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Fantasy Yin Yang academy

Should the dorms allow roommates

  • Yes but only same gender

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes coed please

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No I like my own room

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No I like having my own room

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes but DM picks

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Once attached by wires and such, Jacey starts walking which turns into a jog then to a run. She was use to running like a regular person. She use to chase bullies all the time sometimes even perverts. The Ki being drained made her feel sleepy. She does her best until further instructions, but she had a feeling she won't last. Meanwhile her bag hops around and moves by itself from time to time silently walking away towards the exit.
As Anna starts to push herself further and further, until she reaches her limit. In this moment she feels another reserve of untapped energy rising out of her, however this energy feels dark. So she throws herself of the treadmill panting.
the professor is walking by looking at the monitors he actually stops to point and laugh as amadaeus falls

Then to sigmund he says

"Look you don't have to run

But you don't leave the school until you graduate

You don't graduate until you pass this class

And you don't pass the class if you don't

Run the treadmill

But hey it's none of my business how long you want to be here"with that he shrugs and walks away
Hiroshi just lays on the ground panting as his body throbbed in pain from his burns. He didn't even have the energy to sit up at the moment. Inwardly Hiroshi lamented getting his robes drenched in his sweat. He would have to wash them today after this class was done.
Amadaeus groaned and got back up. "Fuck." He muttered. He was mad that he failed. Mad that he couldn't do a simple thing like run. He glared at the treadmill, causing the motors in the ring to shut down. "Oh...um...Sir...." He stammered.

Micky is on the treadmill and he's going much faster than he expected he figured he'd hit maybe like twenty miles per hour but he is now going just above Mach seven...and still climbing granted he didn't get off to as quick as a start as some of the others he still didn't feel tired in the slightest

Then there was a loud pop,the back wheel of the treadmill had popped off it stopped moving...Micky didn't he slammed into the wall with a sickening crunch sound his head bouncing off the wall after spraying a large amount of blood across the it.

He falls blood quickly pooling underneath him face basically a pulp

And unrecognizable. He isn't breathing...

(Dun dun duuuuuuuun)

@Professor alts class
Qi almost jumped on reflex when the treadmill activated and began to extract her ki towards her legs. Taking in a deep breath, she began to run from an average speed, which was rapidly speeding up. Her feet quickened to the point that it wouldn't have been able to differentiate the sound of each step. She wasn't looking at the others or the meter on the treadmill, too focused on trying to maintain her speed while keeping the control of the momentum of her current state just as how her martial arts teacher had taught her.
Hiroshi heard the sickening crunch of what he assumed to be Mickey's skull hitting something a bit harder. Hiroshi wanted to help but he had no Ki to give a Kami and his body wasn't in a state to where he could arbitrarily offer his body to fuel a summoning. Doing so may cripple Hiroshi for the rest of his life and as much as he want to help Hiroshi just laid there trying to gather Ki.
Anna looks up quickly in shock from the sudden sound of a fellow student colliding with a wall. She quickly gets up and runs over to Micky.

She lightly taps him to see any signs of life.

"Hey Micky, can you hear me?"

She then opens her bag and takes out her jacket to use as a cloth for the blood.
AnnaBloodWorth said:
Anna looks up quickly in shock from the sudden sound of a fellow student colliding with a wall. She quickly gets up and runs over to Micky.
She lightly taps him to see any signs of life.

"Hey Micky, can you hear me?"

She then opens her bag and takes out her jacket to use as a cloth for the blood.
Upon closer inspection he has no pulse either
Knowing the severity of the injuries she knew the cloth would do little to help, Anna calls upon the healing power of a phoenix.

"I call you forth from the skies to lend me your power, the power to heal!"

Suddenly a ring of fire ignites around Anna.

She then bends down over Micky and lets her power flow into Micky.

And as the last of her healing powers flow into Micky, Anna collapses from extreme exhaustion.
Joe continues speeding, passing mach 12, but stops as he see's Micky collide with the wall. He gracefully jumps off the treadmill, and steps behind the gathering crowd. He lights another cigarette and puts it in his mouth. "Apparently saying 'as a body' was quite the accurate description, eh?" He looked indifferent towards the presumably dead Micky.
Professor ALT looks at the scene

"Meh"he points at Micky with one hand and holds the megaphone to his mouth

"GET USED TO SHIT LIKE THIS,HAPPENS EVERYDAY IN MY CLASS" with that he pulls a small cell phone also from nowhere and calls

"Hi how are you...yes this is professor alt...yes I have another one...totally dead...ok thanks...send em on over."

He then shouts into the megaphone

"Someone take him to the nurse. We know this wouldn't be the first time they've brought a dead person back." Hiroshi said as he calmed his breathing and his heart rate. Hiroshi pulled himself off pulled himself off the floor and made his way to the group as the girl with the power of fire tried healing Mickey.
Amadaeus looked sympathetically at the boy who fell. Presumable death. If you can't handle the heat, stay out of Hell's Kitchen. Hey, show some respect. He looks like that one rich kid who thought he could play football but gets laid out during the first practice.
(Whoop I'm terrible of me not to notice)

Jacey was about to give up and possibly collapse until she heard a terrible noise. She turns around to see Micky in a pool of blood lay limp. She panics and without a second thought hops off her machine and makes her way toward the crowd. She kneels down beside him and taps his face. "No-no-no damn it! Don't do this to me. We just hooked up remember!? I didn't expect you to die so quickly." She shakes his body violently only to stop as people look at her like crazy. She felt no pulse no nothing. Some tears swelled up. "Wake the fu*@ up!" She then hears the teacher being a douche. Her temper suddenly snaps and marches over to the teacher not giving a crap for rules. "You tell us now?! What kind of f*@cking teacher are you?!" Shadow surrounds her body as her eyes glow from anger while her shadow expresses how pissed she is. She punches one of the tredmills. "I ought to beat the crap out of you!"
As the battle between death and Nathan continues birds drop out of the air,deer and squirrels fall dead,trees wither and blacken,not even the grass is spared everything down to a microbial level dies and contributes to the whirl and in the end death takes all of the death energy and pulls it into his scythe

"Go live longer boy I wish for us to have a rematch you were great"death rasps

Before unleashing the death and Nathan blasting him and sending him skidding across the ground for several miles (Carving a ditch dragon ball z style)

At the end of the slide Nathan sits still conscious in his crater and Null peers down at him

"Well how do you feel?"he asks politely and with a creepy smile.

AnnaBloodWorth said:
Knowing the severity of the injuries she knew the cloth would do little to help, Anna calls upon the healing power of a phoenix.
"I call you forth from the skies to lend me your power, the power to heal!"

Suddenly a ring of fire ignites around Anna.

She then bends down over Micky and lets her power flow into Micky.

And as the last of her healing powers flow into Micky, Anna collapses from extreme exhaustion.
While a valiant effort Mickys body is devoid of Ki this unfortunately negates healing abilities used on him the nurses reincarnation power is specifically for this type of stuff :)
Amadaeus caught sight of an altercation between a female student and the teacher. "Hey, calm down Miss." He put a hand on her shoulder.

Hiroshi sympathized with the girl. While he didn't know they had been a relationship he knew how hard it was to lose a loved one. Though the death of his loved one was more permanent and rather than smacking into a wall at insane speed his loved one had been cursed by a Kami when they failed to make an offering. Kami take respect Mich more seriously than any mortal would. Even with Hiroshi's close relationship to the Kami he has never once contacted the Kami that cursed his loved one because he feared the answer the Kami would give. He feared the truth behind his misconceptions.
Jacey turns to the kid behind him telling her to stop. "Calm down?! Don't tell me to calm down!" She grabs the kid like teacher by his collar furious getting out of control. Her black hair swaying like black fire but it was her shadow powers making this affect. "Because of your last warning Micky is dead! How the hell do you expect me to relax!" She literally tries to strangle the teacher at this point.

Anna sighs in defeat, she really thought that she would be able to help in some way. Reaching for a nearby treadmill to help her up she staggers over to the girl with the black fire hair.

"Hey um...Jacey if you want we could head over to the nurses office together to see how Micky's doing"

She asks after tapping her lightly on the shoulder.
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Amadaeus grabs the girl's shoulder. "Stop it." He sighed. "I get what you're going through. Anger isn't going to solve anything." His grip loosened and his voice lowered, sad. "Believe me." He shook his head and resumed his grip. "Just stop."


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