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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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The child uses the bat to take down more, the kid then brings out two knives cutting the down by the legs. It waves as it yells "Please open the gate, I want to live," the kid chop down another while yelling.

Enmyira Slasher999999999
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Her head titled and she looked up from the scope, seemed there was only one left. The chillin could take it out. She smirked and sat back up. 'Maybe... maybe I should make a signal.. since I'm always up here.. I have a birds eye view. Maybe I'll just whistle..'
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keon would walk outsode and spot the kir, he would bolt for the gate and shoot any walkers near the kid, making it to the gate he would unlock it "GET IN" he would yell @White Shamrock
"Tch.." she murmers and lays back down. She had a rudimentary music box heart kinda stowed away. It got quiet and calm, so she decided to play it. She turned the key on it a few times so it'd play the full melody. After letting it g, the musical chimes and twinkles carried through the air just a little ways. It was a good way to attract z's if you had a way to amplify it. They seemed to love high pitched noises the most.
The kid would grab a small chocolate out of its pocket and put it on Keon's head "That is my thank you, also do you allow pets here," the kid ask not hesitating walking inside seeming unfazed by what just happened.

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keon would walk back inside the manison "yeah i found him at the gate, why do you know him" keon would say observing jason reaction to the kid with slightly narrowed eyes. @White Shamrock
Jason rubs his head "Uhhh no, no not really" he gets up and goes to the kitchen.

The kid smiles at the man as it whistles, a white dog with orange eyes walks up as it pets it "This is Pap, I am fret or back west they called me "Threat," because of my dad, and Sansy" the kid slightly unzips it jacket to reveal a small white, blue eyed cat.



She slowly started humming. The music box's tune died down. Since she was alone she quietly started singing after closing her eyes.

"Of all the money that e'er I had

I spent it in good company

And all the harm I've ever done

Alas, it was to none but me

And all I've done for want of wit

To memory now I can't recall

So fill to me the parting glass

Good night and joy be to you all

So fill to me the parting glass

And drink a health whate'er befalls

Then gently rise and softly call

"Good night and joy be to you all"

Of all the comrades that e'er I had

They're sorry for my going away

And all the sweethearts that e'er I had

They'd wish me one more day to stay

But since it fell into my lot

That I should rise and you should not

I'll gently rise and softly call

"Good night and joy be to you all"

But since it fell into my lot

That I should rise and you should not

I'll gently rise and softly call

"Good night and joy be to you all"

So fill to me the parting glass

And drink a health whate'er befalls

Then gently rise and softly call

"Good night and joy be to you all"

Good night and joy be to you all"

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Threat goes up and sees 2, it walks up while the music was playing and says "Hi thanks for helping me back there," the kid smiles sitting near 2


Jason walked into the kitchen as he cut up more vegetables to plant, Jason saw Keon and asked "Where did you find that kid, if I may ask," he ask in a serious tone.


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I get my senses together after the gunshot,I was lucky that my dumb ass didn't get bitten. I wrap the deep gash on my arm with some gauze and head towards the gunshots.
She flinched and then glared at the kid. "Go back down. The roof isn't for children." She said with an even tone.

@White Shamrock
The kid fold there arms reluctant "No, I was thanking you and you were being a jerk," Threat sits there refusing to go putting its head in its hood.

She got up in one split second and with two strides she kneeling down in front of him. "Down.. before I drag you there myself.." she threatened.
The kid stood right in front "Ok but first," the kid put a chocolate on her head "Mom said to be nice to jerks so I will," Threat sticks its tongue before going out.

She scowls and throws the chocolate after the kid. "Keep it! Chocolate is poision!" She shouted and shook her head. "Kids.." she grumbles to herself as she settles back down.
I walk down stairs to see a small child"hello little lass" "uhh ca I still drink?" I whisper to Jason
The kid smiles "Hi, I am Fret, or Threat whichever you prefer, also what is a lass, it sounds bad," the cat sees the man and hits his leg "That is Sansy, he likes to live in my coat."

Jason rubs the back of his head "Yes just do it outside, don't want the kid drunk," he chuckled.


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I whisper to Jason"thank you" I look at the child" well are you a boy or a girl I can't really tell because lass is for girls and lad is for boys"
The kid tips its head "What is a boy and a girl, I hit my head when I jumped out my moms window, all I remember is my still alive Dad, my now dead mom, where I am from, where I have been, and what I like and dislike, " the kid scratches its head.

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