U-Incorporated 2nd Class Type Unit
The spider was talking a lot of shit about you tho.
Maybe if it was a more sapient humanoid spider then that'd make the difference.
Well to be fair, there's only one true iteration of the great Victor Zsasz...his original publication in the comics as one of Batman's most deranged villains. In all other small screen interpretations of the character, he's been over simplified as a mere mafia hitman, which he is not. Victor Zsasz is the purest form of a psychopathic mass murderer. He doesn't kill people for money, he does it for two reasons. First off as a sort of pseudo religious experience in which he sees himself as a twisted liberator of souls, freeing people from the prison of a physical existence...and two, because he just enjoys the act of murder.
Buddy's love for killing is more of a form self-realization. He recognizes that some people are just meant to do certain things, and for him he's just too good at it for any other options to be wholly viable... But yes he also does take enjoyment from the act.