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Fandom Wonderlands: An Multi-Fandom RP


The Ultimate Wielder of the Dark Side

The Plot :

  • God is angry that humanity is not only malicious towards it's own kind, but also messing up the universe & thinking other fictional characters are actual, real-life characters .
  • So, he first test humans by transporting all fictional characters ( In my book, it's just mythology, but for this RP Interactive Book story, it's simply ALL fictional worlds ) into reality
  • They fail this because most of the humans are convinced that they don't exist, and a few believed some mythological characters are the actual capital "G" God.
  • So, in frustration all of them magically are still there and reek havoc, some don't, some do, and the entire world becomes a wasteland.
  • However, there is a way that everyone can return and save the Omniverse from being obliterated in the process.
  • God leaves, reincarnated as Hitomi, and the Main Protagonist ( and fictional / real life people whom support / assist his ideals and quest ) will also assist him.
  • However, there are also people whom still want this world to end, such as Satan, so it's essentially Good vs Evil in a heart-stopping battle.
  • They have until the reincarnation is 18 , and this reincarnation will decide whether good or evil triumphs.
  • If Good triumphs, The World will revert to the way it is. Everyone whom helped real-life wise will go to paradise ( Heaven )
  • If Evil triumphs, the Reincarnation will essentially become an Anti-God, who will lead the world into Damnation with the other evils ( Oh crap ! )

What do you think ? Anyone want to join ?
Hitomi said:
  • God leaves, reincarnated as Hitomi, and the Main Protagonist ( and fictional / real life people whom support / assist his ideals and quest ) will also assist him.
I'm not a fan of a main protagonist that's in an RP...

Also the fact that she's basically Jesus...
Glad you recognize me...Sting. I seriously wouldn't have expected it

Oh no, she is similar to him, but not quite exactly the same.

The Main Protagonist was an angel, The Brother of Michael, not Jesus. TECHNICALLY speaking, she is an supporting character.


Thanks, bill, i'll notify you when i get on to creating it.

The Main Protagonist thing..Hmm...

You can have me put that out, if neccessary ^^

The "God" of this RP, replicates the God of the Religion Christianity/Judiasm ( I'll be using both for this )

While all other Fictional continuities are to play a part, the RP is supposed to take place in supposed " Real-Life " , where fiction has literally little to no jurisdiction in . So, while God has the authority due to basically "existing" in "Real-Life" , The Other fictional continuities would be omnipotent in th eri own fictional wolrd, while severely weakened due to entering Real-Life

Does this make ANY sense ?

Hitomi said:
The "God" of this RP, replicates the God of the Religion Christianity/Judiasm ( I'll be using both for this )
While all other Fictional continuities are to play a part, the RP is supposed to take place in supposed " Real-Life " , where fiction has literally little to no jurisdiction in . So, while God has the authority due to basically "existing" in "Real-Life" , The Other fictional continuities would be omnipotent in th eri own fictional wolrd, while severely weakened due to entering Real-Life

Does this make ANY sense ?

I'm offended by it
Hitomi said:
Judaism is your religion ? I can scratch it out if you want ....
Not trying to be rude or anything, but why are you so worried about offending one person?

It's your RP, you should be allowed to do whatever you want with it.

Once again, I know it's none of my business, I just wanted to voice my opinion.

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