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World war 2 alternate world political/war RP

Okay. Just wondering because I wouldn't be surprised if someone had japanese battleships, german armor, British fighters, American bombers, and russian T-34s...
Just because I want to say this, let it be known that anyone who wishes to have super armies and super navies during standing peace is going to be Pearl Harbored. Some of these CS's are a over the top in military sizes but I'm not here to mod. Just to say and do things that make me laugh and make you mad. 

Readies the strike forces...
And in regards to tech...

Raketenpanzerbüchse 54 < 1943

Tiger I No...but it is 1942

Grille Hell no 1943

Jagdpanther Dear god no 1944

Whoever has jets is out of his/her mind

modern AT rifles and AT rocket launchers werent even around at the start of the war 
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This has also been discussed.

And it's not unreasonable for jet prototypes to exist, multiple nations had functioning engines in the 30s. It's a matter of commonality.
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This has also been discussed.

And it's not unreasonable for jet prototypes to exist, multiple nations had functioning engines in the 30s. It's a matter of commonality.

I would rather submit a five page report to the combat mods so that they can moderate that 90% of any jet aircraft used in combat before 1944 tech will crash or be otherwise unusable than let people skip and ruin 5 years of what would be true WW2 air combat. 

Just for the sake of preventing one person from going straight to atom bombs and what not, the tech limit ought to be in regards to the time in service of the item. Last time, someone made V-2 ICBMs because "the project started in 1936"

I understand and agree that jet engines were around but you and I and may others all know that someone is going to quickly find a way to make them into mass production through whatever loophole they could find. 
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I'd be willing to change my CS, but with no standardized or general percentage of what we should start with established, well *shrugs*
I would rather submit a five page report to the combat mods so that they can moderate that 90% of any jet aircraft used in combat before 1944 tech will crash or be otherwise unusable than let people skip and ruin 5 years of what would be true WW2 air combat. 

Hence the word "prototypes".
The sum of the issue is that most people are not massive military history nerds and thus have only a casual knowledge of historical equipment and technology.

Hence the large populations, disproportionate militaries, vast differences in technology on display. This is acceptable so long as everyone agrees to a general timeframe for technology, in this case early 1942 at the latest, and an understanding that things will be rather unrealistic.

Both of these have been established, it's just a matter of everyone finding the time to make any needed adjustments.
Alright. Im down. Honestly, I was taking you for one of those people who was going to try jet bombers and jet fighters within the first three turns. Speaking of which,

How will turns work out

and how will researches work? 
I do have a basic idea of ww1 armies. As such, Im commanding actual armies 1-17. And my army is as it is cause I intend to start this war.

Alright. Im down. Honestly, I was taking you for one of those people who was going to try jet bombers and jet fighters within the first three turns. Speaking of which,

How will turns work out

and how will researches work? 

Im hoping for real time
A real time nations states game does not work without a computer running it.

Especially on a scale of tens of millions of soldiers waging war on a global scale.

Seriously are you guys trying to kill the GM here?
Nation Name: Pruso-America (WIP)

Population: 80,000,000

Terrain: Rocky cliffs overlooking white sand beaches, vallleys and forrests, tropical jungles on islands.

Capital: Burline

Military Force: 2,840,000
Fit For Service(18-45, ): 42,000,000
Draftable (18-20): 3,000,000
Reserve(in Reserves til 4 years after military service):7,500,000
Battle Groups: 725,000

Ground forces: 560,000 infantry, 600 Heavy tanks, 530 Medium tanks, 510 light tanks, and 1,000 AA and anti aircraft weapons. 7,000 artillery pieces

6 teams:
Each team: 1 Carrier, 7 Battleships, 10 Cruiser escorts, 9 Destroyers, 25 auxillary, 13 frigates, 230 bombers, 400 fighters, 100 transports, 12 subs 190,000 Stormtroopers, 320,000 maintainers for all teams.

abundant resources: Coal, Natural Gas, iron, Oil, Stone, Iron, copper, Sulfur, wheat, animals, sugar, corn, water, wood, Veggies and fruits, fish

Scarce resources: Plutonium, etc.

Products: Military hardware, bread, Steel, etc.

History:  In 200BC, the Tribe of the Prussian began to rise and the Carolina Empire, fearing their increasing power and demand to have all prussian lands under Caroline control transfered to them. Fearing this, they mass deported approx. 4 million prussians from their lands to a colonie down south to live with the Americanas. Approximately 2.3 million Prussians were massacred.

The Americanas were other deported Minorites whose cultures had mashed together. Interaction with the Americanas was small for many years. In 132AD, the Americanas broke off from the Jackems Empire, which had conquered the region in 1000AD, and declared independence. The fighting was bloody and went poorly for the Americanas. Suffering heavy defeats, it was the battle of Amcaers that turned the tide in their favor. In that battle, the Jackems struck a prussian ship while attempting to encircle an Americana Fleet. The battle that enued saw the Prussians send out a nearby fleet to intercept them. The battle resulted in Prussian Americana allyship, and eventually, unification. The Prussians had stayed on the islands, hoping to stay in peace, but by then, their naval foot print was sizeable. They smashed the Jackems forces, liberating Americanan land and cementing Prussian protection and dominance over the region. Soon after, the Prussian came assore to the lands, as the Americans imitated Prussian culture, and an estimated 20,000,000 Prussians would migrate and intermingle with the Americanas over the next 7 centuries. Soon, their cultures mixed, with Prussia dominating their culture. A time of sharing came to be and this hour of peace was known as Pax-PrusioAmericana. The population blossomed and Prussia-America became one in 1689. Around that time, it was still expected that the prussians would defend the country and in 1720, the first Pruamericana-Jeexs war broke out after a small state invaded the Prussian Islands. The Prussians, with their incredible Navy, fought the state.

In 1894, the Prussians with the help of the Americans, rose to prominence as an Industrial Power. Using rich mineral resources from there land, they used to import labour and beefed up their Navy. People flocked to the country, wishing to be, Pruso-American.

In 1912, due to a lack of volunteers, that threatened the Industrial Complex, the Country increased money for propaganda, and drafted people, to help increase the patriotical feelings of the country. Recently, there has a build up of ships and soldiers for war.

Culture: Among the known world, Pruso-America is a highly respected country for its econominc power and its culture. Pruso-American food is rich, hearty and commercialized into a sterotypical type of food that many tourists eat. German is constantly fighting with the English dialect to be the dominant language of PA. Their Navy is world class with 390 ships, second only to one, and though their army can seem lax, they do their best. PrusioAmerica enjoys a fair amount of trade as being one of the premier ports to Africa. This allows them to export their ideas to the world. Bread is a staple in their diet, as is pork and beef. Their beer is also to be envied

A real time nations states game does not work without a computer running it.

Especially on a scale of tens of millions of soldiers waging war on a global scale.

Seriously are you guys trying to kill the GM here?

I dont literally mean real time, I mean like, no turns but things happen as they go.
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Besides Sicilia, is there any other nearby neighbor that would like to get kicked in the head? 
Nation Name: Pruso-America (WIP)

Population: 80,000,000

Terrain: Rocky cliffs overlooking white sand beaches, vallleys and forrests, tropical jungles on islands.

Capital: Burline

Military Force: 2,840,000
Fit For Service(18-45, ): 42,000,000
Draftable (18-20): 3,000,000
Reserve(in Reserves til 4 years after military service):7,500,000
Battle Groups: 725,000

Ground forces: 560,000 infantry, 600 Heavy tanks, 530 Medium tanks, 510 light tanks, and 1,000 AA and anti aircraft weapons. 7,000 artillery pieces

6 teams:
Each team: 1 Carrier, 7 Battleships, 10 Cruiser escorts, 9 Destroyers, 25 auxillary, 13 frigates, 230 bombers, 400 fighters, 100 transports, 12 subs 190,000 Stormtroopers, 320,000 maintainers for all teams.

abundant resources: Coal, Natural Gas, iron, Oil, Stone, Iron, copper, Sulfur, wheat, animals, sugar, corn, water, wood, Veggies and fruits, fish

Scarce resources: Plutonium, etc.

Products: Military hardware, bread, Steel, etc.

History:  In 200BC, the Tribe of the Prussian began to rise and the Carolina Empire, fearing their increasing power and demand to have all prussian lands under Caroline control transfered to them. Fearing this, they mass deported approx. 4 million prussians from their lands to a colonie down south to live with the Americanas. Approximately 2.3 million Prussians were massacred.

The Americanas were other deported Minorites whose cultures had mashed together. Interaction with the Americanas was small for many years. In 132AD, the Americanas broke off from the Jackems Empire, which had conquered the region in 1000AD, and declared independence. The fighting was bloody and went poorly for the Americanas. Suffering heavy defeats, it was the battle of Amcaers that turned the tide in their favor. In that battle, the Jackems struck a prussian ship while attempting to encircle an Americana Fleet. The battle that enued saw the Prussians send out a nearby fleet to intercept them. The battle resulted in Prussian Americana allyship, and eventually, unification. The Prussians had stayed on the islands, hoping to stay in peace, but by then, their naval foot print was sizeable. They smashed the Jackems forces, liberating Americanan land and cementing Prussian protection and dominance over the region. Soon after, the Prussian came assore to the lands, as the Americans imitated Prussian culture, and an estimated 20,000,000 Prussians would migrate and intermingle with the Americanas over the next 7 centuries. Soon, their cultures mixed, with Prussia dominating their culture. A time of sharing came to be and this hour of peace was known as Pax-PrusioAmericana. The population blossomed and Prussia-America became one in 1689. Around that time, it was still expected that the prussians would defend the country and in 1720, the first Pruamericana-Jeexs war broke out after a small state invaded the Prussian Islands. The Prussians, with their incredible Navy, fought the state.

In 1894, the Prussians with the help of the Americans, rose to prominence as an Industrial Power. Using rich mineral resources from there land, they used to import labour and beefed up their Navy. People flocked to the country, wishing to be, Pruso-American.

In 1912, due to a lack of volunteers, that threatened the Industrial Complex, the Country increased money for propaganda, and drafted people, to help increase the patriotical feelings of the country. Recently, there has a build up of ships and soldiers for war.

Culture: Among the known world, Pruso-America is a highly respected country for its econominc power and its culture. Pruso-American food is rich, hearty and commercialized into a sterotypical type of food that many tourists eat. German is constantly fighting with the English dialect to be the dominant language of PA. Their Navy is world class with 390 ships, second only to one, and though their army can seem lax, they do their best. PrusioAmerica enjoys a fair amount of trade as being one of the premier ports to Africa. This allows them to export their ideas to the world. Bread is a staple in their diet, as is pork and beef. Their beer is also to be envied

I dont literally mean real time, I mean like, no turns but things happen as they go.

You might want to level out your resources a bit.

(Still allowing people to join? I have a major interest in making a fascist nation : D

Welcome aboard.
Alright. Im down. Honestly, I was taking you for one of those people who was going to try jet bombers and jet fighters within the first three turns. Speaking of which,

How will turns work out

and how will researches work? 

Turns will most likely work like waffle said, IMO it's the most fun playing that way. I also want to throw in some caharacter interaction every so often.

Havn't figured out research yet, open for proposals.

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