Wyldspan (new campaign)

I don't think we'll be using the Mandate of Heaven rules very much. I might use them as a general guideline' date=' but that's probably it.[/quote']
Thank god.

That's one less elaborate ruleset to try and keep straight.
Marchterde: The Chosen of the Kra'g

Write-up of the Kra'g, the Backstory of Marchterde, and his character sheet

The Kra'g:

A reclusive Breed of people, the Kra’g are instantaneously recognizable due to their exceptionally large size, their dark fur that covers their bodies, and their strange voices. Somewhat of a tribal people, the Kra’g are organized into tight-knit familial tribes, with each individual typically related to one another. Centered around an “alpha†leader, usually the most fearsome individual in battle, these tribes range in size from a couple dozen of the Kra’g to hundreds of them. The largest of these tribes form the closest things to settlements or small towns that the Kra’g have, with the smaller tribes normally forming migratory villages that are capable of moving as needed.

Community is an important concept to the Kra’g, especially in the smaller tribes, where each member must fulfill his or her duty in order to keep thriving. Each individual’s role within the Kra’g is determined by their skill set; the strong are the warriors and the hunters, the swift are the scouts and the messengers that go from village to village, and the skilled are the artisans and the crafters. However, all of the Kra’g are trained in the ways of battle, though it differs greatly family to family and tribe to tribe. Despite their somewhat tribal society, the Kra’g are not a primitive people; within their larger and more stationary settlements, the Kra’g live much like the people of the Second Age did, no better and no worse. In fact, most of the Kra’g may live better than the average person of the Second Age did, simply for that fact that their society’s tight focus on community and equality, results in virtually no “classesâ€. There are no nobles and there are no peasants in Kra’g society; a soldier is equal to an artist and a merchant is equal to a hunter. Now, this is not to say that there is not any sort of hierarchy or leadership, as there are leaders of each tribe (the alphas of each tribe) and each profession has its own structure, such as the military structure of the warriors. This sense of equality extends outward to the tribal level, meaning that in matters of importance the opinion of a smaller tribe is thought of as being just as important as the opinion of a larger one.

A reclusive nation of people, the Kra’g are slow to trust outsiders, for the years immediately following the intrusion of the Wyld upon Creation were hard ones, as the Kra’g were persecuted by the Priams, and then the Sijan, for appearing to be some sort of monster. But those times were many years ago, and the Kra’g now have good relations with both the Priams and the Sijan, though they are still reclusive and those relations tend to be little more than trade agreements. However, within the Kra’g, everybody tends to trust one another, creating a society in which an individual’s word is his bond.

Though family, honor, and trust are some of the highest ideals of Kra’g society, there is one aspect of the Kra’g that seems to stand contrary to everything else about their society. For a few days of every month, when the full moon is at its largest, all of the Kra’g seem to go mad (or at least it seems to outsiders). This is when the full effects of the Wyld is seen in the Kra’g people; for roughly three days, all of the Kra’g act strangely and are overcome by fits of uncontrollable excitement and energy. Seemingly, a nationwide celebration of life begins to occur, as even the most solemn and studious Kra’g begin to dance in the streets, playfully brawl with one another, and all kinds of revelry occur. Only those Kra’g who have yet to see five years are spared this sensation of monthly mania, everyone else is affected.

Despite numbering in the thousands, the Kra’g are not the most numerous or the most powerful of the nations on their world, though they may be the oldest. The vast majority of the Kra’g live in the smaller, mobile villages, with several hundred living in the central settlement, called Kragshome, which acts as a sort of hub for all of the other, smaller villages. The Kra’g do not have much in the way of the five magical materials, or in the way of magic, though there are a few stories of locations where great, glittering suits of armor and massive, mighty weapons have been hidden away for centuries.


Born to the alpha of an average-sized tribe of Kra’g, Marchterde is his only son; graced with an auspicious birth, he was born on the night of a full moon, a time typically reserved for the conception of children. A large and strong child (even for a member of the Kra’g), Marchterde was raised in the typical ways of his people, and he displayed quite a proficiency with both bow and blade during his training. As such, he became one of the most successful hunters in his tribe and in times of need, one of the most skilled warriors of his tribe.

As the years went by, so did Marchterde’s life, and it was a good one. Nearly two decades passed from when the monthly madness began to affect him, and he now had a wife. His skill as a warrior became great enough that he was on the verge of becoming his tribe’s alpha, when the unthinkable happened. A number of beasts swarmed Marchterde’s village and attacked it; vicious, powerful, and intelligent creatures, they overwhelmed the warriors of the village and then stole away a great many of the women that did not fall in the initial attack, Marchterde’s wife among them. Upon hearing this Marchterde, who was injured in the assault, immediately gathered his weapons and left his village with the intention of tracking these beasts and rescuing those that were taken. He tracked them for nearly the entire night, but it was to no avail; Marchterde was unable to find them. Exhausted and still suffering the effects of his wounds, Marchterde was nearly at the point of collapse, when suddenly a brilliant golden light appeared in front of him, and seemed to consume him.

Marchterde awoke at the dawn of the new day, feeling stronger and hardier than he ever had. Filled with a new sense of power and purpose, he took up his weapons and resumed his task of finding, and then following the trail of the creatures that attacked his home. What was difficult in the darkness of night was as simple as could be in the light of day, and he easily tracked the beasts back to their base of operations. As he approached, Marchterde grew angry as he recognized their base as the village of a nearby tribe. Dreading the inevitable sight of death and destruction, he was confused when he entered the village, as there were no signs that it too was attacked. Seeing motion at the far end of the village, he cautiously approached, with bow in hand, and moved into a position where he could clearly see his target. It must have heard his approach, for it turned and charged straight for Marchterde. He drew back the bowstring to fire, but then seeing the face of the beast for the first time in the light, he was too shocked to release the bowstring; Marchterde recognized the face of the beast as that of the Kra’g, but horribly twisted. As the creature closed the distance between Marchterde and itself, a sudden flood of understanding filled Marchterde; these beasts were no beasts at all, but rather the result of the Wyld draining the last remnants of humanity from the Kra’g and turning them into the mindless beasts of slaughter that others thought the Kra’g were, immediately following the breaking of Creation centuries ago. At that moment, right as the Wyld-tainted Kra’g was no more than a few yards away, a righteous fury flowed through the veins of Marchterde and he released the ready arrow, which flew as true as a ray of light and struck down the beast with the power of the Unconquered Sun. Before the lifeless body of the abomination had even struck the ground, Marchterde dropped his bow and drew his blade, and filled with the might of that only the Bronze Tigers could wield, he proceeded to eliminate all of his twisted brethren.

His battle complete, and his rage spent, Marchterde dropped his sword and fell to his knees, praying that his tribe-mates, and his wife in particular, were still drawing breath, unaffected by the taint of the Wyld. Much to his relief, his prayers were answered as familiar hands caught him as he fell, and he looked up into the caring eyes of his mate. Looking around, he saw that none of those that were kidnapped had yet been changed or killed, but in fact were gathering around him, marveling at the death that he had wrought and at the brilliant sunburst that now adorned his brow.

He returned to his village amidst the many cries of joy and relief of families seeing their loved ones returned to them, whole and unchanged. Despite the severity of his wounds, Marchterde recovered from them in only a day, and emerged from the tent where the injured were being tended to. He was greeted by stares and small whispers of thanks from his fellow Kra’g, when the alpha of the tribe came over to him, and invited Marchterde to sit with him for a while. The alpha then explained to Marchterde what had happened to him, for there was no record of this ever happening to a Kra’g and Marchterde was clueless to the fact that he was now a Chosen of the Sun. The alpha then bid Marchterde to leave the forests of the Kra’g in order to learn more about what has happened to him and also to help others who may need somebody strong to help fight the chaos of the Wyld. As a sort of parting gift, but also as a reward for saving the people of his tribe, the alpha brought Marchterde to an ancient site where the alpha claimed that items of great power were stored. Entering the ancient structure, which appeared to have been built before the Breaking of Creation, Marchterde saw the most brilliant set of armor he had ever laid eyes upon. On a stand, hung the most ornate set of breastplate and pauldrons that one could imagine, made of shining golden orichalcum. To its left lay a massive white shield with a golden lightning bolt emblazoned upon its front, and on its right stood a weapon of only ever heard of in legend; a Orichalcum Grand Daiklave. When Marchterde finally stopped gaping at sights before him, the alpha explained that there was a legend saying that these artifacts had been hidden here long before the Breaking and were only to be used by the one who had both the physical strength and the strength of character to wield them properly. He felt that Marchterde’s Exaltation, and then rescue of the kidnapped Kra’g was proof that he was the one who was meant to use these items of exquisite beauty and wondrous power. By the time that this statement had made it to Marchterde’s brain, the alpha was at the center of the room holding a small, perfectly clear gemstone. Upon Marchterde’s approach, the alpha explained that this was hearthstone that would grant him the speed of the winds, allowing him to block and parry even swiftly flying arrows.

After collecting the tremendous gifts presented to him by the alpha, Marchterde returned home to say his farewells, explaining that he needed to see what was left of Creation, starting with the other nations on his world. The next day he set out on his new life, telling his wife and fellow Kra’g that he will return one day to see them all again.

Character Sheet

Character Name[/b]: Marchterde

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Concept: Warrior-Hunter who goes through Exaltation

Caste: Dawn

Motivation: To fight the taint of the Wyld and to help prevent further destruction of Creation and its people

Anima: A brilliant white aura of power that engulfs Marchterde, and makes him seem like a massive shadow within the light, of which only the blazing golden eyes can be seen.


Height: 7’ 8â€

Eyes: Green

Fur: Dark Gray

Weight: 300 pounds


Physical: (Primary)

Strength: â—â—â—â—â—

Dexterity: â—â—â—â—â—

Stamina: â—â—â—â—

Social: (Tertiary)

Charisma: â—â—â—

Manipulation: â—â—

Appearance: â—â—

Mental: (Secondary)

Perception: â—â—â—â—

Intelligence: â—â—

Wits: â—â—â—


Dawn (Caste):

Archery: â—â—â—

Martial Arts: 0

Melee: â—â—â—â—

Thrown: 0

War: â—â—


Integrity (Favored): â—â—â—

Performance: 0

Presence (Favored): â—â—

Resistance (Favored): â—â—â—

Survival (Favored): â—â— + 1 die


Craft: 0

Investigation: 0

Lore: 0

Medicine: 0

Occult: 0


Athletics (Favored): â—â—â—

Awareness: â—â—â—

Dodge: â—â—â—

Larceny: 0

Stealth: 0


Bureaucracy: 0

Linguistics: â—

Ride: 0

Sail: 0

Socialize: 0

Essence: 2

Personal Essence: 12/12

Peripheral Essence: 12/29

Committed: 17

Willpower: 6


Compassion: 3

Conviction: 2

Temperance: 1

Valor: 3

Limit Break:

Primary Virtue: Compassion

Virtue Flaw: Red Rage of Compassion


+ The Kra’g Breed

+ His wife


Dodge DV: 8

Parry DV: 9

Dodge MDV: 6

Parry MDV: 3

Soak: 15B/14L/12A

Hardness: 9B/9L



First (Ability) Excellency: Melee, Archery, Presence


-One Weapon, Two Blows

-Dual Slaying Posture

-Dipping Swallow Defense


-Essence Arrow Attack (Righteous Judgment Arrow)


-Body-Mending Meditation

-Ox-Body Technique (-1, -2, -2)


-Graceful Crane Stance


-Artifact 2 (Orichalcum Thunderbolt Shield)

-Artifact 3 (Orichalcum Grand Daiklave) The Tooth of the Kra’g

-Artifact 3 (Orichalcum Reinforced Breastplate)

-Manse 3 (Windhands Gemstone) The Hidden Manse of the Forest

-Resources 3 A successful hunter in a fairly well-off tribe, Marchterde had the few things that he needed

-Influence 2 The story of Marchterde rescuing his tribe-mates and becoming the first Exalted Kra’g has spread throughout the Kra’g nation

Weapon Attack and Damage

Grand Daiklave
Spd Acc(To Hit) Damage Rate
5 +3 (14) 17L/4 (Piercing) 3
Long Bow
Spd Acc(To Hit) Damage(In Use) Rate Range
(bh) 6 +1 (9) 6L/2 3 200
(fw) 6 +1 (9) 6B/2 3 200
(fc) 6 +1 (9) 8L/2 (doubles soak) 3 200
(t) 6 +1 (9) 4L/2 (Piercing) 3 200


BP spending:

-Attributes: 4 BP

-Mutations: 1BP

-Abilities: 1 BP

-Background: 9 BP (2xArtifact 3 + Influence 2 + Resources 3)

Health Levels

-0 [ ] [ ]

-1 [ ] [ ] [ ]

-2 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

-4 [ ]

I [ ]

Notes on the Kra’g:


Fur (Dark in Color)


Tail (furry)


Mood Swings (Manic during Full Moon)

Disturbing Voice (Incredibly deep, like that of the Goa’uld from SG-1)
OK, so, here is my concept for Aurora. First PC I make, I'm kind of a newbie. Hope there is not too much overlap with Aelan's PC.

The Wyld...

The Wyld was screaming, when it took her family.

Her siblings... her parents.

They were screaming, and she could do nothing.

The dream refused to release further memories, instead confusing them.

Lit by cold, dim lamps, the reality of a huge, windowless stone room forced itself in her mind.

Where... How...?

Glyphs and symbols of a time long past flickered on the wall.

Aurora had barely the time to stand up before a female voice talked to her.

Her own voice?

It was a command to her.

Just one word.


The.. thing was on her, and she could only fend it off with an iron rod she had ripped from the wall with her bare hands.

A mechanical beast, lounging in a endless, savage flurry that she could barely contain.

Then, she noticed it.

In the middle of the room, haughty and shining, the massive blade ignored her.

Overwhelmed, she fell on her knees and everything blacked out again.


And darkness.

Then a drum, lone and clear.

The sound of a military march breaks the nothingness, and slowly is joined by more drums, and more, and more...

With the drums, the feet of one hundred thousand soldiers march ahead, fearless, selfless, ready to kill and to die.

Aurora looks at her shoulders, coverd in heavy orichalcum armor.

Behind her, the Fifth Legion marches, awaiting the charge.

Slowly, her right arm rises Exceedingly Glorious Radiance to the Sun.

Slowly, her mouth opens open in a battle cry, golden light embracing her.

In the stone room, the lights shatter as one young girl burns of the Light of the Unconquered Sun.

Name Aurora

Concept Badass Chick

Motivation Lead humanity to conquer back the Wyld

Caste Dawn

Flaw Berserk Anger


Sadness and anger are reflected in her face, along with a strong will to reclaim what has been lost. Since the loss of her family, no real smile has been drawn on her face. A frigid, blank stare is the legacy of all the pain that only gives its place to fierce, relentless rage in her eyes, when anyone threatens what she cares for.


Strength oooo

Dexterity ooooo

Stamina oo

Charisma oooo

Manipulation o

Appearance oooo

Perception oo

Intelligence oo

Wits ooo


F Archery o

F Martial Arts o

F Melee ooooo GDaiklave oo (3BP)

F Thrown o

F War ooooo (2BP)

F Integrity ooo


F Presence o

F Resistance ooo

Survival o



Lore o



F Athletics ooooo (2BP)

F Awareness ooooo (2BP)



Stealth ooo




Sail o



Compassion o

Convinction ooo

Temperance o

Valor oooo

Willpower ooooo oooo (6BP)

Essence oo


Articaft ooo Grand Daiklave

Artifact ooo Reinforced Breastplate

Manse o Memorial Iron



+The Colony


+Solar circlemates

+Other Refugees


-Abyssals and Infernals

-Weak, cowardly people


Monkey Leap Technique

Ath II

Lightning Speed

Increasing Strength Exercise

Surprise Anticipation Method

Melee I

Call the Blade

Iron Raptor Technique

Dipping Swallow Defense

Solar Counterattack
B. A. Swallow

Y'kno'... We live in a ffuck'd up worl', Ah started like many oda, Ah was born in da streets an' mud...

Not a happy kid, no, Ah grew up with death an' hunga o' ma tail, every goddammit day fight o' die!

But Ah was lucky, Ah was fast and smart, Ah tell ya!

Pickpocket, is what Ah did, just steal food adda market, then steal money, then run...

Ah din't hava time to be scared an'no time to be sad.

Just take an' run.

Afta, Ah wa' stealin' from houses.

But Ah gotta brain, ya kno'?

Is easia when Ah starta use ma pretty face trickin' people to gimme da money straight!

All da tricks? Ah kno' them!

Cryin' Maid? Got it!

Greedy Double? Yyyep!

Coin Corkscrew? Ya betcha!

Pidgeon Deal? Ah invented it!

Pimp Wedgie? Ma fav!

Rich an' poor, Ah din't care.

An' one day Ah was there, playin'n da street with ma last loot, an Ah was, like, "one coin, one chick'n, anoda coin, anoda chick'n..." an' allova sudda Ah realizda "Maan! Ah dunneeda anoda chick'n, a street kid coul' eat da oda chick'n!"

Ah dunno why o' what o' whateva.

Dat day, Ah just gave al' ma money to da poor.

An' ya kno' what?

't felt good!

For da fisst time in ma life Ah said "Fuck man! Ya can make a differen'!"

Ah was confus'd, all of ma life Ah ha' been a prick!

Ah had t' think man!

So Ah was there, thinkin' an lyin'n da Borda, when a booming voice talks me from da sky.


Everythin's fuck'd up!"

Ah tell ya! Ah liked da Boss at once!

An' Ah was like... "Aaaawesome!"

"Shudda ffuck up man!

Ah respect ya skillz, an' Ah'll grant ya ma powa!

Ya'll be a real badass motherffucka with ma powa!

Ah kno' ya'll use dat for da Good!"

Ah swear, dat was da Sun Himself!

But maybe Ah was just hi o' Wyl'weed...

Name            B.A. Swallow
Concept         Scoundrel an' Conman
Motivation      Protect da stray children.

Caste           Night
Flaw            Compassionate Martyrdom

   Strength            ooo
   Dexterity           ooooo
   Stamina             o

   Charisma            ooo
   Manipulation        ooooo
   Appearance          ooo

   Perception          oo
   Intelligence        o
   Wits                oooo

F   Archery             ooooo			(2BP)
   Martial Arts        

F   Integrity           o
F   Presence            ooooo	ConGames oo	(3BP)
   Resistance          o

F   Investigation       o
   Lore                o

F   Athletics           ooo
F   Awareness           
F   Dodge               ooooo			(2BP)
F   Larceny             ooooo			(2BP)
F   Stealth             ooo

   Burocracy           ooo
F   Socialize           ooo

Compassion     ooo
Convinction    oooo
Temperance     o
Valor          o

Willpower      ooooo oooo			(4BP)

Essence        oo

Followers	o	The street kids he secretly feeds and protect
Manse		o	Memorial Iron	(Oadenol 92)
Manse		oooo	Twice Striking Lightning Prism (Oadenol 88)
Artifact	oo	Orichalcum Bracers

+Poor people
+Mutual support in time of need
+Ostentatious arrogance
+Da Cru (Solar Circlemates)
+Zenith Caste
-Spoiled people
-"Da hierarchy", without realizing that he's at the top of it.

Essence Arrow attack
Phantom Arrow Technique
Graceful Crane Stance
Shadows Over Water
Seven Shadows Evasion
Flawless Pickpocketing Technique
Lar II
Flawlessly Impenetrable Disguise
Easily Overlooked Presence
Mastery of Small Manners
This looks like a blast to play, but considering I'm brand new and have never created a character I doubt I will be able to build one in time before you make your decision. If that happens, I would like to be put on the waiting list if you have some openings later :D .
Well my basic concept is a Twilight Caste that is searching for knowledge that may have been lost in the fall that could bring the shards back together. Thin I am going to build around 1st ability excellence, maybe a defensive charm, and some way of living for now and get more complicated as the time goes on lol.
Did you guys spend BP on Intimacies? I thought it was 1 Intimacy per Compassion dot at start.

Also, Ephrons background should be up momentarily :)

Edit: Ahahaha oh man, Valor 1. Xarvh I fully expect this to be a riot :D
TherealBrickwall said:
Fiaryn said:
Did you guys spend BP on Intimacies? I thought it was 1 Intimacy per Compassion dot at start.
Intimacies: Your Compassion for free, 3 BP gets you Compassion+Willpower (your max)
Ah I see. I mistakenly thought it was BP PER Intimacy. This is way more manageable :)
And Ephrons background/character sheet is now completed. Had to take a hit to my Abilities to have a reasonable amount of Intimacies, but such is the life of an Essence 3 starting Lunar. :lol:

Hi5 to my fellow Compassion 1 Wyld haters out there.
Name: Alishtar Roshan

Caste: Twilight

Motivations: Find the Five-Metaled Shrike.


Alishtar remembers little before his exaltation. Something went wrong it seems, from when his exaltation escaped his previous form until the time it entered him now. The memories were there still, in the exaltation, but so were Alishtar's own memories. The jumble that was his mind drove him insane for a while, and during his madness, his village exiled him. He was sent out bearing a belt made of bells, a warning to others that he was Wyld-Tainted. Alone he walked, surviving on the charity of temples, for a year.

By the time his mind recollected itself into a semblance of order, now some part somone else and some the original Alishtar, he simply took his name back and worked to reobtain a sense of who he was. First things first, he had to find out where he was. It seemed that he had wandered too close to the Wyld in one of the dares of the youth of his village...but instead of encountering something horrible, the flows and tides of the Wyld brought an exaltation to him. A shard lost in time, space, in existance undone.

Autocthon's Exaltation Proccess will not be interrupted. He didn't know about how it worked previously, flashes of memory were his secondary teacher. Those who took him in were his primary teacher. Some few of them had taken it upon themselves to 'improve' him. The Jadeborn as his memories told him, the Mountain Folk as they now referred to themselves. My caste mark reminded them of the one who saved them, who altered them to be able to live in this new Age. Flashes of memory, he knew some incarnation of their saviour, he was sure.

The worst was seeing a reflection of himself, and not recognising himself at times. Hate, anger. The soul within his soul, the mind within his mind. It was filled with towering rage, self loathing maybe, and Hate definitely. A vague feeling, knowledge gleaned. The Jadeborn take his knowledge and with him, create a Wayfarer. His arguments for smaller size win out over the preferences of the Jadeborn but their own preferences win out in other areas, creating a new ship that...to be blunt, is impressive for the resources dedicated to it.

Deciding that he needs to adapt to the new him still, and learn more of the worlds, the Jadeborn set him on his way, with a simple task. Find more of their kind, their Jade Eggs scattered to the Wylds, he is sent to hunt them down and perhaps, to gain some experience and personal growth. He'd never told the Jadeborn about the Shrike. But he'd dreamed of it, he wished for it. He'd hunt for it too. He'd return to them with their eggs, and they'd assist his exploration for the Shrike.

Alishtar glances out at the new world he has reached, sighing. "Here's as good as any, I guess, for a new beginning."


Strength â—â—â—â—
Dexterity â—â—â—â—â—
Stamina â—â—

Charisma â—â—
Manipulation â—â—
Appearance â—â—â—

Perception â—â—
Intelligence â—â—â—â—â—
Wits â—â—



[F]Martial Arts â—â—â—

[F]Integrity â—â—â—
[F]Resistance â—â—â—

[Caste]Craft (Magitech) â—â—â— [Air, Earth, Fire, Wood]
[Caste]Lore â—â—â—
[Caste]Occult â—â—â—

Athletics â—
Awareness â—â—
[F]Dodge â—â—â—â—

Linguistics â— (Native: River-Speak, Old Realm)
[F]Sail â—â—â—



Wayfarer â—â— (Solace RK-117S)

Constructed with the assistance of the Mountain Folk but primarily by Alishtar, this ship is very basic for a wayfarer but it gets him where he needs to go.

Frame 2 (Medium)

Anti-Wyld Grid 4 (Frayed Route Grid) [Jade]

Engines 2 (Standard Engines) [Jade]

Shields 1 (Basic Shields) [Jade]

Weapons 0

Artifact â— (Clockwork Navigator) [sol MKI]

Granted only access to the lesser parts the Mountain Folk use, Alishtar managed to cobble together a Clockwork Navigator capable of handling his ship if barely, however, he is unsatisfied with leaving things as hey are, one of his goals is to find better parts to enhance Sol to some new level with time.

Artifact â— (Navigation System I)

Part of the Jade Compass system, this device is usually used by scouts, and the Mountain Folk want Alishtar to scout out their eggs.

Artifact â— (Jade Compass)

Part of the Navigation System but specially modified, this device is the primary tool in Alishtar's arsenal in finding the eggs of the Jadeborn. Given to him freely, they came with a promise of more things to come should he find any eggs.

Allies â— (Mountain Folk)

The Jadeborn took Alishtar in when he was too damaged to function in normal societies and worked to improve him as best they could. It took a while but now that his sanity has returned they provide him with a sort of sanctuary. They're helpful and willing to do small favours for him, but he's not done too much for them yet beyond providing a project for fixing. There's been some talk of that changing to much more friendlyness if he brings back an egg or two of the Jadeborn.

Resources â—

Alishtar has access to significant amounts of Jade and can hunt more down fairly rapidly with his ship, but the problem is drawing too much attention and worse, finding Jade only to discover it's already taken. He's been taking it easy and working quietly with what smaller shards he can find, but if he can ever get a suit capable of exiting his ship, he might be able to get more in per Jade run and without having to pull a large chunk into areas of the Wyld others can work in...or see him with plenty of Jade in.

Manse â—â—â—â— (Seven Leaping Dragon Stone)

Rare in this age, memories of The South from a previous life took him to the exact location of his old Manse, or his new Manse, however you look upon it. It was a very well defended place and there was evidence that others had tried to get into the place but no signs anyone had gotten deeper than Alishtar managed, actually being able to get through the security systems of the Manse. Getting away from the Manse after entering proved more problematic as nearby settlements all wanted to lay claim to the Manse. Alishtar escaped, but getting back might be an issue now.

Artifacts and Equipment

Leather over coat,
rations for a few days,
Fine Tigers Claws.




Ox Body Technique, (1 -1, 2 -2)


Second Dodge Excellency, 2m per success, (Core, p184)

Reflex Side Step Technique, 1m, (Core, p227)

Shadow Over Water, 1m, (Core, p227)

Seven Shadows Evasion, 3m, (Core, p227)

Leaping Dodge Method, 3m, (Core, p227)


Second Sail Excellency, 2m per success, (Core, p184)

Salty Dog Method, 3m, (Core, p236)

Martial Arts

First Martial Arts Excellency, 1m per die, (Core, p184)

Solar Hero Style

Fists of Iron Technique, 1m, (Core, p242)



Join Combat: 4


Tigers Claws

Speed: 5

Accuracy: 11

Damage: 6L

Defence: 4

Rate: 3


Speed: 5

Accuracy: 8

Damage: 6L

Defence: 6

Rate: 3


Dodge DV 6


B 2

L 1

A 0


-0 [ ]

-1 [ ][ ][ ]

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Mental Defenses

Dodge MDV 6


Compassion â—

Conviction â—â—â—

Temperance â—â—â—

Valor â—â—

Virtue Flaw

Heart of Flint


Finding the Eggs of the Jadeborn

Willpower: â—â—â—â—â—â—


Permanent: â—â—â—

Personal: 15/15 (0 Committed)

Peripheral: 36/36 (0 Committed)

15 Standard

- 1 Dodge 3 -> 4

- 2 Craft Specialties [Air, Earth, Fire, Wood]

- 7 Essence 2 -> 3

- 5 Manse 4
Name: Kyros, Sage of the lost lands, Sage

Caste: Twilight

Motivation: Find and Restore a factory Cathedral for the betterment of all Creation

Concept: Wandering Sage

Height 6ft 1in Weight 180lbs Hair black Eyes ice blue


Some are motivated purely by selfishness. Some by the tears of their loved ones. Others yet are motivated by a sense of honor or duty, and of those some are bound to a higher power. Kyros falls into the latter category. His first memories are of his Exaltation, a bright light bursting forth from his body and a seering light that blinded him. The pain was immense and the light burnt away the memories of his former life. The pain subsided and Kyros found himself lying on the edge of the Wylde.

He stood up and took account of himself, he knew his name, current affairs, historical facts, how to speak, but lacked any knowledge about himself. What were once his memories now were visions of the great Factory cathedrals of the first age. They invaded his dreams and beckoned him to find them. He could feel their draw, and the pushing of some force behind him. He didn't feel as though he was forced in the direction, but rather given the glorious of task of bringing them to the modern age. He sees his eagle companion as a gift from the powers and treats it as if it were his brother and not simply a pet.

His biggest problem now was he didn't quite know where he was or how he came to be there. So he began his search, finding and selling artifacts and searching for some clue as to the Factory Cathedrals locations. He knew there had to be one close, otherwise why would the powers have driven him here?

Physical Appearance:

Kyros stands 6 ft tall and wears a dark crimson cloak about him. He mostly keeps the cloak hood up as he travels and it hides his Jet black long hair. His eyes are an ice blue that draw people in, but they soon find he doesn't have much to say to them unless it concerns his mission. He seems slender at first, but when his cloak is thrown off and he prepares to do battle his large shoulders flare and he wields his blade as if it were a feather.

Talon is an albino eagle that has a wingspan of almost 5 feet. The bird is mostly perched on his master's shoulder when they are in town, and flies above his master and hunts when they are traveling.


Kyros is a true believer in his own destiny, and believes everything is either a test or a gift to him. He sees any allies as fellow chosen that the powers favor and enemies as obstacles to his path. He has trouble relating to people, but can still hold an intelligent conversation with anyone in creation, in fact he once talked for an hour to a tree that seemed to listen.

Talon is protective and doesn't like anyone coming too close to Kyros, he is slow to like new people, and quick to let Kyros know his thoughts about the company he keeps. The two seem to have a dialogue at times that people mistake for random ramblings as Kyros doesn't need to finish sentences.


Physical (8) (+4 Bonus points=1 stamina)

Strength: XXX

Dexterity XXXX

Stamina: XXXXX

Social: (4)

Charisma: XX

Manipulation: XX

Appearance: XXX

Mental: 6

Perception: XXX

Intelligence: XXX

Wits XXX


Abilities:(28) + (2BP Melee) +(2BP resistance)



Martial Arts

Melee: (F) XXXXX




Integrity: XXX



Resistance(f) XXXXX

Survival: XX



Investigation XXX

Lore XXX


Occult XX


Athletics (F) XXX


Dodge(f) XXX











Pain tolerance -3 Ignore -1 penalties(-2 to touch based perception rolls)

Flaw: Amnesia +3


Artifact Daiclave (or)**

Artifact Breastplate(or) *

Familiar **

Eagle named Talon


(represents the selling and trading of mundane things he has found)



1st melee excellence

Dipping Swallow Defense

Solar counter attack

Oaken skin meditation

Iron skin concentration

Crafty observation

2d investigation excellence

Body mending meditation

2d athletics excellence

Lightning speed


Compassion: XX

Conviction XXX

(flaw: Heart of flint)

Temperance XX

Valor XX



Texts(Factory Cathedral)

Willpower: 5

Essence 3 (7 BP)

Personal: 14

Peripheral: 35


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Just might need help with the combat stats and equipment I guess.
No, we just slapped Intimacies without too much regard for the mechanics, they tell a lot about the characters. =)

I'd prefer to wait to know more about the game and the starting circumstances to select [Compassion] relevant Intimacies.
Priam: The Nation of Steel

"Never believe what the others may say. When Creation was at risk, we went out to face it's worst enemies. Yes, we were led by Solars, what some still term as Anathema, but our ancestors saw great victories under their command, and they haven't mistreated them. Sure, they can get crazy on occasion, but I know I would to, if I had that much power in my hands."

The remnants of Whitewall's soldiers who got stuck in this world are men of discipline, and have constructed their society to model that, mainly since in the early days after the Breaking, creatures from the Wyld tried to force their way in. Few got in, and those who did were severely crippled, but a threat nonetheless.

But even in those days the men were divided. While they were led by Solars, those champions died, and a man named The Voice declared that they were all led to blasphemy by following the Anathema, and he branded those who refused to listen to his words as evil, gathered those who believed his words, and began to construct another settlement on this tiny world they found themselves on.

Relations between the two groups were strained from the onset, and small skirmishes would erupt on occasion, but they never turned into a war, because their numbers were too small. Their rivalry is generally manifesting in trying to outdo the other, whether in sports competitions, or in trade.

Each group is essentially a city-state, with some small villages in the surrounding area.
While it doesn't effect me directly, still thought it was worth asking...

Will we be using any house rules for the Craft skill? It's relatively common to see some kind of modification to the "all variants of Craft function as separate abilities" standard, but not common enough to assume :)
Craft: We'll dispense with the need to buy different Crafts as they stand in the Core Book. When you take Craft, the first dot, you need to choose which Craft it is. The other Crafts you can buy as if they were Specialties, except that the various Crafts are not real specialties and therefore not subject to the limit of three, though they do not add extra dice either.

Anything other than the basic 5 Crafts need to be approved by me, especially if you want to up your craft beyond 3. Sidereals are specifically allowed to take Craft (Fate).

For example:

Twilight 1 buys Craft 3 (Wood) with his Ability points. He then adds a Specialty of Furniture +2 by spending 1 Bonus Point.

Twilight 2 decides he wants to be a real Craft monkey. He buys Craft to 3 using Ability points, and decides on Earth as his basic Craft. He then spends 2 Bonus points to take 4 more specialties in Craft, so he's got Air, Water, Wood, and Fire as well, covering all the basic Crafts.

Both of these Twilights can use Craft (Wood) to build furniture. And assuming both have about the same scores for Intelligence, Perception and Dexterity, let's say their lowest is 3.

Twilight 1 has 8 dice to his roll, while Twilight 2 has 6 dice to his roll.
Due to my wishes to be a pilot with a wyldfarer and the special note that in Wyldscape you don't need any pr-requisites to get craft magitech, I'd like to ask for my base craft to be craft Magitech (and I'm most likely going to find sme BP to get 4 of the basic craft skills as specs).
Sorry, I must have missed that. So yeah, Craft (Magitech) is allowed. Do try to refrain from taking it to 5 at chargen. Leave some room for growth in there as well. Besides, I might have some surprises for you.
Allowed and not 5 aye. It'd take background points to get above 3 and I'm dreadfully short as is :P

Edited (now with 100% more spoiler tags for ease of reading).
I'm working on some sort of lore oriented solar, but I haven't quite hammered down the caste yet. What sort of timeline to you desire for getting concepts submitted?
xarvh said:
We're still missing a Leaderous Zenith!
It's strange really, Zeniths seem to be the most unpopular Caste from what I've seen.

But even if we don't get one I still have the Charisma thing down pat :V

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