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Fantasy Wolf Pack

Shadow drops the rabbit and sniffs the air. She catches a scent she is way to familiar with. She looks around for the bear but cant see it because of her short height. She grabs the rabbit as quietly as she could and just runs. She sees the forest and thinks she is almost home free but as she nears the treeline, the bear rises up from the grass and roars. It slashes it's claw towards her. She tries to skid to a halt but slides right into the claws. The bear knocks her into the air making her land a few feet away and the rabbit flies out of her mouth. Her vision goes blurry but she tries to get up and fight. She stands her ground but shakes her head trying to clear it. She feels dizzy but won't give up.
Am2aM said:
Akira watched the male introduce himself, after he was done she copied his movements, "I'm Akira.. Nice to meet you Laikas!" She says as she raises her head. She then hears a twig shall bring her and she turns around, and looks into the first quizzically... 'I could have sworn I... heard something' she thinks, then looks at Laikas again and sits.
Laikas nodded and lid down, tilting his head. He heard something else too, but he ignored it after a moment, "Hello Akira. So..." he looked around, "I think I stole your kill, or your meal."
Akira quickly stands up as she hears the bear in the distance. "Oh no its fine.. I already ate a lot!" She then looks around again to get the idea of where she heard the bear come from. "Do you think someone got hurt?" She asks as she cocks her head in the direction the roar came from.
Am2aM said:
Akira quickly stands up as she hears the bear in the distance. "Oh no its fine.. I already ate a lot!" She then looks around again to get the idea of where she heard the bear come from.
Laikas stood up and glanced around, "You heard that too didn't you?" His ears flicked and he tried to pinpoint the location of the bear. He growled in slight anticipation
Akira jumps of the rock, "yes...do you want to see if anyone is hurt?" she asks impatiently , as her ears perk up with her tail..
Am2aM said:
Akira jumps of the rock, "yes...do you want to see if anyone is hurt?" she asks impatiently , as her ears perk up with her tail..
Laikas nodded, "I'll be right behind you." (It's 3am here, I'm off)
Victor's dash turned into a quite walk as he approached the closest scent that he had picked up. It smelled like two wolves, still none he's ever smelt before. Luckily they we're below a small hill allowing him to peak over jus a bit to spot them. He watched them carefully, wondering what they we're doing in the neutral hunting grounds shared by multiple packs. But the only thought he needed to think about, was whether they were friendly or not.

@Baconhands @Am2aM
snow runs and bits the bear on the back of the neck ripping in to "NO you don't " he all most yelled and his fang dig in to the bear he turns his head ripping the skin off then turns human and pulls out a dagger made from a sharp rock and stabbed it in to the open wound hitting the bears spine dropping it to the ground he then turns back to his wolf self and looks at it then run to the other wolf looking worried "Are you ok !?!?!?(sorry if that well to much
Akira started running towards the bears roar, when she got there, she saw a wolf on the ground not giving up on fighting it back… akira didn't know what to do, as suddenly another wolf came and killed the bear.. (I have bad timing xD , but all fixed..)
Shadowfallen9570 said:
snow runs and bits the bear on the back of the neck ripping in to "NO you don't " he all most yelled and his fang dig in to the bear he turns his head ripping the skin off then turns human and pulls out a dagger made from a sharp rock and stabbed it in to the open wound hitting the bears spine dropping it to the ground he then turns back to his wolf self and looks at it then run to the other wolf looking worried "Are you ok !?!?!?(sorry if that well to much
(It wasn't) Shadow sees another wolf attacking the bear and turns human to kill it. She gets a quick look at him before her head starts to blur again. She shakes it off but when the wolf comes towards her and mumbles something that sounds faint, she starts to sway and falls over on her side. her eyes slowly close as she passes out from blood loss on her side where there are gash wounds from the bear across her shoulder and chest.
Ivy rolls her shoulders and stretches, the sent of food and the buzzing of senses ringing in her ears. She felt her stomach growl and looks around i wonder where that is coming from?
Akira stares at the two new wolves that she sees, "can I help in any way?" She ask the one wolf that was moving towards the injured passed out one.
he looks at her and turns human he takes one of his shirt and starts to rap it around her shoulder and chest "this should stop well slow down i need something to close the gash in her" something hot would work

he looks at her i need wood and a rock he tells here (forgot to add this )
Ivy glanced at the wolf besides her and nods, Yes. Can you tell me what is going on here? There is a wolf on the floor and strangers everywhere. Who are you people?
Shadowfallen9570 said:
he looks at her and turns human he takes one of his shirt and starts to rap it around her shoulder and chest "this should stop well slow down i need something to close the gash in her" something hot would work
he looks at her i need wood and a rock he tells here (forgot to add this )
(you should add the periods please it confuses me haha sorry for being picky)
Akira runs off to find a good rock and a dry tick that wasn't damp, after 30 seconds she comes back and drops the things next to the guy.. (It ok)
Snow started a fire and puts the rock in it it the rock is almost yellow. "this is going to hurt a lot he looks at her as he looks around trying to find something to pick the rock up with."ok this should do it still going to burn me" he put some of the clothing he found and raps it around his hand and drops his hand in water." and comes back.
Akira watches him curiously..wondering what he was going to do... 'Wait....ouch she is gonna get burned' she thinks than sots and watches in interest.
Ivy slowly turns into her human form and shakes out her blue curls. She clears her throat and walks up to what looked like the alpha Female and politely waits for her attention. She glances around and looks at all the others, then notices the injury on the wolf's neck. "is that the jugular that was bitten?" Ivy kneels and looks at the wound.
Snow walks up "she will be fine looks out" he gets back down and looks at the rock "this is going to hurt" he looks at the others do you have any better ideas.
Shadowfallen9570 said:
Snow walks up "she will be fine" looks out he gets back down and looks at the rock "this is going to hurt" he looks at the others do you have any better ideas.[/QUOT"
"there are ways to get it so it doesn't hurt. Have you tried giving him any herbs?"
"i know but the wound need to be closed be up you can find one go ahead" from his look he was not to smart when it come to things like thins from his fighting it tells you he would rather be fighting 3 more bears then play doctor.
Akira just looked at him, "I have no objections..." She says blankly , she knew nothing about health, and wounds, since she doesn't really stay with many other wolves..

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