WW - The New World

Scarlet and Tobi rushed in to the auditorium just as the last question was asked. "Scarlet.." Tobi muttered quietly as they picked seats by the far back of the auditorium. "We're so late. What if they saw us walk in and yell at us or kick us out?" He questioned his twin, his eyes sparkling as if he was on the verge of tears. He spoke as he faced the stage, not wishing to draw further attention to the duo.

The female half of their pair rolled her eyes with a small arrogant smile plastered onto her fair skinned face. "Will you calm down?" she said with boredom in her voice. "So we're late, so what? I'm sure we're not the only ones. Plus, it was only our first time being late." Scarlet gave Tobi a playful punch to the arm. He reacted by recoiling and rubbing the spot. Tobi glared back at her before eagerly listening to the teachers of this magical school answer the questions of the new student body.
Vicky kept a cool profile as she was brought up on to the stage by Professor Vent. What caught her off guard was the boy that was brought up with her. She was hardly able to focus on the answer to her own question as she noticed the aura coming from him. Normally Vicky ignored this one power of hers, finding it to be about as fruitful as giving someone a mood ring to wear. What made this guy so special was that she couldn't read his aura, she could make out a shape of sorts but no color.

As she was brought back down to her seat her eyes were still on Jirocho and she almost forgot to mumble a thank you to her professor. Her hair was a bit tousled from return back to her her seat but she simply brushed it back, far more fascinated with her fellow classmate. She felt relieved that there were at least some people here with potential, someone who she wouldn't be ashamed to call her classmate. There were a few more questions asked, most of which left her wrinkling her nose and considering the asker beneath her though for the most part she thought back to Jirocho's question and realized that she had never even heard of a gathering spell before. She would have to do some research that night once she returned to her apartment. Not to mention she would need to keep her tabs on him.
Alice, now waiting for this to be over, took out her small trinket. Her fingers followed the patterns on it. She wondered what classes she'd get.
slasher risen from his seat and said "when will we be assigned our classes, and when will this be over" he then sat back down awaiting his answer.
In the far back of the room, completely unnoticed, Alec had a smirk on her face. She had only there for a few minutes, viewing out students to see exactly who she would most likely be seeing a lot of. A few made her think right away they'd be in the nurses office more than once, the girl in the black and purple robes, for one, and the child who had created a flame. Resting a hand on the top of her stomach where she sat, she had to smile more. This was going to be an interesting year if these kids proved to be something.

(Alec teaches Health classes, The Art of the Curse, and Flight 909, as well as holding the 'job' of the school's 'head nurse'. )
Vent smiled, and sighed.

This year was gonna be pretty hectic.

"Alright, Alright!" He said, waving his arms. "Listen guys. Do you know why I had you ask questions?" He asked, crossing his arms and waiting, perfect silence comforting him. When someone knew the answer to this one, then there was trouble.

".... I had you ask questions because it's what you're gonna be going for the rest of your life. Magic, is one bug question! And the people who ask questions and pursue their answers are be ones who surpass all boundries. I want you all to continue asking questions, as long as you live. That way, you'll never stop learning. Orientation, dismissed." He said, quite a bunch of kids sighing in relief, and scampering away to more fun activities.

He glanced at Jirocho, and motioned for him to follow, as he went to the back, taking Alec's hand.

"Scoutin out new specimens, sweetest heart?" He asked jokingly, lifting her hand to kiss it.
After everyone was dismissed slasher began to walk around the school not knowing what else to do he went into the woods, and found a stream and watched it flow by. "so bored" he said to him self he then got up and followed the stream into a cave before entering the cave he snapped his fingers to light a flame so he could see inside. He sat down and meditated for awhile then left.
Vicky was hesitant to leave the auditorium after everyone was dismissed. She slowly got up from her chair and was about to leave when she noticed one of the teachers motioning for Jirocho. Biting her lip she kept her hand on the door and then glanced around before looking at the teacher. I really want to know what they're talking about...! she thought to herself. While she knew that her teachers were not simpletons of any kind she couldn't help but hope that for now they at least had their guards down. Relaxing herself she looked over at Professor Vent and sent mind waves over to him, attempting to read his mind.
"Perchance...." She grinned as she stood, kissing his cheek. "Try not to blow yourself up, okay? I know how much you like to teach and be cool...." She chuckled lightly. Glancing at a student as they walked past before noting something and making a small mental file of it. The kid had asthma, though it would be hard to tell had it been anyone else.


From outside the school, a once blonde woman stood, dark red cloak wrapped around tightly, a scythe gripped in one hand. Looking at the letter again, Leslie Fitz verified that this school was the one they had all been creating. Slipping into the shadows, she moved into the school, looking at kids with invisible eyes as they passed her.
Alice wandered to one of the gardens. A few people who could manipulate plants, or talk to animals were also there. She sat on a bench that was placed perfectly under a shady tree. A tired old dog, who had wandered onto campus, laid under the tree as well. He looked haunted by his past. "Poor thing." Alice stroked him. He looked as if he hadn't slept in a awhile. She waited until he was totally asleep, and let him have a better life within a dream.
Vent was about to feel the stomach of his pregnant wife, when he felt a presence other than Jirocho's, intent upon him.

'It's rude to try and invade another's thoughts with no reason.' He though to himself after letting her slip in, then forcefully removed her. Holding up a finger to Alec, signaling he would be a minute, he turned back to Vicky.

"What is it that you require, that you would try and read a teacher's mind?" He asked the girl, a playful smile on his face.
Vicky was working up a sweat just trying to hold concentration while getting into his mind. It was like trying to get through a brick wall with nothing other than a spoon. When the teacher's resolve seemed to lessen she couldn't help but be proud in herself for actually getting through to the more experiences sorcerer's mind. This was of course until she heard him telling her that it was rude to try to read his mind and forcefully kicked her out. "A-ah!" she cried, her eyes wide as she held her hands to her head. She panted softly and nearly fell to her knees, leaning against the wall for support. "Son of a-" she gasped, her face feeling both sweaty and cold at the same time.

When her professor approached her she felt her cheeks burning and breathed in, trying to collect herself before speaking. "Professor," she said, bowing her head. "Please forgive me for my indiscretion, it is a move that I already deeply regret!" Breathing, she looked at him her eyes holding both a mixture of amazement and fear at his power. "I could not help myself when I saw you calling over Jirocho. I know that it is because he holds potential because that I what I also believe. I only ask that with your teaching I can one day have such potential as well!" She panted softly, as if it took a lot of effort for her to say it.

Slasher makes his way back to the school, and goes into the training hall. "lets see what I can do" slasher puts his hand facing at one of the dummies and disintegrates it. "seems like the perfect time to try out my new move" slasher starts to mumble words then goes into hand movements he makes his hands into a circle and tries shooting it at a dummy but it backfires he flies into a wall.
Vent raised an eyebrow.

"Everyone here holds potential. You don't need MY teaching to excel, you just need some basic knowledge, and a willingness to learn. And also, you're wrong on why I've called Jirocho over. If you would like to know why I'm speaking to him, you could ask him yourself. I'll tell him you're waiting outside, once I've spoken with him. In private." He explained, rolling his eyes.

"You seem to have quite an affinity to mind magics...." Vent noted, rubbing his chin. "You'd enjoy Mr. Adams' classes, he's the one I picked up my telepathy from. He could even teach you telekinesis and other helpful mind magics." He told her, motioning to Steven still on the stage. "I suggest asking him directly. You might be above the standard classroom stuff." He added, attempting to distract her long enough to speak with Jirocho.
As Jirocho got up, after the class had been dismissed, he cheerfully scooted down the large halfcircular desk on the 3rd or 4th row and waited patiently in line as the young students slowly made their way out of the classroom. His eyes were brimming with eagerness and impatience as he glanced around and noticed the teacher motioning Jirocho towards him.

He let out a small sigh of relief through his nose as he smiled back politely and nodded, the teacher was probably a busy man, so one should welcome all the time he has to spare for a student, he thought as he kept politely in line and made his way towards the teacher.

He let his pipe slid back down from the palm of his hand to the inside of his pocket and took notice of the conversation being held between first the teacher and his, presumably, wife with child. And then between him and another student. No clue what the conversation was about he continued making his way towards them until he finally arrived at his destination.

" Hey. " He said in a cheerful tone of voice towards everyone present.
Vicky certainly knew how to make a first impression. She felt mortified about this exchange between her and her professor who she could sense was annoyed with her not only because of her haughtiness but also because of her insolence by attempting to invade his privacy and that of another student. When he suggested she talk to Jirocho afterwards she nodded her head, her cheeks still flushed. "Yes, Professor. Thank you very much." she murmured, nodding her head. Looking over to Professor Adams she quietly thanked Professor Vent one more time. "Once again, my sincerest apologies." she murmured before excusing herself to go to talk with Professor Adams, trying to at least be gracious.
Vent sighed.

"It's really not problem, Vicky. Don't be so mortified, I was worse, trust me." He added after her, trying to cheer her up a bit.

"Now!" He said with gusto, turning to Jirocho. "I can tell you're pretty unfamilar with magic in general, eh? Your Gatherer Cards are quite an interesting magic, as well, one I've never seen up close. Do you mind if I take a look at one?" He asked, curiosity getting the better of him.
Confused about the ending of the conversation that he had joined, with the student seemingly upset about something and the teacher trying to cheer her up, he slipped his hands out of his pockets and started cracking his knuckles softly, just so he had something to do that would keep his eyes of staring at the student. He figured it wouldn't be polite to look all happy and cheerful while she was being so flustered. Innerly he was still happy as hell to be making progress this fast but outerly he was being stoic.

Once the teacher directed his attention to Jirocho and became all cheerful too as he started talking to the eager student, he felt like he could confide everything with this teacher and on his request to show him one of his Gatherer Cards, a bell rang in the back of Jirocho's head.

' It's a trick, get away, get away now. ' Was what rang through his head, behind the friendly and boyish face but as he stared in the friendly and comforting face of the teacher Jirocho couldn't help but shake away the ill omen feelings and manoeuvered his lefthand so that the sleeve retracted a bit and revealed a deckholder on the inside of his arm.

" It's a magicbranch that's basicly a mixture between blood/contractmagic and all other branches. Lost and rare spells can be found in these cards and once you contracted the Card, it is possible to use the spell without even completely understanding the works behind it or being skilled in the branch.

For example... and he took out a card but noticed that the backside was a darkgold color with a shimmering, glistening aura. This card ... This card was not to be seen by others. He quickly put it back in the deckholder at the back and took out a new card.

" Sorry about that. "

He said as he flipped the card between his fingers and revealed a card with a seablue edge and background with a picture of an old man with his head in his hands and a toxic green foggy cloud floating menacingly above him. On the lowerborder of the card in small print there's an explanation of the spell's effect.

' Mind over matter, Matter over mind. Means nothing if you can't keep it combined. '

The last line in the description is alwasy a cryptic message that basicly repeats what the spell does but in a more morbid humorous way.

After giving the teacher the card, Jirocho leaned in and looked at the card himself.

" Oh, this card is in an intelgathering card. Sometimes people have memories about Gathering Cards or other important information and with this card you can unlock 2 specific memories after browsing through all of his/her memories at high speed and "collect" them. Meaning, they lose those 2 memories and you gain them, in your mind. Specificly useful against locked or clouded memories that have been tampered with to hide important information. Locks and Mindobstacles are meaningless with this spell, the actual memory is revealed while browsing and is collectable without any of its tinkerings. "

" I currently posses fou----five cards and I'm meaning to collect more, for a multitude of reasons. "

He couldn't lie to this teacher, not that it would be of any use, he could probably read minds anyway. That's why he spoke the truth about his fifth card.

He twiddled with his fingers and awaited his teacher's response about anything and everything revolving around Gathering or magic in general. Anything that could help him in the right direction.
When Vent had dismissed the future students, Lilith had walked out of the auditorium in a not-so-rare overconfident mood. Ah yes, she had forgotten what it was like to truly call some place 'home'. Well, some place that wasn't an empty box of bulk cereal. Speaking of cereal, she had also forgotten she was quite hungry. 'What is there to eat in this place...' The girl would have began looking for some sort of Mess Hall, until she realized: She had no idea where anything was, or where she should go. Sighing, she slumped down on a small wooden bench by the door of the auditorium, scoping out for someone to bother.
Vent looked the card over. He found it intriguing. He didn't ask about the fifth card, the one he noticed Jirocho put back away. Some people had their secrets to keep, and he wasn't the intruding type.

"This is actually an intriguing branch of magic.... The ability to cheat out a spell on command is incredible, surprise attacks, planned timings without incantations or preparations....." He spouted off, listing possible advantages. He always saw things from that battle-perspective, he couldn't help it after so much.

Shaking his head, drawing his inate curiosity away from the new thing he didn't know inside and out yet, Vent handed the card back to Jirocho.

"Be careful with magics like these, they can be dangerous to the user as well at times...." He cautioned, remembering all too well his own misuse and subsequent possession by the Umbralus markings.

"Anyways, Jirocho, I want to make sure you're well adjusted to school life, and the idea of magic here. It's a wide, wide spectrum, and I don't want you to be freaked out by things you haven't seen. I can tell you have a grasp on your own Gatherer cards, but you might want to learn a few simple utility spells, you know?" He explained, snapping his fingers, a book opening in front of him out of thin air.

He leafed through it, and immediately smiled.

"Here, this is the very first spell an old friend of mine was taught. I can't do it quite as well, I don't have quite the affinity to fire he did." Vent started, holding his hand in front of Jirocho. A multicolor flame lept up, and danced in Vent's hand.

"This is called 'Eternal Flame'. It's a very simple spell to learn, difficult to master. I haven't even quite got it." He explained, the flame fizzling out.

"The Eternal Flame is a very special flame. You literally just have to focus your magic and will into a fire. The spell varies from person to person. My old friend's a deep green, and would only harm those he saw as enemies. Marco also possesses this spell, his is purple and is incredibly destructive. I'd like to see you master this little spell, even before I do." Vent taught, loving every second he passed on information to Jirocho. This teaching thing never got old.

"So, try, right now for me. Focus your will into a fire, and allow your magic to flow through your will, and give shape to what you envision." Vent explained further. " This is the fire of your soul."

OOC - Have Jirocho master it on the first go, Carl. Anything you want.
Lola is found sitting on a tree near the window near the window where the orientation took place. It was not that she didn't want to join in, but she would rather sit somewhere comfortable than in a small chair in a room crowded with so many students she doesn't know. Besides, shecan see and hear just fine from where she sat (animal powers, heightened senses.)

As she looked on, she already knew there were many diverse characters inthis place. She saw one girl in a purplish cloak raise her hand as soon as the questions started. When she saw the speaker pick up the girl, she was utterly amazed, and nearly fell off her tree. The girl seemed very nervous about coming here, let alone this school, but Lola herself was happy to know about the dorms, since she lives so far away. The second girl had no hesitation in asking her question. When she stood up, she had some nice clothes. Perhaps too nice, Lola thought, but wasn’t so quick to judge. After all, she came from a high class family, before the incident…

As the girl went on with her question, Lola grew more suspicious of the girl’s personality. Who would care about ranking unless it was academic ranking? She probably was talking about academic rank, but she wasn’t too sure. Then the girl made a nasty look at the first volunteer, and called her a waste of time,while the audience winced at the comment. Lola did not wince at all, but her eyes widened at the statement. She already knew she wasn’t going to like her very much, especially since she identified her background right off the bat. Lola is usually very friendly around many people, no matter what, but she always held a grudge about pompous people. She decided not to think about it too much, since she was only one person out of thousands, and moved on.

Immediately after the orientation ended, she hopped off the tree and made her way into the school building, ready to ask questions that haven’t been answered already by her student body.
Jirocho took in all the information he was being given by his teacher and after being asked to concentrate and make his own Eternal Flame, he suddenly became more timid and reluctant but he knew he had to keep this teacher on his good side. Not to mention the flame would probably not even ignite, but Jirocho feared the flame would represent the colors and nature of his soul. He was an excellent actor and so far he made great progress, everything could be ruined by this flame. Jirocho hoped that if he acted like he tried and then ended up failing, his teacher would be pleased enough to let it go.

So Jirocho held out his lefthand and gripped the wrist with his righthand as he faced his leftpalm upwards towards the roof and closed his eyes, making a deep brow between his eyes and pretending to focus on his flame while in reality he was focusing on all sorts of other things. His plan failed, first one of his fingers lit a flame, then the others followed swiftly while in the palm of his hand a larger and more vicious flame ignited.

The flame was silver in color, no, ghostlier and colder than silver. It was like it was truly a flame of his soul, illusive and ghastly. His true intentions could never be seen from this flame in Jirocho's opinion but for some reason he feared removing his gaze from the flame and looking in the teacher's eyes. He would never understand even if he knew, nobody would, nobody could.

This was his path and he didn't need anyone's input on whether it was the right one or the wrong one. After staring in his own soul through the flame for a while, with a bemused, cold look. Not even in the slightest surprised that he was able to make a flame like that, he forgot all about his friendly and mildmannered act as he closed his fist slowly, one finger at a time. Like he felt joy in deluminating the little flames, the little parts of his soul. His gaze turned colder and even a hint of insanity could be seen in it for a split second as his lips were clenched against eachother and the corners curled upwards.

Only for a fraction of a second that was visible though, the odds that the teacher had seen it were miniscule and Jirocho had regained his composure after putting out his flame and put on his friendly act again. His mind could be read all the teacher wanted anyway, there was nothing wrong or malicious about what Jirocho wanted and there were more things protecting his inner thoughts and memories than mere deflective spells. Would he venture in his mind that deep ... nobody could say what would happen.

" Wow, that was a cool flame. Did I do good, teacher? " He asked, his act flawless and insanely welldone, none could tell what went through Jirocho's head as he smiled wide and awaited his teacher's response.

Marco walked down the hall, many of the new students whispered about him as he passed, all were almost petrified, some twilight fans almost "sqee'd" as he went past, he tried glaring at them but it just made them blush

"newsflash girls... i dont sparkle..."

he kept walking, he came across something interesting, he stopped in his tracks, some kid who was "ghosting" him bumped into him and fell down, he instantly began apologizing, but marco clearly didn't give 2 damns.

(look up "Hamish and Andy - Ghosting" on youtube for info on that)

he began walking down the hallway, faster and faster, he had a look of determination on his face, that combined with his intense aura, made the kids almost jump out of his way,e xcept for the cocky kids who thought making a spark was impressive, who were promptly blasted into wals as Marco went past.

soon he came to the entrance, looking at the cloaked figure with the scythe

he pulled out a small bag, inside glistened several gold coins... he held the bag of coins, and put them back, to see if there was a reaction.
As slasher walked the halls he was amazed "wow" he said. Slasher walked into class, and fell asleep. He had a weird dream about phoenix well it wasn't weird to him since he always considered himself to be a phoenix he could never die he would always live

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