- Zodiac - [Inactive]


Watching the Game next to James

Sam nods as James talks about red. "It's got to be hard, to lose someone close to you like that, I hope the guy is okay, losing a son would hurt terribly." He sighs. "I know I'd freak if I lose a family member..." He shakes his head, bringing his mind out of the past, away from thoughts of his older Brother. "Anyway, this game should be interesting." Sam scrambles to change the topic. "You follow any of the local teams? All I know is they have a rivalry."

When the fans for the bears arrive the bleachers go from a relaxed feel to a quite tense one, both sides want to win the first game of the season as a strong start can snowball the team into a strong unbeatable monster.


-Soccer Field-

-Interacting with No One-

Alice was a bit late or more to say missing out most of the warm up but the good part was that she made it on time before the game started. Taking a quick stretch to flex out her body, she ran over to Dominic's side, getting in line with the other group, hearing some snickers and giggles behind her, Alice turned to them and glared, a dark aura surrounded her. The boys who were talking behind her back froze and stopped their doing, Alice rolling her eyes,"Annoying teammates." Alice grumbled softly to herself, her hands turn to a fist, trying to hold herself back from punching them in the face and getting into a fight just before the game even started.

Distracting herself, she examined the place around her, the excitement and tense feeling made Alice feel as if she was being pressured to win no matter what. The other side of the field completely filled with the enemy's fans and on the other side was theirs, among the bleachers was a certain red head and familiar hat, raising her hand up, she waved to them though with her short size, only her hand could be seen among the taller boys, Alice pouting at her height,"These guys are too tall. Maybe if I chop off their legs than I'll be taller." Alice thought, gruesome it may sound but a pretty good idea to let them understand her pain except without legs or feet to walk.

Seems she was pretty ready to beat anything, a strange sense of power flow through her,"Seems we'll be winning for sure." Alice thought. With the help of Tyrik's powers and Alice's already boiling fire, the game could get quite interesting, Alice ready to take down anything even if it got in her way, she'll just smash through it.
"You follow any of the local teams? All I know is they have a rivalry."

"The same goes for me. I know fairly well how to play that game, even if it HAS been a while since I last played. Apart from that, I know little about the sport. I just tend to watch the games our school plays."

This guy seemed nice, James thought. Plus he was very new, so James could sort of act like a mentor for him, showing him the school, and where he needed to go. That would certainly win him his trust...

"So, how well do you know the school so far? Are you making it to lessons on time, and such?"

|Old City|


From the main street of the ruins of this earthquake ravaged metropolis, a blue portal opened. In the quiet of this abandoned city the violent arcs of what mimicked electricity echoed through the atmosphere. When it closed a main in business attire appeared, book in hand. Dario was here to find something and it appeared his tome lead him here. The air was littered with dust, debris, and what looked like dead leaves. In the concrete and asphalt weeds grew from below and waywardly sprouting trees sprouted from the cracks, attempting to inch toward the sunlight. This city was huge. From where the eye could see all there was were buildings. Stories tall. They all appeared to be commerce, once serving a purpose but now abandoned by fallout. This husk of a once seemingly prosperous city was rendered to naught. Forgotten to the point of never being mentioned, not even by the current Brookfield populous. As for Dario, he was a survivor of the earthquake incident. As he turned his body to scan the area he noticed that some buildings were missing their roofs. Some toppled. Some de-rooted trees planted by city workers lying dead along what used to be the sidewalks. This place appeared to be completely devoid of life, and incapable of harboring human life without repair. Though, something else lurked here. Dario started his search, taking slow cautious steps. Hollows could be as sneaky as they were unpredictable, and needless to say dangerous. Dario kept his eyes peeled for anything out of the ordinary. Paranormal if you will. An abandoned utopia such as this could make for a perfect place for things like Hollows. Room to leap about freely and also cover to sneak about in. But Dario picked up something more than your mere run of the mill Hollow. Something more sentient. Stronger was at play here. With sentience, came sense, and with sense, cunning. A Hollow like this would prove well for Dario's on growing collection...

...Moments passed and the city was quiet. Almost peculiarly so. The book didn't lie, it was picking up something. It's been giving off a strong glow as if something was right on top of him this whole time. His travels led him into an alleyway between an old flower shop and a vitamin shoppe. As Dario continued the book didn't appear to change the intensity of its glow. It wasn't hiding. "I'm being watched. Though this book can't tell me an exact location it only envisioned this general area. Helpful, but there's the drawback. I'm cluelessly loitering in their territory." As he spoke to himself he heard a noise in the distance. The sound of something cracking. Like the snapping of wood. "Slipped up, mmm?" Dario pointed his index and middle finger at the source of the noise. His hands was positioned to mimic the appearance of a gun. The space around his fingertips caused a faint ripple. Like the air became water. From the center of the ripple fire a clear, pellet shaped shot. It traveled at an incredible speed. Possibly faster than the speed of a bullet. As it made contact, a very tiny black hole was created and from it sprouted black particles. The particles sucked into the black hole and like that: Kaboom. A violent crack sounded off as space attempted to reconstruct itself. All of this happening within a split second. The explosion was powerful enough to send any objects within blast radios flying and damaged beyond repair. The wall of the flower shop had been burst into, causing the roof to cave in. Dust blew from the old wood and debris as it all came crashing down. The amount of dust was almost blinding. "Managed to move. But it should now see that I know it's here." Before Dario could turn around and keep moving, a silhouette had leaped from the cloud of dust. The dust trailing off it's body and into the air. It spun twice before throwing its clawed hands down towards Dario, carelessly lunging into the man. "Here I thought you would've been smart." Dario began to levitate into the air and black particles had collected into his form before a powerful boom had let loose from his body. The explosion roared from Dario, it's sheer force obliterating windows and blowing the adjacent walls inward. The Hollow was thwarted back from the shockwave and thrown back into the street. It rose back on its feet. Its shape looking humanoid, now that it is within light. Now that it can be seen this Hollow appeared to be Derek. One of the students from Armstrong. Him untimely end came for him by another Hollow as well. Whisking back into the street, Dario approached his target. "You're the Hollow the book is going haywire over. I know you're capable of common sense. So I suggest you disarm yourself and come with me. You've got a better purpose than wallowing in this... Waste." Dario sneered, looking about the carnage. Derek started laughing. It started off in an amused tome and slowly devolved into something maniacal. "You kidding me!? I've got my own world out here! No people, no nothing! I can finally enjoy some quiet." His voice began to crack. The insanity could be heard more and more as he rambled on. Although, Dario could care less about Derek's idle musings. He simply wanted another hand in his "army." He gazed stoically a Derek as he continued to go on about how great life is now that he lost sanity. "The ramblings of a madman. I thought I could reason but, never mind it. I've only got until 11am. I've a meeting to get to." Derek growled, frustrated at Dario's arrogance. "You don't get me? You don't get it huh? Living life by some moral code! Well I've got a few... Friends. Nyehihihihihi~hahahahahahah!" On cue, a group of other mindless humanoid beings leaped from the windows of broken down buildings and car wrecks from around the two. They hissed and growled at Dario, attempting to intimidate the man. Dario simply sighed. He's dealt with Hollows far too much to be scared by something like this. "Heard it before." A flash of light sparked from his eye and from underneath Derek's Hollow posse, the asphalt and dirt began to spiral into a sinkhole. Like a flushing toilet. As they frantically tried to save themselves Dario closed the sinkhole and buried the Hollows alive. In a asphalt grave. Derek looked behind him, in awe that his posse had been rendered useless. "N-No! You can't ju--" A burst of atoms erupted from Derek's stomach. Launching him into the air. Then another, and another, and another. Dario had began firing his bullets into Derek and juggled him into the air. After Derek's face began to lose expression, Dario ceased his punishment and let the Hollow fall flat on its face. After the endeavor, Dario fixed his tie and walked up to the unconscious Derek. Tapping him with the tip of his shoe to see if he's still receptive. "Done? Now that's one down, three to go according to you." Dario peered down at his dimmed tome.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf5703ae6_Abraxasedit.png.5876ced7070395e2c8cdd7ccb34b555d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19430" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf5703ae6_Abraxasedit.png.5876ced7070395e2c8cdd7ccb34b555d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Abraxas Nine

?Dorm Room?

?Unavailable ?

The girl had long since collapsed upon her bed, arms conjoining on her forehead as if a rotated crosshair. The number of bags had grown within the room, suggesting additional luggage had made it's way to this distant place.
"Damn them all..", her voice muttered again and again, a slight fit of insanity settling in. Like this, her nerves felt all but destroyed, incapable of allowing her to proceed the normal school life for the past number of days. "Every last one of them.", her mumbling continued, not even a stir of motion taking to her body as she laid there. Though, as time commenced and the same curses flowed from her lips, a slight discomfort of the situation was evident. As her voice grew more and more hoarse from the hours of maddening whispers, it all came to a cease. Instead, her lips hung open, as if resisting the urge to cry in pain, teeth clenching as she attempted to calm herself. A familiar stream revealed itself from below her arm's protection, silently running down her face before hiding within the shadows of her bangs once more.

" We were supposed to be free.... not bound by loose chains." To think that even here they could reach her, even here they would watch her. There would never be a safe moment, never a time that allowed them to be certain. "To send a bastard dog..", her mind flashed in remembrance of the man's face. A twinge of pain revisiting her arm, quickly forcing a twitch as she attempted to protect the fragile skin where a needle had marked, but only for a second. It was a saddening thought, to think that even the school would allow those people to ambush her within her new home, allowing them to continue their tests on her condition. It was within the first day that her mental image of 'freedom' was shattered by those men, still rendering her incapable of facing the new prison known as school. Not even a defined schedule was given for their visits, all she knew was they would randomly come to 'check up on her'.

Within a moment, the girl's tension seemed to release, her face softening as if letting go of the madness. A ruby eye even came to meet the ceiling as her arm move away, allowing the dim light from the window to greet her once more.
"It's unfair,... isn't it?", Abraxas's innocent voice broke the air, her frame lightly turning in order to allow herself to stare at the empty side of the bed. Only seconds would pass before her eye drifted once more, this time towards her feet, a saddened hue gnawing away at the spirit hidden within that eye. But she allowed a fake smile to rest on her lips, not allowing complete sadness to settle within the room. "Can we forget?..", her voice became even softer, attempting to soothe her mind that so desperately craved the insanity within. As time gave way to the future, Abraxas slowly pushed herself up, momentarily hanging her feet off the bed before actually leaving it, as if one last thing was attempting to hold her back. "Just for today...?", the question extended, holding to it's previous intentions as she turned to look once more to the empty bed. "Time.. we can enjoy... It needs to be cherished.." Her head tilted lightly to the side, resting in the position for a matter of seconds before straightening back to normal with a content nod.

Abraxas desired to leave the room, if only for a little while, perhaps by chance they would find a new 'safe' place. Though this would be her home, she still wished to find somewhere that
their hands simply could never go. "I heard the school was closed..", her voice was again filled the air, just as she was slipping on her shoes. It was obvious that this statement was used simply to remove the previous air by replacing it with a new given topic. "I wonder... what might have happened.", though it was a random thought tree, she was rather curious, but still the other thought had a way of wiggling back into her head. "We have been absent for awhile..", it was mildly disappointing, seeing as she always dreamed of partaking in a normal school environment. However, with 'their' eyes still watching, she would perhaps never get to live that freedom.

She came to leave the dorms completely, allowing the distance between her and that room to grow. If fate would allow it, she would spend the remainder of the day out and about.
"Out here is better....", finally her shy, pure smile returned to resting upon the corners of her lips. The air was far fresher out here as opposed to that room where a thick level of despair seemed to take place. Then again, she never expected her own bed to be used as a medical table. "So... what will we do today?"



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|Takumi Manor|

|Shun's Father, Daichi : Alfie|

The Adoption: Part 2

"The lunch you requested for the young sir."

Geoffrey spoke his purpose as he stepped into the study with a small portable table in one hand, and Alfie's meal in his other. After preparing the proper setting as swiftly as possible, the elderly butler gave a small bow toward both parties before departing back to the duties from whence he came.

Despite the boy's growling stomach, Alfie did not make a move toward the food, and it wasn't until Daichi continually urged the boy forward, that he finally gave in to the hunger which pained him.

"Young man, please enjoy the food. While you eat I will talk, and perhaps you shall come to understand the sentiment of my wife and I."

Reaching into one of his desk's drawers, Daichi retrieved a photo that he slid forward so that the boy could see the familiar face of Shun frowning back at him.

"I'm sure you recognize this boy from Jessica's academy. He was once my son, until the day he chose to forsake his parents love several years past.

Now I'm sure you must be wondering what we had done to cause such a traumatic event to occur in both parties lives, yet the answer to that thought is quite simple... A difference in ideals split us apart.

What we wished for in our son was an heir who held the burning desire to fulfill the dreams which fueled his goals, but rather, we were left with one who became lost without hope.

Look around you; look at the paintings which line the walls; the sculptures which display their artist's craft. Look at this house of art in all of its glory. This is the life I offer to you. This is the answer to the dreams which I see burning from your soul."

Pausing his speech to let the words sink into the boy's mind, Daichi patiently bode the time with a simple observation of the young boy's contemplation until he finally chose to continue his words.

"Perhaps you may think of me as selfish for giving up on my own flesh and blood, but this is a house of perfection. In his parent's eyes, the boy is still dearly loved by the both of us, and even with our differences, we would gladly welcome him back if he so desired.

With that said, please don't misunderstand, dear boy. You are not a replacement for what Shun once was. You are your own entity with your own dreams, and it is in our best interest to further you to that which you desire. We do not expect you to refer to us a mother and father, but we hope you can come to recognize yourself as a proud and loved member of the Takumi family."

Rising from his seat, Daichi walked over to Alfie's side where he gave the boy a smile and a gentle pat on his shoulder as a signal to rise with him.

"Our small talk is over, so I suppose its about time you see your room within the mansion. If anything is not to your liking please call for Geoffrey, though I imagine everything will be perfection given your love of the arts."
Akira had been in a state of disengagement almost the entire time she was at the café, enjoying the parfait she’d received from the kind Hoshino. Things were going extremely swell for her. For a time, she’d zoned so much that she closed her eyes and sat in an almost statue like state, completely disregarding the existence of the rest of the world. Eventually, she was snapped back into reality by the shouts of a select few people nearby. A boy was yelling. Then there was a loud crash, and then the jingling of the door as it opened. Akira stood, examining the already gossiping people within the café. She left her tip and exited.

I don’t quite need much excitement today…” She thought.


Watching the Game/Talking to the con artist

Sam nods as James starts asking about how well he knows the school. "I'm doing alright, Alice showed me the key places around the school, and I've managed to figure out most of the other places around here by myself." He laughs. "I wouldn't be able to show somebody around though, not for a few more days."He laughs as he sees a small hand appear and wave to them from the home team's huddle. He waves back and speaks again. "I'm going to assume that's Alice, everyone else on the team is tall enough to be visible." He pauses to think for a moment. "So how long have you been here at this school?"







| Afternoon |

| Wednesday |

| September 25, 2014 |

| Behind ASH |

| The Soccer Field |

There were a few minutes remaining before the game was to go underway. Within that time, the two teams merely stared each other down. The game-plans were already issued to both teams, now all that was left was simply waiting. Dominic glanced off to his side, seeing Alice just as ready as he was. The entire team shared that energetic feel, the desire to win. Fans of the Ghouls - Brookfield's Soccer team, cheered on even as they stood idle. It dawned on Dominic that the south was a sports-heavy section of America, yet Brookfield lacked an actual, official sports team of their own. For them, The Ghouls were their official team.

At last, the referee made his move, declaring that the games would begin now that the time was right and both teams were ready. The whistle blew, and at that moment, everyone was off.

| ASH |

| Infirmary |

Nexus kept his optics honed on Hotaru, not immediately picking up visual injures, thanks to her physical protest. Nonetheless, the grip marks and slashes were eventually spotted on her person as she made way for the door. Turning back towards the bed, Nexus would have printed the required material onto the stained bedsheet. Stitches, bandages, and things of that nature. That was when Nexus came to address Farra after completely forgetting about her request. "I don't have arms, so you will need to tend to Ms.Nakamura." The bot felt it's work was done for the most part. It couldn't hold the girl down, nor could it administer the stitches. Upon that being clear, Nexus faded from sight in that electrical field it came from.

| Downtown |

| Near Cafe Maria |

"A favor in payment for your knowledge has now been given, Bastion."

All that could be heard from Shun's end was a light scoff of amusement. Bastion lacked the ability to reveal himself like the other Zodiacs. He was bound to being a mask stowed away in one of Shun's compartments. Despite that fact, he witnessed the cracking of Shun's sanity as well as anyone else in that Cafe. This feeling is all too familiar. Bastion stated. It was the feeling of betrayal. In Shun's case, by Ashlei, one who he had allowed so close to his own heart. The two were sappy - almost too sappy for Bastion's sake, but happiness was accepted in all it's forms.

Now, Shun was experiencing a situation much like Bastion's own in his lifetime. The outrageous acts of family who lack logical reasons for doing said acts. Growing up in a way that's not your own, forced to live a life that's unsuitable to you. I'm starting to see a pattern here. Then again, this was one of the reasons why Bastion chose Shun.
"Well, technically, I've been here since the start of this year, however after only a couple days, I uh... fell ill. I only got back a short while ago, so I'm not that experienced in this school, although I know everything you need to pretty well."

James wished he could tell someone what happened. it was so weird, so... unnatural, that he felt weird to even talk with someone like Dominic about it. He only had a vague guess that a hollow had killed him, and had absolutely no idea how the hell he came back. He needed to know, though. he would have to tell Dominic, or Damian, maybe Shun, or one of the girls...

|Heirophant's Manor|



Cecilia's arrival in Heirophant's Limbo was met with a unexpected sight as the castle she once knew was reduced to quite a pitiful state of existence. As she approached the tower which had become a pile of blocks, a sly smile came to the small girl's face as she decomposed the rubble's entirety leaving only the threads of stone which were promptly collected by Gom.

"You need to repair your own world, Heiro."

Projecting an image of a teddy bear to her own, Cecilia turned to continue her walk toward the main hall of the castle all while her bear began constructing a giant stone teddy bear statue in the place of the tower that once proudly stood.

As she approached the front door and realized its locked state, the spirit let out a sigh of annoyance as she raised her hand and decomposed a Cecilia sized hole which she promptly stepped through before repairing the damage she had caused.

"Your taste in design has fallen as much as your throne."

Cecilia's sarcasm was met with a fit of her own giggles as she approached her spiritual acquaintance with several excited waves. Extending her arm forward, the girl decomposed the existence of Heirophant's throne before reconstructing it from the ground up as to prevent the other spirit from falling to the ground. Unlike the tower outside, the throne retained its original design with the exception of the small bear on the head of the throne and the two lollipops towering on either end of its back.

"Your threads are twisted, Heirophant. Whether you choose to believe so or not, your actions cannot be hidden from the other spirits without suspicion arising."

Gone was the joking tone in the girl's voice as she on looked the opposing spirit with a serious expression very unlike her usual childish expression. As Gom, who had completed his construction work, reappeared by his master's side, Cecilia reached down his throat to retrieve a particular set of threads before manifesting her usual tattered chair which she promptly slumped herself into, and awaited Heirophant's response.
Poof went a part of his castle and through the hole came Cecelia. An unexpected visitor. She began reconstructing his castle and furnishings without his permission. Fashioning them into childish decor. As much as this aggravated the Zodiac he showed reserve. As picking on Cecelia's bad side would just unnecessarily spill bad blood in the future. She dropped her childish jest and started to go about business. She was curious as to whatever Hierophant's intentions were, as he expected anyone with half a brain to pick up on. "Hm." Hierophant stood up from his teddy bear throne whilst deconstructing the eye sore. Blue lightning danced around the throne and its structure was reduced to cubes, shifting like a puzzle. As they congregated and took a sphere form, it shot forward turning into a nine inch nail. It blasted by Cecelia's neck and pierced into the wall behind her. This was Hierophant's little gesture of anger. "Mind you not what I'm doing. I'm simply gathering Hollows and quarantining them. Any sin in getting rid of a continuous problem?" Hierophant stepped towards Cecelia. As he grew closer his massive frame towered over the girl, casting her in his shadow. "Now. What do you really want? You're never cut and dry with what you want." Hierophant barked.



"Your eyes will pass off fine, just don't start messing with my threads of what I would assume to be my existence."

Shun was gazing upon Hoshino's eyes with curiosity as he used her zodiac's words and actions to partially understand the ability she was given. Cecilia had mentioned a collection of threads, and even more specific, threads of his blood. Having watched the flow of blood literally cease to exist, interpreting the girl's power as some form of existence manipulation via threads, similar to the Fates of Greek mythology, was the only possible explanation Shun could surmise with such limited information.

"Though, I must say your power must be a nuisance to use, and your spirit...She seems to be a handful."

Shun began chuckling at his own words, but the sudden explanation of Bastion distracted him from reality and left him focused on his thoughts rather than the world around him.

I suppose we are far more similar than I originally expected, Bastion. Though I must correct your thoughts. The only betrayal came from the pieces of shits that are my parents. Human nature as well as we both know is selfish, and Ashlei did only what was best for her at the time. Naivety must not be confused with the conscious decision to act.

Satisfied with his answer for Bastion, Shun returned his attention to the girl at his side with a small smile that he sent her way. Checking the time on his phone, Shun noticed just how much of the day had passed in what seemed to be such a short time, and he couldn't help but wonder whether Hoshino was fine to be talking to him.

"Weren't you working today? Are you sure your fine being out here rather than there?"

|Heirophant's Manor|



Having read the threads of Heirophant's existence prior to his actions, Cecilia was hardly surprised by the transformation of his throne into the nail which flew past her neck and caused a small stream of blood to flow down her neck from the minor injury she sustained. As she lazily ran her hand against her neck to repair the damage done, the spirit let out a bored yawn as her opposition chose to direct the conversation against her, rather than shed light on his secrets.

"Intimidating an innocent little girl are we? Manners, Heiro, manners."

Reaching down Gom's throat once again, Cecilia retrieved another handful of threads that she let fall to the ground where they began merging into the chair and raising its height to be on par with Heirophant's massive frame. Suddenly able to peer directly into the spirit's eyes, the small girl gave him an innocent smile before addressing her opposition's confrontation.

"But please, you are a smarter man than this...Balance, Heiro. Balance is what I want.

You might try and pass off your innocence successfully to the other zodiacs; however, the threads of existence don't lie. I won't further question your motives out of respect for our talents as manipulators, yet I warn you this. Collecting hollows is unnatural and will affect the balance of both worlds.

Don't forget, no matter how strong you might see yourself; your greatest plan can still be your greatest downfall."

Cecilia snapped her fingers on both hands causing her chair to explode into non-existence and herself to gently float to the ground where she landed with a graceful pirouette. As Gom manically ran out collecting the spare threads, Cecilia gave Heirophant a small curtsy before turning to eye the nail that was embedded into the nearby wall.

"I'm sure you won't be needing it anymore. Rare materials are after all rare."

Giving the spirit a quick wink, Cecilia deconstructed the nail's existence, collected its threads, and began her exit from the castle, satisfied with the little information she managed to garner.
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♦♥♣♠Between Armstrong High and Central Downtown♠♣♥♦

Akira’s walk seemed to last for only a number of minutes before she was a short distance from the clamoring downtown area. The afternoon had finally arrived and everyone was out, trying to get a good start to either the day’s shopping experience or obtaining the goods that they needed to survive the rest of the week. Not a cloud in the sky, either. Akira still carried with her the umbrella given to her by the boy named Dom not even twenty-four hours prior. She held it up and looked at it, examining it. The thing wasn’t too strange looking, either. Akira decided that very minute to become lax, opening the umbrella to its fullest and hoisting it above the right of her shoulders as though it were a parasol, despite the fact that it didn’t match what she wore, nor did it seem to suit the fancy of others. The child received rather disapproving looks for a moment. It didn’t quite deter her outlook, though. She felt regal; exotic, almost! She stared above what the umbrella didn’t cover of the sky as it blocked out the sun that she didn’t want in her eyes.

Quite the wonderful day out…” She thought. Her mind soon turned to the parfait she still had in her left hand. It was beginning to look even more appealing, now that she was walking. She hadn’t finished it, and the ten dollars that she’d left on the table was a bit extra for a tip. “That girl I spoke to” She recommenced her thoughts… “Hoshino… I saw her with Dom that day, as well as the blonde haired girl, who’s also friends with the boy I met yesterday, Sam. Now that I think of it, in class, they have many more friends. They must have a fairly large circle for every student I’ve met to have at one point or another, known and befriended each other. And they all seem to be centered around that Dom boy and his friend with the glasses and brown hair. And a whole bunch of girls. Even back at home, I don’t recall having that many people to refer to as friends. And yet, if this is to be true, then that can very well mean that almost all of the people I’ve spoken to and or of, excluding Sam, are involved with their disappearance during the storm one way or another.

♦♥♣♠Outside the Armstrong High Soccer Field♠♣♥♦

She looked around to see her location. She was once again near Armstrong High, headed for the area near the large lake that she’d been gazing at a few times in her dorm. Without warning, there was the sound of a whistle being blown nearby, followed by the cheers of a vast amount of people. Akira turned to see what the commotion was all about, to see two assortments of people lined in a certain fashion across the school’s soccer field, both posts behind either arrangement of said students. This could only have meant one thing: That a soccer game was about to occur. Akira looked at her nearly empty parfait in the plastic container, once again returning to her thoughts for counsel.

I wonder if I… should go and have a look! I am one for school spirit, after all. It might be a good middle ground to a peaceful day, even if it is filled with people screaming in my ear over which team wins.” She turned and began walking toward the field, entering the area and looking upon the bleachers to see if there were any familiar faces. There were none that she could see, so she simply walked through the clamoring crowds whispering the occasional “excuse me” and “pardon, ma’am/sir” that she could muster before sitting in the middlemost area of the bleachers. There were no familiar faces to be seen at the time. Akira never was one to quite understand sports, but she loved seeing just what could be made of them. A person enjoying a bit of competition was never a trouble for her. Hopefully today would be yet another of those days. It was then that she looked to the side and saw Sam talking to the boy of crimson hair whom she'd also seen outside the billboard of the school!


Talking to James/Akira.

Sam nods as James explains his absense. "There's quite a few people new to the school this year huh? I wonder if that's abnormal." After chatting a short time Sam turns to see Akira. He waves to her. "Hey Akira! Come to see the game too? Our guys seem to be doing well huh?" He says with a smile. "So what brings you to the game? I didn't think you the type of person to enjoy this sort of thing." He laughs. "I'm only here because Alice and Dominic are playing, gotta support your friends you know?" Sam also likes the energy in the crowd, the tense feeling combined with a sort of excitement for whatever might be coming. There was a happy feeling in the air, as neither side had yet scored both sides were waiting for a big play to be made before going wild. Sam returns his attention to Akira. As much as Sam wants to talk about yesterday, he doesn't want to risk it with James right beside him, he hopes Akira understands that much.
"Well, it's only due to the crappy paperwork that happened, that all you new people joined so late. I suppose that must have sucked, waiting for a school to accept you, with nothing to do."

The game, so far, was going on without much happening. Each side had a try at scoring every now and then, but so far, to no avail. He could see Alice having trouble occasionally when it came to seeing over the much taller boys' heads, and she had to either peer over their shoulders, or move and look around, to find out what was happening. Poor her, he thought. Then again, he'd seen her Zodiac powers in action. She appeared to possess incredible strength, which would probably make her a lot better at the game than people would expect. Hopefully, though, she'd show a little restraint, as it would be a bit undesirable for people to start asking questions.

Then, Sam greeted a girl he called Akira. James had seen her once or twice in the school, but never met or talked to her.

"Hey, I'm James" he said to her in greeting.


Watching the game

Clark slowly sipped at the cold bottle of water while he waited for the game to start. Although he had a decent amount of knowledge of the sport he wasn't sure how good either team was so couldn't judge who would win. But even if either team was bad it didn't mean the better one would win. As Clark glanced down he noticed Sam a row in front of him. At first Clark thought of talking to him and asking about the group project as he still didn't know what they were doing for it because of the power cut messing up their plan to meet up at the front gates and discuss it. However, he changed his mind. If he could excuse himself from working on the project then he would. Clark leaned back in his chair and continued to watch the game. Every so often his thoughts would drift back to his nightmare; he couldn't stop thinking about it. It was a thought that continued to linger in the back of his mind. Clark sighed as he thought about what happened in it again. He still couldn't figure out why he of all people saw that. Clark wished he could ask someone for help or their insight on the matter but he didn't want to risk looking insane.

Clark remembered the night he had the nightmare when everyone was attacked by what looked like hell hounds or something of the sort. People that he saw in it seemed to have had experienced it as well. Maybe it was the same thing or at least connected, except that Clark saw no other people there except those that were Japanese and some of them were killed. Clark was now completely distracted from the game now and his thoughts were solely focused on what happened last night. He didn't realise but he had quite a concentrated look on his face. Once again he thought of a question in his, wondering if he would get a response from someone or something. Who are you? He thought to himself. Wondering if he'd get an answer this time or if he was just going mad.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf5929413_HoshinoShiromiyaIcon(2).png.cd292396cb73b240e09c059249003e9a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19519" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf5929413_HoshinoShiromiyaIcon(2).png.cd292396cb73b240e09c059249003e9a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

.::Hoshino Shiromiya::.


~With Shun~

Hoshino shook her head rapidly at the thought of messing with someone of the living's threads. "O-Oh, no! I wouldn't dare!" She protested immediately. Not only was she not a fan of the thought of manipulating another living being, she was also forbidden to do so to begin with. She could only imagine how Cecilia would punish her if she did that. With pursed lips, she couldn't help but wonder why she chose her if she disliked her so much. Would it kill her to be a little nice to me? She thought to herself, and let out a sigh afterwards. After the small silence between them was broken with Shun's statement, Hoshino's crimson eyes were locked back on him, and they seemed to question him for a moment. "Nuisance?" She echoed, and she pressed her index finger against her lip in wonder. "I wouldn't call it that," Hoshino began with a soft smile.

"Though Cecilia doesn't appear to like me much, and she can be a little.." Hoshino trailed off, unable to find the proper word to describe her. So, she settled with, "Inimitable," with a laugh, "I feel a little special. I mean, she gave me this gift, after all," Hoshino began. As she began recalling all the gifts she's ever been given in her life time - other than Coco - this was the best and most wondrous of them all. "It's a little hard to handle, but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it. I just wish I knew what I was given these powers for.." She trailed off, her gaze shifting away for a moment as she wondered. I really hope it isn't for some sinister purpose.. She thought, holding back a shiver as she did so. Hoshino didn't quite know if she could say no to Cecilia, but she would absolutely hate to be asked to do something devilish.

"Weren't you working today? Are you sure your fine being out here rather than there?" His words brought her back to reality, and Hoshino gasped in surprise. "Oh, yeah!" She completely forgot. Geez, when Zodiacs were mentioned, she just let her mind fly. "Though, she did say I was on break," Hoshino shrugged. She wondered if she was going to be working the morning shift only, though. "I suppose I should go back then," Hoshino began, though she felt a slight reluctance to leave for some reason. She looked back at Shun for a moment, her crimson eyes glistening as they searched his. "I'm glad you're feeling better," she stated, smiling warmly up at him before holding Gom close to her torso again cutely. She resembled a doll herself with her cafe uniform on - her matching eyes and teddy bear only added to the look.

~Cafe Maria~

~With Cassandra~

"Bye, Shun!" Hoshino called out as she began jogging her way back to the cafe. Cassandra was cleaning up after the rush, for the afternoon rush wasn't as large as the mornings. She heard the little bell of the door chime as Hoshino walked in, and she almost seemed to want to greet her for a moment. "Welco--Oh, it's you," Cassandra laughed out of slight embarrassment. "Thanks for helping out this morning," she spoke with a grateful smile. "You did more than any other employee would, and working the mornings is the toughest. Did you know that guy who caused the commotion?" She asked, glancing over at her as she wiped a table down. "U-Um, yeah," Hoshino stammered for reasons unknown to her. "He's.. Well, I know him from school," she stated, forcing a small, yet believable, smile upon her face.

Cassandra smirked in a downright devious way, and Hoshino could tell that some teasing was about to be bestowed upon her.
"From school, eh? Is he your crush or something?" She spoke in a devilish tone, and Hoshino blushed madly. "N-No! Gosh, what's with all this crush talk?" She spoke, flustered and embarrassed. She felt like a little kid. Hugging Gom close to her once more, she pouted stubbornly and refused to meet Cassandra's gaze. It was when Cassandra came up closer and looked at her face that she noticed her red eyes. "Wow, those are some nice contacts!" Cassandra spoke in surprise. Hoshino swallowed roughly. "You put them on while you were out, huh? Nice touch! They look great with the uniform!" She spoke enthusiastically. "You're going to bring us a lot of business there~" She winked cutely.

"Next time, no matter the reason, you shouldn't be gone for too long, though. I'm sure Maria wouldn't be too happy about it," Cassandra began with a nervous rub to the back of her head. "Though, she's pretty nice and understanding. Given the circumstances, I'm sure you'd be forgiven," she stated, and she put an index finger over her lips in a shushing fashion. "I won't tell, though~ You can count on me," Cassandra stated, which got a sweet giggle out of Hoshino. "It won't happen again," she spoke with honesty and sincerity, and then began making her way towards the back. "I'm going to go grab my things," she stated, which got a nod out of Cassandra. "Feel free! Your shift is over, anyways." She stated, and then looked at the time. "So is mine! Yipee~!" She declared with joy.

"I'm guessing, due to you being a student, you'll only be working for those few evening hours until close, right?" She began as she walked alongside Hoshino to the girls' locker room. Cassandra, with her overwhelming confidence, just stripped on down and changed into her usual attire of jeans and a plaid button-up shirt. She looked completely different, and she even put her hair up in a messy bun to match. The look was wonderful on her, and it made Hoshino smile. Hoshino was simply going to continue wearing the uniform until she got home, and then she'd change into her lounging clothes. As soon as Cassandra relaxed on one of the benches, Hoshino answered her question. "Yeah, I'll only be able to work on weekdays from around four or five until closing," she stated, which got a nod out of Cassandra.

"Alright, well your schedule will probably be a little something like this: evenings on weekdays, and mornings or afternoons on weekends. That is, unless you have a day off." She told her with a smile. "I'm sure I'll be seeing you around," she stated, and then got up from her seat. She handed Hoshino her share of tips, too. "I'm sure Maria will call you with your official schedule or email it to you. Be ready for tomorrow!" She called out as she left the locker room, and then Hoshino was all by herself once more. With a smile and a content exhale, she gathered all of her things and also made her way out. "Bye, everyone!" She spoke to the arriving waitresses and cooks. They all waved kindly at her, and Hoshino realized just how close-knit the staff was. She felt lucky to be hired, as well as to have received such a warm welcome.


~With No One~

As she walked home, she counted her share of tips. It was then that she realized that Shun forgot to take back the forty dollars he left on the table for them. "Oh crap," Hoshino thought out loud with a sigh. She simply stuffed the money in a zipper pocket in her wallet, vowing to return it to him tomorrow if school was open again. Not counting that money, her tips came out to about the same amount. Forty dollars, just from the morning alone. With a gleeful smile, Hoshino couldn't help but burst out into a sweet fit of giggles. They liked me! She thought, unable to contain her euphoria. With that, she continued to walk on down the way back to Brookfield Settlements, enjoying the sound of downtown as she did so. She paid close attention to the threads all around her as she walked, noticing all of the various patterns.

"It's so beautiful," she thought her thoughts out loud. It was almost like her world was made of nothing but crimson threads.



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The Library

Interacting with no one


Damian had left her alone to ponder her actions. Maybe, and only maybe did she start to regret what she had said. But Nikky wasn't one to admit her mistakes, acknowledge yes, but admittance was something she refused to do. So she carried onto the library paying the boy no more mind; the jerk. He even had the gull to use Hotaru as an example. She marched towards the library her foot falling to an unexpected beat in her head. She blinked for a bit and paused when Damian had left she realized she was alone now. And without another soul to converse with, Nikky began to notice a few things,

1.) A man sneezing.

2.) A baby crying with a mother trying to confort it.

3.) An obnoxious phone ringing.

4.) The sound of a cat scratching at a door.

But here was the thing, none of what she heard was actually there. In fact, many of the things she heard she was quite sure were far away. Her ears were like a transmitter picking up random frequencies, but she couldn't tell just where they were all coming from exactly.


Nikky jumped at the sound of a walnut falling onto the concrete before her, she stood there frozen for a minute before a squirrel hurried down the tree to retrieve its treasure then disappear into the safety of the tree branches. Elijah's words went in one ear and out the other, all she wanted to do was get away from all the noise. So she headed for the library.

There was definitely something different with Nikky as she looked for books. Maybe it was that unconscious tapping of her foot that drew attention from the librarians causing them to make comments about being quiet. Or the sway of her hips as she lost herself in the thought of a new tune floating in her head. Or maybe the out right whistling that eventually got her shoved out the library all together due to complaining people trying to read. She stood outside the building, clutching her book on
The property of sound waves and Playing instruments for dummies close to her chest. Glad they at least had the courtesy to let her check it out before they made her exit the building. Looking down at the title of The properties of sound waves, she sighed. Her was heart heavy and it was apparent on her face in the off times like this when her social mask slipped. She had hoped something useful or at least interesting would come from the text within. The next thing she needed to do was accquaint herself with the Cello instrument or any instrument for that matter. Nikky tapped her finger on the books in her possession and began walking away from the library, but was immediately hit with a wave of noise coming from every which direction. Nikky abruptly dropped her books on the ground and cringed clutching her ears wanting to peel them off right at that moment. She screamed, but it was for naught. She couldn't even hear herself beyond the massive collection of mixed voices and sounds currently attacking her eardrum. She frantically shook her head and gathered her things before dashing away, she needed to go somewhere. Anywhere, anywhere but here.

Nikky turned the corner to burst through the double doors, an automated bell ringing upon her arrival..

And just like that, the noises stopped and the tear stained girl leaned her shoulder onto the wall sliding down to the ground clutching her head in her hands. As if afraid that if she let go, her cranium would just roll away or burst. She raised her attention to notice total silence. The clerk looked at her with a worried expression; his hand reaching for a hidden button. People in the line waiting to check out also gave the girl an apprehensive look, some uncertain of what to make of the mess of a teenager, while others sneered at her.


Current location: Convience store

Love, Tapatalk
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Farra sighed. Time to lift up this dampened spirit."Hey, you know what? We should go and watch the soccer game. Would really boost your spirits! No pun intended," she added. Her chipper face gave way to a more serious, dry one. "Seriously," she said. "This isn't like you to be all...sad. It isn't like me to be all nice. So better take advantage of it while you can." Farra placed her hands on Hotaru's shoulders. "You're getting up, even if you don't want to." She hoisted Hotaru up against her will and said to Nexus, "Do you mind...Hotaru needs a new change of clothes. Thank you."
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♦♥♣♠The Soccer Game (Bleachers)♠♣♥♦

Akira looked to Sam and waved, kindly, keeping her umbrella posted above her head to keep the sunlight from her eyes. As usual, it didn’t take long for Sam to have a good number of questions for her.

"Hey Akira! Come to see the game too? Our guys seem to be doing well huh?" He spoke, smiling to her. Her reply was one suitable to a conversation with him, and she even returned the smile, having been enjoying herself for the majority of the day:

Yes! It looks like things are gonna go well for us!

"So what brings you to the game? I didn't think you the type of person to enjoy this sort of thing." He laughs.

Oh! I was out for a walk and felt that it’d be nice to watch a game for once! It’s my last year in high school so I don’t see why not!” She took another bite of her parfait.

"I'm only here because Alice and Dominic are playing, gotta support your friends you know?"

Right! Although I didn’t know that those two were on the soccer team! I hope they do well!” She turned and looked to the field, now looking for them. It had just now dawned on her, although her common sense had told her ages ago, she just didn’t want to be presumptuous, that Dom was in fact a pseudonym for Dominic! Seeing the boy in his soccer uniform confirmed this on her behalf as she looked then for the blonde haired girl, Alice. Seeing her compared to all the other large men was actually somewhat humorous to her. “What a brave girl… I could never even think to attempt such a thing.” She then looked to Sam again, having seen the boy of crimson hair speaking to her, now.

"Hey, I'm James" He said to her in greeting.

Hello, James. I’m Akira! A pleasure to meet you!” She replied. It was common for her to use the term pleasure in terms of meeting someone. It always sounded the most polite to her. It didn’t take long for her to realize that this boy, who was outside the billboard, also had connections to that boy named Dominic. “While here… I wonder if it’d be reasonable to ask Dominic about the events that occurred yesterday. Although I’d hate to be a bother, I must return this umbrella anyway. I felt protected with it in hand, and at the very least he deserves thanks for that. Even if he had nothing to do with it. I also would like to formally meet this Alice girl. Then it’s official. If they win, then he’ll hopefully be in a good enough spirit to tell me what happened. If not… then I won’t ask.



| Afternoon |

| Wednesday |

| September 25, 2014 |

| Behind ASH |

| The Soccer Field |

Uniformed bodies took turns running up and down the field, juiced up on their own energetic aura that they gave one another. The thrill of winning in front of your loved one, winning for your school, family, or simply yourself. It was good enough of a feeling to have the students in a way they were now. The Ghouls and Bears battled intensely, though ever since the whistle blew, it had been one-sided for the most part. The Ghouls - Brookfield's home team - led by a solid three goals to zero. This didn't mean the Bears didn't put up a fight. There were close calls that almost cost the home team a point and a good, passionate lecture by their coach.

When the game finally reached halftime, the two teams split to opposite ends. The Ghouls, for the most part, gathered around their benches and tables. Most of the team members opted in for a cold bottle of water, but Dominic already rid of his. When he glanced at the large digital scoreboard, it clued in that they were doing good. The coach gave them several words of praise while the duration of the break went on. Curious, Dominic went over to Alice to see how she was holding up in her first school game.
"Feeling pumped up like everyone else is?" Truth be told, Dominic was worried everyone would have gotten on Alice for simply being of the opposite sex, but knowing full well the fire she contained, it wouldn't bother her in the slightest. Still, a boy could worry.


Just beside the bleachers, Len kept a close watch on the game and it's inhabitants. The visitors and the players alike. With his body leaned against a steel support of the bleachers itself, his mind wondered.
Whoever had been causing these murders, had to be in the school last night. A blackout doesn't strangle a poor girl to the point of losing consciousness. The blood was obviously manipulated when you know that the owner was a host. It wasn't a concern that was related to the case, as far as Len understood it.

Len's mission was to observe the game. His gut feeling told him that the culprit was someone who liked to pick out their victims. What was a better way of finding their next prey then by watching a Soccer game when everyone's clumped up into one spot? In his mind, Len was prepared for the worst.


-Soccer Field-

-Interacting with Dominic-

The game was on and everyone was everywhere, the two teams collided into a mixed of colors. Alice stood at as one of the guards for the goalie since she thought it was best then being the one kicking the ball. If she was put in there, she may get kicked out in seconds before she even got to make a goal, or even worse, a hole in the net instead. After a few hours, it seemed that they were winning by three to zero. It was a very intense game, the opposing team were pretty good but luckily they managed, somehow.

Soon, it was time for a break, Alice going over to her bag and pulling out one of the water bottles she bought. Secretly, her water bottle had an extra taste to it, strawberry favored with a hint of watermelon that she put into her drink. She couldn't let herself just drink plain water, she needed some sweetness to keep her going, drinking down the water happily, sighing in relief of how fresh and sweet it tasted.

"Feeling pumped up like everyone else is?"

Turning towards the owner of the voice, Alice slowly nodded, not sure how to express her feelings towards this. This was her first game and to be honest, it felt like she was in another world, a better world then those she have been to---Limbo---and she didn't have to worry about anything except winning and keeping her team going,"It's like a disease. Wonder if we'll win." Alice said, moving some strands of her lock away from her face. The sweat on her reminded her of those hardships she had to go through in Judo and Kendo,"It feels like when I was in Judo." Alice said, a grin appeared on her face, being reminded of those times.
Location: Convience store, boop.

Interacting with no one.

While many had at first sneered at her for ruining their shopping experience, they eventually turned their attention back to waiting in line. Brookfield was festering with strange occurances so she expected they weren't all that bothered by a blathering idiot that posed no threat. However, the man at the cash register was still weary her, reaching for some unknown device as she stood up and dusted herself of. She coughed slightly and moved her feet towards the aisles, her only form of cover and her sanctuary to gather herself and bounce back from that strange experience. She leaned her forhead against the freezer section of the store, allowing the cool glass to calm her nerves. She used her sleeve to wipe her face, Elijah? What was that? She stared at the floor, dirty and unwashed. Two books held closely to her person.

The world shall not stop turning just because you don't feel well.

She gathered herself from her dejected looking state and stood up straight, heeding those words. There was no time to mope, she remembered what Elijah had said earlier-

"Hmm... While you're in good hands with me Nikky, he does have a point. Hollows aren't anything to sneeze at. They're pretty ruthless creatures. I'd suggest you get better with using my cello before an attack does happen. They're random and unplanned so it can just... You know. Pop up."

She furrowed her brow as her goal came back to her, she let out a puff of air signifying a light laugh. She took her hand and hit the glass, a light tap. But not satisfying enough, so she hit the glass again a bit harder until she was beating away at a rhythm. It took a lot, if not all, of her will to not allow herself sink into the beat of the music, and tap it out to evolve from a simple beat to a full fledged orchestra in her head. A thought dawned on her, she was so excited to get a means of defending herself and others that it never occured to her that maybe this blessing was also a curse. She wasn't sure where to head off next really, so she wandered around the store catching on and off glances from the clerk.

She came across a mini ukelele as she scoped the area. It was no Cello but it had strings and, she strummed her fingers across the chords, it made sound! She walked up the clerk, feeling obligated to buy something considering the scene she had a few moments ago. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a rumpled 5 dollar bill and some change. The man nodded gave a friendly smiled then sent her out. As she walked out the man called after her,

"Be careful!"

She had already accepted the dangers of death and it's possibilties...

So why?

Why was she so
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Zage chatted with the manager for a bit, occasionally laughing at something funny or listening quietly when the job was being described to her. After a bit of talking she was handed an application and a pen, and directed to a table. She ordered some tea and began working on the application.

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