Your Average Everyday Lives (Anime)

All of you people are from such awesome places xD I'm from West Virginia. The state kown as the 'kissing cousin' state =_=

I've never met anyone here that's incest lol >.<
[QUOTE="Suzumaki Arakai]All of you people are from such awesome places xD I'm from West Virginia. The state kown as the 'kissing cousin' state =_=
I've never met anyone here that's incest lol >.<

I live in the country known for potatoes and ginger drunk people and teens who drink themsel to oblivion. Worst thing is the latter is true xD I'm one of the five people in my year of 87 students who haven't touched alcohol yet
[QUOTE="Suzumaki Arakai]All of you people are from such awesome places xD I'm from West Virginia. The state kown as the 'kissing cousin' state =_=
I've never met anyone here that's incest lol >.<

Connecticut here. Not much better
[QUOTE="Suzumaki Arakai]Connecticut has a better reputation than WV lol

CT is so expensive to live in. I've been to WV. Wasn't so bad but then again I was only there for like 2 days.
[QUOTE="Leaf Fi]You see, detention's are rarely ever given here ^^ For us, we have a system called 'bad notes', so if you arrive late to class, don't do homework or misbehave, you get a bad note. If you get three in one week then you get break time detention. If you continue that pattern for a week or so, you get after school detention. And if that continues you get suspended and your parents are called. My school is pretty tiny, so it's not too bad, and I just try and be nice to everyone. I do my homework on time and don't talk when I'm not told to. It's more of a fear thing though; if I was yelled at or given a bad note I'd probably cry. I have to live up to the good girl reputation, y'know? I'd get badly teased if I let it slip even once. It happened to my friend, so I don't want it to happen to me... >n>

We have a similar *Note* sytem concerning Homework. if you.."Forget" to do your homework three times in a month, you're in for Dentention, most of the time Friday, after school.

If you then, manage to be sentenced for detention three times in a year, your parents will be notified, by.... let's say a letter. those letters are pretty severe kinds of punishment, you just don't want to receive any of those. BUT! that's not all, there is a actually more severe version of these letters, that are being send once you've done something really bad.

But i totally understand what you mean by that reputation thing. It's the same here, a few girls from my class are a good example for that. I... at least try to act more like an observer, and stay out of things if they don't directly concern me, but it really isn't easy. >_< At least, for me.

[QUOTE="Suzumaki Arakai]All of you people are from such awesome places xD I'm from West Virginia. The state kown as the 'kissing cousin' state =_=
I've never met anyone here that's incest lol >.<

Ehh, Germany really isn't that awesome. xD
BobbyW said:
We have a similar *Note* sytem concerning Homework. if you.."Forget" to do your homework three times in a month, you're in for Dentention, most of the time Friday, after school.
If you then, manage to be sentenced for detention three times in a year, your parents will be notified, by.... let's say a letter. those letters are pretty severe kinds of punishment, you just don't want to receive any of those. BUT! that's not all, there is a actually more severe version of these letters, that are being send once you done something really bad.

But i totally understand what you mean by that reputation thing. It's the same here, a few girls from my class are a good example for that. I... at least try to act more like an observer, and stay out of things if they don't directly concern me, but it really isn't easy. >_< At least, for me.

Ehh, Germany really isn't that awesome. xD
*winces* That sounds really rough... BUT AT LEAST YOU HAVEN'T GOT GCSEs! *drops to the ground and shudders at the thought of them* They're the worst thing in the world...

Nothing really happens here since we're in a small village in the countryside... The most action we ever get is a rare fight or when Halloween comes and people take fireworks to school to sell or set off in the playground. It's terrifying...
In my school, you get detention for whatever the teachers feel like giving you detention for...I got blamed for 'stabbing' the special ed teachers hand with a pen.

All I did was jerk it from her because she tried to take it from me? How is that in any way, stabbing?

And then I got a week of in-school detention because I wouldn't participate in gym activities. I was sick. They even went and got the principle!? Well...I guess you could say I was being stubborn too though.

But most of the things I did in school deserved a punishment.

One time the teacher took my desk from me cause I kept sleeping, so I slept in the chair, she took it from me, so I slept standing up (*^*)

Three times I was suspended for fighting...I didn't even have a reason to fight them.

Then a suspension was for cussing out the teacher.

Another was for leaving school grounds during school...

Don't worry though, not all of these happened in the same year xD
I'm not in special ed though...she got mad at me for hugging my cousin in the hallways? So she was writing me up and I wanted to use my own pen xD but she was determined that I'd use hers.

Yes, incest is illegal lol
[QUOTE="Suzumaki Arakai]In my school, you get detention for whatever the teachers feel like giving you detention for...I got blamed for 'stabbing' the special ed teachers hand with a pen.
All I did was jerk it from her because she tried to take it from me? How is that in any way, stabbing?

And then I got a week of in-school detention because I wouldn't participate in gym activities. I was sick. They even went and got the principle!? Well...I guess you could say I was being stubborn too though.

But most of the things I did in school deserved a punishment.

One time the teacher took my desk from me cause I kept sleeping, so I slept in the chair, she took it from me, so I slept standing up (*^*)

Three times I was suspended for fighting...I didn't even have a reason to fight them.

Then a suspension was for cussing out the teacher.

Another was for leaving school grounds during school...

Don't worry though, not all of these happened in the same year xD

That... That would've been a hell of a year if it all took place in just one! xD

You poor darling though ;^; *huggles*
The bird, when you flip someone off, is derived from West Virginia xD

The sape of your hand when you flip someone off is the shape of West Virginia.
[QUOTE="Suzumaki Arakai]The bird, when you flip someone off, is derived from West Virginia xD
The sape of your hand when you flip someone off is the shape of West Virginia.

Really? That's interesting!
Lol yeah xD literally

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/WVirginiaCo.png.acbc5eec980ca8a06a2ec5e668861d76.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61486" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/WVirginiaCo.png.acbc5eec980ca8a06a2ec5e668861d76.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • WVirginiaCo.png
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[QUOTE="Suzumaki Arakai]Lol yeah xD literally
View attachment 141246

lol. xD

[QUOTE="Leaf Fi]*winces* That sounds really rough... BUT AT LEAST YOU HAVEN'T GOT GCSEs! *drops to the ground and shudders at the thought of them* They're the worst thing in the world...
Nothing really happens here since we're in a small village in the countryside... The most action we ever get is a rare fight or when Halloween comes and people take fireworks to school to sell or set off in the playground. It's terrifying...

General Certificate of Secondary EducationAlright... i googled it. >_<

We do actually have something similar to that. xD
BobbyW said:
lol. xD
General Certificate of Secondary EducationAlright... i googled it. >_<

We do actually have something similar to that. xD
They're living hell... >n < I had to originally do nine of them; so that was nine hour and a half exams added with piles upon piles of coursework that you had to also do within an hour, under supervision at all times. I actually broke down from all the stress, and could only do three >-< So I have to finish them next year or else I might never get a job
[QUOTE="Leaf Fi]They're living hell... >n < I had to originally do nine of them; so that was nine hour and a half exams added with piles upon piles of coursework that you had to also do within an hour, under supervision at all times. I actually broke down from all the stress, and could only do three >-< So I have to finish them next year or else I might never get a job

*Pats her comforting* Wow.. it sounds like living hell.

But Yup, we have something similar to that. in Germany, after passing Elementary school, students continue School by uhh... not really choosing, one of three options. there's a bottom onethe worst, obviously A middle one, and.. uhh, a top one. your grades decide on what you're going to attend.

If you're in the bottom one, prestigious Jobs, are obviously not an option, once you graduate. The middle one's Final Exams, are basically the equivalent to the GSCE you're talking about. and, Graduating from the top one, will give you the Qualification, to attend a University.
BobbyW said:
*Pats her comforting* Wow.. it sounds like living hell.
But Yup, we have something similar to that. in Germany, after passing Elementary school, students continue School by uhh... not really choosing, one of three options. there's a bottom onethe worst, obviously A middle one, and.. uhh, a top one. your grades decide on what you're going to attend.

If you're in the bottom one, prestigious Jobs, are obviously not an option, once you graduate. The middle one's Final Exams, are basically the equivalent to the GSCE you're talking about. and, Graduating from the top one, will give you the Qualification, to attend a University.
*whimpers and cuddles him* Yours sounds horrible too! I just wish they'd drop the whole exam thing... Too much stress isn't good.
[QUOTE="Leaf Fi]*whimpers and cuddles him* Yours sounds horrible too! I just wish they'd drop the whole exam thing... Too much stress isn't good.

I totally agree on that.

I've basically started out at that Middle-Option thing, but transfered over to the Bottom one, after.. i think two years?

Anyway, you do have a couple of ways, of Upgrading your Educational Degree, so i'm planning on doing that, once graduating. ^-^

My real problem is, i don't really know what to do with my life after finishing School. xD i do have a few things in mind, but i'm still not determined what to choose as profession. xD
BobbyW said:
I totally agree on that.
I've basically started out at that Middle-Option thing, but transfered over to the Bottom one, after.. i think two years?

Anyway, you do have a couple of ways, of Upgrading your Educational Degree, so i'm planning on doing that, once graduating. ^-^

My real problem is, i don't really know what to do with my life after finishing School. xD i do have a few things in mind, but i'm still not determined what to choose as profession. xD
I'm in the same position as you then xD I'd like to go into something with writing or acting, but I don't know how successful I'd be, or if I want to go to university... Ugh. So many choices!
[QUOTE="Zero Gravity]Sorry that I haven't been on in a bit! I haven't been getting notifications for this roleplay! >.<


Seriously, The RP's pace has been slow recently anyway, so i'm sure you didn't miss too much. ^-^
Yeah I'm still waiting for it to turn morning haha. All the RPs have haulted it seems. But it's summer so I understand

Also people have lives. Unlike me xD hahaha
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