Wyldspan (new campaign)

I'm actually leaning Zenith, but I'm fiddling with the backstory and motivations still. I'm thinking something like spread knowledge and create stable harmonious city-states might work, possibly some network or should we find a network to extend it and refine principles or something like that. I want to avoid nation building in the traditional sense as I would be more interested in moving around, but it would still be cool to be working on some sort of overall solar image or something.

*goes back to fiddling*

*more fiddling as my zenith was getting overly eclipse...* >.> <.<

But yeah, something leadery and interested in the grand scheme of the world however it may exist at the moment.
The Wyldspan was not developed by me. I'm just utilizing it to tell a story. What I am gonna do is expand on this small backwater world the group will start off in.

Also, even if you're not selected fort his game, you are still welcome to check it out and see how it enfolds.
After reading more on exalted, and looking over my character I wanted to make some changes.

Name: Kyros, Sage of the lost lands, Sage

Caste: Twilight

Motivation: Find and Restore a factory Cathedral for the betterment of all Creation

Concept: Wandering Sage

Height 6ft 1in Weight 180lbs Hair black Eyes ice blue

Some are motivated purely by selfishness. Some by the tears of their loved ones. Others yet are motivated by a sense of honor or duty, and of those some are bound to a higher power. Kyros falls into the latter category. His first memories are of his Exaltation, a bright light bursting forth from his body and a seering light that blinded him. The pain was immense and the light burnt away the memories of his former life. The pain subsided and Kyros found himself lying on the edge of the Wylde.

He stood up and took account of himself, he knew his name, current affairs, historical facts, how to speak, but lacked any knowledge about himself. What were once his memories now were visions of the great Factory cathedrals of the first age. They invaded his dreams and beckoned him to find them. He could feel their draw, and the pushing of some force behind him. He didn't feel as though he was forced in the direction, but rather given the glorious of task of bringing them to the modern age. He sees his eagle companion as a gift from the powers and treats it as if it were his brother and not simply a pet.

His biggest problem now was he didn't quite know where he was or how he came to be there. So he began his search, finding and selling artifacts and searching for some clue as to the Factory Cathedrals locations. He knew there had to be one close, otherwise why would the powers have driven him here?

Kyros stands 6 ft tall and wears a dark crimson cloak about him. He mostly keeps the cloak hood up as he travels and it hides his Jet black long hair. His eyes are an ice blue that draw people in, but they soon find he doesn't have much to say to them unless it concerns his mission. He seems slender at first, but when his cloak is thrown off and he prepares to do battle his large shoulders flare and he wields his blade as if it were a feather.

Talon is an albino eagle that has a wingspan of almost 5 feet. The bird is mostly perched on his master's shoulder when they are in town, and flies above his master and hunts when they are traveling.

Kyros is a true believer in his own destiny, and believes everything is either a test or a gift to him. He sees any allies as fellow chosen that the powers favor and enemies as obstacles to his path. He has trouble relating to people, but can still hold an intelligent conversation with anyone in creation, in fact he once talked for an hour to a tree that seemed to listen.

Talon is protective and doesn't like anyone coming too close to Kyros, he is slow to like new people, and quick to let Kyros know his thoughts about the company he keeps. The two seem to have a dialogue at times that people mistake for random ramblings as Kyros doesn't need to finish sentences.


Physical (8)

Strength: XXX

Dexterity XXXX

Stamina: XXXX

Social: (4)

Charisma: XX

Manipulation: XX

Appearance: XXX

Mental: 6(+4 bonus points for 1 int)

Perception: XXX

Intelligence: XXXX

Wits XXX


Abilities:(28) + 1bp resistance +1 BP lore +1 BP investigation



Martial Arts

Melee: (F) XXX




Integrity:(f) XXX



Resistance(f) XXXX

Survival: XX



Investigation XXX



Occult XX


Athletics (F) XXX










Socialize (f) X

Specialties 1bp for 2 class/favored

Lore: Factory Cathedral

Investigation: Archaeology



Pain tolerance -3 Ignore -1 penalties(-2 to touch based perception rolls)

Flaw: Amnesia +3


Artifact Daiclave **

(orichalcum: +1 def, +1 Acc, +1 Rate)

Artifact Breastplate *

(orichalcum +2 Lethal and bashing soak, +1 Lethal and bashing Hardness

Familiar **

Eagle named Talon


(represents the selling and trading of mundane things he has found)



1st melee excellence

Dipping Swallow Defense

Solar counter attack

Oaken skin meditation

Iron skin concentration

Crafty observation

2d investigation excellence

Body mending meditation

2d athletics excellence

Lightning speed


Compassion: XX

Conviction XXX

(flaw: Heart of flint)

Temperance XX

Valor XX



Texts(Factory Cathedral)

Willpower: 5

Essence 3 (7 BP)

Personal: 14

Peripheral: 35


-0 [ ]

-1 [ ] [ ]

-2 [ ][ ]

-4 [ ]

I [ ]
Ok, here is a rough idea. At the moment I think the character is likely to be native to the world we are on and either a member of the Breed or the group claiming to be decended of Whitewall soldiers. I'm waiting to fill in a few things until there is a bit more setting information.

[edit] I really like Aelan's idea for the local Breed so I wrote something up that plays off of that a bit. Edited the character sheet, backstory is in progress.[/edit]

Caste: Zenith

Concept: Newly minted priest on a quest for truths


Her family was travelling to start a new life. They had gathered the money to buy passage on a wyldfarer and sought for the world they had heard of where the Breeds were not persecuted. She was young then, and knew the story only from faintest memory and the recounting of an old matron who pityed her. Pity, it was the best she had known. She was sick of it. The Kra'g she now lived with were better. They understood her, at least in part, but they pitied her too. She was without a family, and though they included her in their lifestyle, she was never really part of the tight family. Better than the tag along freak of an old woman, humored for the benefit of the aged.

Her's was a bitter cup, but she learned not to drink of it. Putting aside her past as often as she could Kyrali studied history with the Kra'g. They also taught her the basics of surviving these woods. She liked the woods, but being alone was dangerous. So she stayed close to the settlement hiding up in trees. She watched the interactions of the Kra'g and sang of them and the forest and occasionally other things from her past.

Rena said her singing was alien and beautiful, but Kyrali suspected it was her pitch more than anything that Rena spoke of. Either way, if she was singing they knew she wasn't being eaten so perhaps they liked it for the peace of mind. One day while singing a particularly inspired song about the tragedy of the world, she had a vision. The vision that changed everything she would say. The canopy where she perched was bathed in a golden light and the Unconquered Sun spoke into her mind. He told her to leave this place and find the truth. Quite unsure as to what exactly he meant, yet quite sure that this was nothing to be ignored, Kyrali returned to the settlement preparing to tell Rena she would be leaving.

Before Kyrali could find Rena a few Kra'g warriors saw the mark on her forehead and took her before their leaders. They were unsure what to do, but when Kyrali told them she intended to leave they nodded sagely and urged her on her way. So Kyrali left with a few possessions and headed in the direction of the nearest human settlement. The Kra'g followed her for awhile to see her safely away, but eventually she was alone.

Character Sheet

Motivation: Spread the glory and worship of the Unconquered Sun, Learn the truths of creation


Strength â—â—

Dexterity â—â—â—â— (4 BP)

Stamina â—â—

Charisma â—â—â—â—

Manipulation â—

Appearance â—â—â—â—

Perception â—â—â—â—â—

Intelligence â—â—â—

Wits â—â—â—



[ ] Archery

[X] Martial Arts â—â—

[ ] Melee

[ ] Thrown

[ ] War


[X] Integrity â—â—â—

[X] Performance â—â—â—â— (1BP)

[X] Presence â—â—â—

[X] Resistance â—â— (1BP)

[X] Survival â—â— (1BP)(1 from fur)


[ ] Craft

[ ] Investigation â—â—â—

[X] Lore â—

[ ] Medicine

[ ] Occult


[ ] Athletics â—â—â—

[X] Awareness â—â—â—â—â— (2 BP)

[X] Dodge â—

[ ] Larceny

[ ] Stealth


[ ] Bureaucracy

[X] Linguistics â—â— (Native:Forrest-tongue?, Learned:Low Realm?, Learned after Exaltation: Old Realm)

[ ] Ride

[ ] Sail

[ ] Socialize â—â—â—



First Martial Arts Excellency

Integrity Protecting Prana

Truth Shines Through

First Performance Excellency

Heart-Compelling Method

Durability of Oak Meditation

Crafty Observation Method

Surprise Anticipation Method (4 BP)

Sagacious Reading of Intent

Mastery of Small Manners

Wise-Eyed Courtier Method


Artifact â—â—â— - Ultimately Useful Tube

Artifact â— - Orichalcum Chain Shirt

Mentor â—â—â— - God of Enlightenment through Introspection, sifu

Breed (2BP)

Prehensile tail +2

Fur +1

Night Vision +1

Mood Swings (Manic and Depressed) -2


Compassion â—â—

Conviction â—â—

Temperance â—â—â—

Valor â—â—

Virtue Flaw: Overindulgence

Willpower â—â—â—â—â—

Essence â—â—

Personal 11/11

Peripheral 21/28 (7 committed)


The Unconquered Sun



~0 [ ]

~1 [ ] [ ]

~2 [ ] [ ]

~4 [ ]

Incapacitated [ ]

Dying [ ] [ ] [ ]

Dodge DV - 4

Parry DV - 4

Dodge MDV - 10

Parry MDV - 4


B_8__ L_9__ A_7___

Pierced Soak

B_5__ L_5__ A_3__

Hardness - 3L/3B

Move - 4

Dash - 10

BP 15/15

Dex 3->4 4BP

Performance 3->4 1BP

Resistance 1->2 1BP

Survival 0->1 1BP

Awareness 3->5 2BP

+1 charm 4BP

Breed mutations 2BP
Sijan: Nation of Faith

"Don't you ever dare to blaspheme our ancestors." That statement was forcefully followed by a smack to the boy's cheek. And he took it to heart from that day forward.

"In the ancient days, when Creation was one, we were quiet people. We had no desire for conflict, and none desired conflict with us. We gave thanks to our ancestors, and even entombed those of other nations, for we were the greatest in appeasing the ghosts. Alas, all things change, and when the Threefold War began, the Dowager herself, led her armies to attack us. Unable to defend ourselves, we scattered to the winds, hoping to save some remnant. And here, in this world, we have found a place to call home. We will rebuild, but we must also adapt, for we cannot be peasful when the Wyld lurks just outside our doorstep."

In the early days after the Breaking, several smaller worlds stuck together. Amazingly enough, several of them had refugees from Sijan, and so those disparate groups gathered once more to rebuild. But now, they know that they must take up arms to defend themselves. And so they decided to build a nation, and not just a city-state. They have two cities, albeit small, and a score of villages and a town.

The practice of ancestor worship is still followed, but they have noticed the reduced number of ghosts that answer them. And so, their thaumaturges have expanded and began to learn the other Arts as well, mainly the Art of Spirit Beckoning, and Art of Elemental Summoning. They also boast of 10 sorcerers within their population. The largest number of sorcerers among the nations within this world, though most of the spells these sorcerers know aren't attack spells. Indeed, the selection of spells they wield is very limited.
An inquiry based upon reading while conducting research: Any home rulings on the operation of the Fiery Solar Cannon (Wonders of the Lost Age, p79)? From what I've read in most posts online about it, most games seem to homerule it to not be as restrictive in terms of being completely helpless while firing it (unable to dodge or parry is default, this part often seems to be entirely annulled so that people using the weapon don't basically have to combo every turn or be a sitting duck). So...basically just wondering what your opinion on the thing is. :D
Made some (hopefully) final tweaks to Ephrons sheet back on Page 4, once I realized I was laboring under some...misconceptions.

Also realized I am a hurf durfing durflord and didn't transcribe my complete record of Bonus Point Expenditures. Fixed. :)

maybe I'm late but if there are still open slot, I'm interested!

For now, I'll post the character sheet, bg soon to come.

Sometimes, sight is but a distraction from the eternal dance of Creation.

Sometimes, Fate chooses someone to trade her eyes for something more, and indeed many are the legends and the tales of great heroes not graced with the light of Creation.

Like many of those heroes of the past, Pearl was born blind.

Patient, attentive and keen, her parents struggled against their limited means to grant her an education worth of her talents, and Pearl learned with joy and curiosity.

Yet, the Wyld was advancing, merciless and inexorable.

Among limited resources to save the population, it was ruled that only those of able body and capable of fending for themselves would have been saved, to ensure that a new land could have been conquered, tamed and settled.

Pearl was forcibly split from her parents, and left in the quickly crumbling shard.

Those other left behind went quickly mad, ran into the Wyld or were consumed by its primal multiform energy.

Devastated and terrified but unbroken, the little girl found refuge in an ancient cave, that still was resisting the fury of the Wyld.

The subtle, faint flows of the air.

The smell of the water.

The texture of the rocks under her feet.

The apparently endless, labyrinthic cave felt natural to navigate, but sooner or later the Wyld would have swallowed even that.

Pearl could sense the screams of the cave in the airflows and in the the tremors of the rocks.

Desperate, she took a pencil, and a paper, and began to write.

Stories, tales, recipes, mathematical formulae, code of laws... The paper was quickly filled and patched on the walls of the small rooms where she sheltered.

When she finished the paper, she started to carve the rock.

When her stilus was consumed, she continued with her fingernails and then with her bare fingers.

Order was set and patched on all the surfaces, carved with letters, squares, circles... Insanity followed desperation.

Yet, the Wyld slowed down but did not stop, threatening even that last room.

In an instant of clarity, Pearl realized that the Wyld was reaching the shelter from within, through her very mind.

She stopped, and let everything go.

Her body still, her mind still.

The Wyld stopped, and Luna smiled upon her.

For what you can perceive, you are looking at a young girl, a winding figure with long dark hair collected in a bun, clearly born in the middle of nature: She dresses like she has to camouflage in woods, with green and brown clothes.

No armor obstruct her movements.

Character Sheet:

Name[/b]: Dew's Pearl

Concept: Blind Scout

Motivation: Know every angle of the world

Totem: Bat

Caste: No Moon

Tell: Completely black eyes

[ ] Strenght-------â—

[X] Dexterity------â—â—â—â—â—

[ ] Stamina -------â—â—â—â—

[X] Perception-----â—â—â—â—â—

[X] Intelligence---â—â—â—â—

[X] Wits-----------â—â—â—

[ ] Charisma-------â—â—â—

[ ] Manipulation---â—

[ ] Appearance-----â—â—â—â—

Abilities: (2BP)

[ ] Archery--------

[ ] Martial Arts---â—â—

[ ] Melee----------

[ ] Thrown---------â—â—â—

[ ] War------------


[ ] Integrity------â—â—â—

[ ] Performance----

[ ] Presence-------

[ ] Resistance-----

[X] Survival-------â—â—â—


[ ] Craft---------

[ ] Investigation--â—

[ ] Lore-----------â—â—â—

[ ] Medicine-------

[ ] Occult---------


[ ] Athletics------â—â—â—

[X] Awareness------â—â—â—â—â—

[ ] Dodge----------â—â—â—

[ ] Larceny--------

[ ] Stealth--------â—â—â—


[ ] Bureaucracy----

[ ] Linguistics----â—

[ ] Ride-----------

[ ] Sail-----------

[ ] Socialize------


Manse â—â— The Monkey Stone

Artifact â—â— Moonsilver Sky Cutter

Tattoo â—â— Lamellar Armor (8L/9B ; 5L/5B)

Heart's Blood â— Hummingbird, electric ray, Black and yellow garden Spider, Dire Wolf

Charmes & Knacks:


Humble Mouse Shape

Deadly Beastman Transformation

Prey Skin's Disguise


Per II

Eye Of The Cat

Sense Borrowing Method

Predator Is Prey Mirror

Blood On The Wind

Keen Hearing and Touch Sense

Air Dragon's Sight

Mutations (7 points):

Enhanced sense (hearing)



(i've one more point to spend.)

Essence, Virtues & Willpower: (3 BP)





WillPower â—â—â—â—â— â—â—â—

Essence: 3 (10 BP)

EDIT: I have extensively reworked my character...

and, i have a question about the sky-cutter: the manual write I can roll dex + thrown to make it returns in my hands. what if I'm using it with AM? should i roll dex + AM?
I'll make my announcement on Wednesday who's in. Everyone ineterested who hasn't done so, please post your character, and more importantly, your backstory.

If anyone has any question, post it here, and i'll answer them.
Just my question about the Fiery Solar Cannon above, at the moment - and the Craft question from earlier that Fiaryn posted was also from me by proxy, and has already been answered. :D
TherealBrickwall said:
So I recently discovered that Agents of Heaven get 3 more BP than most Exalts. Whoops. I think I'll go spend those, then.
Lucky bastards! :lol:

Edit: Oh hey I'm no longer the only Lunar submission.
Tildryn said:
Just my question about the Fiery Solar Cannon above, at the moment - and the Craft question from earlier that Fiaryn posted was also from me by proxy, and has already been answered. :D
I'll leave the Fiery Solar Cannon as is, for now.
Karregan said:
EDIT: I have extensively reworked my character...
and, i have a question about the sky-cutter: the manual write I can roll dex + thrown to make it returns in my hands. what if I'm using it with AM? should i roll dex + AM?
First, it should be MA, not AM... :lol:

Second, you cannot use the Sky Cutter with Martial Art unless you have a charm from a style that has a Sky Cutter as a Form weapon. And for such a style, you will most likely require having a dot or two of Thrown anyway...
Resubmitted with the a few minor changes

Back story
Choata Wind with a Smile grew up in a large town, almost a city, that once was part of the Eastern empire before Creation shattered. Third son and seventh overall to an ailing fruit farmer, he pretty much was relegated to bodyguard (which for his family he excelled at) for the fruit cargo. His Two older brothers were generally poor merchant and far worse gamblers left him to watch over the shipment while they left to gamble and drink. While they were gone a elderly man came and looked the fruit over. “Son that is some horrible looking fruit?â€,â€Choata responded about how with a grin and offer the man a bit of his wineskin. The old man took a sip and his eyes widened. “What is that?†Choata finally broke his silence, “Tis a spice wine, my family makes, I have ever wondered, every time I visit this city why you never have anything comparable.†“Young lad, you wouldn’t be willing to part with it for a small price?†“Good sir you may have, the entire thing†Tossing the skin to the man, “I have three more.†The Man’s eyes beamed, “which I will sell to you for…†they discussed the price for a short while, till just about the old man thought he would have a grand bargain, the Choata added, “and you must buy the load of fruit from my brothers for a good price.†“Why would I want to do a thing?†“So that I may return with more spice wine.†And so started his trading. The old man had taken Choata under his wing and taught him much about mercantile. One day Choata saw Wyldfarer and knew what his next plan was. He began hanging around the Port Taverns when he could till he one day made friends with a pilot , A woman by the name of Scarlet Wylder, a younge Terrestrial who told fancy stories about other places and taled about the foods that could and could not be found. With this He realized he would start selling spices to all the Wyld Colonies. Fate would flicker for him a short while later as he convinced merchant after merchant to fund it his getting a Wyldfarer and when he when to speak with Gard the blossom finder a Terrestrial Merchant that specialized in selling exotic herbs the Exaltation hit him bringing with it knowledge impossible to know. And with a few words Gard was sold on the idea. Choata learned all he could about Wyldfarer till he found one almost ready to be scrapped a massive thing he bought if for far less than he thought it to be worth and started doing repairs and moving in a Hydroponics system so that they could provide the freshest of the spices. The day Choata was going to install new guns for the ship a Pack of Wyld Behemoths charged in with Fairfolk capturing people, Rushing Chota got Gard with as many seeds as possible and Scarlet. Watching the city crumble with a following of what appeared to be locus he shed a tear for what he could not do but take on as many passengers as he could. He fled with his merchant ship.

He is a fairly average looking man for his Home Shard, who are about a hand shorter than average, hair a light brown with highlights of green, and eyes that mirror the color of the sky. His Clothes are of fine quality mainly of silk of which he has in as many colors as he can, his shoes are soft hemp well worn. There is always a smile resting on his face for he genuinely happy to take care of his people

Caste Eclipse

Concept: Trader

Motivation: To start a strong Trading Company

Anima: Social Contract

Intimacy: “Homeworld(the ship)â€, “The familyâ€, “Defeating the thing that destroyed his former homeâ€

Compassion 3, Temperance 2, Conviction 3, Valor 1; Willpower 6

Virtue Flaw: Heart of Flint

Strength: 2

Dexterity: 3

Stamina: 2

Charisma: 5


Appearance: 3

Perception: 3

Intelligence: 3

Wits: 3

(F)Melee: 4

(F)Craft: water(3), Specialties: Fire, Magitech

(F)Occult: 3

(F)Lore: 3

(F)Larceny: 3

© Bureaucracy: 4

©Socialize: 3

Integrity: 3

Martial Arts: 3

Linguistics: 1(Old Realm)


Frugal Merchant

Insightful Buyer

Wise eyed courtier

2 melee Excellency

Infinite melee mastery

Integrity protecting prana

Terrestrial circle sorcery

Ritual of elemental empowerment

Summon the lesser minions of the eyeless face

Elemental summoning


Artifact 2: Wyldfarer 9pt ( Size: Incredible (6 pts): less jade; Anti-Wyld Grid: Trade Lane Grid (2 pts): Jade; Low-Power Engines (1 pt) :jade) I kind of imagine the ship as more of a junkyard scrapper made from several ships “Homeworldâ€

Hearthstone1 :

Ally 1: Dragonblood Wyldfarer pilot(Scarlet Wylder)

Ally 1: Dragonblood Wood-aspect Sorcerer and Gardener(Gard the Blossom Finder)

Followers 3: Workers and refugees onboard the Wyldfarer

Resources 3: a Hydroponics system that takes the majority of the fighter bays, and a small textile(silk) production

Equipment: a wooden strait sword(elemental empowerment of earth), shoes (Elemental empowerment wood), Silk robes(elemental empowerment water), and a tea set(elemental empowerment of fire)
Sheet finished, here it is:

Name: Gray

Caste: Twilight

Concept: Engineer

Motivation: To reforge Creation under the duress of combined Magitech, Geomancy and Sorcery - Literally to reconstruct it piece by piece like a cosmic jigsaw.


Strength - 3

Dexterity - 4

Stamina - 2

Charisma - 2

Manipulation - 4

Appearance - 2

Perception - 3

Intelligence - 5

Wits - 3


(Favoured) Archery - 3

(Favoured) Awareness - 3

(Favoured) Dodge - 3

(Favoured) Integrity - 2

(Favoured) Resistance - 5

Sail - 3

(Caste) Craft (Magitech) - 4

- Specialty purchases for Craft (Fire), Craft (Air), Craft (Water), Craft (Wood), Craft (Earth)

(Caste) Occult - 3

(Caste) Investigation - 2

(Caste) Lore - 4


Artifact 5 (Fiery Solar Cannon, "Nova Tongue")

Manse 2 (Gem of Last Resort (Inserted into Fiery Solar Cannon))

Manse 3 (Jewel of the Master's Hand)

Artifact 2 (Orichalcum Bracers)

Artifact 1 (Orichalcum Chain Shirt)


Second Archery Excellency

First Lore Excellency

Second Lore Excellency

Chaos-Resistance Preparation

Object-Strengthening Touch

Second Craft Excellency

Durability of Oak Meditation

Spirit Strengthens the Skin

Iron Skin Concentration

Thaumaturgy I (Geomancy)


Craft (Fire)

Craft (Air)

Craft (Earth)

Craft (Water)

Craft (Wood)

Archery (Artifact Weapons)


Willpower - 7

Compassion - 1

Conviction - 4

Temperance - 1

Valor - 3

Virtue Flaw - Foolhardy Contempt

Essence - 2

Personal Essence: 13/13

Peripheral Essence: 18/30

Committed: 12


Stamina: +2L/+2B

Orichalcum Breastplate: +7L/+5B

Total: B7/L9/A7

DDV: (Dex 4 + Dodge 3 + Essence 2 + Bracers 3) / 2 = 6

PDV: (Dex 4 + 0 + 0) = 4



Background: An adept with most technologies, Ezekiel "Gray" Deoson was forever busied in the adaptations of what little their settlement had before. Granted Exaltation in a fever of inspiration during construction of a vital aqueduct during extreme drought, the device brought a grand increase in quality of life for those of their previous world. These and other marvels were produced day and night, only interrupted by the inevitable passing-out into unconsciousness through exhaustion. When the amorphous assault tore their land to pieces, that same inspiration - images of a previous life, perhaps - guided him through gaping cracks in the earth to a long-abandoned workshop, still housing a First Age one-man fighter craft.

Ensconcing himself within the device's shell as even the reinforced workshop fell to pieces under the forces of the Wyld, its powering-up sequence came just in time as it tumbled through the void. Thrumming into life, and attempting a fruitless assault on the creature destroying their home. To no avail in the end, and forced to escort the refugees instead.

Yet whilst approaching their new home, an assault of the Fair Folk almost snuffed out the pocket of refugees the Solar protected, but for the superiority of the craft and its First Age weaponry. Rapid-firing plasma tearing through the entourage, urged recklessly on as the Curse took hold. Ever-more recklessly diving through their enemies, the cunning entities were indeed defeated - but the risks proved too much, as a final fatal blow brought the ship hurtling toward their destination - impacting against a mountainside near what would become the refugees' new settlement. The craft itself completely wrecked, only its primary weapon salvageable. With modification and a new name, the Nova Tongue is born.

Thus his role continues anew, attempting to forge some manner of stability here first of all - but his Exalted vision spans wide. Ambition drives him to loftier goals, a grand plan to reunite Creation in the most literal sense.


Sorry if it's a little poorly written at times, I had to stay up kinda late to get it in on time. A few things I still need to add to it and rewrite better.
If I were the ST, I'd be seriously tempted to have a game with the Battles Sidereal tries to keep order among the four Twilight madmen... 'd be awesome! :mrgreen:
I have now come to the conclusion that the STs on this board enjoy watching applicants squirm

Can't blame them though, I would probably do the same thing if I end up running a game.

So in order to appease SRC,

Oh, the pain! Make it stop! You're kiiilllling us...

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