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Fantasy Winterfell Academy

NightSky said:
"Yeah." Bex floated back down to the floor. "That would probably be a good idea." She said with a laugh while she picked up her bag and walked out the door.

@Dkingow @TheForgottenOne
Dkingow said:
May followed them both out closing the door and locking it. "I wonder where Dir is. I need to apologize to him about what happened." She said smiling a bit. "And thank him and his sister." She giggled. @NightSky @TheForgottenOne @xScreaminGhostx
As the trio walk to their class, they come across a young man sitting on the ground, with TONS of books surrounding him. "Hey, do you need any help with those?" @Chale
Rubbing his eyes he sat back. "Depends if you can somehow make me memorize even faster than I do." He looked over at them, eyeing the trio. "You don't happen to be magic users do you?"

@TheForgottenOne @NightSky @Dkingow
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Steeping out from the excessively long limo Kylie stepped out as the butler opened the door assisting her , her heels made a clicking sound as she took her first steps out of the limo ( is this modern times ? is not pretend she stepped out of a carriage ) looking up at the school she scowled " Eww , my room better not look like this " she said pointing to the school . The butler nodded , the gates opened and Kylie stepped in looking around walking inside the school .
Chale said:
Rubbing his eyes he sat back. "Depends if you can somehow make me memorize even faster than I do." He looked over at them, eyeing the trio. "You don't happen to be magic users do you?"
@TheForgottenOne @NightSky @Dkingow
((Wait, only two of us are magic users, forgot about May *facepalm*))

"Well, I can move my little toys without actually touching them, if you consider that magic." Dwen said, letting Bex reveal hers on her own.
TheForgottenOne said:
((Wait, only two of us are magic users, forgot about May *facepalm*))
"Well, I can move my little toys without actually touching them, if you consider that magic." Dwen said, letting Bex reveal hers on her own.
NightSky said:
"Well I specialize in Telekenisis so I don't know how much help I'll be, but I'll try." She said smiling and tilting her head letting her blue and pink curls fall to the side as she looks at all his books.

@Chale @TheForgottenOne @Dkingow
Dkingow said:
May sighed as she heard what he said. "I am not a magic user actually." She said feeling a bit helpless. @NightSky @TheForgottenOne @Chale
"Alright, well you three can all help me." He stood looking around at the mess. "Well... Little cute one, come help me with a few really fast, i just need you to take these books for me please." He pointed as a small pile of three. "I'll get the rest. See, I'm here to study magic theory, as well as talk to cute people."-He winks teasingly-"But that can wait for a moment. What class are you three about to go to? I'll tell your teacher you came to help me instead."
"Alrighty!" Bex smiled as she looked at a few books making them rise up and float next to her while she picked up a couple books herself. "Oh by the way, I'm Bexley Valentine but call me Bex." She introduced herself.


Leaving one class and making his way to the next, Ver stretched his arms some as he walked. It was nice being able to finally get up and move about after sitting so quietly in class for what felt like forever. As he turned a corner he noticed a small group had formed in the hallway. Getting a good look at them, he noticed a few familiar faces, but just as many new ones. A little grin spread to his face as he called over with a wave as he started to make his way over, "What're you all gathered around for?"

@Chale @TheForgottenOne @Dkingow @NightSky
Once he reached the abandoned school, he'd sit just outside of it on the steps, with the rusting rails, sitting on either side of him. He didn't even know, he was playing with lightning sparks, almost like those ones you get on fire work night, out of sheer and utter boredom. He had to admit to himself that the school had lost it's interesting parts to it. A few years back, there was a hostage situation, with some powerful wizards. The principle sorted that one out though, so there was that to remember.
A very clear look of confusion crossed Gabriela's face as she turned her little print out of the school's map from one way to the next, but she still couldn't make heads or tails of it as she somehow managed to end up at the school's entrance for the third time in a row. In a huff of annoyance, she crumpled it up and looked around for anybody that could maybe know their way around better than her. Her eyes fell upon a girl ordering a butler around. She at least looked like she knew what was going on, so with a small shrug Gabi called out to her. "Hey! Ya wouldn't happen to know which way to the dorms, would ya?"

Chale said:
"Alright, well you three can all help me." He stood looking around at the mess. "Well... Little cute one, come help me with a few really fast, i just need you to take these books for me please." He pointed as a small pile of three. "I'll get the rest. See, I'm here to study magic theory, as well as talk to cute people."-He winks teasingly-"But that can wait for a moment. What class are you three about to go to? I'll tell your teacher you came to help me instead."
"We were heading to..." Dwen says, pulling out his schedule. "Ah English. That will be easy to catch up in if we miss a class."

Spotsvannia said:
Leaving one class and making his way to the next, Ver stretched his arms some as he walked. It was nice being able to finally get up and move about after sitting so quietly in class for what felt like forever. As he turned a corner he noticed a small group had formed in the hallway. Getting a good look at them, he noticed a few familiar faces, but just as many new ones. A little grin spread to his face as he called over with a wave as he started to make his way over, "What're you all gathered around for?"

"Oh hi there... We're going to help this person with his studies of magic... theories."

(Back sorry)

TheForgottenOne said:
"We were heading to..." Dwen says, pulling out his schedule. "Ah English. That will be easy to catch up in if we miss a class."
"Oh hi there... We're going to help this person with his studies of magic... theories."
NightSky said:
"Alrighty!" Bex smiled as she looked at a few books making them rise up and float next to her while she picked up a couple books herself. "Oh by the way, I'm Bexley Valentine but call me Bex." She introduced herself.

"Hay, call me Angie, People are lazy and don't tend to use Angelo. I'm frankly to lazy to correct the half the time." He picked up a few smaller books. "Alright. So, I'll just need you guys to show me a few things, tell me a few, I can explain it a little better as we do the work."
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Hearing a young voice call out to her she turned , crossing her arms " Yeah . " she said this looking around coo see if her butler was behind her he had been carrying 4 bags " Be careful with those , idiot ."

Chale said:
(Back sorry)
"Hay, call me Angie, People are lazy and don't tend to use Angelo. I'm frankly to lazy to correct the half the time." He picked up a few smaller books. "Alright. So, I'll just need you guys to show me a few things, tell me a few, I can explain it a little better as we do the work."
Bex smiled. "Nice to meet you Angie." She said turning around with the books following behind her. "So where are we taking these?"
"Great!" Maybe this way she wouldn't end up at the entrance for a fourth time. "Then how about helping a girl out for a minute? I have no clue where they're supposed to- woah hey don't you think that's a bit harsh on the poor guy? It looks like he's trying his best to carry them... here mister, let me help with 'em or something." She offered, holding her hands out to accept some of the bags.

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(hello everyone, i met some of you earlier, i just figured i would say hi before i started......I'm still thinking about how to start, but when i figure it out I'm sure it will be cool.)
NightSky said:
Bex smiled. "Nice to meet you Angie." She said turning around with the books following behind her. "So where are we taking these?"
Spotsvannia said:
"Great!" Maybe this way she wouldn't end up at the entrance for a fourth time. "Then how about helping a girl out for a minute? I have no clue where they're supposed to- woah hey don't you think that's a bit harsh on the poor guy? It looks like he's trying his best to carry them... here mister, let me help with 'em or something." She offered, holding her hands out to accept some of the bags.
"No no no! I have it, dont' worry. We just need to go down there. I need a flat space for this to work." He trotted down the hill. setting the books doen on a bench. "Okay, now i have those, just need the people to study." He spun on his heel. "That'd be most of the school. But now I have somewhere to start."
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Chale said:
"No no no! I have it, dont' worry. We just need to go down there. I need a flat space for this to work." He trotted down the hill. setting the books doen on a bench. "Okay, now i have those, just need the people to study." He spun on his heel. "That'd be most of the school. But now I have somewhere to start."
Bex followed Angie and also put the books down on the bench, the floating books mimicking her movement.

"Just tell me what you need." She smiled twisting a blue strand of hair around her finger.
[[ah, sorry guys I've got to go before things even get the chance to get started! Have fun though~!]]

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