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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Enmyira said:
She nodded and sniffeled. "Z..zero...one..." she closed her eyes. "T..mm...two.." she shivered violently and clung more to him.@Kuroko
((Someone would have piked it.. there are people outside xD @AidanCee ))
"Thats it.. don't worry, imwon't allow anything to hurt you...relax... breathe..." Kuro said, petting two's head.
I try to swallow the water and I sallow a little bit but throw it back up along with a few of half digested pills and I still can't open my eyes or move but my body can still spasm and react to the drugs/water
Kuroko said:
"Thats it.. don't worry, imwon't allow anything to hurt you...relax... breathe..." Kuro said, petting two's head.
"....I...... my...." she swallowed and let out a deep breath. "Meinir.." she told him quietly, shaking a little less.
Yappi said:
I try to swallow the water and I sallow a little bit but throw it back up along with a few of half digested pills and I still can't open my eyes or move but my body can still spasm and react to the drugs/water
"Pills?! Shit, dude. Right. Throwing up would be good. He lifted AJ back into the outside and continued with the drinking. As well as slowly and gently pumping on his stomach in order to bring it all up.
I start to throw up till eventually I am able to feel my senses and double over on my knees. I start to throw up the rest of the pills and pass out from the physical strain of nearly ODing and throwing up this much.
Yappi said:
I start to throw up till eventually I am able to feel my senses and double over on my knees. I start to throw up the rest of the pills and pass out from the physical strain of nearly ODing and throwing up this much.
A bit of sick lands on Aidan's boot. So he wipes it away on the grass.

"There we go buddy."

He catches the passed out AJ and walks him back inside. He makes a bed out of someone's backpack for a pillow, and someone's sweater for a blanket. He tucks AJ into it.

"AJs going to need rest. And when he wakes up he might be a bit testy. But he SHOULD be okay." Aidan tells whoever is listening. Whoever cares.

Aidan sat down on a pew beside AJs makeshift bed. A fear flashed over him. He'd dealt with that.. With experience... Was he showing these people the signs of his past?
After a good 30 minutes to a hour it feels like I wake up and feel like death and I see Aidan sitting there "What happened, why am I not dead"
Yappi said:
After a good 30 minutes to a hour it feels like I wake up and feel like death and I see Aidan sitting there "What happened, why am I not dead"
"Mate, the pills you swallowed? The alcohol. 85% of it is outside now. 15% of it is on my boot. You're alive that's all them at matters right now"

Aidan slightly put his guard up he'd saved people lives like this dozens of times. His life had been saved more times than he cared to mention, too. And he knew the anger from "hangover-like feeling" afterwards might still take effect. AJ could come for him at any moment just for keeping him alive. But he might not. Sometimes the victim is complacent. It was difficult to tell.
"God damnit I took those for a reason,That innocent girl could have survived the bandits if we attacked during the day. It's my fault I even suggested attacking at night"
Enmyira said:
"....I...... my...." she swallowed and let out a deep breath. "Meinir.." she told him quietly, shaking a little less.
"That's good, relax. it's all okay. breathe..."Kuro stroked her hair, trying to calm her down.
Yappi said:
"God damnit I took those for a reason,That innocent girl could have survived the bandits if we attacked during the day. It's my fault I even suggested attacking at night"
"Don't. Don't you dare think like that." Aidan soothed AJ to keep his heart rate down. "It's nobody's fault. None of this is a "fault". You did your best. And that's what matters. We'll rescue her, don't worry. But we wont be able to do it if you're dead."
"I don't want to do it though i want to be out of this hell, I want to fall asleep and never wake up and via bullet or pills I would never regret it" I start to tremble
Yappi said:
"I don't want to do it though i want to be out of this hell, I want to fall asleep and never wake up and via bullet or pills I would never regret it" I start to tremble
It took a second, but Aidan moved in and rested AJ's head on his shoulder and put his arm around him. There was nothing he could really say to ease his pain, his suffering All he could manage was "it's going to be ok"
"I can so nothing but hope,I can't even do that even more" I laugh crazily "this isn't the first time.... When I first met this group I cut my arm on a piece of metal and nearly shot myself,I almost threw myself off the mansion. Now I actually did it and I had you to save me when I was content with dying"
Yappi said:
"I can so nothing but hope,I can't even do that even more" I laugh crazily "this isn't the first time.... When I first met this group I cut my arm on a piece of metal and nearly shot myself,I almost threw myself off the mansion. Now I actually did it and I had you to save me when I was content with dying"
"Because dyings not the Answer. Trust me. I know from experience...

Think about it. You die, and then the girl stays there unrescued. Brilliant. Because that's totally effective. We need you, SHE needs you."
Kuroko said:
"No problem, just being here for you." kuro said, gently stroking her hair..
She calmed a bit more and closed her eyes. "mm.." she mumbled and small smiled. "Y..You're too good to me...."
"She's dead and on the ground stabed. If Myra was alive she's dead now from the explosion. Besides I've killed to many people to be worth any of you, 49 people dead. I stabed 34 of them to death, torturing others is only fun because I get to put my wieghts on them and drop mine"
Enmyira said:
She calmed a bit more and closed her eyes. "mm.." she mumbled and small smiled. "Y..You're too good to me...."
"There's no such thing as too good when it's you, Two." Kuro said, smiling at her.
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Yappi said:
"She's dead and on the ground stabed. If Myra was alive she's dead now from the explosion. Besides I've killed to many people to be worth any of you, 49 people dead. I stabed 34 of them to death, torturing others is only fun because I get to put my wieghts on them and drop mine"
"I don't care what you've done. I care about you. We've all killed. It's called survival. But youve all taken me in before I ended up dead. That makes you all good in my books. Hell, if any of you were captured I'd swap with you. I'd go with them to save you. Because I owe you all my life"
Kuroko said:
"There's no such thing as too good when it's you, Two." Kuro said, smiling at her.
she could feel her face burning. "F..funny...Kuro...f..funny.." she mumbled, trying to deflect it with feeble sarcasm.
Jason walked down "All of you please SHUT THE FUCK UP. IT DOESN'T MATTER WHO YOU HAVE KILLED. I need a walk," he puts his hat back on before going outside.
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