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Levvy looked up as he flew off with fiery wings. So he's a demon...? It was a bit blurry. She leapt up onto building rooftops, grinning madly and widely. She called out to the boy. "Where you think you're going? The fun just started! What are you doing? Well? Come on! Tell me, come on! Don't be afraid!" she laughed. She was starved, for both fun and food, and demon always tasted nice to her. But of course she'd play a game first.
Stratos just yawned "honestly I would kill you" stratos just made his body unphysical so he couldn't be touched "I fear none stupid child." He said calmly
as i was flying in the air not look ahead i bumped into someone and started to fall but i caught myself before i could hit the ground.i look up and see a demon guy on fire flying in the air and a psychotic girl chasing after him."ok i dont even want to know...but i guess those are the two who were making the noise..well now that that is settled im going back"i look around for what's his name but couldn't find him.
Levvy laughed. "And you can die for all I care. You're funny, Mister!" she said. Then she looked a the view. "Woah, it's a great view for an underling like me!!" Then, without notice, she leaned back and flung half her body off the building.


"I wonder how many people died today! Well, I didn't kill any yet, so not much, huh? But I can fix that later! So, now it's your turn to talk, Mister, what are you doing?"
The scene below was absolutely insane, a demon floated above the street on wings made of flame, trying to put distance between himself and another cretien on the ground, who seemed to revel even though she was surrounded by a blaze, she shouted about games and fun. He had quite enough of both of them. He held his sword in front of his face and began the incantation which trailed down the blade.

"Holy Beast Leviathan, you who represent's the darkness and wrath in the heart of the divine, I call your light of punishment to purge the unworthy from my sight!" Above the entire street a column of light so pure and white it hurt to look at formed and fell on the two with a resounding cataclysm.

"I will not abide such filth to ruin my evening, not after I took such pains to find a sweet girl to dance with!" He shouted into the carnage and settling dust.
[QUOTE="Cunning Commander]The scene below was absolutely insane, a demon floated above the street on wings made of flame, trying to put distance between himself and another cretien on the ground, who seemed to revel even though she was surrounded by a blaze, she shouted about games and fun. He had quite enough of both of them. He held his sword in front of his face and began the incantation which trailed down the blade.
"Holy Beast Leviathan, you who represent's the darkness and wrath in the heart of the divine, I call your light of punishment to purge the unworthy from my sight!" Above the entire street a column of light so pure and white it hurt to look at formed and fell on the two with a resounding cataclysm.

"I will not abide such filth to ruin my evening, not after I took such pains to find a sweet girl to dance with!" He shouted into the carnage and settling dust.

i turn around and see the guy from before with his sword i run up to him and knock him in the head."hey leave the dang demon alone he's going away and so is the other girl so dont even think about killing them or you would pay the consequences" i look at him and spawn my scythe.
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Levvy grinned mischievously. "Demon business? Because that's what you are, no?" she laughed. Levvy spun around in a crazy circle and then landed in front of him, wobbling as she got onto her feet. "Let's play a game! If you give me something to eat, then I'll find this guy for you. If he's alive, I won't eat him. If he's dead... Well, I get first dibs! Deal?" she grinned as she played with the stitches running down her neck.
"Do, not, touch me!" He was seething with rage now, his date was turning on him, and his first strike hadn't done the job "Don't get in my way! I will purge all those who are unworthy of my presence!" He swung his blade sideways, conjuring another column of light, the night lit up as bright as the height of noon.
Before Stratos could reply, Levvy turned towards the other boy who'd approached, a girl behind him somewhere. She instantly recognized them as the pair who were talking below the building. She laughed. "Oh, wow, it's like a reunion!! Do you remember me? Oh, you don't? Come on!" she leapt in front of him with lightning speed and punched him in the face with incredible force, sending him back a little. "I stalked you both from a building! Don't you remember me? Come on, remember! Remember! Come on! Don't spoil the game!"
The freak had the gall to touch him as well. It was time to focus a bit, the demon he could leave for now. He seemed disinterested. He focused again on his sword and shouted another incantation.

"Holy Beast Leviathan! There is but one in our path, I summon your fangs, which rend all but God himself!" This time the edge of the blade glowed, seething with divine energy. He jabbed the tip into the freak's core, pushing against her abdomen. "This blade comes from the same lineage as the holy blade Excalibur, it was designed to destroy mongrels like you."
[QUOTE="Cunning Commander]"Do, not, touch me!" He was seething with rage now, his date was turning on him, and his first strike hadn't done the job "Don't get in my way! I will purge all those who are unworthy of my presence!" He swung his blade sideways, conjuring another column of light, the night lit up as bright as the height of noon.

kurol said:
Before Stratos could reply, Levvy turned towards the other boy who'd approached, a girl behind him somewhere. She instantly recognized them as the pair who were talking below the building. She laughed. "Oh, wow, it's like a reunion!! Do you remember me? Oh, you don't? Come on!" she leapt in front of him with lightning speed and punched him in the face with incredible force, sending him back a little. "I stalked you both from a building! Don't you remember me? Come on, remember! Remember! Come on! Don't spoil the game!"
i looked at the man with his sword drawn "just because they made a little noise doesn't mean you have to kill them idiot who do you think you are"i look at a girl from above from before that stalked us but i didnt care about her before until now."i do remember you what do..."but before i could the girl launched herself at him and she got stabbed."oh my gosh are you ok"i look at the girl and look back at the other man."you know i didnt even get your name what was it exactly"i look at him him seething anger.
Levvy laughed. He pointed a sharp sword at her heart, inciting some sort of ancient thing. His incisors grew sharper, his eyes blood red. "Vampire? That's nice," she laughed. She then closed her eyes for a while, opening them widely to reveal eyes that were fully black with red irises and pupils. "Let's play!" She then leaned into the sword, piercing her chest. Blood ran from the fatal wound. She laughed insanely, walking around in fazed circles. She got her hand that had been stitched, and plunged it into her chest, pulling out a lot of blood. Which was black. "Wow, look, it's black! It's so pretty! It's so pretty.." she said insanely. Then her hand was indulged in a black ball of blood and shadow, which she put in the vampire's mouth. She then retracted it, the blood fading away. "Yummy? Was it yummy?"
He coughed and spit out the rancid fluid, the freak should be dead, but it appeared it would take a bit more doing. He was blind with rage now, his fangs extended and his own eyes changed yellow, with slits for pupils.

"I am descended from the Lord of all Vampires! I will not tolerate any filth in my presence!" He slashed one of the freak's arms off, then stabbed the limb on the ground, incinerating it with the energy from the blade. "You are a disgrace to all demons and vampires alike! You taint our night with your perverse laughter and undaunted hunger! Submit, or I will take more than an arm next!"
(( I attacked the fancy handsome vampire who was with the girl at the party ))

(( Got to go ))

Levvy giggled at the sight of the handsome vampire boy spluttering. She disappeared into the shadows.
stratos just floated next to the other girl watching the kids have there fun "i watched humanity grow and yet it turns into this" stratos said sighing calmly continuing to watch the kids "always gotta be insane, well i hope youre diffrent and dont try and kill me because im really not in the mood." stratos spat out the cigar onto the ground next to the other boy and the girl "you both honestly need some manners..if you were raised by the king of vampires or whatever im pretty sure he tought you manners"
"He taught me to give respect to those who deserve it. And to never sacrifice my ideals in the face of someone inferior to me." He sank the tip of his sword into the ground, punctuating his statement.
Stratos just smiled "how long has he been alive?" Stratos said with a smirk putting another cigar in his mouth lighting it aflame blowing smoke out the side of his mouth forming it into a dragon "answer me that."
[QUOTE="Cunning Commander]He coughed and spit out the rancid fluid, the freak should be dead, but it appeared it would take a bit more doing. He was blind with rage now, his fangs extended and his own eyes changed yellow, with slits for pupils.
"I am descended from the Lord of all Vampires! I will not tolerate any filth in my presence!" He slashed one of the freak's arms off, then stabbed the limb on the ground, incinerating it with the energy from the blade. "You are a disgrace to all demons and vampires alike! You taint our night with your perverse laughter and undaunted hunger! Submit, or I will take more than an arm next!"

"THAT IS ENOUGH" my eye's started to turn black with anger i turn around to him and started to hover in the air"I DO NOT APPRECIATE DEMONS OR VAMPIRES LIKE YOU SO I SUGGEST YOU WALK AWAY NOW OR I WILL FIGHT YOU WITH ALL MY MIGHT...AND I MUST SAY I HAD A VERY GOOD TEACHER TEACH ME SO I AM MORE POWERFUL THAN YOU THINK".i hold my scythe in my hand ready smiling evilly.
Laila swaggered into view of the fight and her eyes lit up. She could smell the spilled blood and couldn't help but inch forward towards the wonderful scene of fury and physical exertion. Her eyes briefly caught the sight of the demon, Stratos, above.

Ahaha, someone's going to win and I'll be ready to escort them to a rousing, celebratory night! She thought to herself while straightening any errant locks of hair and swinging her hips to settle the sweet black silk of her dress over her wide hip.

"Why's everyone gotta fight?" Laila called out, while striking her best fair-maiden pose, trying a little too hard to seem irresistable.
Stratos looked below him at a lady that had just shown herself "this one better not be another dimwit like the other people" stratos said floating down next to her "now if your here for a fight I'm not in the mood, i could take you all on if I wanted to" stratos said putting a arm around the laila girl "let's all just be friends demons, humans, vampires I honestly don't care."
Laila smiled up to Stratos flashing him her pretty violet eyes. "The bigger the group, the bigger the tab, but the better the drunken singing," she pitched her voice to sing-song inanity. She looked to Rebecca, "Whatd'ya say? Wanna be friends?" Laila asked while giving her best mischievous grin and wrapping her arm around

Stratos' lower back and drawing him in with her.
"Very well, I can do without wasting my light of judgement on characters who seem to be be of upstanding mettle." He dispelled his sword in a whisp of pale smoke. "For now I suggest we discuss that abomination who harassed us earlier."
LilynoBalm said:
Laila smiled up to Stratos flashing him her pretty violet eyes. "The bigger the group, the bigger the tab, but the better the drunken singing," she pitched her voice to sing-song inanity. She looked to Rebecca, "Whatd'ya say? Wanna be friends?" Laila asked while giving her best mischievous grin and wrapping her arm around
Stratos' lower back and drawing him in with her.
[QUOTE="Cunning Commander]"Very well, I can do without wasting my light of judgement on characters who seem to be be of upstanding mettle." He dispelled his sword in a whisp of pale smoke. "For now I suggest we discuss that abomination who harassed us earlier."

i look at the woman that was interfering with my attack i lowered myself to the ground and look at her "fine we may be friends and i will not kill him now"i look at him and started to walk up to him."but if you ever try to hurt or kill another demon i will kill you personally" i look at him once again and started to fly away.

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