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Realistic or Modern Woodhurst Boarding Academy



Welcome New Students

Welcome to Woodhurst Boarding Academy, the finest in education. This letter is a confirmation of your acceptance into the academy. Below is the information for your new school year, including information on the classes avaliable, and details and rules of the dormitories. Please send confirmation of your recieval of this letter by 9/1.

Classes available:

  • Latin

  • French

  • English

  • Mathematics

  • Science

  • History

  • Art

  • Music

  • Horseback riding

  • Swimming

  • Dance

  • Manners

  • Acting

Dormitory Rules & Details

All students are to remain and inhabit the dormitories of their gender. Any disobedience in this instance may lead to punishment or expulsion. The dormitories feature a common room, community sleeping quarters (with separate beds, of course), a communal bathing area, and a private vanity and chest to each student. Any failure to respect other's belongings may result in punishment or expulsion. Any instances of inappropriate behvior may lead to punishment or expulsion. Curfew is 9:30 PM, and lights out is 10:00 PM. Any failure to comply with both curfews may lead to punishment or expulsion. Lastly, wake-up call is 6:30 AM. Any failure to awaken by the appropriate hour will lead to punishment, which may lead to expulsion, in the instance of multiple offenses.

We look forward to your joining us


Cornelia Blackwater

The day began as usual. The bell rang, signifying first period was begining. Cassia was in study hall, as the music teacher was sick, and the school accepted no substitutes. So she decided to make her time useful in the library. The girl beside her had an odd look on her face, and seemed rather pale.

Cassia ignored it in favor of a good book, until she felt a faint, cold breath against her neck. The girl beside her promptly got up and left, and the breathing suddenly ceased, leaving Cassia to wonder who, or what, exactly had been behind her.

(You may all begin. @Aurath Moonblood @Emily Rose @Haus Of Alaska @Jake Lawson )
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Reznos walked down the long dirt road leading to the school he wondered what kind of school was this far out of the way. He wondered about the glasses and the people. He looks around in the woods surrounding and got an uneasy chill run up his spine.
"DOn't be alARMed, missss..." said a voice in a raspy whisper from behind Cassia. "It is MEREly a VApor..."

Turning around, Cassia would lay eyes on a man. He was tall and lanky, dressed in a beige suit. His eyes gleamed blue, but were barely visible in the shadows created by his sunken eye sockets. He looked like a specter in life.
"Oh, good morning Mr. Ogledon." She replied, smiling meekly, "I didn't see you there." She paused, "A vapor, sir?" She'd been here a week or two, and had grown rather used to the strange occurances, but never quite knew what to make of them.
He raised a crooked finger to his lips and issued a creaking, "Shhhhhh. THey do not aPRECiate loud NOIses..."

"YEs, a VApor. A wrAITH of a LOST SOul... Please... LOWer your VOIcccccce."
She became much quieter.

"Yessir." She murmured.

She considered his statement for a moment. Half of her viewed it as superstitious nonsense, while the other half viewed it as a possible explanation to the odd happenings here.
Mr. Ogledon hovered awkwardly for another few seconds, then shuffled off to a bookshelf within view where he began messing with the order of the manuscripts. Finally, he took one from the shelf and laid it on Cassia's table.

"If YOU want to KNOw more ABOUt them, YOU CAn boRROW thissss..." He slid the old book towards her. The cover was plain save for some gold writing that read, "Guide to the Supernatural." The author was given as "A.K. Ogledon." Perhaps a relative.
She nodded, "Thank you, sir." She replied, keeping her voice low. Her eyes shifted for a moment... She was sure she'd seen someone hovering behind the old librarian. A faceless figure...
"What ARe YOU stuDYING?" He asked, craning his neck to see what she had been reading before he had arrived. He then looked up and around. "WHEre are the otherssss...?"
"I'm simply reading a good story, sir. H.P. Lovecraft...I'm rather fond of his works." She shrugged, "The others are in class; my class was released for study hall this period."
He nodded, then slinked away to the circulation desk where he sat and engrossed himself in a book. After about ten minutes, the chess set that lay fully assembled on his desk began to move. More specifically, one white pawn slid forward seemingly on its own.

Mr. Ogledon glanced at the board and picked up a black knight, moving it to another square and returning to his book. The white king rose in the air and swayed, as if an unseen figure was scratching its chin with it. The piece returned to its place and then the air became still.
Cassia wasn't watching at first, but, when she looked up from her book, she couldn't help but watch the odd spectacle.

'I suppose this means it isn't make believe, huh...?'
Time ticked on. Occasionally, a piece would move on its own and Ogledon would move a piece. Finally, Mr. Ogledon placed down his queen with a resounding, hoarse whisper of, "CHECKmate."

In response to this, the room suddenly got colder as if some unknown entity was sucking in heat. A blast of wind echoed through the halls. Pages rattled, but did not fly away.

As Cassia saw this, she might look back to the circulation desk and notice that the librarian was no longer there. She heard his voice behind her right shoulder, as if he had teleported across the room by some mysterious force.

"The LIBrary isssss... CLOsiNG, Missssssss." He said, his teeth bending back in a sort of bone-chilling sneer. "YOU doN'T waNT to be HERe when SHE comes walkING..."

Latin? Surely, Juno wasn't fond of the repetition that was presented to her, just so she could remember a few words she may never have to use at any point in her lifetime. However it wasn't like she hated the subject. It was interesting. Latin was somewhat classified as a dead language, but in that very classroom, it was very much alive and thriving. With the thought that she could insult someone in that dead language, Juno stayed and paid attention to every single word her teacher spoke.

She thought about what happened a few days earlier. How she hould've kept her mouth shut, but instead decided to talk back.

[days earlier]

"Repeat after me.." The instructor cleared their throat, "a falsis principiis proficisci."

The rest of the class, including Juno, followed.

"Now. Tell me. What does it mean? Anyone?"

Students looked left and right, searching for an answer from one another, yet not a single hand rose. Juno, too, looked around and it seemed like no one even remembered anything that was taught prior. She shook her head in disappointment, and raised her hand. "

To set forth from false principals.


A smile stretched wide, "correct. I see someone has been paying attention. Say, why don't you talk more?"


...Why? Does that make you nervous? Why is everyone else so loud?



"God! Juno! You're an idiot!" She growled under her breath as she crossed her arms, sitting outside of the classroom. There was no teacher, so what was the point in staying?
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Reznos finaly got to the front door and looked up at it he reached out knocked on the door loudly, making it echo threw the halls of the building.

She was in the middle of throwing her silent fit, tapping her fingers on her knees to calm herself. Being the only one in her Latin class that wasn't some kind of minion, Juno was all alone in the hall. That was, until she heard the booming sound of knocking that came from the large doors. "Alright. Either that's a psychopath who's ready to kill everyone.. Or just someone new or late," Juno shook her head as she spoke to herself, pushing herself up from the cold ground. The young woman inched closer and closer to the doors, looking down at the ground so that when she opened the doors, she wouldn't have to make any sort of eye contact with anyone. Juno breathed in, opening the door.

https://www.rpnation.com/profile/21159-aurath-moonblood/https://www.rpnation.com/profile/21159-aurath-moonblood/@Aurath Moonblood

Reznos smiles at her, although the smile does not touch his eyes, witch remain cold and untrusting. "Is this... the academy?" He asked in a flat voice
Ryan is driving to the academy already really late, when he arrives he is smoking a cigarette when he enters the academy, he then walks through the hallways bumping in to Renzos
Reznos sighed and put him down. "Look... sorry... I'm a little on edge and I am not the best person to snear up on...."

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