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Takis Argyris

"Again, you just look so cute embarrassed..." Takis chuckled.

Mei Rinsaku

"Well that's a relief..." Mei said quietly. 

Heliodoro Rinsaku

Heliodoro hesitated for a second, but got up and walked out after him. "Cheshire, esperar..." He flipped Cheshire around and looked at him. He hesitated again, but continued with, "¿Quién dijo que dije no?" He said, his head cocked.

Leo Scalene

"I guess we can see when we get there." Leo said.


Dorian Nobell

Dorian sighed. He got a smidgen annoyed when people are too shy to talk to much but he was fine with it and could always get by. "Hey! It's great to meet you! Wait... Erm... Pardon. I was wondering if you had a map, because I'm getting lost in your eyes." He knew it was a terrible pickup line but it was mainly just to get people to laugh, which was why he did it to this boy. He seemed a bit down and needed to smile more.

Cadi gave a small smile. "and you are handsome non stop"

Cheshire looked up at him and his ears lifted, but twitched again. "No pensé que me dejarías viajar contigo ..... no tengo familia así que nadie me extrañaría si me hubiera ido" He looked down again.


Anubis gave a darling smile and nodded. "right! can i hold your hand?" He blushed. He mainly did it to feel safe and so he wouldnt get lost. He was new around these  parts.

Stef Ventura

Stef laughed a bit, and said, "I guess I can't say I'm surprised... the eye is the passage to the soul, after all. Or brain, anatomically speaking." He chuckled. His eye glinted a bit when he said that, as that was his philosophy. Hell, he pretty much knew people from their eyes. He looked at Dorian and cocked his head, noticing mixed feelings as he watched him. He felt his orb in his pocket, it usually helped him concentrate on one thing, which was still trying to figure out... anything, about him. He couldn't gather any information about him, which confused him quite a bit. Of course, this was because of the altercations that Dorian's serum had upon him, but Stef didn't know that.


Takis Argyris

"Ah, whatever," Takis chuckled. "There's a difference between handsome and gruff as fuck." He laughed.

Heliodoro Rinsaku

"Bien... Tengo Mei... pero él no vive conmigo. El resto de nuestra familia murió hace mucho tiempo..." He said, looking down at this last part. "Así que quiero decir... Exactamente no tienen a nadie a viajar de todos modos..."

Cadi gave a soft giggle. "thats fine...." He looked at him. "i love the way you tease...."

You could see his hopes and dreams just crush in his eyes. Cheshire looked down and his ears and tail just dropped. He gave a small nod, then looked up with a small forced smile and he scratched the back of his neck. " Lo siento por molestarte ..... y no puedo ver tu basura Mei " He turned away like a little stray kitten and headed out the door.


Noiz sighed and waited for him to get done with helping his wound. "you done yet?" He tilted his head.


Mew finished bandaging noiz. "Done." he said and nuzzled noiz's cheek purring. He ran his tail under his chin. "Happy now?"
Leo Scalene

Leo blushed "Erm... If... Uh... Y-You w-want me too."


Dorian Nobell

Dorian smiled once he heard the laughter and his talk of science. He had a very deep interest in learning how the human body is like... And basically learning anything. He reached out his hand to the stranger and said "It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Dorian."

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Stef Ventura

Stef hesitated to shake his hand, but decided to, guessing that probably nothing would happen. Besides, he couldn't even feel his hand through the thick fabric of his own glove.  "Stef..." He was still busy trying to figure out... again, anything about Dorian, but he just couldn't. It kinda pissed him off, as he not only probably looked hella creepy just staring at him, but also he wanted to find out about everyone in the school. Dorian was the only problem he had encountered so far with this. He just couldn't tell what he was thinking, but he could at least tell his feelings. Not that it helped him much... 

Kasper then after he said that kissed luke. He pulled back. "Good cause I don't want to raise it by myself and I'm already a month along...plus.. the baby is yours after all." He told him looking down at his stomach.  He then moved back stretching and got out of the water getting his towel moving it around himself to get dry before getting his clothes on.  

Luke kissed him back then sighed and washed himself in the lake then when he was done he got out and smirked and blurred behind Kasper and dragged him to the bed. Once they were there Luke layed Kasper down and went under the covers and kissed Kasper's lips.
Luke kissed him back then sighed and washed himself in the lake then when he was done he got out and smirked and blurred behind Kasper and dragged him to the bed. Once they were there Luke layed Kasper down and went under the covers and kissed Kasper's lips.

Kasper was a bit freaked out at the sudden blurr he was dragged into. Next he knew he was on his back in their  bed while luke was above him.  He blushed looking up at luke only to close his eyes when he was kissed kissing back. His hands slid up his chest and over his shoulders. Kasper couldn't stop from making a soft sound as he gave in to luke.
Kasper was a bit freaked out at the sudden blurr he was dragged into. Next he knew he was on his back in their  bed while luke was above him.  He blushed looking up at luke only to close his eyes when he was kissed kissing back. His hands slid up his chest and over his shoulders. Kasper couldn't stop from making a soft sound as he gave in to luke.

((Should we go into the whole thing or just time skip?))
Dorian Nobell

Why is he just... Staring at me? Dorian thought as he shook the person known as "Stef"'s hand. "It's nice to meet you, sweetie. You know... Your outfit. It looks nice on you." He used the flirt tactic like usual. That is what he usually does and it usually works. He really hates to see people sad and alone.

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Stef Ventura

Stef blinked at Dorian's calling him sweetie. I don't even know him... which is saying something, for most people He thought to himself. "Oh... my clothing. Yes, most people do find it a bit odd. But it helps me blend in and hide," Stef explained, turning so his back faced Dorian and having his clothing blend in with the wall. It almost looked like Stef wasn't there, but you could make out his figure just a bit.

Dorian Nobell

Dorian shrugged "Well it's a good tactic to use if you are trying to hide from someone of something. Teachers... Bullies... Class. Maybe I should try that someday. It's not odd, it's useful."

Stef Ventura

Stef turned back around and his clothes went back to normal. "Well... most people don't know they can do that. They just think I have really weird clothes.." Stef chuckled. "I mostly use it for watching people... I pretty much always watch people. You learn some weird stuff... but sometimes, what people think can be really interesting..."


Luke kisses his neck then works his way down and they have a beautiful night. The next morning Luke puts on his pants and stares out the window thinking about Lucius.

(How late are you staying up?)

Kasper sits up with his lower half covered by a blanket. the demon looked a  bit tired as he gave a small stretch yawning. At that moment it was noticable his stomach had more of a small shape to it. He watched his boyfriend blushing. He moved to the end of the bed. "Babe, you want me to cook breakfast or would you like to go out?" He asked him.
Dorian Nobell

Dorian nods "It really is a nice mechanism. Just looking at it, I would have never known you could have done that and... Learning weird things about people's thoughts. Tell me more... I love a good gossip." he was actually interested in this. He loved to learn more about others and who knows what secrets Stef holds. With secrets come connections. Stef will be connected to a lot of things if what he says is true. Dorian thought he should use his abilities just to check but he refrained himself because he thought it would be rude at the moment.

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(How late are you staying up?)

Kasper sits up with his lower half covered by a blanket. the demon looked a  bit tired as he gave a small stretch yawning. At that moment it was noticable his stomach had more of a small shape to it. He watched his boyfriend blushing. He moved to the end of the bed. "Babe, you want me to cook breakfast or would you like to go out?" He asked him.

((Idk maybe a little bit longer?))

"I don't eat normal food remember?" Luke sighed and closed his eyes. Then he goes to the kitchen and grabs a blood bag or a couple and starts drinking some.
Stef Ventura

"Well... if I look into someone's eyes, I can tell their thoughts and feelings..." Stef explained, looking down. "Most people are generally normal, but there's a couple every once in a while who have some really weird thoughts..." He thought back to when he had looked at himself in a mirror. He pretty much passed out for a day, because he was sent all the information he knew about EVERYONE, which was an absolute ton. "I can't tell what you're thinking though... that's why I was staring at you."

((Idk maybe a little bit longer?))

"I don't eat normal food remember?" Luke sighed and closed his eyes. Then he goes to the kitchen and grabs a blood bag or a couple and starts drinking some.

"Oh yeah. Sorry. I forgot. Also, I would offer some of my blood  but I kind of need it for the next few months. " He told him with a giggle then got up putting on shorts and a tank top. Kasper then  went Into the kitchen opened the fridge getting out a tub of cookie dough  ice cream and grabbed a spoon. he started eating it then went to get out the pickles and chocolate syrup.
"Oh yeah. Sorry. I forgot. Also, I would offer some of my blood  but I kind of need it for the next few months. " He told him with a giggle then got up putting on shorts and a tank top. Kasper then  went Into the kitchen opened the fridge getting out a tub of cookie dough  ice cream and grabbed a spoon. he started eating it then went to get out the pickles and chocolate syrup.

Luke watched him get the food and smirked, "Hungry much?"
Luke watched him get the food and smirked, "Hungry much?"

Kasper then got a bowl putting the ice cream in it along with pickles and chocolate syrup only to add some Coco puffs into the mix. "Shush." He murmured taking a huge bite of his food and continued to eat it.  He leaned back against the counter holding the bowl looking up at him boyfriend blushing. 
Kasper then got a bowl putting the ice cream in it along with pickles and chocolate syrup only to add some Coco puffs into the mix. "Shush." He murmured taking a huge bite of his food and continued to eat it.  He leaned back against the counter holding the bowl looking up at him boyfriend blushing. 

((Now Im going to bed.))

"Fine fine... If you say so... I gotta head to town for something so stay here and I'll have my pack watch you while Im gone in case someone tries to attack."
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