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"Don't talk down to me; I'll do as I please, should some black-blooded wretch amongst demons come at me screaming about games and killing and eating, I will kill it without hesitation. It's demons like that which cause the rift between us civil folk."
Levvy grinned from the shadows. There seemed to be some sort of new girl called Laila who'd approached the fight. And the vampire was some sort of prince. The girl with the scythe was taught very well? Hm.. But none of them will be ready for this.

"Woohoooo!!!" From the shadows, Levvy burst out on a motorcycle which had appeared out of nowhere, riding it in a very dangerous stance. "Hiya everyone!!!" she screamed insanely. She landed, tumbled, and sat down on the concrete. Then, she began to laugh, and raised her head. "Remember me? Remember? Come on, remember! If you can't remember me, you're game will end very soon!" She unbuttoned her shirt to reveal the inside lined with many arrays of knives. She took a sharp one out and twirled it in her hand, laughing maniacally as she got back up to her feet.
"Wait, friends don't just disappear..." Laila whined while subconsciously reaching for Rebecca. While moving she caught the frisson of power from Matthias, gaining recognition of his status. Her fangs caught her lips in a momentary twitch and a tiny drop of blood landed on her tongue. Before she could say anything, or move closer to the princling Levvy burst out of the dark.

Laila leaned back and crossed her arms, "my names Laila, couldn't remember ya if I hadn't met yah, any of you, for that matter." She flirted with the assembled group giving her million watt smile.
Levvy jumped up super high, then landed, wobbling as she regained her stand. She looked up at this Laila girl from her small height. She seemed to be flirting with the whole group. Her smile was so perfect... "You've got a nice smile, Miss! It would look even better... all stitched up!" she screamed with amused insanity. In a flash of speed, she'd gotten out her needle and stitched messy stitches across her lips. She sighed. "Hm. No," she murmured, then used the needle to painfully un-thread the thread, blood dribbling from each hole. She pouted mischievously. "You know, if you bleed from that, you're gonna die too soon in a place like this," she said, hands on hips. She laughed, bent backwards, and then stood up again. She stitched a small x onto her own skin, then un-stitched it, revealing several holes but no blood. "See? I'm not dying any time soon! Hahahaha. You people, that's another story..." she laughed.
[QUOTE="Cunning Commander]"Don't talk down to me; I'll do as I please, should some black-blooded wretch amongst demons come at me screaming about games and killing and eating, I will kill it without hesitation. It's demons like that which cause the rift between us civil folk."

kurol said:
Levvy grinned from the shadows. There seemed to be some sort of new girl called Laila who'd approached the fight. And the vampire was some sort of prince. The girl with the scythe was taught very well? Hm.. But none of them will be ready for this.
"Woohoooo!!!" From the shadows, Levvy burst out on a motorcycle which had appeared out of nowhere, riding it in a very dangerous stance. "Hiya everyone!!!" she screamed insanely. She landed, tumbled, and sat down on the concrete. Then, she began to laugh, and raised her head. "Remember me? Remember? Come on, remember! If you can't remember me, you're game will end very soon!" She unbuttoned her shirt to reveal the inside lined with many arrays of knives. She took a sharp one out and twirled it in her hand, laughing maniacally as she got back up to her feet.
"oh really" i turn around and walk towards him "you know i was really starting to like you but now i know that your just a jerk like all the other guys iv'e meet".i hear something from behind me and turn around when i do i see levvy on a motorcycle.i smile at her " hiya levvy were have you been took you long enough to come back"i smile psychotically and looked back at him"as for you i want you to stay away from me and these demons...i dont like you anymore and i wont hesitate to kill you" i look at him and growl in a low tone.
Levvy did a back flip and landed behind Laila. She whispered in her ear with a psychotic, ditsy voice. "I like things that go boom. Does your nice body go boom? Does it? Will your blood go splat, and your organs go splot?! I wanna know! I wanna know! Show me, come on, let's see how you die! Boooom!!" she yelled maniacally.
Laila licked her lips as each bloody hole shrank and shrank away. "Honey, my body does things you couldn't even guess at," she said,her voice dripping with disdain as she waved her finger in a circle in the air mocking Levvy. "But never without my position," she cooed while taking the moment to scratch Levvy's leg as it landed and steadied behind her. Laila could feel her anger boiling but she didn't want to lose the interest of the group which she was trying to whip into party shape.
Stratos looked at laila and yawned "the names stratos katsuchia, the king of demons." Stratos picked laila up bridal style and carried her towards a restaurant walking into the place past the guards and waitresses dressed in maids outfits Like he didn't care. Stratos took a seat in the way back and sat back with her still in his arms "honestly...what is there to do?" Stratos left a trail behind where he went so the others could follow.
Levvy laughed, and then used her hands to mimic an annoying talking person. "Blah blah blah," she said, "All I need to know is that bodies die! That's enough for me, pretty Grandma," she said, giggling. She stitched her neck up, then un-stitched it, with no agony. "Hm... Oh wow! I'm so rude, ain't I! Hahaha, my name is Levvy... The underling of Satan! Adorable demon who lives here," she laughed. She then opened her shirt again, picked out six knives, and held three in each hand. "Sooo.... why are we here? If you answer correctly, you get to live to play this game. If not, you all die. Gaamee ovveeerrr!!" she laughed insanely.
Laila giggled forgetting her anger as she lavishly threw her arms around Stratos, "Well then isn't it my pleasure to meet you, King. I'd give you a curtsy, but you seem to not require such introductions." As he sat down Laila watched behind his back trying to beckon the others along, even the crazy Levvy she wasn't necessarily happy with, but enjoyed the distraction the girl provided. "So if you're king, is this your place? Are they all just under your spell?Or are your super monster alpha powers just holding them all in check?" Laila asked pulling her perfect vapid little brat voice.
Stratos just smirked "pretty much both." Stratos said calmly as the waitresses brought many luxurious foods and stratos favorite, ice cream. He kissed the laila on the cheek softly and layed down on the cushions softly with laila on his lap "I'm the king of yin and yang also...I'm like balance itself"
Laila luxuriated on the cushions while visually perusing the display of foods. Winking at Stratos for the kiss she dug a long fingernail into the ice cream and tasted it with a tentative tongue, centuries ago milk and milk products had begun to lose their lustre. "Not sure if you'll wanna keep me close" the self deprecation drizzled through her voice, "I'm one hundred percent go-go-go. See how quick you can swing from angry to pleased, forget tomorrow, live for today, type of girl. Never been one to sit still long enough to find balance." Laila couldn't help but internally guess at whether or not the king of balance would ask her to find a balance her own.
Stratos just laughed "I didn't choose it, it chose me but I don't really care about balance I honestly believe I'm like you are." Stratos said pulling her down to his level so they were face to face "I wouldn't mind a fine lady like yourself being the queen of demons." Stratos said with a wink.
Laila threw herself back swishing her long black hair so it fell over the other side of the cushions. She couldn't help but bust out laughing, "talk about unbalancing, a vampire queen over some demons. Are you sure they wouldn't all come for our heads? Ahaha, that would be a real pretty war, everyone bleedin' over li'l ol'e me..." coming back up she draped her wrist over the very top of Stratos' arm. "A little vampire girl like me with no special anything couldn't possibly rule over demons" though Laila had to admit her deadened heart wanted to beat so badly at the thought of poking and prodding the demons that had tried to "pull rank" or "teach the vamps a lesson." She shuddered forgetting to check her mental self from the outside world.
"Boom, boom, boom!" Levvy insanely yelled as she used her fists to dig huge holes in the concrete. She didn't care if it damaged the area, that could be fixed later. And the people around her had been cast upon with a spell that would make sure they couldn't see the destruction going on. Levvy looked at her fist, coated in black demon blood. "Wow, it's so black! It goes well with red, doesn't it? How about your red blood?" Levvy giggled as she stumbled around. "You don't lose a life if you can answer correctly; what are you here for, and what do you need. If I don't like your answer, you lose a life, your life!! Sooo.... what's it gonna be? Tick tock, tick tock, time is ticking away!"
Avalin dressed in her hooded cloak continued her way down the dimly light streets. A few lengths of hair escaping at the front, her heightened senses caught the smell and noise of other people. "Great, children, guess I shall go and see, Ikuto?" She called out to her adoptive brother as she jumped from the street to the rooftop. Jumping like a blur from one to one, she stood looking down towards the group of people, the wind catching her and flapping her cloak.


Ikuto heard his name on the wind as he kissed one of his slaves that was on his lap, he placed his hand on her hip before feeling a slight ice crawl up his back. "Damn, sister," he smiled before pulling away and the women stood up and walked away out of the large room in his mansion.

"I'm coming," he summoned a magic circle and transported himself next to his elder adopted sister. "Ohhh a party, how joyous, seems we're the oldest here, oh and aren't these girls just the hottest things?" Ikuto smiled his teeth showing as he also stood in a large long coat which caught the wind as well.


"I'm the oldest, as well as a Bastard child of Dracula, don't get one up on me live, your the one that was adopted because of your powers," she slapped him as she quickly colected her regal self still starring down.
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Stratos just shrugged carelessly "I honestly don't care either if your human, demon, or vampire. They can come after me, but if they even try and touch you" stratos said his eyes turning black and his pupil's turning red, the clothes and hair that was a bright blue slowly morphed a bloody red "they'll get every limb torn off." Stratos said with a serious look in his eyes, he looked straight into laila's eyes and smiled
Laila tilted her head shutting her mouth, for once, while thinking seriously on this rather ardent demon. He couldn't really be offering a queendom, not to me... Somewhere in her pondering mind the vampire part of herself yearned towards the power outside the building. Remembering herself Laila pulled back into a sitting position with her legs draped daintily over Stratos' legs, and flashed him a smile. "Would you show me this power, this world you want to introduce me to? A li'l girl like me has hardly ever tasted true... power." She giggled at her wordplay. She had carefully avoided most of the ever rising and falling monarchies on both demonic and vampiric sides favoring to slither along the easily manipulated nouveau riche. However, she herself had gained a fair measure of power. Her age wasn't extraordinary, nor her lineage though it did hold a vicious story with a second born, male, vampiric heir, he had given into his more violent proclivities on the young girls he encountered while traveling the back roads many hundreds of years ago.
Stratos looked at her "so you wanna see my power?" Stratos said with a smirk and put his hand on hers wrapping his fingered around hers charging outside back to where the others were "yang style: corrupted shadow." Stratos said to himself placing his palms on the floor quickly as several shadows started creeping around the area and demons ran in the shadows having there eyes only to be seen. "It's more effective on living creatures."
Throwing her head back Laila laughed and began to chase the demons letting her long unused curiosity fuel her speed so she seemed to zip around the little plaza. But her eyes were eventually tugged upward to the flying Avalin. The pull of her sheer power acted like a second moon in the sky drawing her gauze. There is something or someone tagging along with her... Do all vampires get demon followers or amours?

Laila swirled around a shadow demon and dashed back to Stratos' side, "I see, power enough to share, huh?" she asked walking two fingers up his arm and tickling his neck just above the collar.
Stratos just looked at her like she just said something stupid "of course power to share." Stratos said calmly laughing to himself a bit before placing his soft hands onto hers kissing the top side of her hand softly crawling up to her neck and lips with soft kisses.
Avalin looked curiously down at the Demons magic and then towards the young vampire girl. "Well well well, little brother what do we have here? A handsome little demon, with his little pet, a girl who stitches herself, more vampires and more demons, aren't they joyous?" Avalin removed her hood, allowing her purple hair to tumble around her as she leaned forward on her leg to get a closer look, despite her vision could clearly see them.


"Yes and all these women would look great in the halls and rooms, not to mention the beds in my mansion, " he chuckled as he rolled his shoulders and his wings disappeared quickly, as though they weren't even there.

"Why not just get closer? That girl with the other demon seems to notice you a lot, and us being the eldest does mean we are generally stronger," Ikuto smiled again as he was about to jump down, only to feel his sisters hand on his chizled chest.

"Wait, we play it safe for now, I want them to notices us first," she sighed as watched them with curiosity.
Leaning into the kisses Laila kept her eyes on the floating figures. "It would seem we have an audience..." she unabashedly raised her fingers and mischievously pointed out the watchers above their terrestrial group. She giggled at the sheer audacity of literally pointing out vampiric nobility, they likely weren't used to being called out. I have spent so much time on the run from royalty and nobility, how did it come to find me tonight of all nights. Briefly her eyes glossed over, the light diminishing as she looked past Avalin and Ikuto to the dark, cold night beyond.
i started to fly back to the demon castle to see the queen after awhile i got to the castle and went past the guards.guard 1:hey Rebecca coming back so soon the queen is in the library if you need her" "thanks see was just the person i was looking for" i smile and waved at the guard then head to the library. i see her reading a book and drinking a cup of souls she looks over and smiles happily "Rebecca nice to see you again what are you doing back so soon didn't you just leave"i sit in a chair across from her and speak with her "um..yeah i did but there was nothing to do in the city and i tried to do a spell and it didn't work as i hoped it did ssooo i came here to ask you something" i look at her with a serious face."well go ahead dear ask you know that i can answer" "ok well i want to know more about my parents and what your connection is with them" "well your old enough so i guess i can tell you know" she puts her cup of soul down and looks at me with a serious face."your mother was my sister and your father was well her husband...and they loved each other very much we were one big happy family...until the war came between demons and vampires they had to do there jobs...then they were pregnant with you and your father had to do everything to protect you and your mother so we had to flee the castle...when they had you your mother was very ill and her last request to me and your father was that we keep you safe no matter if she dies...after a couple weeks she died from child birth and i was crowned queen i didnt want to be queen but it was for your mother,your father on the other hand he went into the war to try and save us but...but it didnt go very well before we signed the peace treaty a vampire knight took his sword and killed your father...me and you were the only one left but after we signed the peace treaty everything went into silence there were no more killing no more nothing...so i raised you to be the wonderful,gorgeous,strong woman you are".i look at her and started to cry"wh..wh..what...your my...and my parents...and the war..and and.."i couldn't get a grip on what she said until "yes...if i die you are next in line to be queen but that wont happen for awhile so dont worry" "but why didn't you just keep me in the castle and tell me the truth earlier" "because i wanted you to have your freedom unlike me and your mother i didnt want to treat you like a princess...thats why i did all this..im sorry but it was for your own good i love you and i wont let anything happen to you but you can also protect yourself i know that for a fact"she gives me a hug and leave the room."m..my mother was a queen but thats not possible..i have to go back to town now"i get up and fly out the window back to town.
Ikuto smiled at her. "Yes you do, of course if it's with Stratos I can't really whisk you away back to my mansion now can I? " He said before walking along the rooftop with a glint in his eye.

"You see I'm rather bored tonight and looking for a good party or things to do, my ladies are at home waiting for their master but I want some new ones," he chuckled slightly before walking back along to his sister.

"I'm Ikuto, Adopted Younger Brother of the Obrantine Family, pleasure to meet you all,"


Avalin rolled her eyes at her younger brother with a small sigh turned to the girl. "I am Avalin Obrantine, current Queen of the Obrantine Family and Land, why we're you fighting may I ask?" She said and then asked regally and calmly as she stood their gracefully and perfectly in the light.

"Stratos, pleasure," were her words she said with a slight annoyed tone before looking at all the young ones.

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