X-Men: After the Fall ( CS, Signup, and OOC Thread )

Beta said:
Your power is incredibly generic. "Magic" can be an excuse to fart rainbows for the amusement of children or nuke a solar system for the sheer fact that you can.
Afterimages do not deal damage, as they are merely illusions created by a persons inability to follow an incredible movement speed.

No Mind-reading with magic, for one specific reason. See below for that reason.

His personality is semi-conflicting, and I don't really know if it makes much sense.

And lastly...

I remember you VERY well. You were in the RP I joined when I first joined this site. You may not remember me, but I remember you. In that RP, I played a version of Jeremy. Yes, my character from this. Our characters were put in the same dorm. Jeremy thought your character was an elitist and despite not having mind-reading, you proceeded to act on his THOUGHTS and defend yourself to him. That is what people call "Metagaming". Metagamers in my RPs... tend to end up being smashed with banhammers as their characters get anvils dropped on their heads from low orbit.

I am willing to give you a shot. But I swear if I see one iota of metagaming, it's the anvil for you. Collab posting is fine if it is stated here in the OOC that the post is a collab. But outright metagaming, No.
Yes. And the very same. I do remember you, and I can fix all that but not right at this moment.
Name: Elizabeth “Lizzy” Dansby

Code Name: Whisper

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Danger Rank: A


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Personality: Even before the Greenfield Incident, Lizzy had already been a bit of a loner. From an early age, she found much more comfort from an electronic phone that she kept close her since she was a baby. On occasion, a teacher or family member, would observer her talking to the phone, although none brought it up. Because of this, she is very shy, not very talkative with others, and just in general a private person.


Technokinesis: She has the ability to manipulate electronics. The means by which she does this is akin to how a normal telepath would communicate, and manipulate a human person. Meaning, she doesn't so much fry electronics, more like she tells them to “go to sleep”, or “let me in”. Note: This does not apply to devices that are not in some way tied to a computer. For example, if a light switch utilizes your average power “on or off” switch, she couldn't turn it on. However, if there are computers that monitor power throughout the facility, she could deactivate the lights that way.


Wireless Mind: Possibly the least understood is just how she can interface with computers. At times, she does this by simply touching the object that she is affecting (or objects, as in the case of networks) and it is true that her connection is stronger and it is easier to influence them. However, on more than one occasion, she has been witnessed to simply look in the direction of the object and turn it off. Perhaps even more bizarre, is her ability to actually “see” the data signals that permeate from electronic devices. In much this way, she can also see through electronic devices that are capable of doing such.

Master Hacker: Due to her innate ability to speak to electronics, she is able to deactivate, activate, and see through most electronics security and surveillance system simply by talking to them and asking nicely. The tougher the security, the more time it takes her to break through it. As she would put it, she is “getting to know it.” For now, the only proven way to stop her is by having an artificial intelligence operate as the security system, that isn't so quick to be swayed.

The Switch: This is the ability that she has to simply turn off a security system. (read backstory.) Normally, she has the ability to simply switch off a system by simply speaking a phrase, “go to sleep.” When this is done, said system need simply be turned back on (for example, she turns off the light in a room, all you would have to do is flip a switch. However, in times of great stress, she has been witnessed to do far more devastating affect: By speaking a phrase such as, “die”, or simply an uncontrolled, emotional outburst, she quite literally kills the computer. Thusly, to make the proper repairs, you would have to go in and replace the affected system.

Assuming Control: This ability allows her to directly control a device that has a computer attached to it. This can either be done in a passive or active way; With the active way, it allows her more influence and her to directly control the actions of the object she is controlling. For instance, if she was to interface with a security system, she could selectively deactivate certain cameras, or activate a specific enemy turret. The passive ability allows much the same abilities, but instead she gives the system a certain command that they follow until they have been reset. She doesn't need to maintain connection with this ability. This ability can be reset by simply rebooting the affected program. She is not able to directly power the system either, so if power was cut, than she would also have no more control.


From the moment of her birth, it was obvious that Lizzy was going to be a troubled child. It was said that she cried incessantly in the hospital, and was unable to sleep. This went on throughout the first few months of her life, without anyone knowing why. Little did they know, that she was being overwhelmed by not only the physical world, but the technological one as well.

As time moved on, she finally adjusted herself to the outside world enough to be able to handle it, but that was largely all. When she was put into day care, the keepers would often find her in front of the computers, talking to them. When asked what she was doing, she would reply, “I'm just talking to the nice computer.” She was sent to counseling, but they could do nothing to help her. Seeing that their daughter refused to shake out of her “delusions”, they began to grow more and more concerned.

That concern came to a head, when the couple had a baby son. Once night, they find little Lizzy holding the baby and trying to get him to talk to the tv. When the baby wouldn't understand, she through a tantrum at him. The tantrum isn't uncommon with kids, but the fact it was over something so minor did disturb them. But what truly scared them, was that during the tantrum, the tv turned off and wouldn't come back on. The tech who came by couldn't find out what was wrong with it.

The family had seen enough, and the next day, placed their daughter in foster care. Lizzy was put with a family almost immediately; this one cared very little for the girl and was only interested in the check she brought along with her. They were smelly, creepy and repulsive, and for their part, they had no interest in her. This all served only to driver her further and further away from the physical world around her.

Her only comfort in the world was a small mp3 player that she a nice teacher had given her for making a good grade on a test. It wasn't a very fancy one, but that didn't seem to matter to Lizzy. Whenever she was sad or lonely, she would pull out “Steve” as she called it, and cuddle it close to her chest. This simply little device was her constant companion through her developmental years. And it was the one thing that made her happy.

Inevitably, all good things come to an end. The night it did for Lizzy was a stormy one; and the power had gone out. She could hear the foster parents arguing in the next room; the creepy man didn't like it that Lizzy had shown his wife the footage of him cheating on her with his secretary. In a fit of rage, he stormed into her room and grabbed the music player from her hand and tossed it out the window with a loud crash.

She quickly rushed outside to the spot it had been thrown. Dropping down onto her knees, the mud splashing, she picked up and cradled the phone in her chest. There was no voice coming from the thing, as the water had already gotten in it and fried the computer. In a burst of raw sorrow and anger, she cried out. At that moment, anything with a computer chip in it in a radius of half a mile died; computers, cars, cell phones, everything. And thus was the “Greenfield Incident.”

Lizzy walked inside and gathered her things; some clothes, books and a few other personal items, and threw them into her backpack and donned her hoodie before running out of the house. It wasn't for sometime after the accident, that police realized just who was responsible for the reported three million dollars in damages. Realizing just how dangerous this subject was if she was to do this in a more densely packed area; such as New York City near the Wall Street Exchange, they immediately contacted the United Offensive and gave them the information about her.

By the time they had mobilized to find her, she was long gone though. She took the first bus out of town, not caring where the destination was. And thus is how she lives today. Going from bus stop to bus stop, knocking over atms for a little spending cash for food and basic essentials. Looking for somewhere she can call home.

Skills: Quick Learner and Computer Memory; Both of these abilities stem from her ability that her brain is built much more like a technological computer than from a normal brain (that some consider a computer.) But because it is still a brain, it allows the two combine to allow her to learn things at a much more rapid pace. She also has the ability the download information off the computer and store it in a temporary "buffer". This is considered short term memory and fades with time, and once she sleeps (or otherwise incapacitate) it is gone. Whisper has very limited combat abilities to speak of, as she has tried to avoid them at all costs.

Possessions: Her backpack with miscellaneous tech gear (cables, adapters and such), a modified PSP she calls "Yoko", and a pocket knife.
I lied. A-Rank works. Character looks good. Accepted.

[MENTION=4669]Nicha[/MENTION]: Full review finished
Now accepting character sheets for villains! Limited slots for this, however.

The MSM ( Mutant Superiority Movement ) is a group dedicated to wiping out the United Government and all normal humans. They are led by a shadowy figure who's true identity is unknown to all but a few. The majority of the mutants are at LEAST B-Rank and considered highly dangerous, and the Government has tried numerous times to destroy them... but has so far failed.
[MENTION=3963]Beta[/MENTION] Naturally, while you and Chaotic have a point, I would have used magic but not like in the resasons stated. Besides, I was going to keep everything practical until later in the rp. But I do have another character in mind.)

Name: Vivian Hearthome

CodeName: Flare

Age: 17

Gender: Chick

Danger Rank: C


Personality: Vivian initally comes off as kind-hearted and welcoming. However, this is to mask her more unfeeling and sadistic nature. She happens to be quite apologetic when hurting someone she cares about, be it an accident or otherwise.

Hair Manipulation: Vivian is able to maniplate her hair at will, freeing it from whatever style it was in to keep it together. She is able to elongate her hair to surprising length, at least tens of meters forming it in blades, needles or the front halves of animals. She is also able it defensively as well forming shields from it.


Crimson Hair: Vivian's trademark ability. Vivian is able to raise the temperature of her hair to a degree where it is burning hot.

Needle Hair: Vivian forms her hairs into needles for striking and firing.

Backstory: Vivian's parents died in a house fire that was the result of lit lamp falling in the library when she was only 5. Vivian managed to escape the accident by jumping out of her room window. Most witnesses look at the girl with utter shock, and Vivian whispered with tears running down her face, "All died on my account. I couldn't save them." One woman dressed in black took off her jacket saying, "Don't blame yourself. They would have wanted you to live. Why don't you live with me?" Since then, Vivian has lived under the care of her foster mother, Alice Hearthome, who happened to be her mother's sister. Alice never let Vivian out of her sight, she played with her while she was home, playing checkers, watching scary movies, and lots of many things. Alice treated Vivian as if she was her own. In time, Vivian fell in love with a boy named Alex, and he kept Vivian's company while Alice was work. However, Alex started drinking and at times came to visit Vivian and abused her out of drunken confusion. Slowly, but surely, things got ugly, and Vivian broke up with Alex without a second thought. Everything seemed fine for a couple of weeks until one warm's spring day when she came home to Alex stuffing her foster mother's dead body in the closet hoping to hide it from Vivian. Vivian looked at the man in front of her with utter disgust screaming, "How could you?" Alex responded saying creepily, "She kept you away from me. I want to make you all mine. I know I was not fair to you. Give me another chance. I can change." Vivian simply screamed, "You killed my only friend. You don't deserve my forgiveness. As her rage grew, her hair began to elongate and spiral and formed an angry woman holding a fork in her hand and stabbed Alex 28 times. She began to laugh but she started to cry, whispering, "Once again, people I love die. I loved my mummy and daddy. As well my mother's sister and my now dead boyfriend." I'm so sorry. I'm so very sorry to you all." Vivian took a box that "For Vivian" engraved on it containing $2,000, her bookbag and her diary, and walked out of the dreadful scene.
So is everyone done with this or something? I expected slowdown with the site transition and all... but this is just making me sad.
Well until the roll program is back, you can't really roll for training placement. So I guess we wait.
It's been up for some time. But this RP is pretty much dead. Feel free to post in the IC if you like, I suppose.

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