the way Slasher, I don't mind if you kidknapper AJ but if you do I have one condition, Use him as a hostage)
I open a decrepit store and I stab a walker through to temple and search for grain alcohol. I find a bottle of jack and a six pack of blue moon beer.
River felt his presence before he even spoke or touched her. She sighed, turning around to get a good look at him "It's hard..." she said quieter that Keon's apology. The girl glanced down at the floor, "Do whatever, I don't care. But don't apologize ever again, I understand." She stopped and looked down at her guards, "This is Rocco and Cooper." she gestured a greeting. She looked back up at the man, "They will tear your limbs off in seconds if you lay a finger on me." she said without emotion, "So don't try"

After she got that out of the way, she turned, looking at what the store had to offer. Small nick-nacks and dream catchers, necklaces and books. This store had everything. River would pick things up just to examine and put them back. She never took anything, all she did was look. Her hips swayed while she walked, and she held a giant machete in her left hand. Rocco followed behind her while Cooper sat with Keon, watching him with undefined eyes. They were a dark chocolate brown but showed no emotion, not joy, anger, or sadness.

River went into the back, "No shit." she muttered before finding a cold storage container filled with ripe fruit, "How in hell..." she trailed off, but she didn't care. She grabbed two healthy and ripe apples and bit into one. The juice filled her mouth and she moaned happily. She stood up, walking to where Keon was and threw him an apple, "Here" she mentioned taking another bite.
Keon would grab the apple and bite into it shivering slightly from how fresh it was as he was eating it he would go into his trench pocket and pull out two cold chocolate bars and throw one at her. He would start to bite into the apple more enjoying the sweet taste of it as it hit his taste buds. Keon would gaze at her and offer a small smile "Thank you".
I go into a store next to the nick nack shop and the chimes go off and Eco In the silent streets. I quickly cut the chimes down and set them down before they made enough noise to attract walkers. I go into the store and find some food
River grabbed the chocolate bar, her eyebrows furrowing, "Where did you get this?" she asked curiously but it ended hearing footsteps outside. She stared at Keon, "Get down" she ordered not even a whisper. She hid behind a shelf, creeping towards the front, "Stay there" she said, whistle to Rocco to follow. Cooper growled at Keon if he tried to move and he sat down in front of the doorway.

River crept closer, seeing a man on the road, entering a different dwelling. She held her breath, That's not a bandit. She thought, and he was a dumb ass not to register the door bell. She sighed, "Idget" she muttered. She didn't like the thought of following him, so she figured another plan, she whistled to Cooper, knowing Keon would follow, "We're leaving" she said gesturing to the back window. "I'm getting you back to your mansion and you are going to pack up and leave. Everyone is moving out."

(dang she is so assertive xD ) Keon would nod slightly and would follow the dog not making any sound for the person to hear and not being seen by him either.
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I found nothing in the store and I come out to hear a whistle but I'm too late to see anything "hey uh,anyone out there. Names AJ" I'm probably just hearing things and talking to myself but hey, worth a shot

-=-=((Could you guys tag me in when you get to the mansion?))=-=-

-=-=(([Also right now Amber is holding her scythe up to whomever was closest out of the 4 and Jane is also nearby{they're right outside of the front of the mansion}]))=-=-
(Uh- duh, she's a bad ass. xD )

River listened to AJ's words and she paused, she turned to Keon, didn't they know each other? she thought. River didn't like to have to babysit not one but two of them, but she didn't like the fact that he was blowing there hideout either. She turned aggravated and threw a small shelf statue out an open window near AJ to gesture that they were in there, hoping he would come in silently. She stood by the door while he entered and put a hand over his mouth calmly. She looked at him putting her index finger up to her lips, "We are being followed" she explained and hurried to the back window, "Let's go" she said to Keon before jumping out, landing on her feet. She helped Rocco and Cooper out as well, waiting for the boys to come along, "Good?" she asked before venturing into the brush to gather towards the mansion.


(well no but basically what happened is that AJ Jason Kuro and another dude went to bandits apartment where a few of the of the bandits where cleaning up all the evidence they saved sklylyn but she died of internal bleeding int he church and keon found her body)
JPTheWarrior said:
(in the hole 12 new threads only that happen?)
(We attack the bandits and Skylyn died, 2 and Kuro were talking, and due to skylyn's death Jason has become aggressive towards everyone.)
[QUOTE="White Shamrock](We attack the bandits and Skylyn died, 2 and Kuro were talking, and due to skylyn's death Jason has become aggressive towards everyone.)

(i see. Thank you :) )
CellistCat606 said:

Amber watched Keon leave the house and walk outside. She went outside after him (because he had just ignored her) just to watch him drive away. Amber smirked to see that she had obviously just won the war. She then jumped a bit to see a group of 4 and Jane standing to her left, "What are you 4 doing with Jane!?" Amber then held her scythe up to the neck of the nearest person [whomever is closest you choose,



-=-=((Just left
The weapon was pointed at Chris. "God dammit why is everyone being so mean to me today! I am not even naked this time!" he sighs "Jane is going to show us a place where we are safe. Just that" he smiles. Jane nods "Yes this guys are actually better than Keon. You could join us too if you want" he smiles
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