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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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I wake up from a short sleep and decide to start work on those settlements Two talked about. I go to my truck as get some ply wood from there and begin work on some watch towers
Keon would be walking through the deserted streets not paying attention to anything around him his sword in his grip drenched in the blood of the zombies. In his other hand would be his black desert eagle, his knuckles turning white. A walker would lunge at him only for Keon to side step it and swing his sword decapitating it and pointing his desert eagle at a walker that was behind him and would pull the trigger putting a bullet in the vile creatures things head.
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Slasher999999999 said:
Keon would be walking through the deserted streets not paying attention to anything around him his sword in his grip drenched in the blood of the zombies. In his other hand would be his black desert eagle, his knuckles turning white. A walker would lunge at him only for Keon to side step it and swing his sword decapitating it and pointing his desert eagle.50cal at a walker that was behind him and would pull the trigger putting a bullet in the vile creatures thing
(surry, kind of a gun nut, but there is no such thing as a desert eagle using the same round, as a 50.cal. The most recent model, the Mark XIX, is available in .357 Magnum, .44 Magnum, and .50 Action Express (or .50 AE). )
As Keon walked, a walker would come out of a small alleyway, walking towards him. Before he would do something, a black mass shot across the alley from one building to another, slicing off the zombies head as it did so. The figure was too fast to make out, but it was small, fast, and black. The figure hid in the highest floor of the building, listening to the man on the street. She wouldn't look out a window, no. Her hearing was explicit and that was all she needed. He just walked, no purpose... It wouldn't have caught her attention, but she has seen him before. The night of the rampage in the bandit's apartment, she was there watching. She watched from the roof of the church as he had to kill his undead friend and she pittied him. Her heart was stone, yes she cared but there would be no sympathy. Everyone goes through it.

The female wore a ski mask and a black leather jacket with black pants that suctioned to her legs, and boots. She was quiet and stealthy, seeing another walker, she sniped it from the third floor window of her building. Retreating, she leaped into another building's window, falling gracefully with little sound. Almost like a flying squirrel. She grinned at the silly thought. Without his notice she jumped from her building and rolled with ease onto the road quietly before sneaking up behind him and covered his mouth, sticking a pistol to his temple. "Shh- Come." she ordered into his ear before pulling him into the same building she came from before shutting and barricading the door. She watched the man, knowing he'd probably strike, she raised an eyebrow, "Looking for this?" she asked raising his Desert Eagle in her hand flipping the barrel towards him, "I'm not going to shoot you, but you have to trust me." she leaned over the window to make sure nobody was there, "We're being followed." she said softly.

The girl tossed him the gun and came in close, "I tried, but there were too many..." she explained, "The Bandits are still out there, and they are pissed because of what you did. Her grey eyes were stern. All you could see was her frame, eyes, and plump pink lips, no hair, nose, anything. She stared at him, "They were following, but there were too many to kill at one time... They're coming for your mansion." she whispered urgently. It was like she knew everything about his group. She sighed, rubbing her temples, "They will slaughter
everyone. "

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Kuro had fallen asleep on the stairs. Heput his head up and noticed Two was asleep too, still clinging to him. He snickered and carefully got out from her grasp, and carried her down to the basement, putting her down on her bed. He then grabbed his Barrett M82, and climbed onto the roof, starting his position as guard. He watched over everything. @Enmyira @everyone at the church

( actually made a mistake with myself, too. I put a picture of the wrong sniper rifle. I meant for the Barrett M82A1, here's some specs and pic)

  • Caliber: .50 BMG (12.7×99mm) and .416 Barrett (10.6×83mm)
  • Operation: short recoil, semi-automatic
  • Overall length: 57 inches (145 cm) w/ 29 inch (73.7 cm) barrel or 48 inches (122 cm) w/ 20 inch (50.8 cm) barrel
  • Barrel length: 508 millimetres (20.0 in) or 737 mm (29.0 in)
  • Feed device: 11-round detachable box magazine
  • Sights: Flip up, optics vary by user preference
  • Weight: 30.9 lb (14.0 kg) w/ 29 inch (73.7 cm) barrel or 29.7 lb (13.5 kg) w/ 20 inch (50.8 cm) barrel
  • Muzzle velocity with 660 grain, 42.8 g projectile: 853 m/s (2,800 ft/s) with 400 grain, 26.0 g solid brass projectile: 990 m/s (3,200 ft/s)
  • Effective range: 1,800 m (5,900 ft)
  • Maximum Range: 6,812 m (22,349 ft)
  • Expected accuracy: Sub-MOA with match ammunition
  • M82A1_barrett.jpeg

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(damn @J I N X) Keon would stare at her for a second his eyes looking over her body seeing how much energy and skill woul be required to kill her. But once she talked about the bandits his eyes would seem to glow with fury, He would grab her shoulders and stare at her gray eyes with his crimson ones "Where are the bandits" you could hear the anger and fury in his voice.
After much time I have set up some makeshift walls and a watchtower(the walls are spikes in the ground)
"You're serious? ... You will die." She corrected him. She felt the strength of his anger as he gripped her shoulders, she glared at him, "I'm not going to help you commit suicide just so you can avenge your friend." she said coldly. Her eyes narrowed, "I just saved you ass!" she pulled away, "If you want to find the bandits, be my guest, but I ain't putting myself in deaths way when I don't need to." the girl stood up, whistled, and two black and brown rottweiler's came from each side of the room growling, and went to sit at each side of the girl, "Have fun with your stupid revenge. It's not worth it." she stated before exiting the building quickly, hiding in a nearby antique shop. Her steps were quiet and she was so quick it took not even a few seconds to take cover from the open road. Her fellow K-9 partners joining her quickly.

(What's funny
@Slasher999999999 was that she just made him realize that if he harmed river, he would have been ripped to shreds, she wasn't as exposed as he thinks. xD )
Keon would take a deep breath to calm himself down and to start to think rationally, realizing his mistake he would chase after the girl, his feet almost making no noise. Once he spotted the girl he would approach her and tap her shoulder "look I'm......sorry for how I acted I wasn't in the right state of mind" he would say in a soft calm voice. @J I N X
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