Wyldspan (new campaign)

Hmmm, definitely sounds interesting, though I am not quite sure what I would play (probably a Solar of some sort)
Which raises another question. Are Alchemicals valid for this game? I'm pretty sure the answer is "no" but it can't hurt to ask.

I would be sorely tempted if they were valid.
I have a Sidereal in the works. I assume that I have to use the ronin template, since any enfranchised Sidereal would know the political situation? I'll draw up both version just in case.
An Alchemical might be doable, if you can sell me on a great story for whence he came from, and what's he doing there. Obviously he's not one of the refugees, or from one of the established nations.

Yes, a Sidereal would likely be ronin. A non-ronin would cause a whole lot of headache for us both. Again, if you can sell me on a great story, I might relent.
Hmmm, I've been reading some of the world, I gotta ask, would I be allowed to play a Breed who goes through Exaltation?
An Alchemical might be doable, if you can sell me on a great story for whence he came from, and what's he doing there. Obviously he's not one of the refugees, or from one of the established nations.
Yes, a Sidereal would likely be ronin. A non-ronin would cause a whole lot of headache for us both. Again, if you can sell me on a great story, I might relent.
Well let me give you the basic idea and tell me if what I've got so far is sound.

Jade Caste Alchemical of Ot disptached on a Wyldfarer designated for both trade and (like all Ot travellers I'd guess) keeping an ear out for anything resembling rumors of the Makers presence. Makes port at the world destroyed by an amorphous being as mentioned in the OP prior to said disaster, only to find himself caught up in the evacuation efforts for survival if nothing else. Doesn't help that his ship probably got wasted in the attack.

Upon reaching this new world, he sticks around because...well.

He's a Jade Caste. It's typically not their thing to just say "Well, see ya. Hope that works out for you" when the common man is shat upon and stretched to his limits.
Yes' date=' a Sidereal would likely be ronin. A non-ronin would cause a whole lot of headache for us both. Again, if you can sell me on a great story, I might relent.[/quote']
Honestly, I like his story better as a non-ronin, and I'm not hurting too badly from the mechanical penalties (except maybe the Charm loss, but I roll Lunars, so I'm used to it). I would request that you grant me some leniency in my explanation for knowing a Celestial Martial Art, though, since that works out funny when you have Arcane Fate and no Sifu. I'll have one, but it's probably going to be on the un-end of the likely spectrum (because weird coincidences don't happen to the agents of Fate :P ).
Yes. In fact, in the world you begin in there is one Breed. I haven't detailed them yet, except for the fact they live in a forested area, and sport a tail.

You have a specific Breed in mind?

Fiaryn, it could work.

TherealBrickwall, if it's a Celestial Martial Art style, there's probably not gonna be a problem. i'd be happy to see both versions.
A rought idea for a back story for an Eclipse.

Choata Wind with a Smile grew up in a large town, almost a city, that once was part of the Eastern empire before Creation shattered. Third son and seventh overall to an ailing fruit farmer, he pretty much was relegated to bodyguard (which for his family he excelled at) for the fruit cargo. His Two older brothers were generally poor merchant and far worse gamblers left him to watch over the shipment while they left to gamble and drink. While they were gone a elderly man came and looked the fruit over. “Son that is some horrible looking fruit?â€,â€Choata responded about how with a grin and offer the man a bit of his wineskin. The old man took a sip and his eyes widened. “What is that?†Choata finally broke his silence, “Tis a spice wine, my family makes, I have ever wondered, every time I visit this city why you never have anything comparable.†“Young lad, you wouldn’t be willing to part with it for a small price?†“Good sir you may have, the entire thing†Tossing the skin to the man, “I have three more.†The Man’s eyes beamed, “which I will sell to you for…†they discussed the price for a short while, till just about the old man thought he would have a grand bargain, the Choata added, “and you must buy the load of fruit from my brothers for a good price.†“Why would I want to do a thing?†“So that I may return with more spice wine.†And so started his trading. The old man had taken Choata under his wing and taught him much about mercantile. One day Choata saw Wyldfarer and knew what his next plan was. He began hanging around the Port Taverns when he could till he one day made friends with a pilot , A woman by the name of Scarlet Wylder, a younge Terrestrial who told fancy stories about other places and taled about the foods that could and could not be found. With this He realized he would start selling spices to all the Wyld Colonies. Fate would flicker for him a short while later as he convinced merchant after merchant to fund it his getting a Wyldfarer and when he when to speak with Gard the blossom finder a Terrestrial Merchant that specialized in selling exotic herbs the Exaltation hit him bringing with it knowledge impossible to know. And with a few words Gard was sold on the idea. Choata learned all he could about Wyldfarer till he found one almost ready to be scrapped a massive thing he bought if for far less than he thought it to be worth and started doing repairs and moving in a Hydroponics system so that they could provide the freshest of the spices. The day Choata was going to install new guns for the ship a Pack of Wyld Behemoths charged in with Fairfolk capturing people, Rushing Chota got Gard with as many seeds as possible and Scarlet. Watching the city crumble with a following of what appeared to be locus he shed a tear for what he could not do but take on as many passengers as he could. He fled with his merchant ship.
Looking over the lists of the mutations, plus living in a forested area and having tails, I can't get the idea of having a Wolfman Solar Exalted out of my head

As for what the breed would be mutation-wise, it would be:


Fur (Dark in Color)


Tail (furry)


Mood Swings (Manic during Full Moons)

Disturbing Voice (Incredibly deep, like that of the Goa'uld from Stargate SG-1)

And if you do not have the general personality and ?culture? worked out for them yet, I was thinking that they typically keep themselves separate from the others on this world, but when they do interact with the normal humans, they generally are agreeable, at least in the sense that while they may not be the closest allies, they are not hostile to one another, and would tend to help one another out in times of need.

How would that work for this world?
Woo, I finished my character!

All the fluffy stuff is in small text, so it won't interfere with the page. As for the character sheet itself, things in parentheses indicate what is altered if he is an agent Sidereal as opposed to a ronin.

Name: Night Hawk

Caste: Battles

Concept: Warrior philosopher

Motivation: Discover the true meaning of battle

Intimacies: Meaningless conflict (-disdain); (haven't thought of a second)

Strength 3

Dexterity 3

Stamina 3

Charisma 2

Manipulation 3

Appearance 2

Perception 4

Intelligence 3

Wits 4


Resistance 1






*Dodge 2(/3)

Linguistics 1 (Riverspeak N; Old Realm)


Socialize 2(/3)

*Archery 4(/5)

*Athletics 2(/3)

*Presence 3

*Melee 4(/5)

*War 3

Investigation 2

Lore 2(/3)


Occult 0(/2)

Stealth 0(/1)

*Awareness 3(/4)

Bureaucracy 0(/2)

*Integrity 2

*Martial Arts 4(/5)



Acquaintances 3

Artifact 2 (Short Powerbow)

Artifact 2 (Hearthstone Bacers)

(Backing (Bureau of Destiny) 2)

(Celestial Manse 3)

Resources 3(/0)

(Salary 3)

(Sifu 3)


Compassion 2

Conviction 2

Temperance 3

Valor 2

Willpower 6

Essence 2

Personal 10/10

Peripheral 19/27

Committed 8 (Short Powerbow, Hearthstone Bracers)


Quiver 3

Spear 2

Corpse 2)


Harmony of Blows

Force Decision

Auspicious Prospects for Battles

3rd Dodge Excellency

1st Martial Arts Excellency

1st Archery Excellency

3rd Awareness Excellency

Monkey Tail Distraction Strike

(Secrets of Future Strife)

(Joy in Adversity Stance)

(1st Athletics Excellency)

(Flowing Mirror of Opposition Technique)


Starmetal Short Powerbow - Speed 6; Accuracy +3; Damage +4L; Rate 2; Range 250; Attune 4

Starmetal Hearthstone Braces (+3 Dodge, +1 Accuracy, +1 Defense)


Gem of Starlight

Gem of Omens)

Combat stats:

Punch: Speed 5; Accuracy 9(/10); Damage 3B; Defense 10(/11); Rate 3

Kick: Speed 5; Accuracy 8(/9); Damage 6B; Defense 6(/7); Rate 2

Clinch: Speed 6; Accuracy 8(/9); Damage 3B; Defense -; Rate 1

Exceptional Hammer: Speed 5; Accuracy 10(/11); Damage 12B; Defense 10(/11); Rate 2; Tags: P

Exceptional Short Spear: Speed 5; Accuracy 11(/12); Damage 8L; Defense 10(/11); Rate 2; Tags: R

Exceptional Straight Sword: Speed 4; Accuracy 11(/12); Damage 7L; Defense 10(/11); Rate 2

Short Powerbow: Speed 6; Accuracy 11(/12); Damage 7L; Range 250; Rate 2

Parry DV: 5(/6) (unarmed); 5(/6) (armed)

Dodge DV: 5

MDV: 5


0 [ ]

1 [ ] [ ]

2 [ ] [ ]

2 [ ] [ ]

4 [ ]

I [ ]

D [ ] [ ] [ ]

Backstory: Night Hawk was born to be a fighter. Those who knew him in his teen years would say that he was born first because he beat up his twin brother in the womb. This is rather untrue, of course, but people thought it was funny (oddly enough, this sort of joke tended to get them beat up). Night Hawk was indeed born the first of twins, his younger brother named Dawn Crow. They were both healthy children, and their parents felt rather blessed to have two healthy boys after such a short time. They had great hopes that they would one day be scholars, for they managed to find an affordable tutor to teach them history and sciences and language.

The boys were 5 years old when the accident occurred. A random bar fight between two drunks spilled onto the street where the boys were playing. Both boys were smart enough to try to get away, but only Night Hawk was fast enough. Crow was trampled, and severely and permanently lamed because of it. The fight was broken up by the local marshal before more people were hurt, but in Hawk’s eyes, it was too late. He never managed to reconcile the event with his concept of how the world ‘should’ be. He grew up wondering why people fight, why they need to hurt each other, and other such concepts that most people ignore when they’re not active issues. Hawk turned to the fighting arts at age 8. At first it was just basic forms learned from a Wyldfaring martial artist, paid for with a year of saved allowance. He took to them naturally. It is one thing to watch a person strike with skill honed by years of training. It is an entirely different thing to watch someone perform a strike that they understand on a level most people don’t even think on. It was Hawk’s ability to do the latter that drove him to pursue more. He stopped being a child, and his life was filled with training. He strove to understand the violence that had once shattered his worldview. He studied every art of war, from strategy to sword-swinging to shouting. He studied philosophy and history. By the time he was in his late teens, he would blindly fire arrows into the air and catch them by guessing where they were supposed to come down. He played Gateway without looking at the board, just his opponent’s eyes. And nothing was ever good enough for him. If he started finding some ridiculous challenge too consistently possible, he’d make it even harder. After a near-decade of pushing himself to the brink, he stopped. He realized that he hadn’t made any progress in his actual goal for a few years. It was time to adopt a new strategy. He said his goodbyes to his family, and caught a trade Wyldfarer off to a new world to begin life as a mercenary.

Hawk was a very successful mercenary. For one thing, he was rather good at finding jobs. It only took him a couple of weeks to be able to locate the person who needed hired help most out of a crowd. Also, he rarely ran the risk of dying, getting hurt, or getting his client hurt, because he had an uncanny knack for stopping fights before they began. Even when a fight was inevitable, he had no problems waiting until the most advantageous moment before he would let it begin. He lived well, and his understanding of conflict developed more. He was rather preparing to begin writing a book (or at least a decent first draft) by the time he was 25.

One fateful day, he located a large trading ship in need of protection from pirates (who would naturally board, to avoid losing the cargo to the Wyld). He was one of many mercenaries to sign on, but it was no issue to him. He requested an overview of the route from the captain, and picked out the most likely points of attack and the best places to patrol for boarding. An attack did happen near a refugee planet the ship was checking for trade prospects. Hawk cut down three boarders before they noticed him just by waiting around the right corner. Before the other mercenaries got to the boarding area, he had singlehandedly slaughtered the entire raiding party. The pirate ship appeared to begin retreating, but the unexpected happened: they opened fire from a hidden Essence cannon, destroying the trading vessel’s reality engine. Everyone should have died. Fate had other plans, for a nearby Sidereal Shard was to Exalt someone on the vessel.

Hawk didn’t really have any idea that he was using magic at the time. He just saw it as his own ability and his discernment of the threads that interconnect everything. But with his newfound power, he marshaled the entire crew within seconds into a counter-raid. Under his leadership, they commandeered the pirate vessel before it got out of range, and only suffered a few losses.

(At this point, our story diverges into two possibilities. The first is short, and assumes no connection with the Bureau. The second adds a couple months between the Exaltation and the return, and gives Hawk a position among Heaven’s agents).

1. The traders unfortunately did not have room for the people and the cargo on the pirate ship (it was not meant to hold large amounts of both). They (with some persuasion from Hawk) agreed that nobody could be sacrificed for the mere sake of continuing the trade route. They turned to the nearby world and landed, joining the refugees. Hawk was allowed to take what magical cargo they had that he wanted as final payment.

2. The traders managed to pack enough cargo into the pirate vessel to keep their trade route going, though many of the crew were forced to stay on the world because of upkeep issues. Hawk stayed with the ship (he was still being paid to, after all), but someone was waiting for him at the next stop. An Endings who went only by the sobriquet “Scythe†whisked Hawk away to Heaven. Though Scythe was a Bronze faction functionary, he decided that Hawk would be given a neutral briefing on the factions by a god of arbitration (the most neutral people there are on the issue). Hawk ended up deciding on neither faction, since he was rather interested in how the two butted heads, and thought being on either side would skew his perspective. Scythe accepted this (or, more likely, didn’t care), and agreed to remain Hawk’s martial arts teacher regardless. Hawk was recently interrupted in the middle of a lesson with a letter from Oversight, demanding that he go to the world he left the traders on. No further briefing or explanation was given. Scythe gave him some Essence meditations as homework and went off to do something else immediately. Hawk grabbed the artifacts that were granted to him upon his arrival and left on a Wyldfarer refugee barge going to the world.

P.S. If you see anything wrong with, well, any aspect of this sheet, feel free to let me know. I am made of meat, and therefore make mistakes sometimes.
Aelan, the list of mutations is agreeable. I intentionally left the Breed not too detailed, so if anyone wanted to play them, they could have some fun...
A few more questions for SRC:

*) If I understand correctly, all shards are divided by ample areas of Wyld, so traveling among the shards requires to be somehow resistant to the Wyld... All non-lunar players may need those charms just for the most basic commerce and trade...

Mmmmh, Lunars have a nice edge.... It would be nice to see a Lunar merchant... oO

*) The Wyld being so close, how much abuse of Wyld Cauldron Technology do you expect from the local Twilights?

*) I'll help Melcairiel, who's kinda newbie, to build her Dawn. Would you allow her to select Resplendent Edge's charm "Every Motion Kata"?

*) I'm trying to build up a Night conman, and I would like some clarifications about how do you see a few Social traits, namely how do you see them conman-worth:

-) Charisma: "how innately likable someone is" which would be very important to a conman, yet, it also makes the person stand out and be easily noticeable, which is very bad.

The very same for Appearance.

Is it possible to have them both high (say, 4) yet standing out only when actually speaking?

-) Intelligence + Bureaucracy: I assume that unless I want to commit financial frauds, these can be very low...?

-) To lie and deceive, do I use Performance (like an actor) or Presence?

That's all for now! :mrgreen:
xarvh said:
A few more questions for SRC:
*) If I understand correctly, all shards are divided by ample areas of Wyld, so traveling among the shards requires to be somehow resistant to the Wyld... All non-lunar players may need those charms just for the most basic commerce and trade...

Mmmmh, Lunars have a nice edge.... It would be nice to see a Lunar merchant... oO

*) The Wyld being so close, how much abuse of Wyld Cauldron Technology do you expect from the local Twilights?
I can actually answer both of these. The answers are in the setting that he linked us to (I don't blame you for not clicking through all the links. I happened to be very bored between classes is all).

1. The worlds are really far apart. It's much better to just get a Wyldfarer than to spend weeks trekking across the Wyld by yourself (if that's even physically possible, since you'd be without the benefit of a reality engine to make actual terrain). There are also suits that protect from Wyld exposure for short durations.

2. Wyld Shaping is pretty much impossible to make permanent, or even long-lasting. While it can certainly be used, the potential for abuse is a good deal lower than with regular Wyld Shaping rules. Basically, you can't make stuff immune to the Wyld re-chaosing it, and nothing lasts in Creation without constant upkeep. Feel free to conjure up a nice daiklaive in preparation for a big battle, but don't expect to keep it forever.

Obviously, SRC can change those, but I personally think that doing so would change the setting from "cool" to "inconvenient/annoying". Nobody wants to keep track of if they've activated Integrity-Protecting Prana or other Wyld-protection, and nobody wants to sit around while the Twilight builds Disney World (unless they REALLY like Space Mountain). It's way cooler to monitor your bitchin' spaceship's Wyldfarer's shields while you're fighting space Wyld pirates, then go planet-side to seduce green-skinned alien Breed chicks (or dudes, if you're so inclined). I think we can all agree on that?
Thanks BrikWall, that was exhaustive. =)

Adding a last question to the lot:

*) I'm fleshing out the PC concept; while I definitely want a high-compassion, positive character, he's NOT going to be politically correct, in concept and behavior, and will use a generous amount of foul language.

Is everyone ok with this?
Hey, I challenge you to be worse than either of my face-to-face groups

I challenge you...

PS: That is of course if no one else minds
The real Brickwall:

My two cents:

1> Travel in cannon Wyld is in essence philosphical. I could tavel from the West Pole to the East pole via the wyld purely by beleaving it, and the time is however long I think it will take. In this setting that rule doesn't apply the same, and probably has something to do with the effect of the Maiden dying.

2> The abuse of Wyld Cauldron is much higher in this world due to poximity.... I could have taken a year to get to the Wyld, now a short stroll. and I don't see the rules for the setting being that far off from cannon, except it does not address the cannon making land and putting people onto it toprotect it from eroding.

I think that seducing Space Pirate might be much more interesting that watching the shield levels.
xarvh: Well, since none of the race or religion divisions of our world exist in Exalted, I don't think you'll run into issues regarding political correctness (though I think we'd all appreciate it if you didn't make a child molester or serial rapist or something). If you really want to make someone who spews more profanity than Hell itself, it's probably going to be easiest on all of us if you make a good portion of it implied or glossed-over profanity.

onu: 1 is a given, just by the whole concept of using the Wyldfarers and trade routes and such. As for 2 this page says the following: all Wyld-Shaped objects last no more than (Creator's Essence) months in Creation without XP expenditure (if you're spending XP, you're paying for it, so it's not terribly abusive); all Wyld-Shaped objects last even less time in the Wyld itself even with XP; terrain dissolves at the listed rates, period. I see no reason why putting humans on it would stop the Wyld's destructive influence. At best, most optimistic, you get something that lasts a year, if you're a fairly high-powered Solar, and you shaped it in the Borderlands (which takes so damn many successes). This could be useful, but kind of difficult to abuse heavily, especially with it costing XP.

And do you really want to seduce a space pirate? Most of them are smelly and nasty. Plus, you have the issue of having to be on the same ship with them in the first place.
xarvh said:
Thanks BrikWall, that was exhaustive. =)
Adding a last question to the lot:

*) I'm fleshing out the PC concept; while I definitely want a high-compassion, positive character, he's NOT going to be politically correct, in concept and behavior, and will use a generous amount of foul language.

Is everyone ok with this?
I think you'd balance out my Lunar Diplomat nicely then.

He's a bit of a, well, a jerk. Staggeringly low compassion, cares about society/people in the sense that it's his job to care and a failure to safeguard society indicates personal failings. Actual bloodshed and sorrow? Yeah doesn't really move him all that much.
Well as for issue 2, I think it negates, the purpose behind Wyld cauldron, at least in my opinion of expanding creations boarders, but then you have to fully understand the effects that shattering creation. But the part that I think makes Wyld so abuseble is that it was used to make impossible and not so impossible ingredients at your whim. And you can use craft charms to stabilize the items. All this effort just to make PB and Jelly Sandwich for the next Shard over.

Think about the Epic battles to get the pirats into the shower and teach them manners… and all the wars in between.
xarvh said:
A few more questions for SRC:
*) If I understand correctly, all shards are divided by ample areas of Wyld, so traveling among the shards requires to be somehow resistant to the Wyld... All non-lunar players may need those charms just for the most basic commerce and trade...

Mmmmh, Lunars have a nice edge.... It would be nice to see a Lunar merchant... oO
As stated by others, you need to either have some protection from the Wyld, or be in a Wyldfarer. This does mean that most transportation spells are not gonna do you much good, unless the world you're on is big. And yes, Lunars do have some edge, if they are tattooed.

xarvh said:
*) The Wyld being so close, how much abuse of Wyld Cauldron Technology do you expect from the local Twilights?
Probably not much, though it will probably be their best bet to get the components needed for artifact creation. And the cost of XP will mitigate all the other stuff.

xarvh said:
*) I'll help Melcairiel, who's kinda newbie, to build her Dawn. Would you allow her to select Resplendent Edge's charm "Every Motion Kata"?
Not as a beginning Charm. I see this Charm as a special blessing of the Unconquered Sun, given out when his Dawns really need it.

xarvh said:
*) I'm trying to build up a Night conman, and I would like some clarifications about how do you see a few Social traits, namely how do you see them conman-worth:
-) Charisma: "how innately likable someone is" which would be very important to a conman, yet, it also makes the person stand out and be easily noticeable, which is very bad.

The very same for Appearance.

Is it possible to have them both high (say, 4) yet standing out only when actually speaking?

-) Intelligence + Bureaucracy: I assume that unless I want to commit financial frauds, these can be very low...?

-) To lie and deceive, do I use Performance (like an actor) or Presence?
How innately likable a person is is governed by a combination of Socialize and Charisma/Manipulation. The lower your Socialize, the less noticeable it is on first meeting. The only way to hide high Appearance is through some disguise.

Right about Int + Bureaucracy

Depends. If you're lying to a social group, you use presence, if there people you're lying to do not comprise of one social group, you need Performance. Sometimes even Socialize can come into play, but that's usually for high society. As most things in Exalted, sometimes you can ask for a different Ability, but you'll need to explain why, and realize that the difficulty might be higher.
Uh.. sweet!

We are going to have some great personalities here.. =)

I'll stick to Presence, then, and I will give him a ridiculously low Int (1).

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