X-Men: After the Fall ( CS, Signup, and OOC Thread )

Hopefully Sloth will post soon. He KINDA plays a pivitol role.

Update: MHS Agents and Vehicles are temporarily allowed to be controlled by non-GM players. Have some fun and cause a bit of chaos. It's time for a good old-fashioned chase.
Sorry if my post is off or weird or has mistakes, haven't slept yet. xD Wasn't sure when I would be awake or will sleep so posted it so no one had to wait.
Well i realise that my personallity trait description sounds really one note. But i thought u wanted something harsh since they went through a war. I meant to add that he does inside despretly want friends. He never had any reallly other than his grandpa. And, yes, he is a total emo, but as you said most of the other chars seems very optimistic for the setting... I was hoping to ofset that. I guess i missed the note with that one. I do think though that if y u let me Viktor will interact with the other teens well... Since him beeing as isolated he has been from social contact i thought he could start as an antihero type. helping the good mutants to further his knowladge and training and later grow more attached with the group and realise that he likes them and wants to help them. the core with the personality trait is that he has a lot of teen angst, im sorry yes he is an emo. But most teenagers that have been or are as put down by sociaty that HE HAS BEEN AND MOST OF UR CHARECTERS ALSO!, often feels a lot of hatred towards everything in some point of their life. ( Storm is a typical example of that) and many many other marvel chars start their teens really badly and then get helped to start liking that they are mutants and they are not lesser beeings set on earth by god as a plague on normal humans. bah... i could rant about this,i have and im done. There is room for charecter growth and i would try to fit in if u´d let me. Do you have any constuctive critisism for how i could change or make a better char for the setting?

i just want to be part of the fun... its your call ofcourse beta. didnt mean to make you angry or anything.
If you thought I was mad, you're wrong. I was just wondering how someone who is said to hate everyone would logically interact with a group of teens. You're approved if you think you can work it out. Just please remember the rules.
lol ok, i guess u can throw me out or kill my character of if things doesnt seem to work out. :nuts::nuts::nuts:
Name: Kal DeRoy

Code Name:
He doesn’t have one yet as he hasn’t yet met other mutants or been categorized by the government.


Danger Rank:
He has yet to be categorized by the government as he has kept completely quiet, meaning he hasn’t committed any murders or caused any sort of destruction.

Click here.

Kal is a likable guy. He is nice, charming, and quite kind. He doesn’t believe in leaving people behind, and he is always there to help others who need it. This is partially due to his parents, who, unlike the case for some other mutants, hid him and were always there for him. Kal isn’t bubbly, but he is willing to make friends, and he’d rather fix conflict through words than through battle, although he isn’t opposed to protecting those he is loyal to. It saddens him to see others in pain if he feels that they don’t deserve it. Still, he can be unintentionally cold or rude due to his childhood isolation, which is also a reason for his idyllic view of the world.

Kal has one principle powers, as well as some physical enhancements.

Matter Manipulation –
His main power involves his ability to change the properties of molecules, as well as change them into other molecules. Currently, he can cause the charge of molecules to change, causing electrical shocks and repelling enemies. As for changing particle types, he can only change protons and neutrons to electrons, strengthening and weakening chemical bonds, etc. Unfortunately, his stamina for keeping up the matter manipulation is low as he hasn’t had to use it very much. This will change as he develops in battle.

Advanced Healing –
Kal has, besides his principle power, another power. He has an accelerated healing level, although it is nowhere near the likes of Wolverine. To be precise, he can heal grazes in seconds, most flesh wounds in a few minutes excluding gunshot wounds, and broken bones in a day. He can even heal from damaged internal organs, major gunshot wounds, and the like, although this will require a day or two, and he needs to be out of any stressful situations, such as combat, because he needs to concentrate All of these enhancements stem from the fact that his body automatically uses his mutant ability to strengthen his form by strengthening chemical bonds, changing the composition of particles, etc.

As part of his childhood, he was given self-defense classes, so he is proficient, although not a true master, in Krav Maga. He can wield a gun with some proficiency, although he isn't accurate to a fault. Kal is an intellectual genius, but only when it comes to scientific, rational, strategic things. He is a great tactician, but he’s not very well versed with the harsh realities of the mutant war due to his sheltered upbringing, so he has a disillusioned, black-and-white view of what people are capable of, which can be dangerous.

Kal’s parents were aware of his mutant abilities from a very young age. They are actually very high up in the United Offensive, being one of the driving forces behind its enforcement division. However, their love for Kal drove them to keep his powers a secret, and they brought him up in a loving, rich household. Due to this secrecy, Kal isn’t especially skilled with his powers. Kal is a fast learner, as demonstrated during the classes his parents made him take, and he longs to figure out how to use his powers. The only ones who know of his mutant abilities are his parents, and they went to painstaking lengths to keep this from others.

He wasn’t raised to hate mutants, and because he is one, he actually feels kinship with them. But, whenever Kal asks his parents of their opinion on mutants, they don’t respond. He takes this to mean that they aren’t disposed to hating mutants for no reason, although that is only because he refuses to think of the alternative. This idyllic view of the world is caused directly by his sheltered upbringing. Now, being older and supposedly wiser, he’s gone out on his own, unbeknownst to his parents, and he plans on finding out what is really going on in the world.
[QUOTE="Gabriel Ryker]
Kal has, besides his principle power, a few physical enhancements. Firstly, he has an accelerated healing level, although it is nowhere near the likes of Wolverine.

This is always an iffy subject, as I prefer characters only have this if they're more defense-focused... but from what I have seen, you're a decent RPer. I'm fine with this as long as you note healing times. Such as "... healing broken bones in a matter of days, and gunshot wounds in a few hours..." or the like.

[QUOTE="Gabriel Ryker]He is strong enough to lift upwards of eight tons, run at speeds approaching 100 mph, which has also resulted in enhanced balance/agility.

Gonna have to say no to the super strength and speed. I understand you explained it in a fairly logical manner, but that would render a lot of the other players a lot less useful. Later on, if the RP survives long enough... players will gain a decent amount of strength. So keep those numbers in mind if you want to reach them later on.

[QUOTE="Gabriel Ryker]As part of his childhood, he was given self-defense classes, so he is proficient, although not a true master, in Krav Maga. As a result of further training, he is quite the ace with a sword or dagger, and a crack shot, especially with pistols. Kal is an intellectual genius, but only when it comes to scientific, rational, strategic things. He is a great tactician

I stated in the template that no character is going to be amazing at anything. Being proficient in Krav Maga, I will accept. Being an ace with bladed weapons AND a crack shot with a pistol on TOP of that? Gonna have to say no. Lastly... an intellectual genius? You want it all, don't you? :3 Tone things down some, man.


Aside from those things, the character seems alright.
Alright, I'll fix those. I was kind of iffy on the super physicals anyway, so I'll change those and note the healing times. Plus, skills are being changed.
i was wondering if i could create a power, something like cellular augmentation. it would only have effects on my character. he would be able to create and destroy new cells to help in his situation at hand. something like, creating new cells to speed up the healing process. destroying cells that make up the nervous system so he can tolerate more pain then a normal human. i was thinking a power along those lines. what do you think beta?
Gabe and Backlash must either be busy or no longer interested... :(

Notice to all current players, players waiting to post, and potential applicants. We will be heading to a "Hooters" bar in Vegas. It is a cover for an X-Men base underground. It's common knowledge that Mutants are prevalent in Vegas, and they don't try to hide it much while they're in the city. The Government can't really act against them all at once... therefore it's a relatively safe area. Knowledge of said base, however... is hard to come by. You may have your character learn of it through some channel, or simply stop there out of sheer dumb luck. That part is not my call to make.

In any case, that is all the plot-info I can offer forth at the moment. More will come as it is needed.

All posts that include the character "Ben Riley" are credited to the user "Sloth" as they are his character and I am simply using the character as a plot device to further the story as needed.
I am still interested. Just been cranking out like 50 hour work weeks, then coming home to a house full of children. It gets rough sometimes. Sorry for making you wait. And P.S. you want to battle in Naruto madness?

Name: Hank Abram

CodeName: The Tank

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Danger Rank: C

Appearance: http://healthcage.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Christian-bale.jpg?


Personality: Not really a social person with anyone he does not really know. Hank likes to spend time alone and away from people. Since he is not very social, he tends to stay out of trouble and off people’s radar. When out in public, some might consider him more or less socially incapable. But he is just a shy person. But once he warms up to people, he is very friendly and protective.

Powers: Ability to transform into any substance held.

Skills: Not very skilled at anything in particular. Has some self taught fighting skills. But mostly likes learning about materials, elements and all sorts of chemicals.

Backstory: Hank was a very small child growing up. He was treated like the runt everywhere he went. He was not very tall of had a lot of weight to him. He was not able to do anything really, so he tended to the books and his grades. At least with grades and school, he was not afraid to be injured. Through his life, he slowly built up his height and weight, but it was not till his 16th birthday when his life changed. It was the summer of his 16th birthday when his life was changed forever. His latent powers activated and his physique got a stronger definition. His body no longer was a weak and fragile body, but now he had power, and a lot of it. He was able to do things that he was not able to do before, Like play sports. One day as he went to try out for his football team, he went to grab his helmet, but as soon as he touched it, his entire body started to alter. It started to become like his helmet. His skin started to become plastic, which scared him. He dropped the helmet and backed away. As he let the helmet go, his skin reverted back to normal.

Through the last three years, Hank has been traveling the country looking for a haven for people like him. Through his travels, he has met some nice people, and some not so nice ones. He has found some great things that has aided him in his travels, and he has to use his powers to help out of some sketchy situations. In Nashville, he was over run by an Anti mutant mob. At this point in time, Hank was 18. He was fairly in tuned with the ability he had acquired and was somewhat confident in it. As he was backed into the corner, he was trapped. There was at least thirty people, all with weapons. None of them had guns, thankfully, but there was no hope for Hank getting away unscathed. As the mob closed in on Hank, he reached into his pocket and searched for one of his rings. Grabbing one of the rings, Hank brought it out and flicked it into the air. The first wave of people rushed him and swung their weapons at him. The first attack connected right to his rib, cracking it. But before the second attack hit, he grabbed the ring. This ring was stainless steel. His skin converted into stainless tell and as the bat made, contact, it shattered. With a smile on his face, Hank threw a left hook that connected with the man’s jaw. As Hank’s fist connected with the man’s jaw, you could hear bone shattering and he dropped to the ground, no longer moving. This is when the rest of the mob backed away. Hank, with one shot, just killed a man. The five people that were next to Hank was not focused on the man upon the ground, but was focused on Hank. They kept attacking so Hank defended himself. This resulted in a few more deaths till the mob left him alone.

From that day forwards, Hank had not been forward with anyone. He locked his power down and he moved from town to town in stealth. On one of his travels, Hank had caught rumor that a haven for mutants resided in Vegas so he began his trip westward.

((If i need to change ANYTHING..... just let me know. I want to make a really great character and i would appreciate all the criticism that you can throw at me.))
Character looks good, Backlash. A few typos here and there and you forgot to list what things he has on hand to transform into, but it happens and you've been busy. Approved. Just be sure to remember what I said about going crazy with your powers.

As far as Naruto Madness... I... uh... unsubscribed as it was going far too slowly and the post quality was far less than I was comfortable with. My apologies.
Name: Ariki Oranga

Code-Name: Talion


Gender: male

Danger Rank: D

Appearance: Not including Santa Hat

View attachment 11258

Personality: Talion is a conflicted person, while he is naturally an optimist his recent experiences have left him disillusioned with society. He has become a surly young man and regularly avoids large crowds of people due to the current political and social climate which persecutes him, Ariki is a daydreamer and he will regularly drift away to think of happier things rather than focus on his troubles. For a long time he has also wished to return to his home and is constantly searching for a means to that end.


Animating inanimate objects:

Technically Talion is able to channel just a trickle of cosmic energy through his body, when he channels the energy it appears as a small spark of black electricity which he then uses to animate an object. Any object he animates is given a sort of sentience and is able to act autonomously without any physical help from him (they can float around). The objects he animates are in thrall to him and subject to his will however they can only act within a diameter of two metres from Ariki. Talion cannot control more than 3 items at a time and is unable to manipulate living organisms.

Skills: Ariki is a semi-proficient survivalist and has some knowledge of herb-lore and first-aid skills. Talion is proficient with a Mere that he keeps concealed in his backpack.


The Maori people of New Zealand have always revered people with unusual powers as ‘Tohunga’ or ‘Shaman Priests’ and these people have had a long history of serving their tribes. These Tohunga, however have become more rare because of the impact the European colonists have had on the Maori people as a whole, in fact the signing of a peace treaty between the Maori people and the English Crown lead to the eventual ban of Tohunga with the Tohunga Suppression Act of 1907. This law however was only intended to cease the act of ritualistic cannibalism and later amended to serve that purpose.

By the time Ariki was born there had already been a few prominent Tohunga through New Zealand’s history and though rare these people were simply treated as charlatans or homeopathic healers but within certain circles there were some who genuinely had powers through magic or through genetic mutations. So, when Ariki was born he was born into a tolerant society that treated him the same as any other minority. His powers developed early and his parents had decided to give him into the care of a genuine Tohunga who would raise and train Ariki as every Tohunga was trained, to survive.

Ariki was 14 when his tutor had died of old age and had to return to live with his parents in Auckland, his mother had become a nurse while his father was a politician who regularly travelled to the capital and wasn’t often at home so for a time he attended high-school. At that time the Human-mutant situation around the world had begun to heat up, New Zealand maintained a neutral stance to the matter and instituted a new law; any criminal with mutant powers was to incarcerated in an off shore prison built to contain super powered people. For a time this arrangement was amenable to all as it didn’t invade privacy and a task force made of mutants was established to deal with this new realisation.

When it became evident to the Government that the situation in America was going to escalate negatively it was decided that the Prime Minister, the Maori Monarch and Ariki’s family would attend a peace conference in America along with a slew of other international leaders in order to try and convince the American government to take a less invasive strategy to deal with their failing interactions with the mutants. After the conference many of the international leaders had left to return home including the NZ’s PM and the Maori King but Ariki’s parents and a few other ambassadors were to stay behind for the duration of the event as a sign of good faith between countries.

On the last night of the conference there was to be a Ball and Ariki’s parents had been invited while Ariki would remain in the hotel until they returned. On the next morning however Ariki had turned on the T.V. and was surprised to find out that the function his parents had attended had been attacked by a group of anti-peace terrorists and that his parents were among the casualties leaving him effectively stranded in America as his room was similarly invaded and he was carried off. Fortunately though Ariki had been saved by some courageous mutant and was set free. Ariki had nowhere to go or anyone else to turn to and while the mutant had helped him it had turned out that it was simply an act of revenge against his own personal enemies and that he would not help Ariki any more than that.

Let me hop in please
Looks great. Just don't go animating cars or buildings. LOL. Feel free to post in the IC. I'll add you to the roster shortly.
Name: Hoyt Volker

Alias: The Fool-at-Arms

Age: 17

Sex: Male

Danger Rank: Charlie

Hoyt Volker is a Caucasian man who stands six foot one. He has a slight build,and short,thick brown hair. His irises are green,and he has no facial hair. His nose is narrow with a steep slope,and his face reflects his nose,as it is also long and narrow. His preferred clothing is denim jeans,sneakers,and a long sleeved shirt. He also owns a leather jacket with a cotton hood.

Personality: Hoyt believes himself intelligent,and as such will immediately correct anyone near him,weather or not they were indeed in error. Furthermore,he's a major geeknerd,and will fly into a grand conversation with anyone he can geek out with. Subjects of particular note are the military,video games,the gaming industry,and weaponry. His temper also tends to be explosive,slow burning,and most importantly,focused,although it takes quite a bit of effort to set it off.

Powers: Wabbajack Weapons. For one minute,every minute,he can conjure an UTTERLY RANDOM weapon,fictional or otherwise. The "unused" minutes don't add up. If he doesn't use it,it's the only minute he has when he does use the power. He can dismiss his weapons at will. He does not have ANY weapons training at all. Some of the weapons he can conjure are of...Dubious worth.

Skills: Hoyt has impressive technical skill,due to growing up around computers and using them for most of his life. Also,due to his internet connectivity,he has quite a knowledge of popular culture if it's relevant to his interests.

Background: Hoyt was born and raised in Las Vegas. His parents were acclaimed computer hardware engineers,and as such he always had a very powerful gaming computer. As a direct result,he was almost always playing a video game or surfing the web doing "random research" as he called it. However,this isn't to say he's a slouch at school. He more often than not passed top of his class in every subject,with the exceptions of physical education and chemistry,because he isn't a very athletic person,and the fact that he can't wrap his head around anything more advanced than the bare basics of reactions and atomic structure. He also developed a fondness of tabletop pen and paper RPG's,with the biggest one being Shadowrun.

It was one night while playing a Shadowrun campaign with his friends when the disastrous happened. In Las Vegas,people were divided. People didn't know who to throw their lot in with,and as such even the tiniest incident could carry grave consequences. It was his turn to make a move in a tough fight. His character had a pistol,and he had an attack of opportunity. Hoyt decided to pantomime his action,aiming and firing,with the added line, "Base of the skull." What happened would haunt his dreams for eternity. A very large pistol appeared in his hand just as he was squeezing his index finger,which,of course,was now on a trigger. The weapon fired,putting a high caliber round through the DM's nose,and out the back of his skull,accompanied by his mangled brain and most of his skull. In terror,Hoyt fled,dropping the gun. To his friends' amazement,it vanished without fanfare or spectacle within the minute.

Knowing that it was only a matter of time before the military came for him,Hoyt wandered the greater Vegas region,hoping to find an experienced mutant to grant him asylum. And that is what he found in the form of the one and only Gambit,purely by chance. And so began Hoyt's new life.
Name: Katia Noviel
Code Name: Halo (due to the air compulsator in spite of the fact that it is just a disk rather than a donut)
Age: 19
Appearance: My idea for her appearance is a swimmer's build; petite frame, constantly wearing a pair of silver headphones etched with the words "Never Forget". Unruly long platinum hair that grows back 'annoyingly quick' when cut. Brilliant Sapphire eyes that seem to spark just beneath the surface.
Danger Rank: Unranked if still allowed with history; D rank if otherwise
Powers: Precise control over electron spin and direction; IE Control over electromagnetism.
  • Air Compulsator
  • Electron Guide
  • Basic Survival (let me know if this is one too many; included only due to history)
Air Compulsator is an advanced use of Katia's ability to control electron movement and spin. It produces a virtual compulsator out of pure electrons and exploiting the mechanical energy of the air itself. In short, it is a virtual electrical power plant. It was developed out of necessity as Katia has no ability to actually absorb electrons (though she cannot be harmed by electricity due to her inherent control over it) Electrical generation speed is approximately 6.6 megawatts per second. [Roughly one bolt of lightning costs three minutes of charge time at this rate] Air Compulsator appears as a disk of brilliantly glowing blue electron plasma. Two funnels poor into the flat edge of the rapidly spinning disk that appear almost like a rapidly sucked in cloud. The appearance of the funnel owes to the speed at which electrons are captured into the compulsator and it's overall size and brightness is dependent upon how many electrons are trapped under her control. When the compulsator becomes particularly large, for ease of use; the disk is always created in a way that is parallel to her back, with her standing at the center of the front funnel. (though it can be moved anywhere within a range of ten feet around her) Electron Guide is an advanced use of Katia's ability to control electron movement and spin. It is intense training to comprehend and control elections in a manner so fine as to understand and write computerized and magnetic data. Unlike Air Compulsator, this ability is passive (it's always running) and as such can be called upon without any real thought. This ability's primary purpose is to forcibly absorb electrical energy into her air Compulsator and to generate complex magnetic fields (needed to do more advanced movements rather than simply pulling or pushing something) That being said, it has an inherent protective quality, all forms of ionized attacks flow into Air Compulsator to increase it's stored energy, and deflecting magnetic material (projectiles) at the cost of energy from Air Compulsator. [using actual physics to produce numbers for deflection; an average .9mm bullet would require around 260 megawatts and as such costs ~40 seconds of charge time each. Larger caliber will be calculated per request; please note that bullets are not stopped, merely deflected (no control over direction on my part...always curved path bent away but continuing general forward momentum]
Personal Weapons:
  • High yield Capacitor
  • Magnetic Pins
Katia wears a high yield capacitor for the purposes of storing electrical energy as she is incapable of doing so herself. Capacitor's can release their full charge of electricity nearly instantly, allowing to produce a moderate Air Compulsator with a moments notice. [ Magnetic pins are simply nine millimeter metallic pins meant to be controlled by her magnetism. They can be propelled forward by creating electron rails much as a railgun works. This uses a large amount of energy from the compulsator. [Roughly 800 megawatts of power each shot; ~2 minutes pre-charge time]
  • Powerful Degaussing [exceeding the magnetic potential of her already created Compulsator]
  • Non-ionized or non-magnetic material; objects without free elections coursing through it.
Though she can generate electricity if left alone, having no compulsator or source of electricity is extremely detrimental. Without clearly viable free electrons, anything with a magnetic field as strong as a simple fridge magnet can render her in capable of controlling electrons if placed in contact with her. Any source of magnetism or degaussing with strength greater than her currently gathered electron count inside her air Compulsator effectively steals away her power, rendering her utterly normal until she can escape it's field/area and generate usable electrons. [as a note; the electrons inside the compulsator would be drawn to the magnetic source, electrocuting it] Non-ionized or non-magnetic material cannot be effected by her magnetism and thus cannot be deflected away from her with Electron Guide. Hurl a rock, hit the girl. Shoot a bullet (a standard one), watch it get deflected (assuming she has sufficient energy).
Personality: Always looking forward to the next encounter, Katia was once a free spirit but has been forced to become cautious of those around her due to her ability. About the only thing she will take seriously is a threat to herself or those around her that she has come to accept. Betrayals are often met with exaggerated and punishments, but even betrayers are almost always offered a second chance; so long as they are no longer seen as a threat.
Background: Katia Noviel was born to Emma and Gregory Noviel in juno Alaska. There they lived until Katia had reached the age of eleven and first discovered her ability. They moved just north of Juno to a cabin inherited by her grandmother (who was also a mutant; perished of old age), living each and every day in fear that they would be discovered and slain for harboring. This is, unfortunately, exactly what happened. Her mother depended upon her brother for their supplies and he eventually informed the government as to her presence. Owing only to pre-planned escape routes, Katia escaped with her life, identification documents, and enough money for transit elsewhere in the country. Arriving on the shores of Washington state on her twelve birthday, Katia quickly made her way south. She has had many close calls, but had been able to evade detection long enough to arrive with her grandfather in Hillsboro Oregan. Never informing her grandfather as to her ability, or the fate of her parents (as explicitly instructed by her father), Katia was able to continue living a fairly normal life. Through a bit of self study, she learned to use what amounted to little more than static produce a compulsator out of pure electrons to generate more electricity for use. She was discovered during one such practice with a miniature compulsator during a random raid. Barely escaping, she has been on the run ever since; carefully avoiding those that seek her under the assumed identity of Katia Noviel (original name Trisha Noviel if interested)
Both are approved. Feel free to post in the IC. I am finishing Riddle's weapon list currently and will add you both to the Roster once I am done. See you in the shoutbox. :3
47 is the Helm of Disintegration.

64 is one minute of Adept Shep powers.

82 is an ice fishing auger. Is it powered or manual?
Name: Neo Leonard

Code Name: Singularity

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Danger Rank: B


View attachment 11525

Personality: He has always seen the world as what it is. He's not much of an idealist and has often been told he is a pessimist even tho he doesn't think of himself as one. He isn't the hardest guy to get alone with but he is far from perfect and often likes to be alone lately. He does whatever he has to do to get by.

Powers: He has nodes throughout his body that harness and focus dark energy. The dark energy allows him to effect mass of things with a limited range. The thing he is affecting has an aura of a purplish color. The purple color is the radiating energy of the dark energy. The pattern of movement of dark energy is generally a slow spreading out of the energy almost looking like plasma spreading out through the air. The more dense the dark energy is the darker the shade of purple. His power takes a lot of stamina from him and become sickly if he uses it to much. Also when he uses his power he tends to burn a lot of energy inside his body causing him to have a high calorie diet.

Sub power: So far he has only learned how to do one real technique and doesn't understand how his power works at all but has potential to learn more techniques.

Throw- He creates a dense mass of dark energy and air about the size of a baseball that forms in the palm of his hand. He thrusts the ball of energy at his target and when it hit's the target the energy and air disperses but most of the kinetic energy gets transferred into the target. It's enough to launch a grown man off his feet and cause serious injuries.

Skills: He isn't much more than your average teenager. He does know how to street fight but is certainly not a master of it. He is skilled at pickpocketing after being on the streets for the past year.

Backstory: Neo lived a normal life with his father, mother and brother. Going to school having friends and just enjoying life as much as possible. Then one day it all went horribly wrong. It was a normal day for him as he went to school he had a small headache but didn't think much of it. He was sixteen at the time. As the day went on his headache was getting worse and he was starting to get a tugging feeling in his stomach. Near the end of third hour he couldn't take the pain any more screamed out loud. When he did scream it sent a shock wave of dark energy through the class room sending kids flying as they smashed into the walls of the room. Neo looked around at the bloody mess he had made in horror still holding his stomach. He ran out of the school and tried to make his way home in panic but cops soon picked him up. They tossed him into a holding cell and the cops gathered around his cell to look at him like a monster. One cop who was obviously a mutant hater walked into his cell and pushed a pistol against Neo's forehead. As the cops finger tightened around the trigger Neo panicked and released a huge singularity field about 20 feet in diameter. It tore up all the cops near him into bloody shreds, causes large cracks in the cement wall and tore down the metal bars on his cell. He ran from the jail to his house and packed his things into his black backpack and his been on the run ever since doing what ever it takes to survive, mostly by stealing small amounts.
You made a biotic... *stares and reviews CS*

Approved. Adding you to the roster now. But do be a dear and pick a name. Neo is the name on the top, yet "Thane" is the name in the history. :3

Will list him as Neo for now and change it to Thane later if that is what you choose.

Also of note...

[MENTION=4253]adrenis[/MENTION]: Viktor Steen is in danger of being removed from the RP. Should you wish he remain, please make a post with him in the next 2 days or I will be removing him from the roster and the RP.

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