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Fandom X-Men: Legacy

You needed to hear it.. Nickie. I'm not the relationship type of guy. You'd hate dating a telepath anyway. There's no privacy.

Aaron planted himself firmly in her head, making it more than clear that this conversation wasn't over until they had it worked out. He wanted all the issues settled before the group actually had to do anything. It wouldn't do anyone any good if they were distracted during a mission.
Stop trying to tell me what I would and wouldn't like! You don't know me so knock it off!

Nicolette got up and laid down. It wasn't dark yet, but she was exhausted. After putting her headphones in and turning her music up completely, she closed her eyes and faced the wall. Music seemed to be the only thing that would always calm her down no matter what, and she hoped it would be the same this time.
Kyra went in and changed out of her suit and into her normal clothes. She walked back to her room. She didn't know where Nicolette's room was, so she couldn't exactly take up her earlier offer. She opened the door and went inside. She unpacked her stuff. As she unpacked, she realized something. If I go back to Chicago, I'll be nothing but a petty criminal again. If I stay here and train, I'll be able to help people. Do something good with my life.
Listen to me, d*** it! You value your secrets. I respect that. But there's not a lot I can do to stop myself from finding them. I would know everything there is about you in an hour if I had that kind of contact with you. I doubt you want that.

Aaron hoped she would hear him. She was definitely listening to music, probably in an attempt to drown out his voice inside her head. He decided to stop bothering her after that last message and withdrew to the confines of his own mind. It was quieter there, at least.
Darren had his feet kicked up on the coffee table as he scrolled through the TV channels in the living room, finally landing on a basketball game.

He snorted as he watched his state team crush their opponent mercilessly, staring wistfully at the screen. He could have played if he didn't have the dang claws, they always got in the way when he tried.

Stupid mutant powers...and speaking of powers, Evan was a bit off today. He wanted to ask him about it, but a combination of wariness and guilt had warned him away from it. If the guy wanted to talk to him he would. If not, Darren would mind his own business...and not have to keep up the constant mental block when Ev was around just to save his friendship from shattering. He places the remote on top of his blonde hair, balancing it on his head as he sighed and crossed his arms, leaning into the pillows.
Nicolette ignored the last message and sighed in relief as her mind became empty. She quickly got up and grabbed her wallet, sliding it in her pocket. Taking a deep breath, she walked out of her room and made her way downstairs. I'm going out. I'll be back before dark. Without giving anyone a glance, she walked out before anyone could stop her.

She went to a nearby store and bought two sets of flowers then made her way to a cemetery across town. When she arrived, she went to a grave and immediately found herself fighting back tears. She laid one set of flowers down and stood up sighing. When she had first found out about her powers, she didn't know how to control them and ended up accidentally killing a man because of it. But she would never think about telling anyone. She made her way across the cemetery to her grandmother's grave and sat the other set of flowers down. After a while of just standing there, she made her way back to the school slowly.
Evan tapped his foot impatiently as he waited for Darren to arrive. He hadn't bothered changing out of uniform, though he was slick with sweat. The earlier feeling still rung on his skin--the eerie feeling that something horrible was afoot.

It didn't help that the voice was getting stronger with each day. 'It said it was me...the old me.' He thought. It had to be true, he knew thay at the core of his being. It was so angry, so damaged. He had no idea why the shadow of what he used to be was so dark.

A sharp pain enveloped his body and he let a shriek out, falling to the ground. 'Remember.' the Voice seethed, lacing each syllable with more jagged pain. Evan looked down and saw many deep cuts along his body, with blood seeping out and pooling around him. He closed his eyes and grunted, taking all te damage being done to his body. When it stopped, he looked back down to inspect the damage.

No trace of the ordeal remained.
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Nicolette got back and walked inside silently. She went straight up to her room and closed the door, not bothering to lock it. She laid down in her bed and took a deep breath. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't hold back the tears, and she started crying silently.
Stan sat in his opening up a box. Stan Pulled out his old helmet before he met Professor X. It was Helm with a Sun molded on the front, it was gift from his friend Gaea it was a carbon-vibranium alloy "I miss you, Hannah, But I will find you" Stan put the helm on his head "hmm, a bit heavy."
"Oh...oh God..." Darren stumbled, leaning against the wall for a minute as he felt a sharp throbbing pain in his skull, as if part of his mind was being roped away. His Eyes flashed silver for a moment as he groaned, his hands sparking slightly at they did so.

Evan. There was something wrong with Evan.

The link between their minds screamed it at him, and he moved towards the locker room as fast as possible, his powers already drawing him to the area. He shoved open the door, revealing his friend, who had obviously collapsed to the ground.

Almost completely on instinct, and sensing the darkness around Evan's usually pure energy force, he knelt down next to him and placed his hand on the back of the redhead's neck. "This is only going to hurt for a second," he promised, not having time to explain fully before he elongated the claws of his thumb and index finger, and proceeded to let them sink into Evan's neck, just under his skull.

Darren clenched his teeth, letting the pain surrounding Evan into his own mind, and letting his own energy replace it. When he could take no more, he let go, watching the wound close. Before he blinked hazily, leaning his back against a locker. He hadn't taken all of the pain and darkness, only around half, and it was already enough to drain him. He breathed heavily, trying not I pass out.

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After some time spent in eerie silence and working to silence the floating thoughts bouncing around him, Aaron finally needed to be a part of the world again. He let down his guard and got out of bed before traipsing tiredly around the halls. He heard crying from one door, but put up a mental wall between himself and the girl he knew to be the source.

As he continued on, he was blindsided by a wave of pain emanating from a room nearby. Usually, he'd be more concerned, but he knew who the people inside were and figured they could handle it, whatever it was. He tapped his cane idly as he walked, as it was mostly an image statement at this point. He stopped at the front door of the X-Mansion, and paused for almost a minute.

His eyes were blank and cloudy, as always. But something about them was different this time; there was fear expressed plainly in them. Something felt wrong. Aaron was upset, and his usual posture was wracked with uncertainty and distress. He pushed the door open and stepped outside, hoping the light of day would do something to ease his nerves.
Evan was prepared for the procedure that Darren used. He had gotten used to it, knowing it helped him in the long run. But as the energy entered his body, he felt the being that had been approaching. It's power almost staggered him.

"Run!" He yelled out both mentally and physically, a part of him knowing it was too late. They hadn't been prepared for what was coming.

A beginning to an end.

He used his power to shield both he and Darren, along with whoever else he could. Evan coyld feel the beginnings to a new level in strength, a bright, flame like aura surrounding both he and his friend.
Nicolette eventually stopped crying and sat up wiping her eyes. She knew it had been an accident, but that didn't stop the guilt that wracked through her body from taking over her completely. She had to tell someone and he didn't care who at that point. She sat there in silence, hungry and consumed in her own thoughts. She shook her head, deciding against going to the kitchen. Nicolette rarely went without a meal, but after her visit to the grave, she couldn't bring herself to eat anything.
Ryan changed out of his suit and looked around. Room...Which way to my room? Oh yeah! He started to make his way to his room. As he walked, he thought about the other people's powers that he had just witnessed. Ha good thing I don't plan on being the best anyway. Just an okay, awesome mutant is fine by me.
Darren resisted the urge to howl as the heat took him over. Though Evan had tried to shield him, the other man's force was like a direct opposite to his own and he felt like he was physically burning up.

His eyes rolled back in his head, he was ready to give up, until he felt his own energy responding in turn to the Phoenix force. It cooled him down, chilled him even, like a cold winter wind blowing over his skin. It was harsh and icy, but not altogether unpleasant, and the blue sparks from his hands began traveling up his arms, to his chest, eventually covering his entire body.

His eyes were purely silver in the moment, feeling the spirit pushing at his mind as he clung to consciousness.

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Stan ran in nicolette's room. He was still wearing the Helm "something isn't right, I heard Evan screaming. Arron, I need you to evacuate the mansion, now and I'll go see what's going on. Hurry!" Stan turned towards the door but quickly turned back "Arron, tell me. can you read my mind, what am I thinking?"
Aaron froze in his tracks, a mere three steps outside the door. The Mansion was never this quiet. It was as if the noise been drowned out by something too powerful for the constraints of such a meager reality.

He felt something push into his head, like a battering ram plowing through wet paper. No amount of effort would have shielded him from such a presence. It's power was overwhelming, and instilled near-absolute terror in Aaron. Stan? Stan, get everyone out of here right no--

What are you?!
The question, a silent scream projected in a wave of raw psychic rage, was directed at a lone figure who stood no more than ten feet in front of Aaron. All those within a mile would have received the thought, and the anguish in it was clear enough.

The figure stepped forward, his footsteps heavy and loud with the clanking of metal. It's skin, visible only on it's unarmored head, was grey. The armor it wore was bulky and painted with a blue and silver pattern. Nestled on the massive figure's belt, a large silver A was plainly displayed.

"I am the final reckoning of humanity. I am the First One, En Sabah Nur, and Apocalypse."

S*** s*** s*** s*** s*** s*** s***!

"Let it begin."

Evan! You're in charge now, get everyone out safe, don't fi--

He barely got the message out before he was seized in one massive hand by Apocalypse. He was tossed aside like a ragdoll and crashed through a window, blacking out as soon as he hit the wall on the other side. With the first nuisance out of the way, Apocalypse signalled his Horsemen. The true devastation would begin, and the Jean Grey School of Higher Learning would soon be nothing more than ash and dust.
Nicolette knew something was wrong. Stan never panicked unless it was completely serious. She shot out of bed started banging on each door, making sure no one was in them. Once she got to the stairs, she leaped over the rail. She knew the force was only getting closer so she calmed herself before looking around in each room and started evacuating who she could find.
Ryan was just strolling in the hallway until heard some people running around yelling to get out of the mansion. What is going on? He quickly looked around and saw no one around him. Only their noises could be heard. Ryan started to quickly head out of the mansion.
Kyra heard someone knock on her door. What was going on now? She stood up, having been sitting on the floor, and walked over and opened the door. She looked out, and saw Nicolette run and leap over the stair rail. "What the hell is going on?" She said to herself. She chased down the stairs after her. Great, it was her first night, and something was going wrong.
Evan stood, his uniform bathed in a deep red. The power that resonated off his body burned in waves. "The end is nigh." He said in a voice that hadn't changed, but was older than time itself. His eyes were burning brighter than ever. There was power, and he wanted it. The voice in his head screamed for.him.to.take it, more power. More destruction. More.

Evan burst into flames, envisioning himself before a glorious man clad in metal and so it was. The smell of revived death was pungent and he knew who it was. 'Apocolyspe. We have fought many battles...shall I beat you once more?" he asked in a wickedly twisted voice, bowing as if asking for a dance.
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Nicolette started yelling at people to get out and watched them move faster. She looked over seeing Kyra and yelled, "Go, get out now! No time for questions!" She ran out the front door and saw her fears were confirmed. "Apocalypse," she whispered, knowing she was no match for him. She also knew the most she could do was try. She changed herself into a lion and pounced at the figure, only to be knocked aside into the brick wall. She felt her head bounce off the wall and heard something snap. She fell to the ground unconscious and automatically changed back into her human form.
Ryan rapidly exited the mansion then ran a few feet away from it. He looked back at the mansion then asked, "So anyone know what exactly is happening right now?" His eyes wandered around and he found his skateboard and the squirrel. Ryan shook his head then looked back at the mansion.
Stan photoported to Nicolette and held her "Nicolette, you fool!" yelled stan as sweat ran down his face. Stan managed to photoport at the door an carry Nicolette outside. He laid her on the grass "Nicolette, Nicolette!" Stan whispered to her.
Nicolette slowly woke up and yelled as pain shot through her arm and shoulder. She looked up seeing Stan and sighed, "Can I not get a speech this time? I'd rather be suspended from doing missions for a couple months." She clutched her arm and flinched as her head throbbed.

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