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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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She hesitantly reached to grab the peaches with narrowed eyes. There is no way he could have know she liked em.. she never told anyone.. "thank you.." she murmered and set em to the side.



"I don't really have anything to bet unless if you want my orange jumpsuit for some stupid reason." Amber never wanted to turn down a challenge so she turned around and looked him in the eye with an evil grin and asked him "so what would I bet?" Amber then started to lean on her scythe.

the would remove his black trench coat and fold it neatly onto the table showing him only his long sleeve muscle shirt black pants and black combat boots. he would walk over to her and extend his hand "the gardening tool plz"
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"If I win what would I be getting out of this?" Amber put her scythe behind her back to let Keon know she isn't giving it to him until he answers her question. Amber looks up and blows one loose hair out of her sight. She then makes another evil smile.


I really only guessed from all the times I've seen her eat peaches. luckily I was right, I go to the other side of the roof and lay on my bedroll
sighing "If you win I will answer 3 questions" he would say "and if I win I get one favor from you and you can't complain or say no to it" he would say to amber his eyes being dead seriouse @CellistCat606

Amber thinks about it for a moment then nods. "As long as there's nothing lover dovey I'm in. One last thing, what am I going to do with my scythe to win?" Amber then taps her left foot on the ground impatiently.

Yappi said:
I really only guessed from all the times I've seen her eat peaches. luckily I was right, I go to the other side of the roof and lay on my bedroll
((Remember punctuation x-x))

She sighs and fidgets. Well. Now this was awkward. She glanced back up at the sky and let out a long deep breath to try and relax.
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"hmmmm if you can hit me with that scythe one time then you will win" ( xD this will be fun a prisoner vs a trained killer that is scary at hell who will win)
Keon would shake her hand "deal" he would turn around and walk 3 meters away from her and stop and turn back around to her and would be holding a black pebble in his hand "when it hits the ground that's when we start"
Threaten walks up with Jason seeing what was about to happen "My bet is on the girl, I bet my toy revolvers."

Jason laughed "I bet Keon, I bet my old cowboy hat" he tips his hat sitting on the ground.


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Keon would toss the stone in the air and it would fly e middle of them then shine brightly in front of amber hitting her in the eyes, the stone would fall and hit the ground, Keon would stand back up his hands behind his back waiting for her to make the first move his body tensed and relaxing prepared for anything she can throw at him, his eyes cold and calculating.
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Two tilts her head and glances down towards the yard. Ah. More people. She presses her lips into a line and blinks a few times. Oh? A fight?.. no.. practice. She smiles and nods, 'Practice is one thing we could all use more of.' Seemed like Scythe chick was going up against trench-coat. Funn.

@White Shamrock



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I walk down from my rest and see people betting "I bet a can of sliced potatoes on Keon"
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-=-=((We're teaching kids gambling

xD ))=-=-


Amber closed her eyes for a moment then re-opened them so the sun will be out of her way. Amber then bolted to his right side (left side for Amber). With her speed she ducked under his arm and tried to latch her scythe against his arm to hopefully causing him to fall forward. She then continued to run while gripping it tightly behind her back when she stopped.

-=-=((PS My character is able to go under your arm because she's 2 feet and a couple of inches smaller than you))=-=-

-=-=((@White Shamrock,
@Yappi, and @Enmyira))=-=-

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"I dont bother with that kong-fu stuff, i just go with standard fighting experience"

@White Shamrock
Keon would raise a eyebrow and jump forward and would spin around to face her he would get into a low combat stance and his calf would tense up slowly.
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