X-Men: After the Fall ( CS, Signup, and OOC Thread )


RPN's Most Hated
This RP was co-created initially on another site by myself and the RPer "Hillan". I am revitalizing it here because I greatly enjoyed it.

In the year 2011, All hell broke loose. The Anti-Mutant campaigns got a upswing, and the harassment of the mutants became an everyday thing. First, the mutants were just bullied in the streets, then it got really violent. By the middle of 2012, a war broke out. A war so messed up... that something like it had not been seen since World Wars One and Two.

The world have been taken apart, the United States are still fighting their war on the Mutants, allying with several of the United Nations. It's Chaos all over the globe. The United Offensive ( As the new Government calls itself ) have pushed down most civil-rights and you can't speak up against them... unless you're fond of prison, perhaps worse. The Xavier's institute for extraordinary youths have been destroyed, and most of the X-men have been killed. The Fantastic Four have vanished, Spider-Man was K.I.A, the Avengers have disbanded Thor returned to Asgard, Bruce Banner was captured and is under permanent sedation, Captain America has been frozen again, and Tony Stark has been put to death for being a traitor to mankind.

Most mutants live in fear now, knowing that if they'd show of their powers, they'll be killed by the various soldiers roaming the streets. There are several groups of mutants whom are working against the government. Some have given up hope, And some are still trying to come to a settling with the humans.

The X-men are destroyed. The institute has been laid in ruins, and the professor was executed. The team was either captured or killed, only a few of them survived. The few of them that actually did survive? They're still trying to win this war... and along with a couple survivors, I'm still fighting the good fight, though we'd need a miracle to win.

-Rémy Etienne LeBeau

Currently, the situation is bad. Gambit, Polaris, and an engineered clone of Peter Parker ( known as Second-Spider ) are holed up in Las Vegas, the last bastion for mutantkind in the United States. Each of them are or would be Class-A Mutant Threats to the world, but Second-Spider has not yet been exposed to the world. The Risk Class Rating was developed by the United Offensive's Postwar Administration Bureau to categorize mutants by not only their power, but also by the general threat they posed to society. Some may have higher powers such as pyrokinesis... but have not acted. Others may have simple things like telepathy, and robbed banks or killed people... earning a rating.

The Rankings/Classes are as follows.

D-Rank: Minimal Threat. MAY have killed someone, and has damaged less than $50k in property

C-Rank: Mild Threat. Has killed someone or damaged up to $250k in property.

B-Rank: Significant Threat. Has killed up to 10 people and/or caused up to $750k in damages.

A-Rank: Major Threat. Killed up to 50 people including MHS Agents, and/or caused up to $2.5m in Damages.

S-Rank: Immense Threat. Killed 100 or more people, and Agents of the MHS and possibly MEF... and/or caused $5m or more in damage.


1. GM words are law, don't mess with them.

2. Nothing is set in stone, but we DO have an overarching plot. You have anything to add, please say so.

3. Mild OOC is accepted in the IC, keep it in brackets.

4. Any quarrels? Don't take it out in the OOC, keep that to PM's. If there's anything you'd need help with, Ask me.

5. Remember we'll be late-teens at a more or less end of days scenario, this is NOT a happy scenario.

6. Your character might not survive.

7. This is a Marvel UNIVERSE RP... though the focus will be on X-Men, you may be from any Marvel setting, even Asgard.

8. No God-Modding... I'll F***ing BAN you for it.

9. No metagaming. See rule 8.

10. Original Characters ONLY. Canon Characters are off-limits to players unless explicit permission is given.

CS Template

Name: ( Herpderp McGerp )

CodeName: ( Derpomatic 5000 )

Age: (15 to 19 )

Gender: ( You a dude or a chick? )

Danger Rank: ( D, C, or B... no one will be A or S-Rank without prior approval. )

Appearance: ( Pic please. Real people, not Anime. )

Personality: ( How do you act? More than one sentence, please. )

Powers: ( Let's see what you can do. Nothing stupid, though. Like turning Sound into Light. )

Skills: ( What can you do without powers? No "Martial Arts Masters" or "Hacksaw Gunslingers" or "Modern-Day Samurai". You're teens... not Gurus. )

Backstory: ( What were you doing before the RP? Tell us about your character's life. Please have at least 2 paras... )

Jeremy Verdance a.k.a. Druid played by Beta

Kaelyn D'Muer a.k.a. Gumby played by Chaotic

Eliza Artemis a.k.a. Death played by Alexina

Hoyt Volker a.k.a. Fool-at-Arms played by Riddle78

Katia Noviel a.k.a. Halo played by Pristine Dark

Ariki Oranga a.k.a. Talion played by Ninbinz

Viktor Steen a.k.a. Spectre played by Adrenis

Hank Abram a.k.a. Tank played by Backlash

Neo Leonard played by Forgekeeper

Monet Vanille a.k.a. Gridlock played by Kagura

Click Here for the IC Thread of X-Men: After the Fall
Name: Drew Maxwell

CodeName: Titanium

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Danger Rank: C

Appearance: View attachment 10640

Personality: Drew is optimist and naive. She has a tendency to be over competitive and make a game out of everything. It doesn't help that's she's very high-energy and rambunctious. She's not particularly bright but can follow orders and knows where her loyalties lie.

Powers: Superhuman endurance: She can take a lot more damage than the regular human without getting tired.This also applies mentally: Mind targeting powers such as mind control don't affect her as much. In general, any sort of damage she takes is mitigated, tho everything has a way to break in eventually.Mild healing factor. he heals quicker than usual but not instantly.

Skills: She's good at skateboarding, rugby and boxing.

Backstory: Drew was born in Australia. From an early age, her father taught her how to box and play rugby. As she entered her teenage years, it was apparent her ability to take a lot of damage was more than guts, especially after she was struck by a car and came out without a scratch. Her athletic and mutant abilities thrived under her pro-mutant father's training as her grades spiraled down, due to her lack of focus and studying time. When her father died as she was entering highschool, her mother sent her to a private school in Massachusetts, USA. Unable to continue playing her favored sports and with her strict teachers cracking down on her, Drew took solace in a group of skateboards, meeting up with them during the weekends in Boston.When she graduated, she took a trip to Las Vegas with her gang, before she had to return to Australia for good. Unfortunately, that's when the war started. She intentionally separated herself from her gang, to spare them from anti mutant action, taking only her skateboard and a backpack with her, vanishing in the night. She roams alone until she can find some place where she is of use, making trouble in the streets.

Le Epicly Unfinished Sheet!

Name: Benjamin Reilly

- Code-name: Second-Spider

- Age: 1 week

Skills, Abilities, and Superpowers:

- Accelerated Healing Factor: Though not nearly on the level of the likes of Deadpool and Wolverine, Peter had and passed on a limited regenerative healing factor to his genetic clone. Although Ben has no idea what the full capabilities of this factor are, Peter was known to recover from bullet wounds and broken limbs in a matter of days, and, by force of will (and partially his durability), he can continue fighting even after being injured.

- Accelerated Intellect and Learning: Ben also retains his genetic brother's memories, ranging from applications of his superpowers to the earliest childhood incident to genius level understanding of the sciences. The reason he was given these memories is said so he would merge into society as quickly as possible, after all, mutants can't afford unnecessary attention. Oddly enough, these memories only show themselves when "jarred into place", an example of this was when Ben was "born", he had the intellectual prowess of a half-eaten trout until he was spoken to, which jarred his memory of the English language, etc. as such, Ben's intellect has improved monumentally during his time in Zeta, to everything from modern fashion to theoretical physics.

- Foreign Chemical Resistance: Due to his highly advanced metabolism, Ben is extremely resistant to poison and is impervious to diseases that would render a normal human useless. He can drink far more alcohol than a normal human without getting drunk, and etc. He is impervious to things such as S.T.D.s and cancer. Although he is highly resistant to poison, he is still affected by prolonged exposure, and can be weakened instantaneously given the poison is particularly potent.

- Organic Web Creation: One of the biggest differences between Ben and Peter is that Ben was deemed far too valuable to have any of the exploitable short-comings of Spider-Man, and as such, his genetic code was enhanced with the ability to produce his own organic, nigh-indestructible webbing through his wrists. He withholds the ability to control the webbing's flight path with a slight flick of his wrist, and can also alter the amount of webbing that escapes the wrist, along with numerous other factors such as density, shape, and expansion upon impact.

- Sense of Equilibrium: The Second-Spider possesses a subconscious and instinctive ability to contort his body in order to achieve a state of perfect equilibrium in any position imaginable, which enables him to balance himself on virtually any object, no matter how small or narrow. Ben has grown into this ability almost without effort, and is constantly seen either balancing on his head or hanging in various positions on a number of surfaces, to the annoyance of his fellow mutants in Zeta.

- Spider-Sense: Similarly to his predecessor, Ben has a precognitive warning system built into his genetic code, which manifests itself as a slight-tingling sensation in the back of his skull, the level of "tingling" varies depending on the severity of the impending danger, ranging from only a slight annoyance that he can shrug off relatively easily to an extremely painful migraine that subconsciously causes him to react automatically, rendering him unable to bypass the sense. It is worth mentioning that the Spider-Sense reacts to any and all incoming danger, whether it be oncoming gunfire, or a ball ricocheting off of a wall. At it's current stage, this sixth sense does not pinpoint the specific location and flight pattern of the incoming peril rather than a general direction which allows him to either instinctively leap out of the way or attempt to locate it himself and react accordingly. Due to it's paramount importance in Ben's self-security, he has been placed in training programs specifically tailored to the Spider-Sense itself, albeit he still overreacts to outside stimuli on token occasions.

- Superhuman Agility: The science team ensured that Ben's agility, balance, and bodily coordination were guaranteed to enhance to levels that were far beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete. He is set to become extraordinarily limber and his tendons and connective tissues are developing far faster than a human's, pre-engineered to become to twice as elastic and flexible as those of an average human being, despite their extreme strength. He has the combined agility and acrobatic prowess of the most accomplished circus aerialists and acrobats, along with the most skilled of Earth's professional free-runners. His bones and tissues have yet to develop to their fullest, and as such, his balance can be disrupted by outside forces rather easily, and has even lost balance after dodging incoming dangers using his Spider-Sense. He is projected to become roughly 15 times more agile than an average human by the time his body and superhuman abilities have fully evolved and manifested.

- Superhuman Durability: His body is also physically tougher and more resistant to some types of injury than the body of a normal human. His body is more resistant to impact forces than anything else. He can withstand great impacts, such as falling from a height of several stories or being struck by an opponent with super strength, although his bones would be shattered at his current developmental stage. Second-Spider's body is durable to the extent that, if an Olympic class boxer were to punch his tensed muscles, their wrist bones would shatter unless he willingly rolled with the punch to ensure that they would not be injured.

- Superhuman Speed: The Spider-Man was world renowned for his superhuman speed. At his prime, Peter was able to run at upwards of 200 miles per hour. This speed, coupled with his reflexes, spider-sense, and acrobatic ability enabled Peter to become nigh-untouchable by adversaries, even to the extent of dodging fully automatic gunfire. Ben however only has the relative speed to be able to catch up to a speeding car if he were to put his all into it. Despite his relative "slowness" in comparison to his genetic brother, Ben has been shown to be able to dodge some bullets if he is far enough away.

- Superhuman Strength: Although it is not fully evolved, another one of Ben's powers is that of superhuman strength to the level of enabling him to bench press approximately ten tons. Ben's physical strength is currently sufficient enough to enable him to lift and throw objects as heavy as a big rig semi truck with extreme effort. He must also pull his punches and kicks unless fighting someone of similar or greater physical durability, otherwise, his blows would prove fatal to a normal human being. He has demonstrated that he is strong enough to knock out people with normal durability with as little as a tap to the head. Ben's physical strength also extends into his legs, enabling him to jump roughly three to four stories in a single bound at his current age.

- "Wall-Crawling": Ben's genetic code includes a mutagenic, cerebellum-wide modification to the normal human engrams, resulting in the ability to mentally control the flux of inter-atomic attraction between molecular boundary layers. This overcomes the outer electron shell's normal behavior of mutual repulsion with other outer electron shells and permits the tremendous potential for electron attraction to prevail. This ability to affect the attraction between surfaces is so far limited specifically to Ben's hands and feet. He can attach himself to almost any surface or object at will, with an upper limit of several tons per finger. Ben has yet to come into his own with this power and sometimes becomes attached to walls, objects, and other surfaces involuntarily, and can even have trouble detaching himself from them if he is panicked.

- "Way of the Spider": Although Ben's Spider-Sense isn't nearly evolved enough for him to utilize it, the Way of the Spider is an advanced martial art perfected by Ben's predecessor Peter Parker. The martial art itself relies almost entirely on the precognitive warnings of the Spider-Sense coupled with one's superhuman reflexes. By being able to pinpoint incoming dangers with his omnipresent knowledge of his surroundings, Peter was able to take on multitudes of enemies at once without even breaking a sweat, by using the environment and the adversaries themselves against each other.

Equipment and Costume:


Superhuman endurance and a mild super healing factor. She can take a lot more damage than the regular human without getting tired. She heals quicker than usual but not instantly. This also applies mentally: Mind targeting powers such as mind control don't affect her as much.

Skills: She's good at skateboarding, rugby and boxing.


Drew was born in Australia. From an early age, her father taught her how to box and play rugby. As she entered her teenage years, it was apparent her ability to take a lot of damage was more than guts, especially after she was struck by a car and came out without a scratch.
Her athletic and mutant abilities thrived under her fathers training as her grades spiraled down. When her father died as she was entering highschool, her mother sent her to a private school in Massachusetts, USA. Unable to continue playing her favored sports and with her strict teachers cracking down on her, Drew took solace in a group of skateboards, meeting up with them during the weekends in Boston.

When she graduated, she took a trip to Las Vegas with her gang, before she had to return to Australia for good. Unfortunately, that's when the war started. She intentionally separated herself from her gang, to spare them from anti mutant action, taking only her skateboard and a backpack with her, vanishing in the night. She roams alone until she can find some place where she is of use, making trouble in the streets.

(I hope this is okay UuU)

The Bolded and Underlined portions are all I really had problems with.

1.) Either you have a mild healing factor, mending cuts in a few hours and broken bones in a few days... a super healing factor, mending cuts in minutes and broken bones in an hour or two, or an insane healing factor, like Wolverine. And no, no one is getting insane healing... not the PCs, at least.

2.) Just curious how her physical prowess transfers to mental prowess as well. If you can play it, I suppose it won't be too much of an issue, but I'm simply curious.

3.) Her father was PRo-Mutant, then? If not, I doubt he would have trained her. Also... how did her grades suffer? Did she just decide to say "EFF SCHOOL?!" or something?


Ben... approved outright.
TheAlphaKnight said:
In general, any sort of damage she takes is mitigated, tho everything has a way to break in eventually.
Mild healing factor. he heals quicker than usual but not instantly.
So now you heal fairly quickly... AND take pretty much zero damage? I understand the healing OR the damage resistance. Both, however... pretty much makes Drew into Colossus with bewbz. I'm not really sure what more can be said. I have to find my character... ugh...
It's not zero damage, more like half the damage that a normal human would take. Also, no super strength. She's essentially a wall.
Do please note that, then. As you saw by my misinterpretation, it is easy to mistake that wording as "I'll tank a shotgun to the face" level of damage resistance.
Placeholder for incoming characters.

Name: Jeremy "James" Verdance

CodeName: Druid

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Danger Rank: B


View attachment 10707

Personality: Cheerful, most often. But occasionally very grim and unfriendly. This is due to the harsh life he has lived on the road since leaving home. He tries to put on a good face for others, but can't always keep it up.

Powers: Can manipulate the cellular structure and composition of plants. Causing them to grow rapidly, shrivel and die, wrap around and move other objects. Can also merge with plants and use their root systems as a means of rapid travel/teleportation. Keeps a backpack filled with seeds and soil on his person at all times.

Skills: Halfway decent shot with a pistol, self-trained street fighter, good driver, extensive knowledge of medicinal plants and their applications, and skilled survivalist.

Backstory: Jeremy was pretty much your typical teen before the war. He went to school, got mediocre grades, hated his stepdad, and rebelled against his parents rules fairly often. He developed a hobby during those early teen years... he liked to grow plants. Strange for a teen. Indeed, instead of playing Call of Duty or World of Warcraft with his friends, Jeremy would spend hours outside in a little greenhouse his mother had built... tending the various herbs, spices, and vegetables he had planted.

As time went on, his interest in growing plants changed from fruits and vegetables... to marijuana and opium poppies. His stepfather found out and destroyed the young man's plants. Jeremy was furious, and stayed out in the greenhouse trying to replant his "children" until he passed out from exhaustion. Almost miraculously, the plants regrew by the next sunrise. It was then that Jeremy began to experiment with things that would otherwise kill his plants. As he thought... they were responding to his will rather than following their natural course.

As soon as he could, Jeremy sold not only his illegal plants, but also the greenhouse he had used and all the equipment therein. He purchased a large camper-van and a small trailer to haul his posessions in. He then immediately had himself emancipated from his family and struck out on his own. Accompainied only by his machete, his guitar, his grandpa's revolver, and his "children"... Jeremy was alone in the world... or so he thinks, sometimes.

When the war erupted, all mutants were hunted down like animals. Jeremy... or "Druid" as the government designated him... managed to evade capture. When agents were near, he would drive as fast as possible to a forest (if not already camping out in one) and use his gift to cover his vehicle with vines and plant matter, making it seem like it had been sitting there for months. He would then merge himself into a nearby tree, and travel around the woods via the roots of all the plants so he could monitor his pursuers.

On their danger scale ( D, C, B, A, S ) The new government has designated Jeremy "Druid" Verdance a risk rating of "B". Dangerous. They feel his ability to control plants makes him more of a threat than lesser mutants, as he could use his gifts nearly anywhere as long as there is plant matter nearby.

Currently Druid is doing his best to make a living, but old habits are hard to break. And they sometimes bring attention where it is unwanted.


1976 Ford Econoline Camper Van

Acoustic Guitar

.44 Magnum Revolver with a box of 60 bullets.

Several dozen different seed packets
Name: Kaelyn D’Muer

Code Name: Gumby

Age: 15

Gender: female

Danger Rank: C Rank

Appearance: View attachment 10722

Personality: Kae is a very driven young woman. She is strong willed and always ready to keep driving her point home until she gets what she wants. Her façade is that she is a confident adult personality type who can function just as highly as her elders. The truth of the matter is that while she is capable enough, she is still just a child at heart. She resists authority at the same time that she secretly longs for a feeling of being safe, sheltered, protected, and guided. She acts like she has all the answers but knows that she lacks most of them. The girl also has a mild case of cultriphilia which is an absolute obsession for small bladed weapons.

Powers: Kaelyn is a hyperkinetic. This means that her mental imaging and muscle control systems are perfectly in tune with her brain. She possesses nearly flawless aim, perfect balance, and greatly enhanced motor skills.

Skills: Kaelyn made the varsity gymnastics team, has been working on her flexibility to give herself maximum range of motion since she was 7, has quite a bit of luck with throwing knives, is very hard to hit as her body reacts without needing to delay to process as per her ability, and is quite handy in the kitchen.

Backstory: Kaelyn grew up the daughter of a mutant who had married a normal man under false pretenses. Her mother had perfect control over her own form and could change shape as she saw fit. When the woman’s husband eventually found out about this, things took a turn for the worse. He turned into an abusive drunk. She stayed with him regardless due to her belief that their child needed a family to raise her. Well, it didn’t take long for him to turn on the little girl as well.

When she was seven, her mutation began to make its appearance for the first time. Her body responded and cringed away from the drunkards blows as they fell around her. She danced with him around their small apartment complex until he stopped trying out of exhaustion. It was about three weeks later that he walked out on them for good. From that point on, her mother worked hard and put on a strong front for her daughter who quickly followed suit. Kae began stretching and becoming more agile, joining activities that she could excel in such as gymnastics. While she didn’t really enjoy the team, it convinced her mother that she was of sound mental state and made her relax some.

When the war began, her mother was among the first casualties as her drunken ex-husband blabbed to anyone that would listen of her ability. Even he, it would seem, was not evil enough to try to sell out their child. Orphaned at the age of 14, Kae took up work doing whatever she could. Often she lied about her age and did work that was off limits for one so young. To this day she follows her mother’s example and puts on a strong face. As far as the world can tell, she is a powerful and driven young woman who will stop at nothing to achieve her goals.
Name: Eliza Artemis

CodeName: Death

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Danger Rank: C Rank, but has never killed and it wasn’t on purpose



Eliza was always the type to make her own path in what she did. She’s the stubborn type trying to stand out as well as blend in all at the same time. Never one afraid of hurting one’s feelings when it really came down to it she had troubles making friends due to this. The truth was the truth though, and wasn’t that what mattered in the end?


Phasing: See Kitty Pryde if you wish to know the details here *smirks* I’m sure Beta understands them.

Touch of life: If it’s dead and she touches it, it comes back to life while she’s touching it and ONLY while she’s touching it. She has no control over this power so in essence if it’s dead has it’s body of sorts, it’s back alive while she’s touching it. (not dirt or nonsense, only life forms such as animals, reptiles and humans, not plants or machines) ~If the GM allows this power may grow to give the dead a limit of 30 minutes to 1 hour after being touches to stay alive. This would be mostly for the GM’s fun or whoever plays the dead person for amusement sake. Although the more I think of it touch would be more neat . . . xD (That has to suck for the dead though. Shock of realizing your dead and crap and then will go back to death soon.)


Eliza has gotten into a few fights due to people trying to bully her and she not standing for it, or due to them not liking what she said. She doesn’t look for fights though, she just doesn’t like backing down all the time. This gives is a bit of street fighting skill or knowledge, basically knowing to use your surroundings and what you can to survive. Minors in witchcraft, nothing like casting spells but knows what a few herbs can do for healing and the like, or at least what the books state they do. Some of it is nonsense though and she can’t always determine what was someone blowing smoke in them and what was real.


Oddly enough Eliza was raised by loving parents in away . . . unfortunately they were also the type that were always working. They always wanted the next biggest and better thing for themselves and Eliza but were never around to enjoy it. This was what sent her into her rebel streak of witch craft and gothic base nature. This only made them feel guiltier and try to buy her more . . . endless spiral of sorts happening there.

The only blessing that came from them being gone so much was when her powers started to show around the age of 14. Ashamed of them for the most part Eliza tried to down play and keep them secret and managed to do so for the most part. When the war on mutants broke out though, and she managed to over hear her parents talk of their hate of mutants . . . . well it was when she ended up running away. She needed something, some place she belonged . . . some place that accepted her that had people who were there for her. Luckily she was found by one of the mutants that worked with Gambit and probably welcomed with open arms. Will she finally find a home though with such a rough environment? Only time will tell.
Name: Viktor Steen

CodeName: spectre

Age: 16

Gender: male

Danger Rank: c

Appearance: Skinny and gangly teenager with black twisted and often dirty emo hair. A lot of scars new and old, most seem self-inflicted.

Personality: Viktor is a person truly consumed with anguish and hatred toward humankind almost to a point that he hates all earthly beings, mutant, godlings or humans alike. This hatred also includes himself and he is constantly trying out several forms of self deprivation,anorexia, self mutilation, drugs and alcohol. Constantly smoking and hefting scars on his forearms. His voice is horse for someone of such a young age and his gaze is hard spiteful and cocky. He is a true nerd within his own field and doesn’t like to show his feelings, other than spite or thirst for revenge and knowledge. Though deep down he wishes to be accpeted by some group and not feel totally alone anymore.

Viktor has a great thirst for the arcane being gifted with quite humble powers he´s constantly in search for improving them. He is obsessed with doctor strange´s artifacts, the darkhold and the phoenix force.

Powers: Viktor has telepathic and telekinetic powers, though not strong in any sence compared to former mutatns(such as grey and x) he can move small objects with his mind, no bigger than a book or a throwing knife, and read peoples most outer thoughts, aswell as the ability to communicate his own thoughts. No mind controlling at any level only works as a kind of silent talk just as he would have talked to you. Viktor has no belief that his mutant powers ever would become stronger he has though an obsession of the arcane and would do anything to further his powers there. (he is actually pretty weak compared to his classmates)

Skills: Victor has some street smarts, i.e. Knowing how to pickpocket someone, how to not draw attention to yourself… He is mostly talented at going places without being seen in urban areas. He knows English, Latin, German and very little of several old archaic languages that the arcane dabble in.

Backstory: Viktor grew up in Berlin, Germany. He never knew his parents, his caretaker was known as Bernt Graf and Viktor knew him as grandpa. Bernt worked as an antiquarian specializing in old books and scriptures and homeschooled Viktor always emphasizing that knowledge is the greatest power and somewhere hidden in the oldest scriptures was the wisdom that could save yourself or mankind itself. Viktor grew up in a pretty sheltered environment reading books and taking care of his grandpas libraries.

Though one day the war came. He remembers it vividly and believes he always shall. There were riots in the city and the telly was showing governments public assassinations of all of the world’s newly found enemies while announcing every country in the world now fights this new found terrors, the mutants, heroes and the like. His grandpa grew weaker by the day and Viktor had to take over the shop and livelyhood of the family. Viktor was barely 14 when came home from grocery shopping finding his grandpa in front of the the telly, dead. They showed professor x getting shot over and over again – Heart attack clearly. Viktor went into a mad tantrum triggering his telekinetic powers. Afraid of the government finding out he was a mutant he decided to hide his caretakers death, scavenging what he needed or buying it from his grandpas savings all the while trying to learn as much as possible from the libraries.

Ofcourse Viktor tired of his readings and started playing around with Berlins gangs, using his powers for minor thefts and to help him in a few fights, playing around with drugs and alcohol but always mostly staying a loner shunned by the other street kids.

One day he found a small hidden study within the walls where Bernt Graaf kept scriptures on arcane mysteries and a diary written in some coded language also some letters he couldn’t decipher he just saw that some were signed doctor strange and some, most of them professor X.

That was when Viktor decided to seek up the last holdout of the x-men selling everything he could to by a plane ticket to the states and only keeping a few of the most mysterious books and scriptures he found for further study.

Whilst in the US Viktor survived by using his theiving skills bumming and hitchhiking his way towards Las Vegas, he was once forced to kill a police officer who noticed him opening a locked door with his mind ( and levitating a knife). He still has angst. over the situation. After that incident he tried to be more carefull moving like a ghost from town to town, more like a ghost with a purpose, a vengefull purpose, a spectre.

They say the war has ended now, atleast the polititians said that the war has come to an end. Peace in our time! yay what a hoax, viktor thought. Even though he

´d never seen any battles on his way to las vegas, he had seen war on peoples faces and read it in their minds. They are not going to stop, until all of us ar dead, viktor truly believed. and we have to fight back. He moves on next stop LA managed to hitch a ride from a truck driver talking about his guns and texas all the way there.

Viktor’s stuff: leather jacket old and worn, an arangment of sharp knives he figured out how to handle with his telekinesis. A dairy in a coded language. Books and scriptures in arcane tounges he constantly and furiously tries to decipher. (no arcane powers as of yet or ever)

hope u like it beta! open for ideas and changes ofcourse! cant wait for the rp! :D

bah gettind fidgetty now.

editing to fit lore.. beta feel free to suggest things so i can fit in.


ps. i vant a german accent, ds
Before I make my review, everyone needs to know that this takes place in the year 2014. The war broke out in 2012, and ended mid 2013.
Click Me for the IC Thread.

Currently approved players, feel free to post. Get to O'Reiley's Inn however you see fit. It's on the outskirts of Vegas.
Honestly, I don't get how your character would even be willing to interact with the other players, seeing as you noted he hates EVERYONE... Mutants and Humans alike. If anything, he'd be a part of the yet-unnamed antagonist group. And I have not finished them yet. If you really think he can interact with them and not be a total emo, then fine... you may post. Otherwise, please hold off for a time.
Name: Rayanna Dilongo

CodeName: BB

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Danger Rank: D


View attachment 10819

Personality: Energetic and almost always with a smile she likes to play around and act like a kid, but generally keeps with what is appropriate for the time. Her tempers can get the best of her, but she hardly gets mad, but she has a few buttons that can set her off, usually without warning. She's fierce and opinionated and very loyal to the ones she calls friends.


Blood mancer (self blood manipulation)

Shape, harden and control free blood. Can alter the flow of blood in her own body to clot wounds, prevent minor damages from exterior forces, and to help self think more clearly, also can expel foreign substances from her blood.

Skills: Running, cooking, first aid knowledge

Backstory: Coming from a closed adoption Ray knows nothing of her biological family. Her adopted family was mixed and full of other adopted children like herself. Her adopted parents were Ben, a sanitationist, and Kathryne, a nurse. The second eldest of the posse Ray took on an older sibling role and looked out for the younger ones. Even after she moved out and got her own apartment she came around and helped watched the kids, working hard herself keeping a full time job and starting school online. But Ray didn't care, she loved her family.

There was only one flaw to this family she loved ever so much. Ben had a thing for young girls. Ray had forgotten this sad fact with age, but her own memories came back after witnessing Ben with her youngest sibling, Bella. Rage for the young girl overtook her and she attacked him. Things got bloody and the discovery of Ray's mutation came into light at the death of dear old pops. With her blood on the crime scene and evidence of attack by mutation Ray does what anyone else may do. She tucks Bella into bed, runs home to get what little money she does have and high tails it out of there.
Not sure if everyone remembers... this is not a happy setting. Why are people trying to be cheerful all the time? Jeremy is a hippie and stoned half the time, so being cheerful makes sense. But I have to say that cheerfulness as a whole needs to be downplayed a bit. I'm not saying people can't be happy, but in a setting where mutants and "heroes" are hunted by the government, and a war JUST ended... the players should probably play their characters as less happy and more desperate. And AC... how would BB be cheerful if she was molested ( and raped? ) as a kid? Let alone FORGET such a thing until seeing the guy doing it with/to her sibling?

I'm not trying to be an ass, just trying to get my facts straight. Oyeah... Sloth is Co-GM. He helped out a lot when this was on another site.
Well in Ray's case it's a coping mechanism she developed while looking out for her younger siblings. Plus she just pushes all her baggage back, meaning there will one day be an implode and most likely personality change if she ever properly deals with it.
Actually to forget Beta, is a very common coping mech for some people. >.> Just trust me when I say it, it's very traumatic to remember crap that happened to you right away or may never happen so instead though smaller key things may depress and set you off for reasons you don't understand due to it.
I suppose.

Anyways... Hold off on posting ICly for a bit, please. I won't make you wait long. Don't worry.
moves the edit down here instead.

As for cheerful, so far Eliza has been kinda lucky. She's a spoiled brat who ran away from home for the most part. I don't think many if any have notice her powers so she's under the radar. She's just slumming it but due to her gift she doesn't starve and have to scrap like most do. Wait till the real crap starts happening and she may be less happy. In trouble times you have to take what happiness you get though and enjoy it while you can. xD

I'll take you to PM in shout box if you wish xD

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