X-Men: After the Fall ( CS, Signup, and OOC Thread )

Riddle, you magnificent and lucky bastard. Part of me can't honestly believe you rolled that with such perfect timing.
I will be without inyernet for the next couple Fays so I wont be able to post. If you want beta, since i'm right outside of hooters, you can puppet my character along until I get back. You don't have to male him talk or anything, just let him shadow you guys. You don't have to, just letting you know I won't be on for a couple days so you don't remove me.
I appreciate the notification. I doubt things will move too far in the next couple days, but if they do, I'll note your character following along.
Name: Monet Vanille

Code Name: Gridlock

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Danger Rank: D



Selective Mute. The girl is rather kind on the surface, seems out of the moment most of the time and is rather flighty. Affectionate in a silent way and often believes in others more than herself, making her a quick follow. When Monet decides to speak it is usually in an un-noticed flippant remark or comment. Otherwise she is able to sign, but usually just stays off in her own world, withdrawn.


Force-Field Generation/Manipulation: can create shields or force fields (mental constructs) able to protect against both bullets and lasers. If enough weight or strain is used against it, it will break; she also has the ability to throw these shields to use them like a net, or capture air and pressure it to explode.

Skills: Sign Language and double jointed.


It was suspected at a young age that there was something wrong with Monet; maybe it was the alcohol she had gotten in the womb, or an unlucky lack of chromosomes, but she was different. ‘Special’ as some people put it kindly to her; but her parent’s hadn’t known of her defect. They just thought she refused to talk, and had some odd tendency to stack things.

So they pressured her, refused to let her play until she spoke, but it seemed to have the opposite effect as she further withdrew from them. It was then that they heeded taking her to the doctor and at the age of five, Monet was diagnosed with autism. At first her parents were rather accepting of the fact, teaching her slowly but surely how to speak via sign-language. They were never patient though, and it didn’t take long for them to snap once again.

This time the abuse was more physical, and Monet became more withdrawn, more silent; not because she was trying to defy them, but because it was in her nature. It was at the age of 12 that another mutation came about, but this one wasn’t so easy to beat out of her. Her powers manifested and she could now protect herself against the onslaught, so instead of beating her, her father threw her out.

Monet was picked up by social services and the most they did for her was glance her over, because her status as a mutant went unreported before she was set to foster care. Most families refused to adopt a problem child like her, so she stayed there until she was declared a legal adult at the age of 16, kicked out into the streets of Vegas.
Good sheet, Kagura. Very unique story. Not so keen on her being declared a legal adult at the age of 12, seeing as in this story that'd be in 2010... but I can let is slide as one of those "people that fall through the cracks" kind of things. Will add you to the roster now. Feel free to post.
It is, slowly but surely. I'm busy lately. My family is moving to a new home soon so things are hectic.
I was honestly expecting you all ( the players ) to take a more active role in determining the setting and atmosphere inside Zeta Base. Converse with NPCs, train and/or fight each other in the Danger Room, get food, go to a class, find your dorm room, etc. As long as you're not breaking any rules that I set forth in the OOC/Signup... I don't care what you do. Arc 1 in my RPs is ALWAYS a "Meet and Greet". I'll let people know when I'm moving to Arc 2
Since my character has no idea what is going on, i made him just following the hippie down the steps into the base. You can tell him to go meet and greet...... and he will go and explore.
(If yal are still accepting ^^)

Name:Kindle Collen

CodeName: GameBoy

Age: 16

Gender: Dude

Danger Rank: B-Rank


Personality: A heartless brat,he really doesn't care about anyone around him and will say what's on his mind without thinking. Even when you get to know him he can still be a pain,there are only a couple people he'd call 'friends' and acts completely different around them. He usually acts mature for his age but when it comes to games he'll act like a kid on christmas,and it takes a lot for him to trust someone.

Powers: Gamer

This power pretty much links him to his games and makes him have abilities a computer would have,things he can do:

1.Saving/Loading: He is able to seal things away in a tessellated box-like structure and then saved in his game console.This process is referred to as "Saving". Conversely, releasing things that have been "Saved" is referred to as"Loading".This is simply used a storage and can't hold anything living and there is a similar ability for information.

2.Internal Pocket Dimension: When the people inside are locked in another dimension(his game console), He can control the game from the game screen.He can use the video game world to give combatants HP, simulating real life battles while eliminating the risk of death and altering environmental conditions such as the weather, gravity and time progression, as well as different types of terrain. He can create separate areas within the video game world, allowing multiple people to train without affecting each other.Yukio can also make the daily necessities like tables, chairs,toothbrushes, soft beds and even tap water.

3.Tracking Bug: He also has the ability to place a tracker on other people to help him find that person.

4.Digitals: He is able to create digital weapons such as blades,shields and sometimes little monsters or screens like a computers,but only in the range of his vision.

5.Archive: Allows him to transfer information to people for various purposes,the information is limited to what the internet knows and to what he already knows.

6.Game Time: Able to bring his game realm out into the real world,though this is very limited to the realm being a normal bedroom size and a time limit of two minutes.

He is unable to do anything if he doesn't have his Game Console(Psp),therefore if his game console dies/runs out of battery he has to wait for it to charge before he can do anything.

Skills:Has a amazing memory,can kick anyone's butt on any video game,good with strategies and thinking of plans.

Backstory: Kindle was born in a rich family and got whatever he wanted,though the only thing he would mess with was his video games.He never went outside and played with other kids so he never had friends,he was home schooled so he didn't have to deal with that ether. He didn't care though,he really didn't care about anything in the real world because compared to what was in his games everything out there was boring. He loved all the things his avatars could do and the adventures they had,but none of it was possible in this dull world he was stuck in. Well that's what he thought until his parents died in a car crash when he was 10 and things started happening,his powers started to show and things weren't so dull anymore. The fact that his parents died didn't bother him at all,he pretty much waited for it to happen since it was something new to experience.

Now he saw this world as another game after seeing what he could do and was loving it,since he really didn't care about others it only made it easier for him to make a mess.Never knowing what was going on on the outside and not having a clue about mutants,he wondered if he was the only one for a long time. Then he finally found out what was going on and started thinking maybe this world wasn't so boring after all,it just took him going out into the world to figure that out.
[MENTION=3301]Ember Bare[/MENTION]: Given his history, how do you explain him being good at Hand to Hand combat? I'm having a small issue with that. Alongside that little problem, you make no mention of the Mutant vs Government war.

Let me know what's up and I'm sure we can work it out. I love the concept.

[MENTION=4319]ninbinz[/MENTION]: [MENTION=2372]Alexina[/MENTION]: [MENTION=4074]Chaotic[/MENTION]: [MENTION=72]Riddle78[/MENTION] ... and anyone else I forgot.

In your next posts, please initiate or at least hint at an overnight timeskip.
Name: Blare Auveille

CodeName: Spellweaver

Age: 17

Gender: Dude

Danger Rank: C


Personality: Calm and collected, Blare is capable of keeping his cool in most situations. He appears to be cold and emotionless at first, but he is rather empathetic and is able to see what people like him are going through.

Magic Manipulation: Blare is able to utilize magic for various effects.

Abilities: Blare mainly works to improve his magic capabilities, but he is good for more than just magic. He also excels at cooking, and first aid should the need arrive.

Magic Move: Blare's bread and butter. Using his own speed and unleashing second split burst of magic energy, Blare is able to move at shocking speed while afterimages used to deal extra damage or to confuse enemies. (More to come.)

Backstory: Blare was the son of a men's fashion design father and a stay at home mother. Blare's mother on her own choice was staying home in order to care for her son when he turned five, but another reason was that she was from a family who was cursed with the gift of magic, and wanted to be certain that her only son would not bear the same curse. And for ten years. they were in the clear.

Unfortunately, their luck had run out on Blare's sixteenth birthday. Blare's father had just came back from work with needles in his hair when he saw Blare in a corner looking like he had seen a ghost. Blare opened up his hand the door closed behind his father. He knew the cat was out of the bag, and so did Blare's mother. And just when things didn't look like they could get any worse, Blare a dark figure outside the window behind Blare's mother. In an instant, two assassins from the government came in breaking the door down. Blare's mother stood in front of her husband and her child, begging them to take her and leave her family be. Watching this and completely scared, Blare held out his hand, unleashing a blast that quickly took the form of a beast's mouth wide open. The attack tore one assassin's left arm off, and killed the other along with taking off part of the house. Blare's father grabbed Blare and his mother by the arms, got into the car, and quickly drove away from the scene of the crime. Blare was given a pouch resembling a face smiling, his mother's, a wallet holding $900 and his father's old violin. Blare and his family moved to Las Vegas, dropping Blare off to one of Blare's mother's close friends. It was not too long before Blare realized his newfound power threatened the safety of his parents, and ran away leaving a note that said,
"I cannot thank you both enough. However; watching you or anyone die for my sake is not something I can live with. You two deserve to live as much I do even if it means that I have to remove myself from the picture."
Your power is incredibly generic. "Magic" can be an excuse to fart rainbows for the amusement of children or nuke a solar system for the sheer fact that you can.

Afterimages do not deal damage, as they are merely illusions created by a persons inability to follow an incredible movement speed.

No Mind-reading with magic, for one specific reason. See below for that reason.

His personality is semi-conflicting, and I don't really know if it makes much sense.

And lastly...

I remember you VERY well. You were in the RP I joined when I first joined this site. You may not remember me, but I remember you. In that RP, I played a version of Jeremy. Yes, my character from this. Our characters were put in the same dorm. Jeremy thought your character was an elitist and despite not having mind-reading, you proceeded to act on his THOUGHTS and defend yourself to him. That is what people call "Metagaming". Metagamers in my RPs... tend to end up being smashed with banhammers as their characters get anvils dropped on their heads from low orbit.

I am willing to give you a shot. But I swear if I see one iota of metagaming, it's the anvil for you. Collab posting is fine if it is stated here in the OOC that the post is a collab. But outright metagaming, No.

ALRIGHT. So Beta wanted an unbiased review of this application and so I (Chaotic) agreed to look. (Yay?)
1. I disagree with beta on the personality issue. It is possible to internalize a great deal of empathy while putting on a stone-like visage to the outside world. Such stoic characters are often knightly and somewhat righteous but doable.

2. I agree with the big NO on the power at this point. "Magic" might as well be the omnipower that says I can blow up the city by manipulating this strand of magic or I could fly because i say so .... or hey! I mimic the abilities of every other character in the RP because my undefined magic can be manipulated to do so.

***My suggestion to this is pick one functionality of it that would be your primary ability (for example .. you seem to like the idea of using your ability to enhance your speed and manueverability) and a secondary and weaker ability (for example the ranged damage energy animal usable for x amount of seconds/minutes)

3. Your history confused me. Your parents are being attacked by the government assassins why? And if they are in fact being attacked already then how would your powers have threatened them farther? The mutant hunters are just another aspect of government . . . so perhaps it would send 2 divisions after them . . . but other than that I don't see the situation as really worsening much.

Good Luck with your application and I hope to RP with you soon!



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