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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Keon would go into his pocket and pull out the colar that had Scarlet written on it in beautiful writhing "I remember this I was suppose to give this to Daisie" he would gaze at Scarlet who was curled up right next to him, her ears would be flat on her head as she gazed outside the window.
Enmyira said:
Nick glanced over at the guy with the sniper rifle. To immediately inched over to the guy and stared at the gun. Oh how she missed hers... "Rifle. Can I use it? Eventually." she asked the guy. The vodka bottle was still in her hands. Freya rubbed her eyes and leaned into Nick's side. She kinda wanted to get back to her own bed at the church.
"My, hangover? whatever, i don't care. moreover, this is a silenced 50. cal sniper rifle, used on tanks for devestating effects. inproper use can shatter the bones in your arm. Do you know how to handle one? if not, then i'll be more then...happy... to teach you." Kuro said, a very calm look in his eyes. "Kuro Muras-...just call me Kuro." He stuttered, the pain and suffering evident when he began saying his last name.
Two just stared at him. "I can handle it..." She murmered. She was itching to be killin g again.. if nothing else felt comfortable.. that had to. She was sick of being afraid and in pain. It had only been maybe two days since she'd escaped... but... she couldnt take it anymore. Her mind was walking nightmare. Her nightmares were living hell. Just the little bit of excitement from being able to kill something had her shaking. It was the first somewhat good emotion she'd felt since she'd come back.

She grunted, her head throbbed and cried, crusty blood melted to the side of her face. Her vision was blurry but she could tell there was trouble. A man stood over her and her heart rate picked up speed. She gasped before pushing away his hands, "Get off of me!" she shouted. It wasn't a plead, her voice took order. Her hands struggled with his wrists and she clutched her knees together tightly. His sickening face made her want to vomit, but his longing stare was what scared her. Fight. Just keep fighting. I'll die trying. She pushed him off by kneeing his candies and fought slash struggled with the other bandits in sight. "Don't touch me" she growled and spat at the man that she had kneed. There was no end in this one, she wasn't making this out alive on her own. She was strong, probably could take on one at most, but there were others, and it wont be fun.

(@Slasher999999999 )
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I wake up after a long needed sleep I wake up and start to eat some granola we packed

(AJ is sleeping outside the basement so you could take him and use him as a hostage as a lot of people care about him. That and it would deepen the plot but this is my opinion)
(bio reveal: Kuro has a last name that begins with Muras-. it causes pain and suffering when he thinks about it. will reveal more if anyones char can press it, trick him into saying it, become his close friend, or steals the I.D that he put in his backpack.)
The bandits would hold Her down and start to rip off her clothes exposing her body to the world for their eyes to feast on soon many hands would lash out,and start gripping, tugging, Pulling on anything they could get on there hands would start to drift lower and lower....... @J I N X
( xD Once we get to the church, the others and I should go find her... then I'll kill them all....... But for now.. Night y'all)
Kuroko said:
(bio reveal: Kuro has a last name that begins with Muras-. it causes pain and suffering when he thinks about it. will reveal more if anyones char can press it, trick him into saying it, become his close friend, or steals the I.D that he put in his backpack.)
Jason drove back in with a blue truck "Ok someone drive because I almost crashed into 4 buildings," he said hopping out and getting in the back.
"..hmm.. i see you get the urge to kill something too. very exhilirating, isn't it? Very well, i will let you... under two conditions. One. you must showd me you can handle this gun when we gwt to the church. two. you...will be my friend. or at least tell me if i could make a friend and give it a shot. Deal?" Kuro said.
(@Yappi Skylyn's been here longer than you have, the plot has thickened. xD I was actually going to have her killed, but I was talked out of it. )Her body thrashed as the men pulled her clothes off. Her face heated in anger but their grips faltered as she struggled too much. Skylyn went ballistic. She pushed, scratched, punched and kicked, every source of energy she could find. Sweat streaked her body with the breaths of exhaustion... Even so she kept fighting back, no way in hell this was a free ride. She screamed as one hand found it's way to her pants, and she knee'ed someone's jaw, hearing a satisfying crack.

(@Slasher999999999 )
Kuroko said:
"..hmm.. i see you get the urge to kill something too. very exhilirating, isn't it? Very well, i will let you... under two conditions. One. you must showd me you can handle this gun when we gwt to the church. two. you...will be my friend. or at least tell me if i could make a friend and give it a shot. Deal?" Kuro said.
"Deal." Two said without hesitation. She grabbed the front of his shirt and started dragging him with her towards the truck.
Chika wasnt sure who was going when and how many people were gonna fit in that truck so she kinda stayed a bit away. If needed she could just grab her hidden dirt bike and follow them.
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