Wyldspan (new campaign)

I'd say Int 1 might be detrimental on occasion.
That's a feature, not a bug.... :mrgreen:

Jokes a part, I'm building a jack-of-all-trades and it's hard to fit everything, so I'll be happy to dump some stats... If Int becomes a limit, I'll consider raising it.
After rereading the Wyld-Forged Terrain section a few times I came to 2 conclusions, 1 I am not playing a character that will imediatly be dealing with the effects of wyld shaping, 2 oh the interesting problems that can arise, and that there needs to be a thread to discuss this.

back to character

Stats for character:

Caste Eclipse

Concept: Trader

Motivation: To start a strong Trading Company

Anima:Social Contract

Intimacy: “Homeworldâ€, “The shipâ€, “familyâ€

Str: 2 Cha: 5 Per: 3 Ess 3

Dex: 3 Man: 3 Int: 3 Comp 3, Temp 2, Conv 3, Valor 1

Sta: 2 App: 3 Wits: 3 Willpower 6

(F)Melee: 4 Virture Flaw Heart of Flint

(F)Craft: water(3), Fire(3), magitech(3)

(F)Occult: 3

(F)Lore: 3

(F)Larceny: 3

© Bureaucracy: 4

©Socialize: 3

Integrity: 2

Martial Arts: 1

Frugal Merchant

Insightful Buyer

Wise eyed courtier

2 melee Excellency

Infinite melee mastery

Integrity protecting prana

Teresterial circle sorcery

Ritual of elemental empowerment

Summon the lesser minions of the eyeless face

Elemental summoning


Artifact 2: Wyldfarer 9pt ( Size: Incredible (6 pts): less jade; Anti-Wyld Grid: Trade Lane Grid (2 pts): Jade; Low-Power Engines (1 pt) :jade) I kind of imagine the ship as more of a junkyard scrapper made from several ships

Hearthstone1 :

Ally 1: Dragonblood Wyldfarer pilot

Ally 1: Dragonblood Wood-aspect Sorcerer and Gardener

Followers 3: Workers and refugees onboard the Wyldfarer

Resources 3: a Hydroponics system that takes the majority of the fighter bays, and a small textile(silk) production

Artifact 2: TSUNAMI BLADE, Jade
Lunar Diplomat...completed!


Name: Ephron

Caste: Changing Moon

Spirit Shape: Swan

Tell: Feathers throughout the hair

Concept: Cold-Hearted Songbird

Motivation: To atone for the "failure" of the Silver Pact


Strength - 3

Dexterity - 4

Stamina - 3

Charisma (Caste) - 5

Manipulation (Favored) - 4

Appearance (Caste) - 3

Perception - 2

Intelligence (Favored) - 3

Wits - 3


Awareness - 1

Dodge - 2

Integrity - 3

Martial Arts - 3

War - 2

Linguistics - 1

Performance - 3

Presence (Favored) - 5

Socialize - 3

Survival (Favored) - 2

Bureaucracy - 2

Investigation - 2

Lore - 1


Artifact 4 (Infinite Resplendence Amulet, Orichalcum/Moonsilver "Coruscating Raiment of Winged Divinity")

Artifact 1 (Moonsilver Baneclaw "Clarity")

Influence 2 (Refugees)

Heart's Blood 1

Manse 3 (Gem of Grace)


+Refugee Populace

+The pursuit of self-improvement

+Orderly society

-Fair Folk



Second Charisma Excellency

Second Appearance Excellency

Second Manipulation Excellency

Perfect Symmetry

Mirror Sight Dismay

Culling the Pride

Cautious Comments


Deadly Beastman Transformation

Prey's Skin Disguise

Changing Plumage Mastery


Willpower - 9

Compassion - 1

Conviction - 4

Temperance - 4

Valor - 2

Virtue Flaw - The Curse of the Drunken Monkey

Essence - 2

Personal Essence: 20/20

Peripheral Essence: 32/42

Committed: 10



DDV: 4 (5 w/DBT)

PDV: 6 (7 w/DBT)



Bonus Point Expenditures:

Temperance 4 - 3 pts

Conviction 4 - 3 pts

Willpower 9 - 2 pts

Presence 4 and 5 - 2 pts

Artifact 4 (Infinite Resplendence) - 2 pts

Manse 1,2,3 (Gem of Grace) - 3 pts

Background: Ephron is many things to many people. To the people of Tulnaret he is remembered fondly as the martyred son of the Chieftain, who gave them faith when he led them by example in defense against the Fair Folk. While his unshakeable faith motivated the people to fight and win, it was not a fight won before figures surrounding in argent dancing lights dragged the boy into the Wyld.

To the Lunar Exalts, Ephron is a headache with a lot of potential. He did not take kindly to being wrested from his people and being informed that he required "education" by those who chanced to observe his Exaltation. And he was most certainly not respectful of his tutors. It was with a mixture of aggravation and delight that they viewed his sudden disappearance into the Wyld with one of their own ships with naught but a curt letter explaining his departure.

To Ephron himself, he is just another example of the Lunar Exalts most distinguishing feature: Failure. For a race of Chosen "Stewards", it is his opinion that they have done a remarkably poor job of Stewardship. They were to defend Creation from the Wyld, and yet the Third Age is characterized by the supremacy of the Wyld. So disgusted was he with his tutors seeming unawareness of their history of inadequacy, he set out determined to be more.

It was not to be. The very world he decided to take under his wing was soon set upon by a strange amorphous being and brought to ruin. The best his leadership and Exalted might could make of the situation was mere survival. And survival is not sufficient. As the warped environs of the Wyld give way to a new world for Ephron and his weary band of survivors, he permits hope to buoy his spirit once more. Perhaps this time it shall be different...

Mechanically speaking, I'm a bit rusty (oh god I made a pun) but I think this guy is pretty functional. It's about as well rounded as I could make a Lunar. Tight fit, but functional.
xarvh said:
Thanks BrikWall, that was exhaustive. =)
Adding a last question to the lot:

*) I'm fleshing out the PC concept; while I definitely want a high-compassion, positive character, he's NOT going to be politically correct, in concept and behavior, and will use a generous amount of foul language.

Is everyone ok with this?
May I make a recomendation, think about how to throw insults that might not make sense to anyone but your character. for example assume you grew up in a culture where a woman that has not given birth to a male is concidered a virgin... so you call peoples's mother's virgins... or for a thanks ie your culture values goats greatly and you'l say "Let me kiss your goat."
Fiaryn: A couple minor notes.

1. Your Parry DV is 6 (7 DBT). You only add your highest Defense bonus to your Parry value, not the Defense bonuses of all your weapons. Page 146 of Corebook. I'm guessing that's the only reason you took those specific Artifacts, so you may think about re-investing one or both of them.

2. Twin-Faced Hero is Essence 3, which it does not appear you have (you don't have your Essence listed anywhere, so I'm guessing)

3. That's a heron, not a swan :P

Also, if we get to buy Artifacts as separate backgrounds, I have another Bonus Point to stick somewhere, so I'll get to that.
TherealBrickwall said:
Fiaryn: A couple minor notes.
1. Your Parry DV is 6 (7 DBT). You only add your highest Defense bonus to your Parry value, not the Defense bonuses of all your weapons. Page 146 of Corebook. I'm guessing that's the only reason you took those specific Artifacts, so you may think about re-investing one or both of them.

2. Twin-Faced Hero is Essence 3, which it does not appear you have (you don't have your Essence listed anywhere, so I'm guessing)

3. That's a heron, not a swan :P

Also, if we get to buy Artifacts as separate backgrounds, I have another Bonus Point to stick somewhere, so I'll get to that.
1) Good point! As I said, I've forgotten some details. I'll swap out the Hooksword for something else. I've no notion as to what just yet.

2) I have Essence 3, I simply apparently forgot to list it.

3) I'm aware but it's a decent match nonetheless.

To the bolded, you're always able to do that. I've literally never heard of doing it any other way.
Fiaryn said:
TherealBrickwall said:
Also, if we get to buy Artifacts as separate backgrounds, I have another Bonus Point to stick somewhere, so I'll get to that.

To the bolded, you're always able to do that. I've literally never heard of doing it any other way.
Yeah, I'm fairly certain that is RAW

And since I am the type of person who tends to make a fool of myself without proof,

Your character can purchase this Background multiple times' date=' once for each artifact she owns.[/quote']
One of my first STs ran it that way (1e player, didn't like letting DBs and other multi-dot-per-dot Artifacters getting all weird with that system). I tend to err on the side of caution just in case.
For lack of any 1 dot artifacts worth the time, the question becomes Influence 3 or a dot of Heart's Blood. Hmmmm
Fiaryn said:
For lack of any 1 dot artifacts worth the time, the question becomes Influence 3 or a dot of Heart's Blood. Hmmmm
Given that your current Heart's Blood is 0, I'd say go for that. Just 1 dot in HB can give you alternate person forms, or let you turn into a bear, or other awesome things that shapeshifting does. Without non-True forms, you lose a lot of the advantages that Lunars have.
TherealBrickwall said:
Fiaryn said:
For lack of any 1 dot artifacts worth the time, the question becomes Influence 3 or a dot of Heart's Blood. Hmmmm
Given that your current Heart's Blood is 0, I'd say go for that. Just 1 dot in HB can give you alternate person forms, or let you turn into a bear, or other awesome things that shapeshifting does. Without non-True forms, you lose a lot of the advantages that Lunars have.
Sounds good to me. While it's unfortunate my DVs aren't quite as high as I had believed, Cautious Comments should still keep them high enough that I have functional defenses to avoid getting splattered in an impromptu fight.

The Lunar perfect defense has too many prereqs to be a realistic possibility.
Not to worry. most chances are that any opponent you come across at first isn't likely to be another Exalt. Unless you go traveling far and encounter the New Realm or the Imperium, or the Prince of Shadows.
Not to worry. most chances are that any opponent you come across at first isn't likely to be another Exalt. Unless you go traveling far and encounter the New Realm or the Imperium' date=' or the [b']Prince of Shadows.[/b]
This guy

This guy sounds like he's gonna invite us over for milk and cookies. I just know it.
Right, I most likely need a reality check here, but how "out there" is it to have an Exalted who at char gen has three artifacts (2 of them 3 dots), one 3 dot hearthstone, and is running around with a Grand Daiklave wielded in one hand?

On a related note, I am nearly done with the character sheet, not quite with the backstory

Oh yeah, this is a combat focused Exalted if you can't tell (Dawn Caste)
Hey, I'm going to be throwing a sheet in myself I guess. This game has been niggling at my lazyness and finally my curiousity won over.

I'll be attempting a Twilight raised amongst the Mountain Folk. I'm thinking some kind of story involving having done a great service for the Mountain Folk in the First Age (probably involving Autochthon since I love his story and why he left), and have begun construction on a ship with the Mountain Folks assistance.

The theme will be a mix of Dylan Hunt from Andromeda and Captain Nemo from 10,000 leagues under the sea, but more the League of Gentleman's twist on him. I'll be fairly competent as a mechanic type with a focus on combat and going where I will, almost a pirate...untill he meets someone offering more adventure than marauding provides.

I'll be constructing a wyldfarer along the lines of what I believe the Nautilus/Andromeda Ascendant had and throwing piles of my backgrounds into the ship itself, but my main character will actually be more combat focused with an urge toward adventure. Gods know this is late in the proccess but hey, it sounds fun!

I'd be a relatively new exalt, and arrived where the others are to 'provide some assistance' and scout out new crew members to train up to help me command my ship. I'm actually thinking of a unknown but very potent wyldfarer that I cannot yet command. It'll have a clockwork navigator who will not accept my commands but will protect the ship itself. It'll be a 5 dot wyldfarer with the 'ability' for me to request a destination. Till I get essence 4 (development required) and then I'll have access to the ship itself.

Basically I'm on the world with everyone else, looking for a crew and some sort of adventure as my feet are grounded at the moment due to a lack of the strength required to wield my ship properly.
Two questions:

#1) Is it max intimacies = Compassion + Willpower or max intimacies = Compassion? The core and Lunar books say different things on this, and it kind of doesn't make sense to me that Lunars would have less Intimacies. If they do, that's well and good but I thought I'd check first.

#2) Do you expect us to be using Mandate of Heaven rules in any capacity?
Fiaryn said:
Two questions:
#1) Is it max intimacies = Compassion + Willpower or max intimacies = Compassion? The core and Lunar books say different things on this, and it kind of doesn't make sense to me that Lunars would have less Intimacies. If they do, that's well and good but I thought I'd check first.
Compassion+Willpower. STARTING Intimacies is Compassion without BP expenditure.
TherealBrickwall said:
Fiaryn said:
Two questions:
#1) Is it max intimacies = Compassion + Willpower or max intimacies = Compassion? The core and Lunar books say different things on this, and it kind of doesn't make sense to me that Lunars would have less Intimacies. If they do, that's well and good but I thought I'd check first.
Compassion+Willpower. STARTING Intimacies is Compassion without BP expenditure.
Aha! Okay this is less silly then and makes perfect sense.
I don't think we'll be using the Mandate of Heaven rules very much. I might use them as a general guideline, but that's probably it.

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