Five Thousand Club
He looked at her and smiled, speaking more to himself than her, "I'm glad I met you too..." He shoved her a bit and linked arms. "Do you know how to play table tennis? We need a new activity to do since sooomeone doesn't like cartoons"Ameythyst said:Alice stared back into his eyes, but it was a bit too much for her. When he closed his eyes, she turned away, staring at a spot on the wall. She didn't respond to him, finishing up her cookie. The room was silent for a bit, both of them in their own minds, before she broke the silence, "I'm glad I met you. You've been a really amazing friend."
Brooke played with her collar. "Oh no I'm not. But you definitely are. Would you care to join us?" She felt the urge to hug Suzanna and knew it was her power, letting Taylor go so she'd be overwhelmed with the desireDrumonkey said:Taylor appeared next to Brooke and in the micro second he was moving he had changed to a girl and put her arm around Brooke and smiled "You are very pretty."
Fahy looked down and began stammering thanks to the attraction then some fear began to seep up overwhelming the attraction
Connor smiled then raised an eyebrow until he was bitten by Lucas and shook his head slightly worried about this new student's appearance and effects.