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Realistic or Modern Your Average Everyday Lives (Anime)

Tomio Takahashi

Looks like Tomio had a new child to care for. "You really are eager, aren't you..." He murmured softly with a much gentler smile, patting Makoto's shoulder. "You could come back when you have some free time, since we're about to close up," Tomio offered in thought before dropping his hand. "And just call me Tomio, okay? I'd rather not have formalities." The man turned on his heel and clapped loudly to gain the attention of the whole café. "I regret to inform you all that we'll be closing up soon! Wrap things up for your masters, please!"


@Everyone at the maid café

((That's okay! I perfectly understand! Sorry for the late reply by the way, I was busy ^^;; ))

Wulf laid his head back and grinned at the ceiling of the cab. Anna's head slowly collapsed on his shoulder. She actually looked peaceful for once. How long would it be before he was somehow falling to the ground due to her shenanigans? Trying not to think about it, he closed his eyes and thought about the events of the day. There was his chance meeting with Ogami, then the murder scene, which sucked. Then there was breaking the news to the girls' friends, that sucked too. But then there was getting drunk off his ass, literally, in public with Tatsuri Anna. Not bad at all. When the cab pulled up to the Housing District, he fumbled for the yen on the meter and a tip. "Come on Tatsuri," he poked her cheek to wake her up.

@Suzumaki Arakai


Togouro's heart was like a hurricane as he strode down the darkened sidewalks away from the arcade. A man stopped him and asked, "Got a light?" to which Togouro responded by grabbing his shirt and growling "Smoking kills!" before shoving the man onto the wall of the arcade. The man fled in terror as Togouro disappeared into the darkness.

(exit stage left)


The maid's sweet demeanor irked him. "Well that depends, do you want to get paid?" he snapped at the girl's question. He made another snooty "Hmph," as he began to straighten his tie and his suit. He would pay in just enough yen for the coffee, no tip, before leaving.

@Vixifeir / (exit stage left)

Maki Noriko

Maki sported a heavy blush, leading the woman to a small seat near the center of the café. "C-can I start you off with something to drink, ma'am?" He asked, pulling out a small notepad accompanied with a ball-point pen. He tucked a strand of his hair behind his ear, giving the other a smile. He was quite used to the flirting, but it still got to him every time. It was just his personality that made him easily embarrassed and flustered. However at the sound of Tomio's call, Maki grew even more flustered. "A-ah! I'm so sorry, mistress! I can still get you something to-go if you like. Or, if you'd like to come back tomorrow, I'll be taking the morning shift. If you come back, I'll make you my first priority!" The small male bowed, his blue eyes wide.

@Lazy Rocktime

Hikaru Ayasegawa

She sure picked a bad time to come here. In hindsight, going to a bar would've suited her better. More alcohol and more eye candy. But what's done is done and she couldn't do anything about it.

"Alright, then," she said as she got up, her voice bearing an exaggeratedly exasperated tone. "But I will be here for you tomorrow, princess." She teasingly kissed the maid's hand and with that, she headed out and took a cab to her apartment. It was always nice to give kids a tease. Hikaru wondered if she would indeed come again tomorrow, but if she did, it would surely be with Shu-senpai.

@Zero Gravity
Tatsuri Anna

Anna furrowed her brow at the touch of someone's finger to her cheek; lifting her head up and opening her eyes, she sees Wulf and gives a big drunken grin.

"Oh, Wulfgang Lichtenstein, how are you? How ya been?" She was slowly making her way out of the taxi, and when she did she looked around and laughed, "Awoah, is that? Is that my house?." Her eyes were shifting back and forth trying to stay focused on one thing but everything was spinning too much.

"Oh dear...I can't stop my house Wulf!"

She began to walk but that didn't work too well; I guess that last drink had kicked in while she was sleeping and now that she's up it's even worse.

Staggering across the road; the girl dropped to her knees for a split second and stared at the ground, "Well this isn't going to work..."


((@NickOnTheReg The amount of money he gave her would be gone in a flash xD the first tip was just 100 and the second was...I don't remember))

Ione Aelia

Ione blinked at him before giggling. "You're such a joker, aren't you, master?" She said, smiling brightly. "Come back again home soon, master!" She said, waving and cleaning up the table.



Aoi Nohime

Aoi quickly finished up the order of her friends and took it out in a hurry. "My apologize, masters! I didn't mean for it to take to long. I'll get boxes for you, masters." She said, bowing and quickly hurrying off, grabbing the boxes and going back, placing them down. "Take your time, masters." She said, bowing before saying, "Is there anything else you'd like?" She asked, cocking her head to one side and staring at both of them innocently.


@Zero Gravity


Takeo Maki

"Takeo wake up, we're here" Takeo's mother said. Takeo woke up to see his new home. It was a simple little blue apartment building. He got out the car and began to wonder why they even moved in the first place oh well he needs to deal with it. He walked inside and instantly regretted walking in. There were dead rats all over the place. 'Really!' he thought. Takeo decided to go upstairs to find his new room. his room had one giant window where he could see the apartment across the street. 'Gah whatever' he took off his backpack and set it in a corner. He took out his sleeping bag from another bag that he had. He set it on the floor, put on his night clothes and went back to sleep.
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Akako and Mei got out of the restaurant. Akako has stopped Mei so she could try for the job. "Just wait here..okay?" Akako said as Mei sighed, relieved. Akako then noticed who he was by being the only man besides the other waiter. "Umm...Exuse me, Are you the owner, I would like to like applicate here for the job." She added.

@Leaf Fi
Tomio Takahashi

"Huh?" Tomio's brow raised as he turned back in his heel to face the newcomer. Another future employee? The thought made the blonde's eyes light up. "Why, we'd be pleased to have you join the family, young miss!" He beamed with a smile. "But I'm afraid to say that we have to close up now, so you'll have to return another time you're free so I can see you in action." He explained once more whilst rubbing the back of his neck. The man then turned his attention back to the café and began to usher people out if their seats in the politest way possible before holding open the door for the customers until everyone but the employees had left.


@Anyone in the maid café
Akako replied, "Oh Well, Thank you for your time and I will come here again to earn the job" She said as she bowed her head and jogged back to Mei who was already at the car. "So, what'd he say." Mei asked. "Oh, I would have to see him again tomorrow, they're closing." Akako replied as she got out of the parking lot and rode home.

When they got home, Akako washed up and sat on the couch. She saw both of her cats eating as they jumped in the couch. Luna sat in her lap and purred while rubbing head. She petted her head then let the cats sleep and eat. Mei had already washed and put her night clothes on, A T shirt and shorts. She was already sleeping. Akako went to her room where Soliel went to sleep with Mei and Luna slept with Akako.

@Leaf Fi
Yanagi Kaoru

"Fairy-chan's such a tsundere~! Come here, give Onee-chan a little chu~!" Completely unfazed by Arakai's defiant attempt to thwart her drunk attacks, Kaoru continued to harass(?) the little girl.

"Chuu---!" Kaoru started to approach Arakai for a kiss when suddenly she remembered that her goukon friends had not yet seen her newly found Fairy-chan.

"Minamoto senpai~! Edogawa senpai~!" She scavenged around the aisles to look for her crew but they were no where in sight. Her wet eyes wobbling with suppressed tears, Kaoru slowly made her way back to Arakai.

"F...Fairy-chan...u...u...UWAAAAAAAAAAH--!" Kaoru dashed towards Arakai at full speed, a face full of tears and snot.

@Suzumaki Arakai
(( ohhhh now I know, guess he will have to leave more now xD @Suzumaki Arakai ))

Tyler eventually made it back home. He took a long shower to cool down and relax. "That f$@king guy." He said and punched he wall. If this was the old Tyler he would not have cared about his sponsors or anything and beat the crap out of the kid and left him bloody in the street. It's something Tyler has to learn to deal with better. He stepped out of his shower and picked up the One Piece manga he bought earlier. "Time to start." He said to himself. He got into his boxer briefs and did some planks as he read.
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Shuhei and Hikaru

"No! Damn this lag!" Shuhei screamed at the computer screen in front of him or, more accurately, the array of dead units in front of him. His computer wasn't the best for gaming and sometimes nonsense like stutters at the worst of times happens, like so. After that fail, he decided that that was enough games for the night and turned off his computer, heading down to make dinner. After making two servings of fried rice, the door opened and a resounding "Senpai, I'm home~" was heard. Hikaru was home, just in time for dinner.

"Welcome home," he muttered as a spoonful of rice entered his mouth. "Dinner's on the stove and there's bubble tea in the fridge." At his words, she visibly brightened. "For me? How kind of you, thanks!" she moved to give him a quick hug, to which he just rolled his eyes and continued eating. The blue-haired girl got her food and bubble tea and joined Shuhei at the table, both eating at a comfortable silence. That's strange, she never stays silent this long, he mentally observed.

"Hey, senpai?" he spoke too soon, apparently. "What is it, Hikki?" a small smile came to her face when he called her by her pet name. "What's the age of consent here?" the off-hand nature of her question shocked Shuhei and he almost choked. Why would she ask that on the dinner table of all places? Wasn't she the one who was supposed to be the expert in those kind of things. Regardless, he cleared his throat and managed his best answer.

"I don't know for sure, but I think it's at least 17," he had heard that it might be 13, but he didn't want Hikaru going all loli on some poor grade-schooler. "Why do you ask...?"

"Oh, nothing. I was just curious," she assured him, her face bearing an innocent smile. Deciding that it would be better to just let the matter drop, he went back to finishing his dinner. That girl is worse than Sakura sometimes.
"Well then, I guess we'll talk tomorrow." Makoto bowed and thanked the owner. Tomorrow was the day to show some amazing maid skills to Tomio and everyone else!

Makoto walked back to the table where Fumiko was staying, and took the box with the chocolate cake. "Thanks, Aoi. This is all I want, don't overwork yourself." Makoto chuckled. "So, how much will it cost me?"

@Leaf Fi


@Zero Gravity

@Maid Cafe

The officer trudged along in a less than graceful zig-zag pattern. He titled his head up at the sky and smiled at the moon. "Well hey dare little bud-buddydy! I louf you moon. I louf waves too! You're juzt...you're juzt really good zzstuff moon I'm glad you're out dare....makin' duh waaaaves." He was too busy praising the moon to notice that Anna had lost her footing. "Tat-zu-reeee!" he exclaimed when he saw her on the ground. "You gan't let the alco...alco..." he had stared off into space for a moment. He had forgotten what he was going to say. When he got it back he shouted "Alcohol! Gan't let it beat you up!" He lifted Anna's arm and put it over his shoulder. "C'mon pppPartner! Nawt leavin'....you...behind!" he said, getting Anna on her feet but nearly falling over again. He grunted as he struggled to maintain his balance. Then, the two inebriated lawmen made their way for Anna's house. "I'm shore your brother mizzez you!" he said between breaths as the door to Anna's home grew nearer.

@Suzumaki Arakai



After about reading 5 books of One Piece Tyler looked up at the clock. "Ah damnit." He said. It was late and he wouldn't be getting much sleep since he will be up early for weight training. He unrolled his covers and turned off the light. Tyler sets 6 alarms so he can be up by 6am which usually results him getting up at 7. He walked over to the mirror and posed a bit before crawling into bed.
Tatsuri Anna

Anna trudged along with her partner as they made their way to her house; once they were there, an attempt to open the door ended in vain...

"Oh chit...my keysss~ are under the mat parker...aha...the mat. Cliché." The girl was giggling as she bent down; still locked around the shoulder of her partner, and grabbed the keys before making several attempts to unlock the door.

After finally completing the horrendous task, Anna and Wulf staggered into her house and over to the kitchen island. The counter.

Technically Anna forced him over there with her; letting go once there was something to hold onto. The girl maintained her balance as she opened the fridge and grabbed a water bottle, chugging it down halfway then handing it to Wulf. "Ere Wulkbuck. Drink up! You need your precipitation." Sticking up a finger she gave a twitch of the head, "I know what I'm talking about. I graduvated collegues."

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Fumiko Haruto

Fumiko already knew the correct amount to give Aoi, and he placed it on the table. "Bye Aoi-chan, Makoto-chan!" He then skipped off, humming happily to himself. Daisuke was so going to kill him for being late home.




Maki Noriko

Maki hung up his uniform, then switched back into his school uniform. Girls uniforms were too cute not to put on. "Good bye, everyone! See you in the morning!" The white-haired boy chided, smiling as he began to head home. He was whipped after the long day he had. And, he needed to head home early due to the fact that he had the morning shift, and he was supposed to serve the lady that came in right when the café closed.


Daisuke Haruto

Daisuke frowned as Fumiko walked in late, after all, he had went home after the meeting had been cancelled. "Fumiko, why are you so late? What the heck is that?" He pointed at the to-go box his younger brother had in his hands.

"I was at the maid cafe showing a friend around, no worries. Cake and pudding, see?" Fumiko shrugged it off, giving his older brother a smile.

"Fine, fine. Just get to bed, it's too late for you to be wandering around," Daisuke stated, rolling his eyes and ruffling the other's hair.

Nana Takane

The girl looked at her watch and scratched her cheek. It was pretty late already and they still hadn't eaten yet. Also, the place looked over crowded, so maybe it was not the smartest plan to go out and eat here. Nana turned her head towards the boy and shrugged. 'Mind if we eat somewhere else?' She asked. Eating somewhere where she hasn't eaten before was fun, but only if it well...didn't cost to much effort. She just wanted to eat, and iher hunger had reached a point that it didn't matter anymore, where they were going to eat. It didn't even matter if Ryu was going to eat with her or just alone. Food was her number one priority now.


Nishida Yoshiaga

The male stepped behind the steer wheel and sighed. It was already 12:34 PM, so there was a small chance that the man they were going to visit was still up. Before Mamoru could step in, Nishida left his car and locked it again, facing Mamoru. 'It's already pretty late, I don't think we have a chance of talking to him.' He closed his eyes and leaned against his car breathing the cold air in. 'Hm, just read the case file again and I'll see you tomorrow.' His voice sounded monotone while he stepped in his car and wanted to drive away. When the male rotated his window open. 'Want a lift?' He asked Mamoru.


Riika Kagome

The girl sighed when she saw the mess her mother had left for her to do in the bookstore, but she made quite money with it and was more then happy to work here. So Riika got her sleeves up and started to clean up the place a bit, putting the old books down in the bookshelf and the newer ones more up. The most populair books gained a place on the mid shelf that was only build for the most selling books. She smiled when she did so and sometimes shifted her gaze towards the entrance, looking for a customer.


Hobbesisalive said:
Nishida Yoshiaga

The male stepped behind the steer wheel and sighed. It was already 12:34 PM, so there was a small chance that the man they were going to visit was still up. Before Mamoru could step in, Nishida left his car and locked it again, facing Mamoru. 'It's already pretty late, I don't think we have a chance of talking to him.' He closed his eyes and leaned against his car breathing the cold air in. 'Hm, just read the case file again and I'll see you tomorrow.' His voice sounded monotone while he stepped in his car and wanted to drive away. When the male rotated his window open. 'Want a lift?' He asked Mamoru.

Detective Mamoru Minori

Mamoru watched as Nishida unlocked his car, moving onto the Drivers Seat. He was about to enter it himself, when his Partner then, exited the car again, locking it. It's late, i guess it does make sense to leave that Task for tomorrow

The man tapped his Cigarette, while listening to Nishida's Explanation, basically repeating the thoughts, he had brought up himself. His Partner then entered said car again, about to drive off, when he offered Mamoru a ride home. Mamoru inhaled a bit of smoke, from his cigarette, while thinking about accepting the offer. "Awfully nice of you" The man stated in a joking manner, while stepping into the car. Since Nishida was a smoker himself, Mamoru didn't have to worry about Smoking in his car, which he greatly appreciated.

As Anna struggled with the keys, Wulf became upset with the doorknob. This was a classic issue of his after attempting to return home after a night of debauchery. He could never find the right key the first time, and then there was the issue of finding the lock in the dark. He watched Anna go through the same steps, groping for the keyhole in the dark, and struggling to remember which way the key had to turn to unlock the door. He wanted to stroke the knob like a small, nervous animal and coax the door open. When Anna finally succeeded and went for water, he breathed in and out slowly as if to balance his chi. "That waz zsuchh a zstruggle," he said as he accepted the bottle and terminated it with extreme prejudice. He wiped his mouth and set the bottle down on the island. "Sssshank you oh great and wiiise collagen gradubate," he said with a sarcastic bow.

@Suzumaki Arakai

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