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Fandom X-Men: Legacy

"Anything is fine by me." Evan replied lowly, flexing his hand. He could feel the power tremor through him. 'It's responding to something...' he thought, lifting himself in the air. He could feel the opposing force-- something old. Very old. He glanced around, worried. "Yeah, let's do that." he agreed.
"I like the sound of that, Dare-Bear." Aaron called down, although he was more concerned with what he was picking up from Evan at the moment. You okay man? You're throwing off all kinds of telepathic wonky crap.

"Run Sim 5-0-4, Siegebreaker." Aaron said, counting on the system to do the work for him. Siegebreaker was a fairly standard hostage simulation. About a dozen armed thugs, led by three mutants. The first was merely enhanced strength and reflexes, nothing special. Second was a telekinetic with a thing for throwing cars, and then there was the Ringleader. She was a nasty one. She can create illusory clones of herself, and each of them hits like a truck. The simulation is set in a warehouse, the parking lot outside, and the rain-slick rooftop where the Ringleader waits with the hostage.

It was one of Aaron's personal favorites, mostly due to the slick roof part. Keeping your footing became as important as combat skill, there.
Nicolette sighed and decided not to ask again. She looked at Kyra as she adjusted her gloves, "With the way they are talking, they're starting with a fairly easy one. The hardest part is at the end. I'm not saying anymore about it." She gave the red-head a small smile and ran her fingers through her hair.
"It's a little different this time around, Nico." Evan smiled, drifting backward. He spotted a 2006 Serento in the sim and lifted it up, holding it with one hand. "There was an 'upgrade'. Prepare to get creamed." he smirked, lifting several other cars with little ease required.
Stan noticed that there was something off about Evan, he teleported next to him "Hey Marvel Boy, what's wrong?" Stan asked as he placed his hand on Evans shoulder.
Aaron grinned as he listened to the thoughts of those in the simulation. "Oh, guys. I figured I should mention this. For the sake of, I dunno, making the Danger Room do less work, I've.. changed a few things. Evan and Darren will be representing two of the enemies." He explained, his voice ringing from the holographic walls of the simulation. "Have fun, kiddos."
Evan turned around, smiling. "There's nothing wrong at all." he said, rising up and out of his grip. The cars moved out of his way at his accord. "Im perfectly FINE!" he yelled, throwing down a car at the man.
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Nicolette grinned devilishly, "I'm always up for a challenge and kicking Evan's a** at the same time." She sat down and checked the traction on her boots. Afterwards, her hand turned into a paw once again, and she checked the traction on it. Silently standing up, she quickly changed into a mountain lion and ran to a nearby wall. She leaped up onto the side and pushed herself off landing back on her paws. She sat down and showed her claws, checking the sharpness of them as she changed back into a human.
"Okay," Kyra said smiling, then she looked around her environment. She was in a parking lot, in the rain, with a warehouse in front of her. Rain wasn't the best situation for her powers. She saw a bunch of armed people whom she assumed were opponents, with the addition of two unarmed ones in front. One of the unarmed ones was holding a car in one hand, so she assumed he was a mutant. She made a large ball of orange fire in her hand. She assumed that those people were the ones she was supposed to fight. She tossed the fireball at the one who threw the car, who she then recognized as the guy named Evan, as she thought he was the biggest threat at the moment.
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Nicolette hopped up and ran forward a bit. Seeing one of her opponents, she quickly ran to him balling her fists up. Once she got to him, she punched him hard in the face a few times before twisting his arm behind him and flipping him onto his stomach. She quickly reached up, twisted his head, and smiled as she heard his neck snap and his body go limp. That was easier than expected but it wouldn't surprise me if it got tougher she thought and she stood up, examining her surroundings.
Darren watched the girl, seeing her take care of her target quickly and cleanly with a snap to the neck. He smirked, ready for a challenge as he ran up behind her, shocking her just enough to daze before he kicked her legs out from under her feet. He stepped back, giving her another chance to retaliate since her back had been burned the first time. He motioned to her with an expression that clearly read 'come and get me.'
Stan stood next to the wrecked car "Wow, I feel sorry for whoever got trapped under this thing" Stan Grinned up at Evan "I feel more sorry for the chump who tossed it, it's barely even wrecked" Stan opened up his arms "I'll give you another try, son" stan said as he turned around so that his back faced Evan.
Nicolette couldn't help but smile. Standing up she slowly turned around, "Be careful what you wish for rookie." She changed into a tiger and growled at him, showing off her canines. She quickly pounced on him, pinning him to the ground. She snarled as her claws dug into his skin. She looked up seeing a car hurdling towards them and hopped upon to a pile of cars. She made her way onto a smaller building and quickly looked around seeing the hostage on the other side of the parking lot.
Kyra surrounded her hand in blue flames, then charged at Evan. She threw a punch at his face with her flaming hand, simultaneously attempting to knee him in the groin.
Jumping out of the way if the car, he cursed as he saw her head towards the buildings. Darren winced as the punctures on his shoulders healed before he followed after her, determined to keep her from the hostage.
She looked back seeing Darren coming for her. She hastily change into a Raven and flew to the building. She reached it and changed back into a human, making sure to not lose her footing. She watched at the woman cloned herself multiple times. Nicolette attempted to keep her eyes on the real one, but she started to get a bit confused.
Evan evaded the blast of fire and smirked. The old man was getting cocky, calling him Marvel Boy. "Come on, Stan. I was beung courteous." He yelled out. "But, I can be a prick if you like!" He said, throwing multiple cars in sucession. When he ran out of cars, he started throwing random street items.
"Did you get him yet?" Asked Stan as he was standing right behind Evan. "It's impressive how fast you can throw those heavy cars and object." Stan was now sitting on the wreckage pile "but you can't throw faster than light" said Stan laughingly.
'You just so happened to have moved right where I want you.' Evan stated, invading his mind. "You really want to out run the best telepath this on the Western Hemisphere?" he said, paralyslzing Stan with his mind.
Kyra threw a blue fiery punch at Evan's face, simultaneously attempting to stomp on his foot. "See if your super strength can stop fire," Kyra said. "I don't think it can."
Stan threw up and rolled off pile. "Oh come come on, Marvel Boy. That was was was just ch-cheap" Stan said in a slurred speech as he wobbled to his feet. "Kyra, Run!" Stan shouted.
Nicolette took a fighting stance and launched herself at one of them, thinking it was the right one, only to be fooled. She thought for a moment then changed into a bat and flew upwards and stopped. She used her echolocation to find the real one. She flew directly above her, staying silent, and changed into a crocodile. Landing directly on top of her, Nicolette noticed all the clones disappear and felt the woman's bones crushing underneath the weight.

After taking a chunk out of the her flesh, she felt the woman go limp and changed back into a human quickly making her way to the hostage. She looked back at Darren and changed into a cheetah, launching herself at him, and knocked him down. Making her way back, she untied the hostage.
Ryan looked at the people around him, "Seriously? Why can't I do that?" Suddenly, a thug swung his bat at Ryan's back. Ryan furrowed his brows, "...ow". The thug swung again, but Ryan leaned back and dodged the bat. "What's up bat man?" Ryan saw another thug walking toward them with a gun. And gun man...horrible name. The man clicked his gun and aimed to fire. As "bat man" swung his bat from right to left, Ryan jumped over the bat with his left leg then kicked his opponent's head with his right leg. After he was attacked on the head, "Bat man" attempted to strike back by swinging another time. This time Ryan blocked the swing and pulled both the man and the bat toward him. The mutant quickly thrusted his knee into the guy's gut then turned around to see a gun pointed at his head. Ryan quickly studied the situation. The gun was two inches away from his head and held with a right hand, while "bat man" was temporarily down. In one rapid motion, Ryan pushed the gun man's wrist from the inside toward the left with his right hand and grabbed the barrel of the gun with his left hand in a left to right motion. The mutant flipped the gun and pointed it at the gun man who just stood there. Ryan suddenly remembered a response given to the newest girl. "This is a test to see how you use your powers. No weapons involved." Ryan quickly took the gun apart and threw the gun parts in opposite directions. By that time "bat man" and "gun man" were on either side of him. "SWING BRO!" Ryan yelled the same time the bat swung at him. The mutant ducked and kicked while the "gun man" with no gun got struck in the face. The guy with the bat flipped onto his back after he got kicked. Before they were able to stand, Ryan looked at the two guys and hit one of them two times in the stomach thus puncturing that guy's spleen and liver. Ryan quickly grabbed the other guy and pulled him up. The mutant smiled a little and landed swift yet powerful punches on the guy's temple and jaw.
Aaron made his way down to the Danger Room almost as soon as the fighting started. Using a back entry point, he reached the roof and carefully made his way across it, as quiet as could be. He could hear Nico fighting the Ringleader, rather clumsily in his opinion. A short while later, the noises on the roof stopped, implying one side had won.Then he heard footsteps, easily recognizable to him as Nico's, as she made her way towards the hostage. Just as she bent over to untie the hostage, he swung his leg, sending a steel-toed boot into her side.

"Can't let you win that easy, Nico." He said, shifting into a combat stance. The noise of the rain was distracting, but being able to sense her mind would be more than enough information to make this a good fight.
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Nicolette groaned in pain and clutched her side when she felt the impact. She slowly got back on her feet, almost losing her footing, and turned around. That's gonna leave a mark she thought, but she couldn't help but smile. "I thought it was too easy. You never did take it easy on me so why start now?" She knew better than to think about her movements any longer. It would only end up costing her. After clearing her thoughts, she backed up significantly almost to the edge of the roof.

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