With Doubtful Thoughts

Kashika closed his eyes, thinking of what he should do. Silently but firmly he spoke. "No, here is not the place to find what I am looking for on the tattoos. I will just have to figure out where I should look, but I can do that another time. Come, if you wish to tour the home I am as well." He put the book up in its rightful place and then paced his way down to the entrance doors to the library.
Ritakki saw the girl staring at her with the fish next to her. Feeling so ashamed that she couldn't get one herself, she got up. She looked at the lady with sorrowful eyes but with a smile. She didn't speak at all. She went to the edge of water and saw a big meaty fish. It was stuck because the rock was on it's tail. Ritakki reached out for it and pulled it up out of the water. She looked at the girl and smiled sweetly. She checked to see if the fish was okay and had set it free. She didn't want to eat it, she felt like she was cheating since she caught it so easily.

Rikki grabbed her spear and jumped in the water. She waited for a bigger meat fish. It took a while and she almost ran out of air. Luckily, she found one and threw her spear at it. She nearly missed but she got it. She swam up with the fish. Swimming to the edge of the land she threw her fish and coughed. "I-I-I got it," she said running to the lady. She smiled happily looking down at her feet. "Th-th-th-thank you for showing me how to catch a fish miss." Rikki spoke to her.
Noelle scoffed. "You're welcome. " The girl made her laugh. She was stuttering even when she thanked her. Was she that shy? Noelle sat on her hind legs and groomed the hairs on her right paw. "I wouldn't have gone all the way here to cath a fish if I were you. They're cooking for all of us." Noelle took up the fish in her mouth again. Maybe she could stay with the girl for a little while longer.
Ritakki was confused yet happy. She was happy that other people were here. "Wh-Wh-Who's they?" Rikki asked. "A-a-a-and my name is Ritakki. Please call me Rikki." She smilled. Swaying her tail she looked down at the dead fish feeling sad for them. "I-I-I-I'm sorry dead fishy... Rest in peace..." speaking to the fish as if they were alive. Rikki looked back at the lady. "C-c-c-can I please travel with you? I'm lost and l-l-l-lonely?" She said to the girl with innocent and desperate eyes. She usually doesn't talk to strangers like that though. She just gave it a shot so she can't be lonely now.
Emily followed the boy as he exited the library and talked. "Hello? Boy? Your name?" she said, "Can you tell Emily?" He seemed to ignore her. She noticed he said something about now wasn't the time. She heard howls from outside as paranoia caught up to her. She walked closer to the boy, even if he wouldn't save her like she hoped, she still felt safe around him. Despite that his strength scared her at first. "Are we going somewhere Emily can rest?" she asked. Emily was practically falling asleep as she walked with him now. She yawned loud and closed her eyes, crashing onto the floor. She didn't remember a lot of what happened recently but this sleep was well overdue. She hasn't felt the comfort of sleep in at least a week. That's how she felt.
Even caring for a dead fish? Please. She gave the girl a light smile with the fish in her mouth. "They, being the lady that transported you here and, I believe, other people that live on this planet." Another one of her desirable traits was that she caught on pretty quickly to things. But she often overthinks the things she shouldn't. Noelle, not wanting to miss out on more sleep time, knocked the girl onto her back and trotted off at a resonable speed back towards the manor, where food and shelter awaited the both of them.
Kashika stopped when he heard Emily collapse on the floor, he figured since she was so tired this was going to happen. He just gently took her and placed her over his shoulder, taking her to somewhere that she may be able to rest. The halls in this home seemed to be never ending, one always leading to one that seemed to get even larger. About on the second floor, Kashika found a window-seal that seemed to have a more plush like pillow on it, he carefully placed her on the pillow, making sure not to disturb her. Feeling tired himself, Kashika laid down on the floor next to her, silently falling asleep.
"Nice to meet you Reliana. My name is Laibas, Leibas Ofbacca, but the people in my class call me Baka." He said as he shook her hand, "That was some cool telekinesis you did there. I wonder if Kaety has some magic books for me. Do you know where she went?"
Auron was completely submerged in darkness. Only his thoughts echoed through his mind. He could no longer feel life running though his body and he sat there alone in nothingness. The last thing he could remember was slipping off the edge of a building and falling 10 stories into a crowed street. He walked around his subconscious for a while but there was nothing to see.

He had come to grip that this was death and he would spend eternity in this afterlife.

"Its not too bad in here," he thought as he stared into the empty distance.

He slumped to the floor and fell to his back. With a smile, he gazed aimlessly into the sky-less atmosphere. He tried to imagine his own moon and stars that would fill the sky, so he could stare at them for the rest of his fated eternity.

After many attempts to recreate the night sky, he could never achieve a level of perfection that could sustain him for eternity. Tears began to run down his face as he laughed out of disbelief. He got to his knees and began to pound his fist into the floor of his subconscious. His calm state had been engulfed by his rage.

"Wake up," he screamed aloud," Wake up Dammit."

He looked up into the empty sky and he began to see something falling towards him. He used his sleeve to wipe his tears from his eyes to get a better look at the object.

When he moved his arm, the small object hit his forehead and a shock ran through his body.

When he came to, his eye lids slowly began to open as he felt a gentle breeze brushing against his cheek. He looked up and saw a large tree that towered above him. Moving his right arm, he hit a small sphere item that lied to the side of him. He picked it up and held it before his eyes.

"An apple," he said softly as he held it in his hand.

Dropping the apple, he examined the tree that hung over him. It was an apple tree that he read about in books. It was not possible for such a thing to exist he thought as he stood up.

He looked around, but all he could find was a garden in some sort of a courtyard. The architecture was primitive he thought as he rubbed his hands against the bricks.

Looking into the sky, he fell to his knees.

"Nice to meet you Leibas,and you do know that Baka means stupid,right?"She stared at him dumfounded.The young woman closed the book she was reading,"Thanks,I've been practicing."She moaned at the pleasure someone else noticing her ability,even the though the stack was rather messy than it was before.Reliana looked at him with a blank look,"I have no clue,where they went...Wait"She instructed as her ears perked up to the noise in the distance.She followed the flow of sound waves,"She is in the kitchen!I think that is the kitchen,I do hear fire and knifes"She screeched a little,she had no control over her sound manipulation,so her hearing was not at it's maximum,but she could still hear a good distance.Reliana smiled as she began to understand her abilities and powers.Reliana stood up from her seat,"If you want,I'll come with you."She chirped along,waiting for him to accept or decline.
((Mitaku, you are a newbie to all of this. Beyond that, this is not what your characters abilities were. Please tone it down.))
Kaety looked at Ginko and shook her head, "You all have enough stress... I do not wish to worry you further." She looked from him, to the food, and smiled, "Ready! I hope you are hungry!" Kaety closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, she was on the same patio area that everyone came in on... along with everyone else. She didn't care what anyone else was doing, she was done with dinner and was ready to serve.

A large table appeared, with the food plated on it, and Kaety walked to the head of the table and sat, "Now then. Food is served. Please, eat." She looked at a girl, sopping wet, and sighed, Should I not have allowed them to roam around...? Kaety shook her head though, and muttered a few words under her breath, and the girl became dry again, "I do recommend, Ritakki, that you avoid the lake and river. You do not yet know what lurks. Especially in my lake..."

"Anyways," she said and her attention went back to the group, "I do hope you enjoy. Ginko here helped me to make it. It looks delicious." Kaety paused, waiting for the others to sit, and start to eat perhaps, not starting herself yet. Once things calmed, she questioned the group, "Did you all find the area to your liking? We will not be staying here long, so do not get comfortable. However, do not be saddened if you like my house either, the rest of this world is, for the most part, much more amazing than my simple abode."

"This is my first time to get the chance to really talk to you all," Kaety continued, looking around at each face in the group, "I need to talk to you all about where you will be going. It will not be easy. Before I burden you with that though, please, ask me what you may." Kaety started in on her food, impressed with the taste as she waited for a response.

((Mitaku, thank you! ^.^))
"The lady that took me here?" Ritakki wondered while laying on her back. She didn't know if she should be afraid or friendly to this lady that took her here. Rikki noticed the lady stopped running and looked down at her. While looking down, she noticed that the lady was tired. Smiling at the lady she told her to rest. "Please sleep well. You deserve it."
Leibas pondered for a second. "I always thought that they called be that because it is part of my last name, although that makes sense too." He said. Before he could answer whether or not she could come with her, they were all in the patio area around a large table. "Found her." He said before eating some of the food Kaety offered them.
((Dinner is done :3 so she teleported everyone back to the patio. She had been making dinner for a while now))
Almost instantaneously, Kashika awoke, seeing that he was lying on the floor of the patio, where they were before, being spoke to by this sorceress again. He stood up, 'popping' his joints, the rocks being put back in their rightful place. He looked over and noticed Emily also waking up from her light rest, remembering he hadn't told her his name, names were always a touchy subject to Kashika. Without looking down at her or changing emotion he said his name. "Kashika BukiSōzō..."
"i swear, she knows a spell for everything." ginko said talking to himself. "you definitely have to teach me that one some day." he said as he also approached the table and took his seat. "but i guess that's after i learn fire spells." he said staring at the food in disbelief that he helped prepare it. when he sat down the scent of the food hit him like nothing he had smelled before. it was a combination of so many smells and spices that weren't around on his side of ciel. he was sure he would enjoy this. 

weirdbraxto said:
Almost instantaneously, Kashika awoke, seeing that he was lying on the floor of a great kitchen, being spoke to by this sorceress again. He stood up, 'popping' his joints, the rocks being put back in their rightful place. He looked over and noticed Emily also waking up from her light rest, remembering he hadn't told her his name, names were always a touchy subject to Kashika. Without looking down at her or changing emotion he said his name. "Kashika BukiSōzō..." He looked around the extensive kitchen, with smells and amounts of food that Kashika had never seen in his life, it almost brought him to tears. "Ma'am, may we eat?"
((were on the patio, like before))

He extended his right hand outward in order to get closer to the moon. It was so far away but the sight alone was good enough for him. Auron closed his eyes in order to take in the clean breeze and the sense of perfection that he could never achieve anywhere else.

"Have such a moon ever existed on earth," he whispered to himself.

The image began to fade so he reopened his eyes to get another look, but found himself on a patio with other people, around a large dinning table filled with food. He stood to his feet and surveyed everybody that was around him. Examining each person thoroughly, he had come to a conclusion that this was a dream that he didn't want to wake up from. He couldn't find a moon nor breeze anywhere else that could satisfy him the way this dream did.

With that in mind, he walked toward to the table and sat at in an empty chair that faced the moon. May this dream never end he thought.
Emily woke up and found herself with a group of others. She looked over and saw the boy had woken up as well, and he said a name she was guessing belonged to him. "Kashika. That's an interesting name," she said. She looked at the others here as her stomach growled at the smell of food. Emily walked to the table and looked at the girl at the head of the table. She was interested on where they were going. Emily sat down and started eating and found the food to be as amazing as the surroundings. She hadn't seen the other people at the table around the castle but they had to be here for a reason. Then a question sprung into her head. She turned to the girl she had noticed before, "Emily may have missed a briefing or something but why were we picked to do the task you have in mind for us?" she asked. She assumed someone else had this question but why her? She was just a normal, bullied, socially awkward, kid. Looking at the other people at the table they looked confident in their abilities to do something important, or special. "More precisely, why Emily? She doesn't have any significant specialties or powers. Everyone else here looks like they could kill me in a heartbeat of they really wanted to. But Emily can't do anything special." The girl probably put thought into selecting everyone here and what they would be good about having them in this team. He wanted an explanation on why she was here.
Ritakki saw a flash. Her eyes open wide when she saw other people. She sat down on the ground, burying her face in her legs. She covered the rest of her face with her golden-blonde hair, she didn't want people to see her. The ears went down and her tail sat there like it was dead. She wondered why she got here and why she is here. Although, she did smell some yummy food and her stomach growled. "This must be what the lady was talking about..." Rikki wondered. She looked up and saw other people older than her standing up. "The lady who took me here must be here somewhere..." she thought. She didn't want to get up, she was so short and scared. Her ears went up and her tail swayed in front of her. She wanted to say something but she was to scared if her voice was to squeaky or childish. She just sighed and put her ears and tail back down.
Reliana sat next to Ginko and Leibas,and was surprised by Leibas intake of food so quickly,without even a second thought,"Um,Leibas.Maybe you should slow down before you kill yourself."She nonchalantly as she herself began to eat.Reliana did not gorge into the food like Leibas,but rather took her time,and looked rather classy while doing so,"Thank you for the food,Miss Kaety and Ginko."Reliana responded with a simple 'thank you' smile,while she chewed on her food.The book she was reading from before had came with her,so while she ate she would occasionally read a page or two.
"Yes yes! Please eat," Kaety said with a smile, putting down her utensils. She thought it was kind of awkward, no one really would ask her anything. She thought she would be bombarded by questions, but everyone seemed quiet. She had eaten a bit, and looked down at her plate with a sigh. She never did eat much, even when she was hungry.

A girl finally started asking questions, and Kaety breathed a sigh of relief, a smile dawning on her face, "Emily. You are unique. All of you are. How can you be confident, when your world had you in restraints? This world is much better. You all will see that. For now though, just... Enjoy the food."

She glanced at Rikki, wondering what the issue with her was. She seemed so terrified, or maybe just shy. Kaety didn't know, but she brought a knee up, and rested her elbow on it, and then her head on her hand. She still looked around at everyone, "This world has had a lot of bad happenings. It is going to collapse if things do not get better. If they would on their own, or if I could just do it myself, then you all wouldn't be here. You are all so special. There are abilities you all have gained. If you haven't realized it yet, you will eventually see."

"We are sleeping here tonight, then tomorrow we are heading out. The warring is the main cause of it, but that can't be the only thing..." Her brow furrowed, she had been trying to figure out why it was getting so bad so fast, and couldn't. "We are going to a nearby town. It has become black and white, literally. All of the color has been stripped from the town, and the townspeople are bland, empty almost. It is like a bad nightmare."
Rikki stared at the lady. She was so kind to her and nodded. She got up and went to the dinner table. Sitting down at the dinner table that seats next to her are empty, she looked at the other people. Her mind was confused because she didn't know what to do first. Ritakki was getting worker up at a dinner table for no reason. Telling herself to calm down, she just smiled. "Everything is going to be okay..."

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