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Fantasy Winterfell Academy

(holdup holdup hold up Hold UP. So the entire school is in hell right now? What would happen if, say, a human girl just decided to walk outside??)
TheBOOKWORMgal said:
(holdup holdup hold up Hold UP. So the entire school is in hell right now? What would happen if, say, a human girl just decided to walk outside??)
(( Only a few people, but demons have lovingly enrolled to the school. So it's like a living hell ))
(......I will never understand how in one day we can go to hell and the next day nothing happens xD . Also I would like to just throw something out in the open, well 2 things really. I map of the school would be really cool but mainly we should have some kind of headmaster, that's really powerful, like so powerful none of us are allowed to control them, and either the game master controls them or we collectively control them. Just an idea.) @TheForgottenOne @NightSky @Aimlori @xScreaminGhostx @Dkingow (and Anyone else)
Swire said:
(......I will never understand how in one day we can go to hell and the next day nothing happens xD . Also I would like to just throw something out in the open, well 2 things really. I map of the school would be really cool but mainly we should have some kind of headmaster, that's really powerful, like so powerful none of us are allowed to control them, and either the game master controls them or we collectively control them. Just an idea.) @TheForgottenOne @NightSky @Aimlori @xScreaminGhostx @Dkingow (and Anyone else)
(( Haha, we exhausted all our energy into going to hell, I'm still working on that map of the dorms. The headmaster idea would be great, I think we should also do something like that for the teachers. Or possibly all administration. (I call dibs on lunchlady, free kumquats for everyone!)))
TheForgottenOne said:
(( Haha, we exhausted all our energy into going to hell, I'm still working on that map of the dorms. The headmaster idea would be great, I think we should also do something like that for the teachers. Or possibly all administration. (I call dibs on lunchlady, free kumquats for everyone!)))
(Yeah that would be cool because right now we are just blowing up buildings and no one cares lol xD , Also i call the Science teacher!)
(Ehhh, I dunno.)

Swire said:
(......I will never understand how in one day we can go to hell and the next day nothing happens xD . Also I would like to just throw something out in the open, well 2 things really. I map of the school would be really cool but mainly we should have some kind of headmaster, that's really powerful, like so powerful none of us are allowed to control them, and either the game master controls them or we collectively control them. Just an idea.) @TheForgottenOne @NightSky @Aimlori @xScreaminGhostx @Dkingow (and Anyone else)
Aimlori said:
(Ehhh, I dunno.)
(It's just an idea, it's not written in stone or anything. And honestly even if we try something and hate it, we can just go back and forget about it. The beauty of stories.)
(Hmmmm well i can't move Kyoko until they come back, but i guess i could mess around with Kyro if anyone's super bored.)
xScreaminGhostx said:
"She's a Monster!" He said, in anger "I've already told you..." He said, hate in his voice. "Why did you have to come?" He said- Then as he looked behind him he said this to a Bleeding figure- On a rack.. @Dkingow @NightSky @Swire
(this was the last thing that was said by the three of you. So it think the answer is yes.....?) @Dkingow
May looked up to see Spirit hanging and bleeding. "I am so sorry Bex!" She yelled tears streaming down her face. "But he will not be coming back with us!" She yelled as she ran towards Spirit throwing an ice spear at Dir to distract him. "Spirit!!" She screamed without a second thought. @xScreaminGhostx @NightSky
It was sunset, Kyro was sitting on one of the tables in the lunch room. His eyes we closed and he was just waiting. "......" He opened his eyes and looked up. There's was a window above Kyro. "Nows probably a good time." He held his hand above him. "Et igne comburet turn a fine usque ad cælum."A flame burned from his finger, in the flew through the window and into the sky. At some height it exploded and could be seen anywhere on campus. Kyro sat there waiting. @Aimlori
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Drog lazily stepped off the sparing deck. he just got done beating the shit out of someone who challenged him.

"Oh, girl's are stupid and can't fight." Was what the one being said before his doom.

"Girls are elegant little devils. Yes, we are bitches." Drog was reaching into his female side. To be honest, he was both male and female while being neither at the same time. He yawns, walking down the halls. His darkened eyes glance around as he is pushed with a crowd of people heading to the lunch room. Sighing having nothing else to do and being covered in blood from the sparring battle, he walks in. A girl runs down the hall from the sparing room screaming.

"There has been a murder!"She screamed

Drog laughed quietly as he stood in the lunch line, eyes twitching a bit as he looked around. Why eat if you don't need to eat at all?

Swire said:
It was sunset, Kyro was sitting on one of the tables in the lunch room. His eyes we closed and he was just waiting. "......" He opened his eyes and looked up. There's was a window above Kyro. "Nows probably a good time." He held his hand above him. "Et igne comburet turn a fine usque ad cælum."A flame burned from his finger, in the flew through the window and into the sky. At some height it exploded and could be seen anywhere on campus. Kyro sat there waiting. @Aimlori

Aimlori said:
Drog lazily stepped off the sparing deck. he just got done beating the shit out of someone who challenged him.
"Oh, girl's are stupid and can't fight." Was what the one being said before his doom.

"Girls are elegant little devils. Yes, we are bitches." Drog was reaching into his female side. To be honest, he was both male and female while being neither at the same time. He yawns, walking down the halls. His darkened eyes glance around as he is pushed with a crowd of people heading to the lunch room. Sighing having nothing else to do and being covered in blood from the sparring battle, he walks in. A girl runs down the hall from the sparing room screaming.

"There has been a murder!"She screamed

Drog laughed quietly as he stood in the lunch line, eyes twitching a bit as he looked around. Why eat if you don't need to eat at all?

Kyro opened his eyes and stood up from where he was, he turned around to the demon. " I believe i could say the same thing about living. Why live when you don't have to, Why fight when you don't have to, Why anything.......when you don't have to? PURPOSE!" Kyro stepped of the table. "We do thing because it has meaning to us." Kyro pulled out 5 cards and let them float around him. "Don't you agree?" he said to the demon. @Aimlori
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NightSky said:
((I've literally been checking this all day, I don't for an hour or two then everyone comes back. xD ))
( I wouldn't be so sure not everyone is back. xD )
xScreaminGhostx said:
Spirit was Unconsious, and Dir fell to the ground in Pain. "Ugh-" he said, slightly dazed at the unexpected spear. @Dkingow @NightSky
((Wooooo welcome back! ^-^ ))

Bex stood in between Dir and May unsure who to go to. Her mind told her to go with May.. But her heart.. She took a deep breath and ran in the opposite direction to Dir.
I'm sorry May. Bex knelt down on the floor next to Dir and looked at the spear which appeared quite deep. "A-are you okay..?" She asked softly. @Dkingow
May turned her back. "I understand why. But you must understand that I will protect her. Even if I have to die." She said rushing to Spirit and trying to get her down. "Spirit please wake up. Spirit please." She begged tears in her eyes. He voice choked hoping she was not dead. @xScreaminGhostx

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