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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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She turned and looked at him. She wasted no time in dealing out instructions. "Get the salad and cut it into smaller pieces. Get what ever we have left of the lettuce and mix it in with that. Then get ranch, there is one bottle in the pantry, and put it in a cup."

She nodded then started taking apart the shepards pie. She set the top and mashed-potatoe layer on a separate plate. She looked at the rest and then looked back at the soup pot. Once it was close to boiling she slid the remains into the pot. She started stirring it and looked back towards the pantry. "Do we have any chili? Or any more tomatoes? Onions?" She called aloud.
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"Yes" Keon would walk to one of the top counters and take out the ingredients she asked for and would offer them to her. @Enmyira
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Threat nodded grabbing a chair from the table, used it to reach the counter, and cut the salad into small pieces with a combat knife. Threat mixed and then grabbed the ranch putting it into a cup and asked "What else."

She grinned at glanced at Keon. "Chop the tomato please." She then looked at the kid. "Find vinegar." She told him with a nod. She then grabbed two of the chilis and stuck each on a fork. She knelt next the the stove, started another burner, then started to roast the chilis in the fire.
Nodding slightly Keon would grab the tomatoes and would put them on a chopping board. He would grab a kitchen knife and would begin to chop the tomatoes with skill and precision his hand a blur of motion.
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"Careful!" She exclaimed with wide eyes. "Never run in the kitchen!" She scolded with a frown. "Now, I'm assuming you know how to use a measuring spoon. Measure a teaspoon and put it in with the ranch, and mix it." She got up and turned the chilis over then glanced over at keon. "Good.. now slid em in the pot, then do the exact same with the onions."
Threat frowned "Sorry about that," it grabbed the spoon and measured a teaspoon of vinegar and mixed in with the ranch, Threat hummed as it did.


Once Keon was finished with cutting the tomatoes perfectly he would slide them into the pot as asked. He would then grab the onions that where already peeled and would begin to chop them just like the tomatoes with precision and skill, his hand a blur of motion. Once finished he would then slide them into the pot.
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"Garlic Salt to taste if we have it." She told Keon as she took the perfectly roasted chilis off the fire and turned off the burner. She then slid over to Keon's cutting board and very carefully, but quickly, started to chop up the chilis. "Kid- take out about a third of that ranch mix and set it aside. See if we have any milk powder. If so, mix it with a bit of water and pour it into the big ranch mix."

((All of this is going to come out to a mild chili soup, mashed potatoes, and a variation of the alcohol-salad. The ranch mix is to stabilize and nuralize the taste of alcohol xD ........ I use to want to be a chef = _ =))
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Keon would nod and head to the cabinet to grab the garlic salt, as his hand was on the handle *flashback* A kid Keon would be seen hovering over a pot of stew and giving orders to other kids who would give him a mock salute and run off to fill out his orders with a smile on their faces, the sound of kids laughing of joy could be hear all throughout the forest *flashback end* a small smile would appear on Keon's face. He would open the cabinet and would grab the garlic salt and approach 2 and would offer it to her.
She blinked then shook her head. "You add it and taste it... I trust you." She told him then turned to go twoards the kid. "Okay, so kid, Take one scoop of the ranch mix and put it into the salad and mix it all up!" She nodded at him then turned to grab the potatoes. She moved them to the table as they were, then hesitated. "Once the soup is to your taste Keon, turn off the fire and bring it to the table. Kid once you mix the salad, bring it to the table too. Dont forget the other ranch." She then quickly jogged up the stairs and out to the roof. She smiled at the sleeping body, then went to her pack. She quietly opened the front pocket and withdrew a somewhat small brown cloth sack. "I was saving you for a special time.." she murmured to it before sighing and retreating back down to the kitchen with it in her hands.
Keon would approach the soup and sprinkle some garlic salt into it. He would then take a spoon and sip the soup, he would frown slightly and would sprinkle a little bit more garlic salt in and would grab a new spoon and taste the soup. He would nod to himself and put the garlic salt on the table.
She grabbed a water bottle and carefully started to wash what was in the sack. "Well, everything is ready. Call everyone up." she told them. In the mean while she grabbed a bowl and carefully emptied the sack's contents into it. She moved to set it on the table too. At least a dozen ripe sweet ruby red strawberries sat in the bowl. They smelled wonderful and looked almost too good to eat. Yep... she was a fruit hoarder. On her last venture outside she'd found a few different bushes of varying berries. She knew what they all were and sufficed for the ones that were ripe.
Kira began to get dressed. When she was naked, he fell out of the closet. Turning, she gasped and got a blanket, wrapping it around her. "Get out of here, you creep!" She screamed. "Before I kick your ass myself!" She called out for Keon, hoping he would be able to get him out of their room.

@JPTheWarrior @Slasher999999999 <don't worry guys we worked this out beforehand> }
Keon would run upstairs after hearing Kira scream, he would barge into the room and would see a naked Kira with a blanket wrapped around her and Jane on the floor, he would see red. (Poor Jane xD )
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She nodded and then grabbed a piece of paper. She scrawled on it ' Eat Up' and set it on the table. She nabbed a strawberry and headed out through the front door. She chewed on the inside of her lip as she headed towards the outskirts of the property to enjoy the evening. She had heard of people enjoying a meal together, but never had actually done it herself. It.. was alien. So, she opted out. She went to sit under a tree and munch on her strawberry.
Threat saw this and instead decided to walk out and followed her "How come you aren't eating with us," the confused little kid asked, its hands behind its back.

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