X-Men <The Newbies> - Actual RP

Lawson shrugged and finished making his sandwich. "I grew up in Texas, moved to New York when I was fifteen. You could say I had a pretty normal life up to then I guess." He thought for a second, moved a piece of hair behind his ear, then added "Before I decided to become a mercenary."
Incognito was exhausted when he finally saw the glowing lights of the mansion. He cleared his throat and approached it.

When he arrived at the mansion, he knocked on the door.
Aria had been here for two days, technically. She'd arrived at around 3am on her first day. Surprisingly, the Professor had been there, apparently expecting her. He'd given her a quick ten minute tour, telling her the general location of the important places within the building, before leading her to a room she could call her own, noticing how tired she was. She'd settled in quickly, finding the accepting and comforting atmosphere of the place, quite nice. She'd slept most of the day away, awakening once it was well past midnight. Her sleeping schedule was more than a tad off. After staying up for a few hours, she returned to sleep in hopes of waking up when it was actually daylight for once, which leads us, to the present moment.

Waking up, she was pleased to see sunlight filtering in through the gauzy curtains in the window of her room. Aria got up, changing into a comfortable pair of black skinny jeans and a dark blue v-neck. Running a hand through her hair several times to tame the unruly dark brown/black waves of her hair, she left the room. Ignoring the curious glances she got by students in the hallway, she made her way to the kitchen, quite famished. Upon entering the kitchen, she noticed, but paid no attention to the small group inside at the moment, instead heading straight towards the fridge, opening it, and rifling through its contents in search of something she felt like eating.
Picking her fork up and taking another bite as she was still cleverly colored she'd look back and fourth between them all and she'd smile. Starting from her head she'd begin to change back to her normal, odd, self. A cave straight from California to New York? That was very interesting. Japan was another country. Of course to Zyvia everyone had an accent. "So you rescued her?" Zy would turn to Miku, she was sure that she was a mutant she just was not sure what kind "well you are a very luckily little girl." Zy's colors would swirl around her tanned skin and overlap. It was almost as if her skin had a mind of it's own. Backstreet? Interesting enough. But from what Zy had noticed everyone on the official team of X-Men had some cool nickname.

"A mercenary?" Zy would turn her head quickly to look at Lawson and arch her right brow "If you are a mercenary then what are you doing at a school for the gifted?"

As the newcomer would enter into the kitchen Zyvia would offer one of her famous smiles. She always seemed so happy with everyone! Although the girl showed no effort to speak to them it didn't seem to bother Zy.
dante laughed at zy's question for law. "now thats probably the best question i've heard all year." he said taking another drink of the beer. miku blushed with a slight giggle, hiding her self the best she could behind dante's shoulder, she whispered into dante's ear again which dante again made public. "miku says 'thank you zy-zy'." he said with a chuckle, miku blushed again from the fact that her nickname for zy was made public.
She found a bottle of some random fruit juice, mango/pineapple/something or whatever, she didn't really care, it looked good to her. She grabbed it, along with an apple and some vanilla yogurt. Setting them on the counter next to the fridge for a moment, Aria decided she could settle with just this for now. She didn't want to make herself sick by eating too much. She took one last glance at the contents of the fridge before closing it. It was pretty well stocked, full of plenty of foods she liked. Yum.

Grabbing the bottle of juice from the counter, she trailed a finger down it, freezing the liquid inside just enough that it turned into a smoothie. Of course, since it was hidden within the bottle, she doubted anyone would notice what she just did, not that she cared if they did anyway. Aria knew she didn't have to hide, not here at least. Turning so she was leaning against the countertop, she took a sip of her drink before speaking a simple greeting. "Hey." She spoke nonchalantly, studying all the strangers before her curiously as she took another sip.
Incognito was growing impatient. He knocked on the door harder.

"Hello?" he said, "Is anyone home?"

Incognito sighed and looked at the rest of the mansion. It was enormous, with its mossy brick walls and the grassy field that covered the ground behind Incognito. The windows were giant, too. Inside, he could hear students chattering. Everything about it was amazing.

"Except for the fact that they won't open the door," I muttered, slamming the door again.
((its the X-man Mansion, also known as Xzavier Institute for the gifted, wonder. lol its like a school with students all around inside and out, the doors would be unlocked.))

"howdy, glad you finally said something." dante said looking back at the girl. miku took her eyes away from zy a moment to catch a glimps of the new person before turning back, seemingly hypnotized by zy's skin. "care to join us?" dante added on with a goofy grin.
Jib finally arrived at his location he was looking for the Professor at the mansion to tell him that he was here. Jib tried his best to avoid attracting any attention, he hated being stared at. Maybe I could use my shadows to cover me and no would notice. Jib used his power and started to walk carefully around the mansion. He saw a little girl and wondered to himself. Why is their a little girl here.
(ohhhhh yeah I don't know I just sort of assumed it'd be locked for some reason)

Incognito stared curiously at the shimmering girl's skin.

"But... what?"

Incognito cleared his throat. "Apologies. That was rude. My name is Incognito, I seem to have received an... invitation for the Xavier's Institute. Am I in the right place?"
Zyvia would laugh along with Dante and let her glance fall back on Lawson. Though as Dante revealed Miku's secrets she couldn't help but look over to the young girl. zy-zy? Awe how sweet and as she saw Miku blush a pink across her cheeks Zyvia would redden her cheekbones as well and smile brightly at the girl. IT was very sweet how quiet she was and how much she loved her brother. As the silent and cold girl spoke her greeting Zyvia's green eyes would brighten up as if the sun shown through her eyes only.

"Good afternoon" she'd speak chipperly and then slump on her stool as she heard the door being beaten into "My why are there so many people in a bad mood..." Bright eyes would look at Miku and she'd giggle "guess he doesn't know the doors unlocked huh? Should we tell him" She'd shook her head and laughed "Nah they'll figure it out" . Zy would look at the lovely and unusual company she had found. Who said friendships and families had to be normal.

The new guy would appear and Zyvia would stare back at him. "What's what?" her head would curiously tilt to the side as he continued to speak. She'd look around her and then nod "Yes this is his school for gifted youngsters...but sadly he has been in meeting all morning" she'd look back to Miku,Dante, Lawson, and the new girl whom she had not yet learned her name. Luckily the school had such a large kitchen because their group kept growing. The bright colors on her skin would stop swirling about and resume a painted look. Her green eyes would turn brown as she took in the newcomers.
"Sure. Why not." She flashed a brief smile at the group, sitting herself down on a chair in the kitchen. "I'm Aria by the way." She informed all the strangers, her eyes flicking to the new person who had just entered, before glancing at everyone else in turn as well. Everyone was, quite different, but that was a good thing it seemed. Inside these walls, different was accepted, and she liked that.

She twisted the cap back on her drink, taking a bite out of her apple, it's sweet and juicy taste filling her mouth. Aria wondered just how many new people she'd meet. She hoped the coming days would prove to be just as interesting as this one.
i'm dante, or backstreet if you want. the small girl hiding on my shoulder is miku my little sister, i'll let the others introduce themselves." dante said tossing the now empty beer bottle into a trash can perfectly. "welcome to the last hope for freaks like me." he said with a chuckle to aria and the new guy.
Incognito smiled briefly, but he realized that that was... inefficient. He was wearing a mask, for heaven's sake.

"Nice to meet you, Aria, Dante, Miku. Should we go around and explain our mutations?"
"Oh I am sorry, I didn't even introduce myself. My name is Zyvia but I answer to Zy also." Her accent was hard, a mixture between Latin and Russian. Her bright eyes would turn around as the guy questioned them about their mutations. She figured she might as well as she wore them all over. She'd stand up and walk into the entryway of the kitchen where all could see. "I'm not sure what I really am classified as...but I call myself a chameleon" she'd spin around in a slow circle showing the way her markings went all around her body. She was wearing black shorts and a tube top that where dancer material.

A second after turning around she'd smile and then vanish. Her body blending with a intricate design behind her. Then she'd walk around and it'd seem as if the room was moving around them. Like a piece of wallpaper had decided to get up and take a stroll. Then she'd walk up next to Lawson, who had grown silent, and stand next him. Then after a few moments there'd be two of him, she was just a foot shorter than the real one. She'd move to make her way back to her stool and take another seat as her skin once again turned tan and the bright pastels made their appearance in spirals again. She place her elbow onto the top of the counter and rest her head in the palm of her hand.
All right I can't keep on wandering around the place i need to ask for directions. Jib then went to the room with all the people and decided to take off his shadow cloak. "Excuse me do any of you know where the Professor is." Jib asked the people in the room.
"well as im sure half of new york knows by now, i can control elements, earth being my main choice. me and miku also have a special vocal mutation that has to do with music and singing, you'll see what i mean if we ever use it. but i'm sure you all would rather hear a bus crash than me sing." dante chuckled before he raised one of his arms that soon changed into a spiked demon arm with metal claws "also body manipulation, useful for many things, some more acceptable than others. "he continued before turning to another new comer "down the main hall, second hall to the left should have a couple of large doors, last i checked he was in a meeting though." he said his arm and hand turning back to normal.
"Well it's nice to meet all of you. As for my abilities, I can manipulate water, and it's various forms. Ice is my favorite though, she spoke, deciding to show them just a tiny bit of her abilities in the form of a little parlor trick. She flicked her hand to the side, a drop of water that had just leaked from the faucet floating up and turning into a rather large bubble in the center of the room, that then froze before it burst into a small amount of sparkling white snow that floated down.

She enjoyed her ability greatly, but she hasn't used it for more than little tricks in awhile, out in the world, it wasn't safe for her to just expose what she could do, here though, she could use her ability without fear of being persecuted.
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I think they still don't notice me. Maybe i'll use my powers to get their attention. Jib touched a lamp and it came to life and started marching towards the little girl miku and dante. The lamp jumped on the table and then started dancing.
"ya know i just told you where the professor was last seen, unless your gonna introduce yourself mind putting the lamp back where it belongs?" dante said looking back directly at the spot jib was standing. "never a good idea to try and sneak up on someone who can sense your location from the elements around you." he added with a slight yawn. "nice trick aria, water control is one of the hardest to master next to fire." he said turning back to the group.
Zyvia watched in awe as the other mutants shared their abilities. Dante and his elemental control then being able to change his body as well. She'd begin to chew on her tongue as Aria began to play with the water from the faucet and find herself lifting from her seat for a moment. "How lovely you are all just amazing..." Zy grinned from each person and then went back to sipping her blackberry juice. Just then the lamp would come to life and cause Zy to jump from her seat rather startled. Her colors would darken and her skin would slowly lighten as if she was fading away. Of course she wasn't but it was still nice effect.

She'd watch Miku as Dante spoke to the other guy who had brought the lamp to life. "That was....interesting" Zy would look to him curiously "Can you do that to anything? Make it walk?" Zyvia was kind of like a child, interested in the explainable. She had never been around other mutants until now and she had never been able to be herself until now. This place was safe. She loved it here and she hoped she'd never be forced back into the life she had before.
Jib snapped his fingers and the lamp disappeared to its place of origin and was the way it was before. "The names Jib my powers are shadows, fusing anything and as you saw bringing nonliving things to life. And yes everything i bring to life is under my control."
(Sorry guys, had soccer/school. >.<))

Lawson scanned over the newcomers, then noticed the clone of himself next to him. He blinked, then realized it was just Zy when he watched her turn back into herself. He stared at her as her feminine features began to form, and his thoughts contradicted his comments earlier. The colors on her skin seemed to complete her, in some crazy artistic way, and he liked it. Not that he would ever tell her. As the other mutants showed their powers off, Lawson watched while idly carving a shape into the counter with his claw. He was glad to not have to answer their previous question, as he was not ready for them to know who he was - or really, who he was related to. He stayed quiet in an effort to keep the attention away from himself further.
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