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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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( xD he probally would but your driving a black jeep and this is a white one xD unless you painted the jeep white 0_0)
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Walking into the city Alex knew what to expect he was used to living the city life but the his apartment was overun by ten of the "fuck faced flesh eaters" as he had grown accustomed to calling them he wouldn't be caught dead going into the city center he knew from experience that place would be the most crowded zombie wise well that and probably the hospital.

His duffel bag was full of food but had almost no water he kept two spare ammo clips in his back pocket to be cautios and a pocket knife in his coat pocket.

"What I wouldn't give right now for some water." He said.
Jason gets up from outside and walks inside still silent. He tried to make breakfast, gave the baby its bottle and sat on the couch thinking to himself.


Amber watched as Jane left the car to talk with a few others that had gotten here. She decided to go outside and check what was so important about the pile of bricks. Amber turned around so her back faced the car door. She then started using her hand to open the door. Success! Amber then slowly got out of the car and took a look at the pile of bricks. Amber saw Keon's dead corpse and didn't really know what to say. It was actually kind of funny when she realized that everyone she meets who isn't in prison has to die. Amber chuckled a bit at the idea, but figured not even she was that unlucky.

CellistCat606 said:


Amber watched as Jane left the car to talk with a few others that had gotten here. She decided to go outside and check what was so important about the pile of bricks. Amber turned around so her back faced the car door. She then started using her hand to open the door. Success! Amber then slowly got out of the car and took a look at the pile of bricks. Amber saw Keon's dead corpse and didn't really know what to say. It was actually kind of funny when she realized that everyone she meets who isn't in prison has to die. Amber chuckled a bit at the idea, but figured not even she was that unlucky.

he sighs "Amber right?" he looks at her
Jason took it and smiles with tears in his eyes, he put it on and said "Keon ya bastard, best leader I have ever had" he walks up to make sure the baby was fine.

@Tessa Roberts

Derek blew a soft sigh as he unholstered his Glock and switched the safety off. "Just a couple blocks, right?" he asked mainly to himself. With Corin at his side, they moved car to car when on the street, switching to corner to corner when they had made it to the other side of the street. Everything was going smoothly as they took turns taking down walkers when they came too close, making sure to keep from drawing the attention of any others. The closer they got to the police station the more the feeling grew in the pit of his stomach. He didn't know why, but he just felt like something bad was to happen, really soon too.

Surely enough though, when they had arrived at the station they were met with little resistance. A few stubborn walkers who knew not the meaning of "personal space". To his approval, all this had been done without the use of their firearms, which was simply a plus in his book. Now with the walkers having been taken care of, Derek brought out his flashlight, shining it around the quiet building. It was disheartening, truly to see a place that was supposed to emit a sense of safety to the public reduced to what it was now. Papers and file strewn about the place, the occasional dead police officer, bullet casings all around the floor as if to tell the tale of the last stand of the men and women of law enforcement here. Derek closed his eyes for a moment, saying a few words in his mind before he put away his gun and fetched a second flashlight from his pocket, clicking it on and handing it over to Corin. "You'll most likely find the showers a room or two away from the main lock up here, which would be back there." he stated as he raised his hand with the flashlight, pointing it towards the area near the back. He then sighed, feeling unsure about letting her look around by herself. "You know what, just follow me, we'll look together." he added as he took the lead once more.

Once they passed the gated entrance it was only a matter of pointing the flashlights a little higher to read the signs. "Holding Cells.", "Booking.", "Latrines.", "Ah, showers. There we are." he listed off the signs, taking a step forward. Just as he did, he felt it. Something took a strong hold of his right ankle, and just as it did he felt the second sensation of something gnawing at his boot. Quickly, he stuck his hand out to push Corin back, struggling to free himself from what would have been the cold and clam-y hands of dead itself. It took a second or two before he ripped away his foot, lifting it and leaning forward with all his weight, sending the same boot down at the base of the creature's head, snapping it's neck. On the outside it may have looked like he had done this many a time before, but deep down he was horrified at the possibility of having become one of those things. "Phew, close call, eh?" he laughed, looking back at his companion. "Well now we know there are a few stragglers." he added, catching his breath before he shook his head and continued towards the showers. "And knowing is half the battle."

Moments later they were in the marked off shower area, and Derek simply turned the hot water knob, smiling as water rained down from the shower head, steaming up as a few second went by. "Well, get to it. Don't know how long it'll last." he gestured towards the shower as he began on his way out to give her privacy. "I'll be out here if ya need me." and with that he left, beginning to loot the bodies of the fallen police officers before he checked out the armory.
the sound of a loud roar would echo all over the prison sending chills down Derek and Corin spines and for their hand to stand on end.
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